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We are two Afro-Latin PhDs taking an anti-racist approach to center the contribution of Black people and culture across Latin America, the Caribbean and their diasporas through dance and music. Our work aims to: - educate consumers of Afro-Latin and Afro-Caribbean culture on its Black roots - highlight the work of Black artists, dancers, and scholars across the Americas - develop a practice of anti-racism in the Afro-Latin dance scene 🇵🇷 🇨🇴
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Hola Mix(ed)tape listeners! I know, it's been a while.... but believe, I just had some things to sort out. Today we'll be listening to Salsa & Choke by ChocQuibTown. While ChocQuibTown is a hip-hop band, in today’s song they celebrate a different rhythm called Salsa Choke. The chorus of the song reveals a historical reference, Salsa and Choke are s…
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Entonces qué queridos oyentes del Mix(ed)tape podcast! Ya sé, ha pasado un montón de tiempo desde nuestro último episodio, pero créanme, tenía que resolver unas cosas. Pero aquí estamos de vuelta y hoy estaremos escuchando la canción Salsa & Choke de ChocQuibTown. En Salsa & Choke ChocQuibTown celebra un ritmo diferente llamado Salsa Choke. El coro…
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Qué cuentan queridos oyentes del Mix(ed)tape podcast! Hoy nos unimos a Joe Arroyo y decimos, La Quiero Negra! Y usando el mensaje directo de esta canción, de esta joya escondida, celebramos la posibilidad de que la siguiente persona en ocupar la presidencia de los Estados Unidos sea una mujer negra, e intercambiamos opiniones sobre lo que significa…
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Hi Mix(ed)tape listeners! Today we join Joe Arroyo to say "I want her black!" Using the direct message of this hidden gem of a song we celebrate the possibility of having a black woman as the next president of the United States and we exchange impressions regarding what it means for that role to be fulfilled by Kamala Harris. The beautiful song tha…
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Qué cuentan queridos oyentes del Mix(ed)tape Podcast! Hoy vamos a presenciar la celebración del nacimiento de un gran rumbero... o así nos promete la reina Celia Cruz! En el track 6 de Were You Listening? analizaremos la canción Bembelequa de Celia Cruz. Esta canción fue una petición de una muy querida amiga del podcast, una bailadora social ubicad…
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Hi Mix(ed)tape listeners! Today we celebrate that a great rumbero is about to be born... or so tells us queen Celia Cruz! In track 6 of Were You Listening? we analyze the song Bembelequa by Celia Cruz. This song is a request from a dear friend of the podcast, Chicago-based social dancer, clinical research coordinator, and full time twin, Briana Har…
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¡!Esto. Te Pone. La Cabeza. Mala!! Hola queridos oyentes de Mix(ed)tape! En el track 5 de Were You Listening? analizamos la canción Esto Te Pone La Cabeza Mala de Juan Formell y Los Van Van. Dos maravillosas practicantes de bailes populares cubanos nos ayudan a contextualizar esta canción: Oesa y Cokie. Ellas son dos de las fundadoras de Palenke Cu…
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This messes you up in the head! Hi Mix(ed)tape listeners! In track 5 of Were You Listening? we analyze the song Esto Te Pone La Cabeza Mala by Juan Formell y Los Van Van. Two wonderful practitioners of Cuban popular dances help us contextualize this song: Oesa and Cokie. They are two of the founders of Palenke Cuban Dance. During her time at Barnar…
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"They called me negra, I don't give a damn!" Hi Mix(ed)tape listeners! In track 26 of Were You Listening? we analyze the song Negra interpreted by Soluna. Listen to find out why Soluna doesn't give a damn? In Negra, Soluna mocks the mocker as she puts it. She uses a catchy rhythm to jokingly sing and rap about moronic, dim-witted, obtuse and uninte…
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"¡Me llamaron negra, me vale verga!" Hola queridos oyentes de Mix(ed)tape! En el track 26 de Were You Listening? analizamos la canción Negra, interpretada por Soluna. ¿Y por qué le vale verga a Soluna? En Negra Soluna utiliza un ritmo contagioso para mofarse de quien hace la burla. A través de su canto y su rapeo, Soluna se mofa de aquella gente i…
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¡¡Ya dejen que se vaya ese hombre!!! Hola queridos oyentes de Mix(ed)tape! En el track 4 de Were You Listening? analizamos la canción Mi Negrita Me Espera interpretada por Ismael "Maelo" Rivera y adaptada por el pianista y compositor Carlos Suarez. En Mi Negrita Me Espera, Maelo nos canta de manera exquisita sobre una situación mundana de presión d…
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Let that man leave!!!! Hi Mix(ed)tape Listeners! In track 4 of Were You Listening? we analyze the song Mi Negrita Me Espera interpreted by Ismael "Maelo" Rivera and adapted by pianist and composer Carlos Suarez. In Mi Negrita Me Espera, Maelo sings exquisitely about a mundane peer-pressure situation. He presents the conundrum of a Black man who wan…
