komentarze do niedzielnego Słowa Bożego
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The monthly Kscope Podcast is presented by Billy Reeves. A new edition of the podcast will be available each month.
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To podcast o książkach
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Wasze ulubione podcasty w jednym miejscu
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Kshitij Real (pronounced Sh!t-is-real) is your place for the most real & raw conversations around Self-Improvement. Here we dive deep into the world of Relationships, Social Skills, Dating, Confidence, Charisma, Loneliness, Commitment, Intimacy, Self-Worth, Childhood Trauma, & Inner Child Work to name a few. The host Kshitij Sehrawat, is an international personal development coach helping Men get more Dates, have deeper fulfilling Relationships, & Build Self-Worth. He has helped 1 ...
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KSHP Radio is a radio station located in Las Vegas, Nevada providing a variety of content from Sports, Mortgages, and everything in between. To learn more about KSHP, visit www.kshp.com. Tune in locally in Las Vegas at, 107.1 FM or 1400 AM.
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This is a channel with HH Krishna Kshetra Swami's music and lectures runned by his disciples Mukunda-mala dasi and Madhai-jivana Nitai dasa. To jest kanał z muzyką i wykładami JŚ Krsna Ksetry Swamiego prowadzony przez jego uczniów Mukunda-mala dasi i Madhai-jivana Nitai dasa.
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Ministry of Pastor W. R. Moss
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A podcast about wrestling, movies, music, interviews, games and chatting with my son.
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The official podcast page for the City of Lawrence, Kansas.
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The KSN Podcast examines various aspects of our industry including condominium, homeowner, and townhome association law along with landlord/tenant law, property tax appeals and more. In each episode, Kovitz Shifrin Nesbit attorneys share their experience and insight as they discuss legal updates, best practices, industry trends, and more.
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Podcast o pracy korektora. Zabiorę Cię za kulisy świata książek i tekstu. Zobaczysz, gdzie się kryją błędy, i przekonasz się, czy korekta to zawód dla Ciebie. Zapraszam – Ewa Popielarz.
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Immigrant struggles
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Nazywam się Anna Jankowska, jestem pedagogiem, tworzę blogi: Aktywne Czytanie i Nie Tylko dla Mam. Zapisz się na NEWSLETTER, nie przegapisz wieści żadnych wieści: https://aktywneczytanie.pl/newsletter #książki #książkidladzieci #books #childrenbooks #aktywneczytanie
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Listen to weekly sermons or special messages.
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Podkast o audiobookach
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Wake the Bear Radio is part of a great awakening movement that is happening across this country and throughout the world where people are waking up to the fact that freedoms have been slowly and sometimes quietly removed from the public under the guise of policies of personal rights, equality and saving the planet. We dive into ”back room” deals, conflicts of interests, payed off science and other associations that the MSM conveniently leave out when giving you news for informed decisions. T ...
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Bookkish With Two K’s is more than just a virtual book club, it’s a place for bookkish besties. In this community books are better than movies, reading under the covers with a flashlight is a shared childhood memory, and FYPs are full of book recs. Every two weeks we will discuss a new book, either selected by Kaitlyn and Kendra or voted on by the bookish members of our community. Whether it’s listening to our podcast or chatting with us on our community pages we want to create a home where ...
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Podcast by Kstart
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Delivering deep insight on what’s hot in sports and in life while spreading positive vibes and knowledge
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Stevie K's Podcast Show - Great Music = Great Memories with fun topics and interviews by various people.
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U-Man and Favazz explore the back stories and interviews heard on KSHE, the longest running rock station in the country
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A Központi Statisztikai Hivatal podcast csatornája.
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A gentleman who is easy to say HELLO but difficult to say GOODBYE Cover art photo provided by Daniel Olah on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@danesduet
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Welcome to Kshelton81@gmail.com, where amazing things happen.
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Fellowship Bible Church is about helping people find and follow Jesus Christ. This podcast highlights the teaching from our weekend worship services. For more information about Fellowship Bible Church visit fbctopeka.com
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A family that loves God, knows God, loves people, and makes disciples of all nations. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, we welcome you to worship with us at Central Christian Church. Central supports you on that journey, providing exciting and enlightening opportunities for you to grow. Our community groups, equipping classes, and amazing fellowship experiences are all meant to assist you along the way in your walk with the Lord. Central Christian Church, Wichita Kansas
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Współwłaścicielka osmpower.pl. Pełni funkcje dyrektora operacyjnego, szefa redakcji i redaktor prowadzącej projekty książkowe. Mentorka autorów książek biznesowych i trenerka self-publisherów - prowadzi kursy i konsultacje dotyczące tego, jak wydać książkę, by zarówno przynosiła zysk, przyciągała klientów i wzmacniała wizerunek ekspercki. Więcej na www.wydajsamksiazke.pl Swoją pasją dzieli się poprzez wyzwania i kursy dotyczące pisania przyciągających uwagę tekstów. Na swoim Facebooku i w gr ...
