"Millions of tyrants" is a tongue in cheek way to explore all the ways we engage with the world as human beings. Let's talk life, virtue, tradition, current events, and living in truth.
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A bunch of books I read. Shazaam!
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J.R.R. Tolkien Vs. C.S. Lewis, Friendship, and Battles
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Welcome to my podcast, Millions of Tyrants. MOT explores the limits of human experience and participation. I wanted all of my listeners to know that this was recorded before I read "Return of the King" and "The Silmarillion," both of which were some of the most devastatingly good fantasy books I have ever read. I've read all of the books that both …
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Jon attempts to discuss why “Glass” is better than what the critics deserve and will become a classic upon re-watching. Not unlike “Unbreakable,” Glass suffers from bad advertising, but will become a strong piece of this subversive and emotionally powerful trilogy.
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In which Jon discusses the concept of "Million of Tyrants" and why the name has been changed.
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In which Jon discusses, with himself, the limits of discourse in the Kavanaugh debacle.
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We discuss Beto's visit to the border and the pre-political good of the family.
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We all get angry. Sometimes it seems we live in a world that is bathing in anger and resentment. But is there a good kind of anger? Facebook: So To Speak Twitter: speak_official
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Many of us wish we would have read mow books growing up. And now, we feel intimidated and don't know where to start. Jon begins by asking us to consider changing the way we think about reading. Stay tuned, as he brings us through the various myhs that plagues our thinkkng on the subject! Facebook: so to speak | twitter: @speak_official…
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A white woman has been arrested for a charge of "racism." She has been given three years in prison for using racial slurs towards police officers. The topic of racial justice is a huge issue in our day and time. So -- lets talk about it! Facebook: So To Speak | Article: https://www.google.com/amp/s/mobile.nytimes.com/2018/03/28/world/europe/south-a…
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Jon tries to run through a stack of the books he has either just finished, currently reading, or books that have meant something profound to him in the past.
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This is the original episode that eventually persuaded Jon to change the name of the show. We are all fans of concepts of liberty and the liberal way we structure our society. But what if the Tyrannical impulse has shifted and we aren’t as free as we think we are? Listen for a more complete discussion on the concept. Also, Jon includes a reference …
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#9: In which Jon talks about a man who defied a King, and what that might mean for our times, today. | Facebook: So To Speak | Twitter: speak_official | jonbeadle.com
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In which Jon discusses what it mean to have a “real” life | Facebook: So To Speak | Twitter: speak_official | Screwtape Letters: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0060652934/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1521636806&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=screwtape+letters+by+c.s.+lewis&dpPl=1&dpID=51Si%2BBA72XL&ref=plSrch | Why Liberalism Failed: https://…
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In which Jon talks about the difference between media and "media" | Facebook: So To Speak | Twitter: speak_official | book: Heretics by G. K. Chesterton | film: Good Night, And Good Luck
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In which Jon continues reviewing the book, rather poorly; allowing for brief intervals of reading! | Book Review #1, part 2: Facebook: So To Speak | Twitter: @speak_official | book: 12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson | event: March 16th, at 7 PM: The CHOP in Conroe
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#6: In which Kevin talks about the ways our thinking impacts our lives! Facebook: So To Speak | Twitter: speak_official | Event: March 16th, 7pm, Conroe TX | Website: www.asyouthink.org | Book: Man’s Search For Meaning | Film: Wind River
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Facebook: So To Speak | Twitter: @speak_official | book: 12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson | event: March 16th, at 7 PM: The CHOP in Conroe TX
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Facebook: So To Speak | Twitter: speak_official | Event: March 16th, 7pm, Conroe TX | Article link: http://m.kltv.com/kltv/db_330566/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=QY6Jp3JO#.WqFauik8IKA.facebook
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Facebook: So To Speak | Twitter: Speak_official | film: Phantom Thread | book: Heretics by G. K. Chesterton | Event: March 16th, 7pm, at the CHOP in Conroe, TX
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In which Jon tries to flesh out what happened in Parkland and why mass shooters emerge. Twitter: speak_official | Facebook: So To Speak | First event: March 16th at the CHOP in downtown Conroe, TX
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In which Jon discusses Billy Graham, and answers the question: "is this group religious or something?" | Twitter: @speak_official | Facebook, search "So To Speak" | Link to the article: blogs.mereorthodoxy.com/samuel/2018/02/23/wrong-spite-history/
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Episode 1; where we make an attempt to define our group. Twitter: @speak_official | Facebook: So To Speak | First Event: March 16, 7 pm at the CHOP (115 W Davis St, Conroe TX 77301)
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