A biweekly podcast focused on the planning, organizing, leading, and evaluating functions of management. Interviews with leading business practitioners provide tantalizing tips, wizardly wisdom and energized encouragement to our listeners.
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With over 90k new podcasts started each month, podcast managers are desperately in need! In the first podcast DESIGNED for podcast managers, your host, Lauren Wrighton, will be sharing exactly how to build a profitable podcast management business without working more than 20 hours a week! Lauren Wrighton is a podcast strategist who went from making $5 an hour to $50+ an hour in less than 6 months by making a few changes to her business. Now she teaches freelancers how to become profitable po ...
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Der Performance Manager Podcast von ATVISIO ist der erste deutschsprachige Podcast für Business Intelligence und Performance Management. Inspirationen, Know how und Impulse für Controller und CFO’s, die noch erfolgreicher sein wollen. Der Macher des Performance Manager Podcast ist Peter Bluhm.
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Struggling with Football Manager? Leaking goals and dropping points? You need The FM Show. Every week, Tony Jameson, and Arron Falloon speak to the people who know the game best; the people who literally made the game. We give you the lowdown on tactics, recruitment, training, and anything else that might give you an edge. Remember, you can follow us on all Social Media, such as Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and Discord. Plus we have a Patreon where you can get exclusive bonus content ...
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Are you a high-performing product manager looking to reach the next level of success in your product career? Shobhit Chugh will show you how. Shobhit left a full-time roll at Google to help ambitious product managers position themselves to become product leaders, so they can raise their income as much as 50%, command the respect their hard work deserves, and make an impact they can truly be proud of. To learn more about how to take your product management career talk to us at https://www.int ...
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This podcast is for you if you are managing day to day client relationships in a creative agency. The aim of the podcast is to share insights and tips to help you add more value to the client's business, strengthen your relationships with your clients, develop your skills in account management and grow your agency's business.
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This is The Vacation Rental Manager's Podcast with Sarah and T.. The first podcast dedicated to the professional vacation rental manager. Join Sarah Bradford and Tim Cafferty on their journey through day to day issues affecting the professional vacation rental manager. From the Coast to the Mountains, Sarah and T have been covering all things vacation rental for over 7 years and counting.
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Seit 20 Jahren ist der Gastgeber Tom Heinkel im Bereich Personalberatung (BRAINSEEKER) und Unternehmensberatung (Employer Branding/M&A/Einkauf/Vertrieb) aktiv. Nach 15 Jahren Steigflug kam der Absturz. Sein Ingenieurbüro hat er ich mit Beginn der Coronazeit eingestellt und seine Zeitarbeitsfirma verkauft. Diese Erfahrung wird sicherlich immer wieder anekdotenreich erwähnt werden. In seinem Berufsleben hat er ein großes Netzwerk in der Aerospace und Defence Branche aufgebaut. Die Erfahrung 6 ...
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A weekly Football Manager Podcast brought to you every Monday focusing on Football Manager past, present and future as well as little bit of real football for good measure!
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Podcast by JB and Pesh
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A podcast designed to give actionable advice and guidance on real life management problems. Hosted by Matthew Haddock a real life manager and leader of over 25 years. Want to improve your management skills, understand what modern theory of leadership is and more importantly how to apply this in your business career? Want to learn how these skills could improve your leadership?Then this is the podcast for you. Each week you will listen to ideas from Manager Matt, business leaders, entrepreneu ...
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Making Billions: The Private Equity Podcast for Fund Managers, Alternative Asset Managers, and Venture Capital Investors
Ryan Miller
Thanks for listening to another episode of Making Billions with Ryan Miller: The Private Equity Podcast for Fund Managers, Startup Founders, and Venture Capital Investors. This show covers topics connecting you to some of the best investment funds that won in their industry—from making money and motivation to alternative investments, fund managers, entrepreneurs, investors, innovators, capital raisers, money mavericks, and industry titans. If you want to start a business, understand investme ...
