We are a family friendly Christian congregation of the United Reformed Church meeting in Lindfield, West Sussex, England
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We are a family friendly Christian congregation of the United Reformed Church meeting in Lindfield, West Sussex, England저자 Lindfield United Reformed Church
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The Passionate Pursuit: God’s love story with us - Audio
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18:09The Passionate Pursuit: God’s love story with usSong of Solomon 2:8-17Dan McQuillin저자 Dan McQuillin
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Receiving wisdom1 Kings 3:1-15Rev Keith Morrison저자 Rev. Keith Morrison
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Reaping the whirlwind2 Samuel 18:5-11, 14-15, 31-33Rev Keith Morrison저자 Rev. Keith Morrison
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Confident in God?1 Samuel 17:1, 4, 8-11, 16, 32-51 Rev Keith Morrison저자 Rev. Keith Morrison
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Changed and being changed 1 Samuel 16:1-13Rev Keith Morrison저자 Rev. Keith Morrison
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Choices and consequences1 Samuel 8:4-20Rev Keith Morrison저자 Rev. Keith Morrison
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Hearing and Listening1 Samuel 3:1-14 Hebrews 1:1-2Rev Simon Franklin저자 Simon Franklin
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A glimpse behind the curtainIsaiah 6:1-8Rev Keith Morrison저자 Rev. Keith Morrison
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The Holy Spirit poured out for allActs 2:1-21Rev Keith Morrison저자 Rev. Keith Morrison
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How God uses our distinctiveness Acts 1:15-26 Rev Keith Morrison저자 Rev. Keith Morrison
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The Gentile PentecostJoel 2:28-32Acts 10:44-49Rev Simon Franklin저자 Simon Franklin
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Learning to live with our mistakesActs 3:12-19Jacquie Odell저자 Jacquie Odell
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One in Heart and MindActs 4:32-35Dan McQuillin저자 Dan McQuillin
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Palm Sunday : HosannaMark 11:1-11Rev Keith Morrison저자 Rev. Keith Morrison
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A new covenant저자 Rev. Keith Morrison
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Come into the light John 3:14-21Rev Keith Morrison저자 Rev. Keith Morrison
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God's framework for lifeExodus 20:1-17Rev Keith Morrison저자 Rev. Keith Morrison
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Trusting God when we don't understandGenesis 17:1-7 & 15-17Rev Keith Morrison저자 Rev. Keith Morrison
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TrustGenesis 9:8-17Dan McQuillin저자 Dan McQuillin
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WitnessingMark 9:2-13Rev Keith Morrison저자 Rev. Keith Morrison
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You are not forgotten by GodIsaiah 14:21-311 Corinthians 9:19-23Rev Simon Franklin저자 Simon Franklin
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Discerning’Deuteronomy 18:14-22Rev Keith Morrison저자 Rev. Keith Morrison
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Responding to the callJonah 3:1-5, 10Rev Keith Morrison저자 Rev. Keith Morrison
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Hearing the call1 Samuel 3: 1-10Rev Keith Morrison저자 Rev. Keith Morrison
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Epiphany : MyrrhMatthew 2:1-12Dan McQuillin저자 Dan McQuillin
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Epiphany : GoldMatthew 2:1-12Dan McQuillin저자 Dan McQuillin
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First Sunday in AdventJeremiah 33:14-16, 1 Thessalonians 2:11-13and Mark 13:24-37Rev Simon Franklin저자 Simon Franklin
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Glory RevealedEphesians 1:15-23Rev Keith Morrison저자 Rev. Keith Morrison
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Using well what God gives to usMatthew 25:14-30Rev Keith Morrison저자 Rev. Keith Morrison
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What is important and urgent now? Matthew 25:1-13Rev Keith Morrison저자 Rev. Keith Morrison
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A taxing problem’Matthew 22:15-22Rev Keith Morrison저자 Rev. Keith Morrison
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Taking responsibility’Matthew 21:33-46Rev Keith Morrison저자 Rev. Keith Morrison
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The equality of mercyMatthew 20:1-16Dan McQuillin저자 Dan McQuillin
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The meaning of forgivenessMatthew 18:21-35Rev Keith Morrison저자 Rev. Keith Morrison
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Doing conflict wellMatthew 18:15-20Rev Keith Morrison저자 Rev. Keith Morrison
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Passing on the BatonPsalm 145:1-7 2 Kings 20:12-19Rev David Bedford저자 Rev. David Bedford
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Speaking UpMatthew 15: 10-28Rev Keith Morrison저자 Rev. Keith Morrison
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Jesus walked on the water – Peter tried - would you?! - Audio
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16:13Jesus walked on the water – Peter tried - would you?!Matthew 14:22-33Graham Campling저자 Graham Campling
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Teachable momentsMatthew 14:13-21Jacquie Odell저자 Jacquie Odell
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Wait and seeMatthew 13:31-33, 44-52Tim Griffiths저자 Tim Griffiths
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Growing where plantedMatthew 13: 24-30, 36-43Rev Keith Morrison저자 Rev. Keith Morrison
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Still SowingMatthew 13: 1-9, 18-23Rev Keith Morrison저자 Rev. Keith Morrison
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Together we Hebrews 10:19–25Reb Keith Morrison저자 Rev. Keith Morrison
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Even a cup of cold waterMatthew 10: 40-42 & Romans 6:12-23Rev Josh Thomas저자 Josh Thomas
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Bursting to tellMatthew 10:24-39Rev Keith Morrison저자 Rev. Keith Morrison
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Keep it simpleMatthew 9: 35 - 10: 8Rev Keith Morrison저자 Rev. Keith Morrison
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Mercy not sacrificeMicah 6:6-8Matthew 9.9-13Dan McQuillin저자 Dan McQuillin
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We can do thisMatthew 28: 16-20Rev Keith Morrison저자 Rev. Keith Morrison
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Speaking your languageActs 2:1-21Rev Keith Morrison저자 Rev. Keith Morrison
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