Build with Hari Rao is designed to help you walk with God, grow in your identity, and fulfill your God-given assignment.
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Identity is power! The idea of who you think you are holds power in both the visible and invisible worlds, fueling your capacity. It isn’t enough to simply hear God’s call; power is unlocked when you begin to appropriate that grace. It is about developing an internal, God-level consciousness, for your identity in Christ unlocks divine possibilities…
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“One of the servants said to Saul, ‘One of Jesse’s sons from Bethlehem is a talented harp player. Not only that—he is a brave warrior, a man of war, and has good judgment. He is also a fine-looking young man, and the Lord is with him.’” 1 Samuel 16:18 You cannot be a warrior on the outside if you aren’t first a warrior on the inside. This is the fo…
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Jesus is the greatest example of a king whose heart is not to exalt Himself but to lay down His love for others. Yet, Christ-like leadership is not devoid of self-respect and honor. Living a defeated life is not a Christlike life. What good would it be if David confronted Goliath on the battlefield, only to lay down his life instead of defeating hi…
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In the Kingdom of God, it is not the show of power or brute force that allows you to inherit a throne. The principles we engage in to rise within the kingdom are very different from those outside the kingdom. In the Kingdom of Light, it must be given to you by the Lord. Judah was not the firstborn, yet the scepter of kingship was placed on him beca…
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Knowledge alone doesn’t keep you from sin—resisting temptation requires more. You can know the secret yet lack the will & discipline to apply it. The last thing Jesus did before His crucifixion was pray—what an example of living in the Spirit! In Matthew 26:41–42, He warned Peter and the disciples to watch and pray, yet they fell asleep. Before tem…
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In this episode we learn the dangers of distance and how intimacy with Him is the key to overcoming temptation, restoring what’s lost, and experiencing true life in His presence. Proximity doesn’t equal intimacy. Judas sat at the table with Jesus; he was physically near Jesus but lacked true intimacy. This leads him to betray Jesus. The prodigal so…
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Are you prepared to receive a word meant to protect you from the enemy's schemes? If so, stay tuned. Think about it—how can someone have Jesus as their master, teacher, and friend—travel with Him, witness His glory, and see the might of His calling? How could someone who experienced miracles firsthand, who walked alongside God in the flesh, betray …
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In the Kingdom of God, we rise based on two aspects: >> The Word: In our previous teaching, we learned that we rise on the strength of the light we possess. There must be a Word in our spirit, birthed from a divine visitation. The bread of God is what sustains us! >> The Presence of the Living God: We rise in life based on our capacity to host the …
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“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.” This scripture in Isaiah 60:1-2 reveals a striking duality—while darkness covers the earth, a chosen subset of people will experience the glory of God. A specific light and grace can locate you that will cause you to rise—your light has come! At the arrival of this l…
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Through the life of Abraham, discover the principles that prepare you for victory, stewardship, and access to higher dimensions of grace & fellowship. Entering the promised land does not mean the absence of opposition. A blessing worth having is a blessing worth fighting for. Every promise land has certain giants that you have been sent to uproot. …
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In the Promised Land, one of the greatest challenges you must overcome is the spirit of famine. Abraham, the right man in the right place, faithfully built altars and walked in obedience, yet he found himself in a season of grievous famine despite being in the Promised Land. He had left Ur, obeyed God's call, and diligently built altars of worship.…
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“And Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold. And Lot also, which went with Abram, had flocks, and herds, and tents. And the land was not able to bear them, that they might dwell together: for their substance was great, so that they could not dwell together.” Gen 13:2-6 When a man sent by God enters an environment, the ecosystem yield…
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Most of us believe Abraham was the first to leave Ur in response to God's call. However, Genesis 11:30 reveals that Terah was the original visionary, the one who began the journey to Caanan. Something stirred within him, compelling him to leave Ur behind. Although the journey wasn't easy, the joy of fulfilling a vision was far greater than all the …
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“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” 3 John 1:2 KJV Prosper as your soul is prospering. Your soul is the epicenter of your life, and its well-being is paramount. As your soul prospers, it overflows into every area of your life. To fulfill God’s plans, your soul must be in a healt…
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Now the Lord had said to Abram: “Get out of your country, From your family And from your father’s house, To a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you And make your name great; And you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the ear…
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Join us for Part 3 of the series, 'Developing the Priest Within You' with Prophet Hari Rao, where we explore the profound stewardship and teaching role of a priest. Discover how Samuel, an able steward, prophet, and judge, exemplified managing God-given resources with excellence while leading others in the ways of the Lord. Learn why stewardship in…
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The ministry of a priest is a divine mandate. A priest lives in the spirit, not gratifying the desires of the flesh. They have gained mastery over that which enslaves a generation, walking in the authority and power that comes from a life dedicated to God. The function of a priest is to first birth the dimensions of God's calling within themselves.…