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“Lampentasche – the family manager Podcast” – Ein Podcast mit einer Vielzahl an Themen, die eine moderne Familie, Nannys, Fachpersonen in der Kinderbetreuung und Interessierte in diesem Bereich betreffen. Dieser wird im Einzelnen die Kinderbetreuung per se, Fragestellungen rund um die Nannys und Tipps für den Alltag mit Kindern und das Familienleben beinhalten. Zudem werden Interviews mit spannenden Persönlichkeiten, natürlich wieder innerhalb der vorher genannten Bereiche, geführt und last ...
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AADOM RADIO - For AADOM members on the go! AADOM radio is a great resource for dental management learning anytime, anywhere! Built with the busy manager's schedule in mind, keep up-to-date on topics ranging from: Systems to Work life Balance AADOM News Published Observer Articles - Narrated for your listening and learning mindset. AADOM Radio - THE podcast for dental managers and dental business professionals.
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Podcast by Australian Football Manager
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Si quieres estar al tanto de las novedades, nuevas temáticas y tips adicionales para el desarrollo de habilidades profesionales, no te pierdas nuestro Podcast de la mano de Laura Lahoz, CMO de Skills Managers y Chusé Fernandez, Premio Ondas a la Innovación Radiofónica junto con diferentes invitados especiales. Lleva tus habilidades profesionales a un nivel que marquen la diferencia. https://www.skillsmanagers.tv
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Welcome to Town Matters! We’re bringing you brief updates about what’s going on in Brattleboro Town government and what’s on the horizon for this wonderful, kind, and caring community in southeastern Vermont.
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An in-depth look at all things Cal Poly Basketball. This podcast features exclusive interviews with Mustang Athletes and Coaches that offer insight to the background, training and performance of some of the best athletes on the Central Coast.
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A Football Manager Podcast brought to you by Mike (AccordingToFM) and Samo (FM_Samo).
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The Higher Tempo Press? Isn’t that just a mishmash of Football Manager and Football Hipster terminology? Ok, you’ve sussed us out already but we needed to call ourselves something. Pressing is rather fashionable, after all, and we are all here because we love Football Manager.
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The ultimate guide to ETF investing for Canadians. Hosted by Justin Bender of PWL Capital.
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An aggressive playmaker, dictating the tempo and creating the chances to drive your week forward with an excellent Football Manager Podcast. Hosted by Chris Darwen and James Jones. Produced by Alex Whitington. Brought to you by Football Manager Daily and Ronnie Dog Media
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GrassNGear A Football Manager Podcast brought to you by @FM_Grasshopper & @DGear86.
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The Dev Manager Podcast is a long form conversation podcast exploring topics of interest for development managers and technology leaders. Hosted by Rasam Hafezi with guests that include developers, managers, security specialists, technology leaders, and more.
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A massive Football Manager fan for 20 years and a YouTuber for over a year now so I dipped my toes into podcasting too. I interview other YouTubers and find out in depth about why they started YouTuber, their mindset whern creating and much more
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From the people that bring you Football Manager, it's the podcast that keeps one eye on the pitch and the other on the dugout. Everything you need to know about Football Manager 2013... and a little bit more.
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Podcast „Marketing Manager 2.0” powstał z myślą o wszystkich menadżerach, specjalistach oraz przedsiębiorcach, którzy szukają wiedzy z zakresu szeroko pojętego cyfrowego biznesu i nowoczesnego marketingu.
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Les Infaillibles - le podcast des managers qui se racontent avec authenticité - pour un management qui allie performance et bienveillance
Sandy Melamed et Estelle Zakarian
Les Infaillibles, c'est le podcast de référence pour un management authentique. 🎤 Nous donnons la parole à de vrais managers qui partagent en toute authenticité leur expérience du management. Chaque manager invité.e nous parle de ses difficultés, de ses doutes mais aussi de ses succès et nous donne des conseils issus de son propre vécu de manager. Il ou elle partage ses outils du manager. 🤨 Pourquoi ce podcast ? Nous sommes convaincues que le management et les compétences en leadership s'acq ...
