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Join us each week for relevant teaching that inspires us to follow Jesus and fearlessly change the world. Every weekend we will hear from Senior Pastor Eric Geiger or guest speakers and you will be challenged toward new growth, faith and ways to live that out into the world. For more information visit
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show series
Anchor Passage: (Luke 8:4-18) Jesus used stories to reveal the hearts of His listeners: those who truly knew Him would understand, while those who didn’t would turn away. How we hear Jesus’ words reveals the condition of our hearts. Join us as we learn to hear and receive His words in our lives! First Time? Start Here: https://rock.marinerschurch.o…
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Anchor Passage: (Matthew 18:21-35) Forgiveness can feel impossible when others have hurt us deeply. Jesus told a story about a king and his servant that connects our ability to forgive with the forgiveness we've received. Join us as we learn how to live in the freedom of our ultimate forgiveness! First Time? Start Here: https://rock.marinerschurch.…
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Anchor Passage: (Luke 15:11-31) In one of Jesus’ most famous parables, He shares the story of a prodigal son who returns home to his father after making a mess of his life. What does this story reveal about God’s heart for us? Join us as we discover how God pursues each of us—whether we know we need His grace or not. First Time? Start Here: https:/…
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Anchor Passage: Acts 17:26 Does loving your country mean your country is an idol? Can we drift and love our country more than God? How much is too much? Join us as we see what Scripture has to say and put this question on the table! First Time? Start Here: Can we pray for you? https://rock.marinerschurch.…
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Anchor Passage: Romans 14:1-8 How do you decide when to participate in today’s culture? While some choices seem obvious, there is a lot that can seem unclear: going to a Halloween party in the neighborhood, decorating Easter Eggs, watching an R-rated movie, or going to yoga. Join us as we navigate these cultural questions by looking at Scripture! F…
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Anchor Passage: John 10:27-29 Many Christians live with fear or worry, troubled that they have done something to lose God’s forgiveness. Is our eternal life secure? Join us as we look to Scripture and put this question on the table. First Time? Start Here: Can we pray for you? https://rock.marinerschurch.…
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Anchor Passage: 1 Chronicles 29:12-16 Some have guilted Christians for not being poor or not suffering enough. Others have said, "If you are not healthy and wealthy then something is wrong with your faith.” What does Scripture say? Join us this week as we put this question on the table. First Time? Start Here:…
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Anchor Passage: Genesis 2:22-25 Throughout history, Christians have viewed sex differently than the surrounding culture. Why? Join us as we look at God’s design for sex and put this question on the table. A note for parents: this message will be walking through mature topics. First Time? Start Here: Can w…
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Anchor Passage: Acts 17:11 There was a time people needed to hear “it is ok to not be ok,” so they would seek help and benefit from community and from therapy if they needed it. We now live in what many have called a therapeutic culture. Content about mental health, self-diagnosis via social media, and “therapy speak” have all skyrocketed in recent…
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Anchor Passage: Acts 4:12 Many have articulated that all religions are the same—different paths to the same destination, incomplete views of the same God, or multiple versions of the same truth. Are all religions the same? Join us as we put this question on the table and discover the incredible power of the gospel! First Time? Start Here: https://r…
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Anchor Passage: 1 Kings 2:1-4 There is a fight in our culture over masculinity. In one corner is the argument that men have been feminized and the lack of “real men” is hurting our society. In the other corner is the argument that those celebrated as “real men” are toxic and damaging to others. So what does the Scripture encourage men to be? Join u…
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Anchor Passage: Matthew 6:25-27 Join us as we discover what it looks like for us to seek God in the new year! First Time? Start Here: Can we pray for you? You can find information for all our Mariners congregations, watch more videos, and learn more about us and ou…
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Anchor Passage: Luke 1:26-33 We are all looking for something to give our lives to or crown as most important in our lives. But all other kings will ultimately fail us. Join us this Christmas at Mariners as we celebrate the arrival of Jesus—our Eternal and Perfect King who loves us, pursues us, and invites us into His Kingdom! First Time? Start Her…
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Anchor Passage: Luke 2:25-32; Hebrews 1:1-2 We’re all searching for direction and wisdom to help us through the complexities of life. Join us as we discover how Jesus is our perfect Prophet! First Time? Start Here: Can we pray for you? You can find information for …