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Hey Mix(ed)tape Listeners! In track 3 of Were You Listening? we analyze the song Buenaventura y Caney by Jairo Varela interpreted by Grupo Niche. Buenaventura y Caney is an ode of love to the city of Buenaventura, a city in the Pacific coast of Colombia whose population has been for many years majority Afro-descendent, 85% as of the 2018 census. We…
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¡Hola queridos oyentes de Mix(ed)tape! En el track 3 de Were You Listening? analizamos la canción Buenaventura y Caney de Jairo Varela e interpretada por el Grupo Niche. Buenaventura y Caney es una oda de amor a la ciudad de Buenaventura, una ciudad en la costa pacífica de Colombia, cuya población ha sido por muchos años de mayoría afrodescendiente…
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Hey Mix(ed)tape Listeners! In track 2 of Were You Listening? we analyze the song Bemba Colorá by José Claro Fúmero in the incredible voice of Celia Cruz. If you're a salsa dancer, you've probably danced or performed to this song at some point. We certainly have. But have you stopped to think about its meaning? This is exactly what our friend and fo…
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¡Hola queridos oyentes de Mix(ed)tape ! En el track 2 de Were You Listening? analizamos la canción Bemba Colorá de José Claro Fúmero en la increíble voz de Celia Cruz. Si eres una persona que baila y disfruta de la salsa, probablemente hayas bailado esta canción socialmente o en una coreografía. Nosotros seguro lo hemos hecho. Pero, ¿te detuviste a…
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Hey Mix(ed)tape Listeners! Today we launch the first episode of the remixed Were You Listening? series with our very first episode devoted to the song Raza by Alexander Abreu y Havana D'Primera. We started the Were You Listening series with the song Raza because it was sparked by the tragic events (George Floyd's killing in 2020) that also sparked …
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Vamos a estar renovando, remezclando podríamos decir, los primeros episodios de la serie Were You Listening? Y empezamos con el primer episodio de la serie que fue dedicado a la canción Raza de Alexander Abreu y Havana D'Primera. Comenzamos la serie Were You Listening con la canción Raza porque fue inspirada por los trágicos eventos (el asesinato d…
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We have an amazing conversation with talented Brazilian zouk dancers and connoisseurs Ebonie Lee, Aaron Montgomery and Efosa Uwa-Omede. We talk about the evolution and popularity of Brazilian zouk as a dance, its relation to the original Caribbean zouk music, and the experience of black dancers in the Brazilian zouk scene. This conversation complem…
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The siblings Joyce-lee Duventru-huret and Stanley Duventru-huret, London-based dancers and instructor of Caribbean zouk, talk to us about the Afro-Caribbean roots of zouk, their own cultural and emotional connection to the music and the dance, and how dancers, DJs and enthusiasts of zouk can help the zouk community (including Caribbean and Brazilia…
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Le maestro Pierre-Édouard Décimus est un musicien et compositeur légendaire et novateur et l’un des fondateurs du célèbre group de Zouk Kassav', qui a créé le rythme zouk. Pierre-Edouard discute de sa carrière musicale, du développement du rythme zouk et de celui de Kassav’, des origines du nom du groupe, de la notion de négritude au sein des chans…
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The maestro Pierre-Édouard Décimus is a legendary, innovative musician and composer and one of the founders of the famous zouk group Kassav', who are the creators of the zouk rhythm. Pierre-Édouard talks to us about his musical journey, the development of the zouk rhythm, the development of Kassav' and the reasons behind the name of the band, the n…
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Hoy exploramos un clásico del zouk, la canción Zouk-La Sé Sel Médikaman Nou Ni (Zouk Es la Única Medicina que Tenemos) del famoso grupo Kassav', creadores del ritmo de zouk. En este viaje nos acompaña uno de los fundadores del grupo Kassav', el gran maestro Pierre-Édouard Décimus!!! Con un ritmo contagioso, un sonido pegajoso, y con letras sencilla…
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Today we explore the classic zouk song Zouk-La Sé Sel Médikaman Nou Ni (Zouk Is The Only Medicine We Have) by the famous band Kassav', creators of the zouk rhythm. We are joined in our exploration by one of the founding members of Kassav', the great Pierre-Édouard Décimus!!! With an infectious, catchy sound, and with simple lyrics that speak to the…