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Are you a wealth manager or financial advisor who wants to grow your clientele and attract more affluent clients? Join host Scott Sillari and producer Ralph Gramajo for in-depth interviews with wealth managers building thriving books of business. You’ll learn the best client attraction and business building strategies working for your colleagues so you build a sustainable and profitable financial advisory firm. Interviews are 100% educational and packed with helpful, educational content. Bro ...
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The podcast explosion is bringing big business opportunities for virtual assistants and side hustle seekers who want to become podcast managers! I’m Kara Tanenbaum, host of The Podsquad Show and I invite you to join me each week where I interview podcast managers and podcast hosts to go behind the scenes for the best podcasting tools and business advice for growing an online business as a Podcast Manager. Each episode contains helpful tips to niche down your services, position yourself as an ...
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When you get promoted, it can feel like you've bitten off more than you can chew. We're here to listen, explore and share ideas that will help you become the confident manager you can be.
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IT Manager Podcast (DE, german) - Aktuelle IT-Themen vorgestellt und diskutiert
ITleague GmbH | Ingo Lücker
Aktuelle IT-Themen vorgestellt und diskutiert, das ist der IT Manager Podcast! Wer in der IT arbeitet, auf den prasseln täglich neue Informationen ein, die fast nicht zu verarbeiten sind. Dies sorgt für Verwirrung! Wir helfen IT-Verantwortlichen, vom Azubi bis zum Management, die IT besser zu verstehen.
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Let Me Speak to Your Manager, a husband and wife podcast with 2 people that couldn't be more opposite. She plays by the rules, while he, continuously makes offensive comments while breaking the rules. Join them while they discuss hip-hop, some pop-culture, the upcoming Orange president and much more
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We’re here to help you learn more about a wide variety of Investment managers, their theories and their investment outlook, in order to challenge your own. I mainly interview investment managers and, from time to time, and will include allocators, analysts and those close to the investment industry. The podcast aims to aid discovery of managers, the people behind the investor and to learn more about investment theories. Shows will include some background to managers although others will ’dee ...
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Learn how Professional YouTube Channel manager Tom Martin approaches YouTube channel management from both a business and YouTube strategy perspective. He's achieved Billions of views and tens of millions of subscribers for the channels he's worked on and is going to show you how to do the same for your channels and your clients' channels. Whether you want to run your YouTube channel more professionally or want a career in YouTube channel management Tom and his guest lists of the biggest name ...
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Employers and employees both have needs and in a perfect world those needs match-up for a win/win. As managers we are often caught in the middle of brokering the relationship between employer and employee when those needs and values don't match perfectly. The Middling Manager Hub Podcast focuses on the manager role in being a bridge between the individual employees and the organization. Building effective teams with purpose, empathy, and a commitment to the empowered teams of tomorrow benefi ...
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I podcast gratuiti di Tag Manager Italia. Diventa un esperto di Google Tag Manager: https://www.tagmanageritalia.it Vuoi approfondire? Libro: https://www.tagmanageritalia.it/libro-google-tag-manager/ Shop con i video corsi: https://club.tagmanageritalia.it/shop/ Buon Tag!
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Welcome to The Leader Manager Coach Podcast, where we take a deep dive examining knowledge, philosophies, wisdom and insight to help you lead, manage and coach in football, sport and life. Leader Manager Coach is presented by Rob Ryles. Rob is a UEFA qualified coach with a League Managers Association qualification and a science and medicine background. He has worked in the football industry in Europe, USA, Asia and Africa; at International, Premiership, League, Non League and grass roots lev ...
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The Manager’s Handbook Podcast is hosted by Matt Sornson (CMO) and Alex MacCaw (CEO) of Clearbit. We believe great management makes the world a better place. At Clearbit, we’re writing a handbook to train our managers, and we’re sharing it online. Each episode of this podcast accompanies a chapter of the book, and we get on the mic to discuss it in-depth, covering topics from hiring to conflict resolution and developing consciousness as a leader.