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Anchor Passage: Luke 1:35; Hebrews 4:14-16 We all long for someone to confess our struggles to, someone to apply grace to our hearts, and someone to represent us to God and God to us. Join us as we discover how Jesus is our perfect Priest! First Time? Start Here: Can we pray for you? https://rock.mariners…
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Anchor Passage: James 5:1-20 James warns those who waste their life on unfulfilling pursuits. How can we live our lives well? Join us as we learn practical advice from James about how to pursue a life well-lived! First Time? Start Here: Can we pray for you? You can…
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Anchor Passage: James 4:13-17 While we often talk about “our plans,” the reality is that the one life we have is a gift from God. Join us as we discover the blessing of pursuing His plans! First Time? Start Here: Can we pray for you? You can find information for al…
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Anchor Passage: James 4:1-12 We can be friends with the world or friends with God—we can’t be both. Join us as we learn what it looks like to live as a friend of God! First Time? Start Here: Can we pray for you? You can find information for all our Mariners congreg…
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Anchor Passage: James 3:1-18 The tongue possesses incredible power to build up or tear down, to bless or curse. Join us as we learn from James how to tame the tongue! First Time? Start Here: Can we pray for you? You can find information for all our Mariners congreg…
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Anchor Passage: James 2:14-26 Throughout the centuries, people have debated the relationship between faith and works. Join us as we see how James teaches that true faith will always lead to works in our lives! First Time? Start Here: Can we pray for you? You can fi…
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Anchor Passage: James 1:27-2:13 Our world declares some people to be more valuable than others–but this is not the way of those who belong to Christ. Join us as we see how faith that works cares for the vulnerable, honoring them as image-bearers of God! First Time? Start Here: Can we pray for you? https:/…
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Anchor Passage: James 1:18-27 Authentic faith is more than just hearing the Word—we must all step into being “doers of the Word.” Join us as we learn to seek the good of our world! First Time? Start Here: Can we pray for you? You can find information for all our Ma…
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Anchor Passage: James 1:1-18 Trials and temptations are inevitable in this life, but through faith, we can find treasure in the trials. Join us as we learn how trials can grow our joy, wisdom, and dependence on God! First Time? Start Here: Can we pray for you? You …
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Anchor Passage: Romans 12:1-2 The world’s standards always seem to be increasing, leaving many feeling defeated and discouraged. Join us as we discover how we can find freedom from our world’s expectations by choosing to be transformed by Christ! First Time? Start Here: Can we pray for you? https://rock.m…
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Anchor Passage: Hebrews 12:25-29 Though we live in a chaotic world, there is good news. Join us as we learn that although the kingdoms of this world will all be shaken, God’s new Kingdom to which we belong will never be shaken! First Time? Start Here: Can we pray for you?…
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Anchor Passage: Psalm 42 Pain and suffering are part of what it means to be human in an imperfect world. Join us as we look at the words of apostle Paul and discover incredible counsel for the moments where we feel overwhelmed by our circumstances! First Time? Start Here: Can we pray for you? https://rock…
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Anchor Passage: Psalm 51 Regrets over our choices can haunt us—but God does not want us to carry shame and regret. Join us as we discover the good news that He has carried sin and shame away for those who believe in Him! First Time? Start Here: Can we pray for you?…
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Anchor Passage: Psalm 37:4, Proverbs 3:5-6 When faced with a crossroads, how can we make the right decision? How can we live in God’s will for our lives? Join us as we look to the Scripture for God’s wisdom! First Time? Start Here: Can we pray for you? You can find…
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Anchor Passage: Luke 18:1-8 Jesus told a parable about an unloving judge who finally answered the request of someone who kept persisting and asking. Join us as we learn how much more our loving God answers our requests when we persist in prayer! First Time? Start Here: Can we pray for you?…
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Anchor Passage: Mark 11:12-25 God created us to be “walking houses of prayer”—people who are filled with the Holy Spirit, connected to Him in prayer, and producing spiritual fruit in our lives. Join us as we learn how to live as walking houses of prayer! First Time? Start Here: Can we pray for you? https:…
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Anchor Passage: Luke 11:5-12 When Jesus teaches us to pray, He reminds us that we have a perfect Heavenly Father who longs to give good gifts to His children. Join us as we discover how viewing Him as our Father impacts how we pray! First Time? Start Here: Can we pray for you? https://rock.marinerschurch.…
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Anchor Passage: Matthew 6:9-13 In His time on Earth, Jesus gave us an example prayer—not just as something to recite, but as a way to teach us how we can draw close to God in prayer. Join us as we look at His prayer and discover practical steps for how to pray! First Time? Start Here: Can we pray for you?…
