Transitioning from the military is tough. The men and women of the armed services sacrifice so much. Joining the military and going to boot camp works for the military. They are turning individuals to fighting machines. Transition is cookie cutter and doesn’t work to turn all service members back into individuals. Every transition is different and marred with different challenges. This is my attempt to share resources with the brave men and women who are returning to individuality. If you ha ...
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Veterans looking for training in a technical field should definitely look at this program. If you have one unexpired today of your G.I. Bill benefits you can apply for this program. It will not use your benefits. Here’s a link to the program go check it out!…
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E-Benefits, not just a website, but a portal to everything you need.
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The official DOD Skillsbridge website is up and running you can find it by clicking this link,
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Interested in being an Automotive Technician? Here is information on the Universal Technical Institute BMW Skillbridge Program. For more information reach out to [email protected]
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A great program if your interested in serving again.
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Honoring Mrs Dee, the TGPS Manager at Quantico with 40 years working with the military and 24 year transitioning Service Members. She imparted some wisdom.
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In this episode I talk about my experiences with two organizations Onward to Opportunity and Hire Heroes USA. I recommend you look into them and see if they are an organization that would help you meet your transition needs.
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This episode is about you stepping out of your comfort zone and trying new things. Try to listen to every opportunity that presents itself and allow yourself to make a decision based on the information provided.
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The quickest way between two points is a straight line. In life you need to figure out what your goal is and then head straight for it. Don’t get distracted don’t get sidetracked.
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This information is about DOD skillbridge or career skills program. Allows you to do an unpaid internship or training in your last 180 days of active duty service while receiving full pay and benefits of the military getting ready for your civilian career.
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Required Transition Class
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