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Product Manager Asia Podcast: Interviews with founders, product managers in Asia
François Le Nguyen
Interviews with leading founders & product managers who build, launch, and grow products in Asia.
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Welcome to the Dictate the Game podcast. The podcast for the dictatethegame.com website, covering all things Football Manager. We discuss our own content, content from the community and much more including interviews with both content creators and people from SI.
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Ser un buen Community Manager no es algo sencillo. Tips, novedades, estrategia y más cosas para tener mejores herramientas que puedas aplicar en tus cuentas. Así como hay un Manual de las buenas costumbres, existe ahora "El Podcast del Buen Community Manager". Al micrófono: Dave Gaona, Estratega Digital desde hace más de 10 años. Presidente de la Asociación Mexicana de Profesionales de Marketing Digital y Social Media, ProSoMex, AC. Ha tenido casos de éxito para agencias y marcas globales. F ...
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Conversations with the smartest, most interesting people at the intersection of real estate, leasing and accounting.
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Spinnovation Podcast Number 1. Emiliano Sanchez, Business Development Manager, Endorphina
In our first episode, we are going to listen to insights of Emiliano Sanchez, a business development manager at Endorphina. Endorphina is a well-known gaming studio from Prague, producing dozens of high quality slot gaming titles which are available to play across different countries and some of the biggest operators. We’ve asked Emiliano on how does he see the future of slots in general? Will slots remain slots or we are entering era of RNG-based games of chance which look completely differ ...
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The D2D Podcast: The Ultimate Door-to-Door Sales Training Show for Reps, Managers, and Business Owners
Sam Taggart
This show, from the D2D Experts, is your ultimate resource for mastering door-to-door sales, direct sales techniques, and leadership skills. This podcast delivers actionable insights and strategies to help you excel in door-to-door sales, whether you're a salesman, entrepreneur, business owner, sales trainer, rep, or manager. Each episode features practical advice on improving sales performance, handling objections, and closing deals effectively. Discover how to build and lead high-performin ...
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Der 1. SalesInfopreneur Podcast für intelligente und anspruchsvolle Verkäufer & Manager
Taner Cakar - Der Sales Mentor Nr. 1
Wie kannst Du an Deinem schlechtesten Tag um Welten besser verkaufen als Andere? Dieser 5 Sterne Podcast bietet Dir sehr wirkungsvolle Impulse, die seit über 22 Jahre funktionieren! Dieser Podcast wird Deine Abkürzung zum ultimativem Top Verkäufer sein. Punkt. Spektakuläre + nachhaltig motivierende Tipps, einflussreiche Strategien, 1zu1 Anleitungen, Interview-Reihen und Geschichten, die sowohl das Verkaufen ab sofort sowohl für DICH als auch für DEINE Kunden zu einem wirkungsvollem Erlebnis ...
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What Makes or Breaks your Football Manager Save?