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Anchor Passage: Luke 5:15-16, Matthew 6:5-8 In the midst of rising popularity and increasing demands, Jesus “often withdrew to deserted places and prayed.” Join us as we learn to follow Jesus’ example and get away to pray to our Heavenly Father! First Time? Start Here: Can we pray for you?…
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Anchor Passage: Romans 12:10-12 Join us as we look at our 2024-2025 Church Verse and discover how we can live a faithful, fruit-filled Christian life! First Time? Start Here: Can we pray for you? You can find information for all our Mariners congregations, watch mo…
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Anchor Passage: Colossians 4:1-18 We can’t live fruitful lives on our own. Only when we’re connected to God can He bear fruit in our lives. Join us as we learn how to draw close to Him, share the good news of Jesus with others, and bear fruit that lasts! First Time? Start Here: Can we pray for you? https:…
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Anchor Passage: Colossians 3:18-25 The relationships in our lives are most fruitful when we enter them with a servant's posture. Join us as we learn how to build better relationships by serving others the way Jesus first served us! First Time? Start Here: Can we pray for you? https://rock.marinerschurch.o…
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Anchor Passage: Colossians 3:12-17 In Colossians, we see that there is a close relationship between love, gratitude, and peace. When we grow in our love for others and our gratitude toward God, peace also increases in our life. Join us as we see how God invites us to experience His peace!저자 Mariners Church
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Anchor Passage: Colossians 3:1-13 The kingdom of this world is at war with God’s Kingdom. How can we set our minds on His Kingdom above? Join us as we learn to set our minds on Jesus and find new life in Him! First Time? Start Here: Can we pray for you? You can fin…
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Anchor Passage: Colossians 2:4-23 Because you have been buried and raised with Christ, you are not condemned--so don't let anyone condemn you. Join us as we learn to stay rooted in Jesus! First Time? Start Here: Can we pray for you? You can find information for all…
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Anchor Passage: Colossians 1:24-2:3 We couldn’t reconcile ourselves to God without Jesus, and we can’t grow through our own strength alone. Join us as we learn to depend on His strength in all things! First Time? Start Here: Can we pray for you? You can find inform…
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Anchor Passage: John 20:24-29 Being a follower of Jesus does not mean you don’t have questions, struggles, or doubts. Join us as we learn how to doubt toward Jesus, not away from Him! First Time? Start Here: Can we pray for you? You can find information for all our…
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Anchor Passage: John 3:1-21 What would Jesus say to someone who tries really hard to keep all the religious rules and believes they can be good enough to earn everlasting life? Join us as we learn how Jesus invites us to be born again! First Time? Start Here: Can we pray for you? https://rock.marinerschur…
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Anchor Passage: Matthew 12:46-50 We know that Jesus had a special relationship with His mother and was a blessing to her. As He was dying, Jesus asked John to take care of her, showing that even in His darkest moments Jesus was caring for others—including His mom. Join us as we see how we can have a close relationship with Jesus too! First Time? St…
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Anchor Passage: John 1:39 to Matthew 28:16-20 Jesus first invited His disciples to “come and see,” but after years with Him, He left them with the message to “go and make.” Join us as we discover how we’re invited to be fruitful and to go and take the gospel to people from every nation so they are re-made by the One who has re-made us. First Time? …
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Anchor Passage: Luke 7:36-50 What would Jesus say to someone who everyone knows has lived a shameful life? When at a gathering with religious leaders and “a sinful woman,” you may be surprised by what Jesus says about her to the religious leaders. Join us as we see how Jesus responds to us in our sin! First Time? Start Here: https://rock.marinersch…
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Anchor Passage: Luke 19:1-10 There is frequently a news report of a greedy businessman who unethically lined his own pockets with riches, often taking from others he vowed to serve. What would Jesus say to him? Join us as we look and see how Jesus invites Himself into the life of a greedy businessman–and into your life too! First Time? Start Here: …
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Anchor Passage: John 1:43-51 What would Jesus say to an unbelieving skeptic? This week, we see Jesus affirming a skeptic who is raw and honest about his doubts. Join us as we discover how Jesus meets us with His truth right where we are! First Time? Start Here: Can we pray for you? https://rock.marinersch…
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Anchor Passage: John 5:1-16 Suffering is part of the human experience, but what would Jesus say to someone who has been suffering for 38 years? How does Jesus respond to you in your suffering? Join us as we look and see how Jesus provided a miraculous healing--and how He offers the hope of an even greater healing to each of us! First Time? Start He…
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