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Mason and friends talk sports from a kids perspective.
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Hosted by Holly Lamb, Intuitive Cycle Mentor & Holistic Hormone Coach, this podcast is your space to reconnect with your body, honor your rhythms, and awaken your intuition. We’re ditching the outdated narratives around women’s health and embracing the power of cyclical living—because your menstrual cycle isn’t a burden, it’s your greatest tool for alignment, vitality, and self-trust. From navigating perimenopause to syncing your lifestyle with your cycle, we’ll cover it all—nutrition, movem ...
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Pigga samtal om musik och kultur. Inte trakigt.
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Here on the Mr. K's Super Show feed, we have three podcasts that cover your music and comic book needs On each episode of Mr. K's Super Show, Mr. K (Chris Karam) examines, dissects, and analyzes 60s, 70s, and 80s music with the help of a special guest! No aspect of the music is too trivial as we go back to a time when music was fun, brash, and dynamic, and it was all about spending your allowance on LPs, 45s, cassettes, and CDs! if you like the music of Led Zeppelin, then checkout our dedica ...
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Die Podcastreihe des Kantonsspitals St.Gallen bietet authentische, interessante und teilweise auch lustige Einblicke in unseren Spitalalltag. Neben medizinischen und pflegerischen Themen stehen insbesondere die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter im Fokus, die hier jeden Tag, rund um die Uhr für unsere Patientinnen und Patienten da sind und dabei grossartige Arbeit leisten. Gemeinsam stellen sie die Patientenversorgung im grössten Spital der Ostschweiz sicher.
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Na poważnie i z humorem o sprawach wiary w życiu codziennymNew podcast weblog
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KSS podcast teh best USER run podcast
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Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/NOAO/AURA/NSF Sorry for the space picture. We needed a picture that was 1400 x 1400 pixels to upload podcasts. Thank you for your understanding.
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Sharing my Learnings and Experiences with no non sense motivational talks; but practical advices as a serial Entrepreneur & Educator in the fields of Entrepreneurship, Closing, Copywriting, Digital Marketing, Advanced Communication, Branding, Career Guidance, Life Coaching & many more...
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Podcast about Friendship, from making new friends to being your own friend - corny I know :) but we really felt like we all need lessons in friendship especially now with social media affecting human connections. We do all this with a big sense of humor and cocktails in hand. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ksin-around/support
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W tym podcaście omawiam najważniejsze lekcje z ciekawych książek, by zaoszczędzić Ci czasu lub zachęcić do ich przeczytania.
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A conversation about relationships,family, dating and sex
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Helping You Save Animal Lives
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KSN Underground Podcast is a show focused on local Klamath Basin high school sports athletes, coaches, and programs. All based around a conversation between myself and our weekly guest. Often featuring Mazama Athletics. Episodes are scheduled weekly for Wednesdays.
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In this episode of No Fucks Given, Holly discusses the importance of understanding the menstrual cycle and tapping into intuition for personal empowerment. She shares her journey of connecting with her higher self, the significance of trusting one's intuition, and the transformative experience of leaving a conventional job to pursue her passion. Ho…
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Just an episode giving younthr listener an idea of what to expect.저자 Richard
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03/20/25 Historic Resources Comission by City of Lawrence저자 City of Lawrence
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3/16/2025 | David | Bearing His Name | Living Up to our Covenant Calling | Darren McClintock
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43:09Central Christian Church is a non-denominational church in Wichita, KS. We are happy to share the teaching of our pastors and friends with you through this podcast. If you have any questions or want to know more about us, visit https://www.ccc.org/ Sermon Notes: https://www.bible.com/events/49404750 2 Samuel 21…
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저자 Fellowship Bible Church
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In the beginning He was with God--"What Jesus thought of the Scriptures"
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27:35Today, we close out chapter 5 and discover how the Lord valued the scriptures. In His confrontation with the Religious leaders he points out how they rejected Him. In this message we confront the notion that the Bible is just a book written by men. Jesus certainly didn't see it that way.저자 Pastor W. R. Moss
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Episode 11: 03/16/2025 - Tim Champ - Sermons Through Songs/Way Maker - John 4:4-42
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29:1903/16/2025 Tim Champ Sermons Through Songs/Way Maker John 4:4-42 Song Lyrics Sermon notes
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Episode 17: The Pod Remains The Same (a Led Zeppelin podcast) #17: Becoming Led Zeppelin