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1:01:09What Makes or Breaks your Football Manager Save? The FM Show Podcast Tony is not having a nice time in Finland on his journeyman save. Everything started well, but then there was a transfer ban. A transfer ban he claims he knew nothing about. So what next for the journey save? Does he stick with it in Finland, or does he look to seek pastures new a…
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This pod, part of a series of interviews of Military Veterans, is presented by the New England Chapter of the U.S. Army Ranger Association. Ranger Murray Johnson talks about his military service and Ranger Lessons Learned. Along the way we discuss – Class 502-73 (3:00), Parade Rest (7:00), “Not a Broken Leg” (9:30), Visions of General Grange (19:30…
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Are you likely to burn out? Looking around at all the freelancers, gurus, and influencers that peace out because of burning out may lead you to think it may happen to you too. And who wants to burn themselves (and their businesses!) to the ground? Not me. In fact I want the opposite - sustained success, predictable income, and security! In this epi…
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Mastering AI Product Management Interviews by Google Group Product Manager
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36:36Job searching can feel overwhelming, but what if you could make every step easier? In this episode, Shobhit from Intentional Product Manager sits down with Aniket Vaidya, a product leader at Atlassian and former Group PM at Google, to break down exactly how to streamline your job search. From building genuine connections that lead to opportunities …
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#698 Stein für Stein zur Business Intelligence-Exzellenz
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11:02LEGO stand in den 90ern vor dem Abgrund – doch statt panisch alles umzukrempeln, setzte der Spielzeugriese auf eine kluge Strategie: Bestehendes nutzen, gezielt erweitern und nachhaltig wachsen. Diese Strategie ist auch auf Business Intelligence & Datenmanagement übertragbar: - Bestehende Strukturen nicht über Bord werfen – sondern gezielt optimier…
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Practice makes perfect, Wrong, perfection is impossible. When you work with your teams you need to look at how you can create a culture of imperfect action. Move the business forward without falling in to the trap of looking for perfection Please send any feedback or questions to managermattpodcast@gmail.com…
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#343 Einfühlsamer Umgang mit Veränderung in der Nanny-Eltern-Zusammenarbeit
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7:57Verhältnismässig oft beobachte ich, dass Veränderungen in einem ersten Schritt auf Widerstand stossen. Und sind wir mal ehrlich, viele Menschen brauchen etwas Zeit, um sich auf eine geänderte Situation einzustellen. Genauso ist das auch in der Zusammenarbeit mit einer Nanny. Wenn sich eine Routine oder eine Gegebenheit von heute auf morgen ändert, …
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In this episode, Brattleboro's Town Manager John Potter summarizes the first of the Selectboard's busy March 2025 scheduled. This episode discusses the meetings held on March 3, 6, and 10, and previews a meeting scheduled for March 20. SHOW NOTES — March 3: Meeting Materials March 6: Meeting Materials, Watch March 10: Meeting Materials View the Sel…
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Welcome to episode 133. I'm chatting with Founder of G3NR8, Tom Head, about how AI is impacting business. G3NR8 is a consultancy for a new age, innovating business with AI. Tom has spent two decades in digital and built multiple 7 figure agencies. He’s worked with brands such as Red Bull Racing, JP Morgan, Tesco, and The Guardian and is now helping…
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#41 - Manager sans vouloir plaire à tout prix - Quentin Guilluy - Teamstarter - CEO
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1:01:21✨ "Placer le cap ailleurs que dans le fait de plaire aux gens." C'est ce que Quentin Guilluy, CEO de Teamstarter, a appris au fil de son parcours de CEO et manager. Dans cet épisode, Quentin aborde un sujet qui touche beaucoup de managers : cette tension entre vouloir être apprécié et devoir prendre des décisions difficiles pour le bien de l’entrep…
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450: Door-to-Door Sales Reps Chaos? How to Fix Team Communication | The D2D Podcast
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20:33If you’ve ever felt frustrated by disorganized team chats, reps who go off the radar during the day, or miscommunication that costs you deals, you’re not alone. Most sales teams rely on free apps or outdated tools that weren’t built for the fast-paced world of D2D sales—and it’s killing their performance. In this episode, Jaden Lindquist, VP of Sal…
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3 Steps to Unlocking Powerful Investments in Any Industry