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In this episode we join a zouk party in the Antilles! We explore the birth and development of the zouk rhythm and its dance in Guadeloupe and Martinique. We touch on the pioneer role played by the famous band Kassav', the importance of the notion of creolness, and how the Caribbean rhythm sprung a new dance style in Brazil which then expanded acros…
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Hoy exploramos un popurrí de dos canciones de bomba puertorriqueña, La Llevo en Mis Venas y Bambulé a Paré, del grupo Tambuyé. Para ayudarnos a contextualizar las canciones entrevistamos a la Directora y Manager de Taller Tambuyé, Marién Torres López. Marién y los artistas de Tambuyé reafirman en este popurrí la herencia negra presente en la prácti…
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Today we explore a medley of two bomba songs, La Llevo en Mis Venas (I Carry It in My Veins) and Bambulé a Paré (The Bámbula Is Happening) by the group Tambuyé. To help us contextualize the songs we interviewed the the Manager and Director of Taller Tambuyé, Marién Torres López. Marién and the artists of Tambuyé reaffirm in this medley the Black he…
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Mar Cruz has been a bomba dancer and practitioner for over 11 years, she dances with her sister Maria with the group Parranderos de Loiza and their own group Bomba Yemaya, you may recognize Mar on the instagram page Se Baila Bomba. Mar talks to us about her journey to bomba, the most common bomba rhythms and the ways in which they are danced, the s…
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En el episodio de hoy hablamos con la cantante y compositora afro-puertorriqueña Alondra Marie Ortiz Rivera del grupo musical de bomba Afriktaal. Con ella contextualizamos la canción Color de Mi Raza que ella escribió y que ella canta. Color de Mi Raza es un hermoso mensaje de reafirmación de nuestra negritud, cuestionando las formas en las que la …
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In today's track we talk with the the Afro-Puerto Rican singer and song-writer Alondra Marie Ortiz Rivera of the bomba music group Afriktaal. We contextualize the song Color de Mi Raza, which she wrote and sings. Color de Mi Raza is a beautiful message of reaffirmation of our blackness, questioning the ways in which society tries to hide our blackn…
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In this episode we go to Puerto Rico a bombear! We explore the development of bomba in Puerto Rico, its Black roots, some of its main figures, its various rhythms and dances, the government's involvement, the role bomba has played in recent social movements, and the exciting and inclusive new voices and dynamics that are emerging in the bomba scene…
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Katelina Ecclestón is the creator of Reggeatón con La Gata, the first femme platform dedicated to reggaetón analysis and history, and Perreo 101, a bilingual podcast detailing the evolution of reggaetón. Katelina is also the lead researcher on MTV’s upcoming show De la Calle. Katelina talks to us about the journey toward becoming a prominent platfo…
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En Censurarme Eddie Dee confronta prejuicios raciales y clasistas y también las hipocresías moralistas de figuras políticas y sociales que intentan censurar a las personas que hacen rap y reggaetón por lo que consideran temas vulgares y lenguaje ofensivo, al mismo tiempo que cometen crímenes terribles y extrema corrupción. Nuestra presentadora invi…
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In Censurarme Eddie Dee Eddie Dee confronts racial and classist prejudices and the moralistic hypocrisy of political and social figures who try to censor rappers and reggaetón singers for what they consider vulgar topics and foul language while at the same time engaging in despicable crimes and abject corruption. Our guest host is Dr. Beth Colón-Pi…
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Dr. Beth Colón Pizzini is an Assistant Professor of Instruction at the University of Texas at Austin in the African and African Diaspora Studies Department. Her expertise is on Puerto Rico’s music and street art, Puerto Rican, Caribbean and Afro-Diasporic feminism; pan-Caribbean and afro-diasporic cultural and political exchanges; and decolonial pr…
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Party de Palo is the first single of Inka's upcoming album Villa Mella, in which he pays homage to this historically Black place in which Inka grew up in the Dominican Republic. In Party de Palo, Inka invites to party along the rhythms of Villa Mella while he reminds us with his lyrics of the incredible cultural richness that Black communities hold…
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Party de Palo, es el primer sencillo del álbum que Inka va a lanzar próximamente, llamado Villa Mella, en el cual le rinde homenaje a este lugar históricamente poblado por comunidades negras en el cual Inka creció en la República Dominicana. En Party de Palo, Inka nos invita a enfiestarnos al son de los ritmos de Villa Mella, al mismo tiempo que no…