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41:50We're back with a Very Special Episode of The Pod Remains The Same! This time, we tackle the new documentary, Becoming Led Zeppelin. This long awaited documentary delves into the origins of the band, from their upbringings in England, to how they came to be musicians, and finally, how they...became Led Zeppelin. The documentary is chock full of new…
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Like a quesadilla that isn’t fully melted, this book didn’t quite satisfy our cravings. Listen along as Kaitlyn and Kendra share their thoughts and alternative storylines for what they would have wanted from this thriller! Also keep reading The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store, by James McBride, airing on Monday, March 24, AND to get your copy of Sun…
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Guests: Connor Goodson & Chris DiMaria www.SportsXRadio.com
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Guests: Clint McDaniel, Curtis Terry, Jay Schroeder, John Murray & Marco D' Angelo www.tcmartinshow.com
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www.pushing thelimits.live
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W tym odcinku ks. Łukasz Turek i Paweł Kęska 📖 rozważają mocne słowa z Księgi Wyjścia, listu do Koryntian i Ewangelii św. Łukasza. 🔥 Mojżesz spotyka Boga w płonącym krzewie – mając 80 lat, bez sił, bez planu… a jednak to właśnie wtedy Bóg mówi: „Jestem, który jestem” i posyła go z misją. 🌿 Figowiec z przypowieści nie przynosi owocu – ale Bóg daje m…
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College Football Report With Coach Harvey Hyde 3-20-25
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56:23Guest Greg Katz www.harveyhyde.com
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Guests: Hondo Carpenter & Andy Iskoe www.sportsxradio.com
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Guests: Clint McDaniel, John Murray, Scott Spreitzer & Marco D'Angelo www.tcmartinshow.com
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Półtora roku temu ogłoszono publikację nowego opowiadania Stephena Kinga, zaznaczając, że nie znajdzie się ono w zbiorze „Im mroczniej, tym lepiej”. Na premierę „The Extra Hour” przyszło nam trochę poczekać, ale w końcu tekst trafił w nasze ręce. W 582. odcinku podcastu Radio SK, w wirtualnym studiu spotkali się Hubert „Mando” Spandowski, Joanna „M…
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Operacja traktor. Książki dla dzieci 6-10 lat https://aktywneczytanie.pl/operacja-traktor-biuro-detektywistyczne-nr-2-recenzja-ksiazki-dla-dzieci/저자 Anna Jankowska
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☕ Chcesz postawić mi kawę? Zrób to tu: https://buycoffee.to/fiszkowaKażda kawa to wsparcie, które przeznaczę na... więcej książek! 💖✨ Znajdziesz mnie też tutaj:📸 Instagram: www.instagram.com/fiszkowa_kartoteka📚 Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/fiszkowakartoteka🎧 Podcasty: Wyszukaj "Fiszkowa kartoteka" na swojej ulubionej aplikacji do słuchania podcastó…
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Guests: Marc Lawrence, Roxy Bernstein & Arthur Di Cesare www.sportsxradio.com
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Guests: Steve Lappas, Lindy La Rocque, Bill Cartwright & Stevie Slapshot www.tcmartinshow.com
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Dokonało się, kończymy dziś omawianie drugiej fazy projektu Wielkiej Republiki. W wirtualnym studio spotkali się Mando, Rychu oraz Jerry aby podyskutować o ostatniej powieści wydanej w ramach tego etapu, czyli o „Ścieżce zemsty”. Czy można tę książkę czytać jako autonomiczne dzieło? Jak Cavan Scott poradził sobie ze spointowaniem wielu wątków i ele…
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Guests: TC Martin & Chris DiMaria www.sportsxradio.com
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Guests: Tim Brando, Chris Bosio & Beer Man Bruce www.tcmartinshow.com
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Wake the Bear Radio - Show 182 - Trump Goes Deep into Game Theory Setting the Next Stage
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1:18:50President Trump brings up the auto-pen signatures during the Biden administration starting the new focus of what may become void, as in Executive Orders and preemptive pardons.저자 WTBR
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03/18/25 City Commission by City of Lawrence저자 City of Lawrence
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03/19/25 Community Police Review Board by City of Lawrence저자 City of Lawrence
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Dasz radę. Porozmawiaj ze mną. Książki dla dzieci 3-7 lat
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8:07Dasz radę. Książki dla dzieci 3-7 lat Napiszcie, proszę, czy przyda się wam ta książka? Znacie poprzednie z tej serii? https://aktywneczytanie.pl/dasz-rade-recenzja-ksiazki-dla-dzieci-aktywne-czytanie-samodzielnosc/저자 Anna Jankowska
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Kscope Podcast Episode 179: Gleb Kolyadin and Colin Edwin
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35:16In this episode we were lucky enough to catch up with two Kscope artists who both have new music to share with us. Firstly, we hear from Iamthemorning's virtuoso pianist Gleb Kolyadin who is celebrating the release of his solo album Mobula which takes listeners on a journey through cosmic landscapes, where imagination transforms the ordinary. Then …
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Guests: Case Keefer, Pat Kennedy, Brian Roth www.sportsxradio.com
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Guests: Chuck Esposito & Marco D'Angelo www.tcmartinshow.com
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03/17/25 Connected City by City of Lawrence저자 City of Lawrence
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