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54:18Send us a text "RAISE CAPITAL LIKE A LEGEND: https://offer.fundraisecapital.co/free-ebook/" Hey, welcome to another episode of Making Billions, I'm your host, Ryan Miller, and today I have my dear friend Alex Chompff. Alex is the lead partner at Evolution Ventures. Before that, he launched a successful career in venture capital at the prestigious K…
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Episode 180 - One Last Booking. The Last Episode of Sarah and T
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18:41Send us a text This is a bittersweet episode as your two faithful vacation rental podcasters call it a career for their podcast. This is the final edition of The Vacation Rental Manager's Podcast with Sarah and T. Episode 180 concludes the journey for this medium but Sarah and T have things in store. Listen to them talk about the highlights of 8 ye…
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Abhisek Singh Rajpurohit, a global citizen, tech entrepreneur, and crypto currency expert explains how his web platforms (Vitamin Ai and Voice of Crypto) are creating a movement toward a more inclusive, transparent, and decentralized internet. Note - Abhisek comments should not be construed as financial advice. Along the way we discuss – Satoshi Na…
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449: Stop Losing Deals Over Bad Job Site Documentation – The Fix is Here | The D2D Podcast
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9:04Are scattered job site photos and messy documentation slowing down your business? If you're tired of scrolling through endless camera roll clutter, chasing down updates, or wasting time on admin work, there’s a better way. In this episode of The D2D Podcast, we sit down with Jonathan Modig from CompanyCam—the game-changing app designed to help cont…
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When Fiction Meets Reality - The FM Show Podcast Lets get one thing straight from the off, the cancellation of FM25 has definitely not affected us in any way shape or form. On the other hand, because of the cancellation, this episode has happened. I think its fair to say that this episode is full of 'Patreon Energy'. We bounce around ideas from the…
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How Top Executives Land Their Next Big Role Want to break into executive product leadership or transition into venture capital? This episode is packed with insider strategies from Alex Klein, founder of Nucleus Talent, a leader in executive search and recruiting. Join Shobhit from Intentional Product Manager as he and Alex break down: 🔍 The hidden …
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254. Landing clients on Instagram without doing the most with Nicole Ialeggio
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38:23Where do we start when it comes to landing clients on Instagram? Tackling Instagram can quickly become overwhelming and that’s why we have Nicola Ialeggio on the show to walk us through her strategy to landing clients! In this chat we cover everything from what to put on your profile, how to set up an IG funnel, and how often to post stories, posts…
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#697 Nachhaltigkeit im Controlling: Pflicht oder Chance? (Teil 2v2)
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35:29Regulierungen, ESG-Ratings, nachhaltige Finanzierungen – Nachhaltigkeit verändert das Controlling grundlegend. Doch wie werden aus Vorgaben messbare Steuerungsgrößen? Welche Rolle spielen moderne Software-Tools? Und wie kann Controlling helfen, Nachhaltigkeit nicht nur zu berichten, sondern aktiv zu gestalten? Im zweiten Teil meines Gespräches mit …
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448: What Makes Customers Trust You? The Secret to Closing More Roofing Deals | The D2D Podcast
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32:31Most home service companies struggle to stand out—but what if there was a way to win homeowner trust effortlessly and build an unstoppable D2D sales force? In this episode, Dean White, CEO of King Contractor, shares game-changing insights on what truly sets successful roofing businesses apart. Forget what you think you know about branding—Dean unve…
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What gets measured gets done is a good mantra to remember in leadership. As a leader you need to make sure you give your teams a world class set of objectives to deliver. You cant just passed down your objectives they need to be true and set with the person in mind. Only through setting world class objectives can you get world class results. Please…
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Dieser Kinderwanderweg kann auch sehr gut im Frühling oder Herbst gelaufen werden, da wir uns hier tendenziell im ‘Flachland’ bewegen. Es ist ein Weg für gross und klein mit tollen sowie aktiven Erlebnisstationen auf dem Rundweg. Wichtig ist, dass ihr genügend Zeit einplant, denn es geht schon etwas bergauf und bergab und braucht daher die eine ode…