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Inka, rapero, productor musical, educador, y gestor cultural ubicado en Villa Mella, en la República Dominicana, nos habla sobre su enfoque musical que él llama "cimarronaje musical" y nos cuenta sobre varios temas incluyendo las bases rítmicas negras del reggaetón y del dembow, la anti-negritud presente en la construcción de la identidad dominican…
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La canción de hoy, Loíza, es parte del álbum debut de Tego Calderón, El Abayarde. En Loíza, Tego mezcla una colección de ritmos modernos con la bomba puertorriqueña, y remata la mezcla con incisivas letras, que en este caso critican la forma en que políticos, agentes del orden público, oficiales del gobierno, y personas pudientes en Puerto Rico, di…
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Today's song, Loíza, is part of Tego Calderón’s extremely successful debut album, El Abayarde. In Loíza, Tego mixes an assortment of modern beats with bomba, and topples the mixture with his signature sharp lyrics which in this case criticize the way in which politicians, law enforcement, government officials, and wealthy individuals in Puerto Rico…
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In this episode nos dedicamos a perrear. We visit the roots and development of reggaetón, learning about the economically disadvantaged, Caribbean Afro-descendant youth who rebelled the rhythm into existence. We also learn about the musical elements of the rhythms and about the dance of reggaetón, touching briefly on reggaetón's relation to Dembow.…
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Las expertas folcloristas, maestras Edelmira Massa Zapata @elpalenquededelia y Rosita Lozano @frampezcolombia nos comparten su conocimiento sobre los orígenes de la cumbia y lo que representa para la cultura colombiana y latinoamericana, resaltando el profundo encuentro de las culturas Africana y Amerindia en el corazón de la cumbia. Edelmira Massa…
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La distinguida palenquera Matilde Herrera Hernández, profesora de bailes folclóricos colombianos con más de 50 años de experiencia, estudiada etnoeducadora, directora y coreógrafa del Grupo de Danzas Kumbé, nos habla sobre Palenque, sobre su lenguaje, su cultura y su legado a la cultura colombiana. San Basilio de Palenque es un pueblo en el departa…
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La canta-autora de bailes cantaos Nelda Piña, del grupo Nelda Piña y sus Tambores, nos comparte un poco de su biografía y de su conocimiento sobre las raíces del bullerengue y de la cumbia. Ella también nos habla sobre las contribuciones de la gente negra a estos ritmos y menciona la importancia de apoyar a la juventud en los lugares donde estos ri…
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En esta canción Nelda Piña rinde homenaje al pueblo de San Basilio de Palenque, su música, su influencia cultural, y sus profundas raíces negras. Aunque para ser precisos, Palenque tiene raíces negras, tronco negro, ramas negras, y hermosas flores negras. ¡El árbol completo es negro! En este episodio tenemos la fortuna de tener a Nelda Piña reflexi…
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In Palenquero (Palenque Man) singer and songwriter Nelda Piña pays homage to the town of San Basilio de Palenque, to its music, its cultural influence, and its deep Black roots . Although to be precise, Palenque has Black roots, Black trunk, Black branches and Black, beautiful flowers. The whole tree is black! Were we listening? In this episode we …
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En este episodio nos vamos para Colombia, la amada madre patria de nuestro host Andrés. ¡Este largo viaje a América del Sur lo hacemos para hablar sobre la cumbia! Este ritmo, hijo del caribe colombiano, se ha expandido a muchos países incluyendo Mexico, Argentina, y Perú. Su difusión ha sido tan amplia que los amantes de la cumbia a veces no están…
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In this episode we visit host Andrés' beloved motherland: Colombia! We travel all the way to South America to talk about Cumbia! This rhythm, child of the Colombian Caribbean, has expanded to many countries including Mexico, Argentina, and Perú. Its diffusion has been so widespread that cumbia enthusiasts are sometimes unaware of where the rhythm i…
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En Rebelión, la canción más famosa de Joe Arroyo, el Joe nos lleva en un viaje desde la tristeza sin nombre de la esclavitud en general, al dolor específico de una pareja negra esclavizada, y en últimas a la rebelión del hombre negro suscitada por el deseo de proteger a su pareja. ¿Estábamos escuchando? Con este episodio, el último de este año 2021…
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In Rebelión, Joe Arroyo's most famous song, El Joe take us from the nameless sorrow of slavery in general, to the specific pain and ultimate rebellion of a black, enslaved man sparked by the desire to protect his partner. Were we listening? With this last episode of 2021 we are celebrating that our Mix(ed)tape Playlist of Afro-Latin songs has now m…
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