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This pod, part of a series of interviews of Military Veterans, is presented by the New England Chapter of the U.S. Army Ranger Association. Originally recorded in September of 2024, Greg d’Arbonne talks to Len Samborowski about his time in the Army and the impact of Ranger School. Along the way we discuss – Jumping Jack Farris (21:10), Joint STARS …
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Send us a text "RAISE CAPITAL LIKE A LEGEND: https://offer.fundraisecapital.co/free-ebook/" Hey, welcome to another episode of Making Billions, I'm your host, Ryan Miller and today I have my dear friend Gavin Myers. Gavin is a co-founder and managing partner at Prudence, a global venture firm investing in technology companies, leading the global tr…
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#696 Nachhaltigkeit im Controlling: Pflicht oder Chance? (Teil 1v2)
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25:28Nachhaltigkeit ist längst kein Randthema mehr – Regulierungen, ESG-Ratings und Finanzierungsanforderungen machen sie zu einem strategischen Faktor für Unternehmen. Doch wie lassen sich Nachhaltigkeitsziele messbar steuern und in die Unternehmensplanung integrieren? Im aktuellen Performance Manager Podcast spreche ich mit Prof. Dr. Christoph Eisl un…
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447: Why You’re Losing Sales (and Don’t Even Know It) – The AI Tool That Changes Everything | The D2D Podcast
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16:15For years, field sales has had a major blind spot—once a rep starts talking to a prospect, their pitch, objections, and close techniques become a black box. Until now. In this episode, we sit down with Gavin Janis, GTM Account Executive at Siro.ai, to explore how AI is revolutionizing door-to-door sales. After six years in D2D and generating over $…
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Should Football Manager Be More Competitive? The FM Show Podcast
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1:20:12Should Football Manager Be More Competitive? The FM Show Podcast In this episode, we dive into the question: Should Football Manager be more competitive in the drafting world? We talk about how the game could level up and bring even more excitement to players. Plus, we talk about our new community challenge and how you can get involved. Get. Involv…
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#695 Controlling rockt! - Controlling-Meetings verwalten oder gestalten
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36:04Nimmst Du an Meetings nur teil oder gestaltest Du sie aus dem Controlling heraus aktiv mit? Eine spannende Frage. Meetings sind ein zentraler Bestandteil in der Controllingarbeit. In der aktuellen Podcastfolge zeigt Nicole Jekel Wege auf, wie Besprechungen noch besser strukturiert werden können, um Zeitverschwendung zu vermeiden und Entscheidungspr…
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I know we dont want to think of our jobs as leaders are boring but we need to make sure we are consistent in our approach and execution of work tasks. We the right level of consistent and sometime boring controls you will achieve great things in your role and deliver results. Please send any feedback or questions to managermattpodcast@gmail.com…
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253. Can you offer Podcast Management AND Virtual Assistance?
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7:55How do you balance being a Virtual Assistant AND a Podcast Manager and should you? In this episode we’re diving into why you may want to hold on to virtual assistant clients or keep yourself open to new virtual assistant work as you niche down into podcast management. Is this you? Let me know that you listened by heading over to IG and finding me @…
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Distinguished Professor (Manipal University), David Fradin speaks to the secrets behind Product Success Management. Along the way we discuss – Common Values (5:55), John Sculley (9:00), Two Steve Jobs (15:10), The S.P.I.C.E. Catalyst (18:30), Future Tech (30:40), and the “Wisdom” of the Crowd (33:20). Avail yourself to David’s talents at Spice Cata…
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446: Turn bad leads into big sales, no extra door knocking! | The D2D Podcast
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37:13If you want to close more deals, avoid low-quality leads, and scale your door-to-door business, this episode is a game-changer. We sit down with Austin Rosenbaum, CEO and founder of Demand IQ, a platform revolutionizing the way sales reps qualify and convert leads. Austin breaks down how instant AI-powered estimates are changing the game, why trans…
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#341 Der Spagat zwischen (Leistungs-)Sport und Schule – Wie findet man die richtige Balance
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12:33Der Spagat zwischen (Leistungs-)Sport und Schule – Wie findet man die richtige Balance Sport ist ein nicht wegzudeckendes Element im Alltag unserer Kinder und definitiv sehr wichtig als Ausgleich. Jedoch sehe ich schon Kinder in jungen Jahren, die sehr viel Sport machen und es zu einem Konflikt mit der Schule kommt. Wie viel Sport ist gut, damit di…
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Episode 138-AADOM Radio-Smarter Payments, Smoother Operations - Leveraging AI w/Amy Crawford of LQPay
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48:44AADOM Radio & LQPay Present: Amy Crawford-COO/CRO at LQPay An AADOM Exclusive Landing Page! CLICK HERE Learning Objectives: -Understand the Challenges of Traditional Payment Processing – Identify common inefficiencies in dental payment systems, including manual data entry, billing errors, and disconnected platforms. -Explore the Benefits of AI-Powe…
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Episode 137-AADOM Radio-Breanna McMillen on Peerlogic's Impact and the Role of AI in Dentistry
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24:48AADOM Radio & Peerlogic Present: Breanna McMillen-Head of Sales at Peerlogic Learning Objectives: - Understanding the stress of Front Office workers - Being able to boost front office workers productivity with AI and reduce stress - Increase number of appointments booked which then increases revenue More About Breanna- Breanna McMillen is currently…
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Prometheus: That One Move to Raise Billions From Family Offices
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28:50Send us a text "RAISE CAPITAL LIKE A LEGEND: https://offer.fundraisecapital.co/free-ebook/" Hey, welcome to another episode of Making Billions, I'm your host, Ryan Miller, and today I have my dear friend Michael Wang. Michael is the founder and CEO of Prometheus, an invite only platform connecting billion dollar family offices with each other and t…
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445: The Exit Strategy: How a D2D Rep Built a Real Estate Empire | The D2D Podcast
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9:18If you’re in the door-to-door game, this episode is a must-listen. We sit down with Duane Richins, a D2D powerhouse who transitioned from alarms to real estate, sold 89 homes in his first year, and now runs a $30M+ business—all without knocking a single door. After 17 years in door-to-door, Duane figured out how to turn short-term hustle into long-…
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Premier League Star plays Football Manager for first time - Steve Sidwell talks FM24 & Football
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1:22:38Premier League Star plays Football Manager for first time - Steve Sidwell talks FM24 & Football Former pro footballer Steve Sidwell joins us for chat about his Football Manager 2024 Twitch stream with Tony Jameson, his real-life experiences in the game, and his thoughts on legendary managers like Arsène Wenger. Support us on Patreon and join the Th…
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#694 Digitalisierung im Controlling – Die aktuelle Benchmarking-Studie (Teil 2v2)
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22:50Die Frankfurt School of Finance & Management hat in Kooperation mit Henkell Freixenet eine aktuelle Benchmarking-Studie zur Digitalisierung im Controlling durchgeführt. Die Studie gibt spannende Einblicke, wo Unternehmen bei der digitalen Transformation ihres Controllings stehen, vor welchen Herausforderungen sie stehen und wie sie diese angehen. D…
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So you’re considering niching down but is podcast management the right choice? In this episode I’m breaking down the pros and cons to being a Virtual Assistant, Social Media Manager, Online Business Manager, Web Designer, and (of course) a Podcast Manager. What niche is right for you? The good news is that any skills that you pick up along the way …
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In this episode, Brattleboro's Town Manager John Potter summarizes the Selectboard meeting held on February 18, 2025, and previews a special joint meeting with the Hinsdale Board of Selectmen scheduled for March 3 and a special meeting scheduled for March 6. SHOW NOTES — Feb. 18: Meeting Materials, Watch Brattleboro voters, here's some helpful info…
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444: Your Best Sales Rep Never Sleeps: How AI is Closing More Deals for You | The D2D Podcast
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21:29What if your best sales rep could answer every call, handle objections like a pro, and close deals 24/7—without ever taking a break? In this episode of The D2D Podcast, we sit down with Aaron Cooper, founder of Sameday AI, to talk about how AI-powered virtual sales agents are transforming the home services industry. Aaron shares his journey from do…
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The AI Product Manager Playbook: Skills, Hiring, and Career Growth
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40:42Want to be hired as an AI Product Manager? This might be the most valuable 40 minutes you spend this week! Join Shobhit from Intentional Product Manager as he sits down with Mahesh Yadav, an AI Product Manager at Google with 17+ years of experience in AI, including roles at Amazon and Meta. Mahesh has worked at the forefront of AI innovation, from …
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