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We welcome you to join us as Prophet Hari Rao teaches from the life of Samuel, showing us how to develop the priest within each of us - our highest calling and primary function in life Even after Moses and Joshua led the Israelites from Egypt to the Promised Land, they frequently sinned and rebelled, which resulted in their captivity. In the Old Te…
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Welcome back to our series on faith. Join us as Prophet Hari sheds light on the enemies of our faith and how we can manage them. The bridge to anything in this kingdom is faith. While those who are in the flesh cannot please God, faith is the quintessential property that pleases God. Without faith, it is impossible to please Him (Hebrews 11:6). Fai…
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Welcome back to our series on Faith with Prophet Hari Rao! Join us today as we discover how faith is the core principle that shapes every area of our Christian life—by faith, we are saved, transformed, empowered, and equipped. Listen in and build your faith! By faith, you are saved: Salvation is not a result of your works but a gift received throug…
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Faith is the currency of this Kingdom. The kind of faith you possess determines the results you produce. From little to great faith, every believer must embark on a journey to grow in their trust and revelation of God. In this powerful teaching, Prophet Hari Rao shows us how to grow in great faith. Varying Degrees of Faith: We all possess faith in …
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Faith is the foundation and cornerstone of every believer’s life. In this teaching , Prophet Hari Rao dives deep into the core of faith, revealing its deep significance and practical application in life. Our faith is anchored in the Word! It is always in the present; it cannot be stagnant or stale. Faith is here and now! Many think that faith is ju…
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Welcome to our ongoing series, "School of Power," where Prophet Hari Rao takes us on a transformative journey from logos—the written Word of God—to rhema, the revealed, living voice of God that brings the Word to life. Have you ever longed to move beyond reading about encounters with God to become a part of them? To translate your study of Scriptur…
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Welcome to a journey of transformation and revelation in the Word! We are excited to invite you to join us as Prophet Hari Rao leads us through a powerful series on the School of Power. This is not the journey of accumulating; it is the journey of becoming. Prepare your heart to unlock the keys to victory, breakthrough, and stepping into your God-g…
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Do you want to learn how to become a carrier of great light, where your wisdom is not just heard but seen? Do you desire for your spirit to shine and excel like Daniel's? Tune in to this week’s teaching, where Prophet Hari Rao shares 4 practical principles that will enlighten and elevate you. 4 ways of coming to a place of wisdom: Prayer II Study I…
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The Spirit of Prayer
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Welcome to our podcast! Today, we dive into the transformative power of sanctification and how it shapes your destiny. Sanctification is a vital part of preparing for God's plans in your life. It’s not just waiting for a promising future; it's about partnering with the Holy Spirit to transform yourself into the version God has envisioned. Prophet H…
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Sanctification in itself is not holiness; it is the act of being set apart and being dedicated to the Lord for a holy purpose. Join Prophet Hari Rao on this podcast as he teaches us that the easiest path to holiness is through love. When you love God deeply, it naturally produces a holy zeal for sanctification within you. Where holiness becomes a f…
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Join Prophet Hari Rao today as he unveils the importance and power of a name. As you listen, may these profound truths sink deep into your spirit. While what you hear with your ears might be forgotten, what you receive in your spirit will remain. Jacob, a deeply flawed man named "deceiver" at birth, lived up to his name by deceiving his own family.…
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God’s eternal purpose was not just to change your destination but to transform your identity. When all the work on earth is done, your earthly titles will be suspended. The only everlasting identity is that you are a son within the Son. This truth should not just be intellectual knowledge but a personal revelation that resonates in your heart. Prop…
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The message of salvation is often oversimplified, focusing solely on making it to heaven, leaving a gap in understanding the original purpose. Many believers are consumed by titles and a work-based mindset. But one day, when every need is met and every soul is saved, who are you without these titles of a prophet, teacher, priest, and so forth? It i…
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The powerful truth of divine sonship is a fundamental doctrine. In today's teaching we dive into it from a biblical perspective. The truth is powerful when applied appropriately, but when exaggerated, it can become dangerous. While it is meant to bring freedom, it becomes burdensome when there is a lack of balance or a lack of capacity to handle it…
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Presence Of God
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The Voice of God
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The Breath of God
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The School of the Spirit
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Prophetic Partnerships
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The Bread of Advantage
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About a million Israelites left Egypt to acquire the promised land but only two were ready for dominion. It wasn’t because God was not on their side, instead it was because their mind was not renewed. Today, Prophet Hari helps us to renew our mind and uproot every limitation that is binding God’s people in perpetual defeat. In the book of Genesis, …
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Change begins on the inside. Real transformation begins from within and radiates outward. Too often, adjustments on the outside are hastily chosen for their perceived simplicity. However, inner change proves to be far more challenging yet rewarding. Join Prophet Hari Rao today as he brings wisdom and understanding that will change your trajectory. …
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The Book of Daniel reveals that Daniel enjoyed a distinct preference over the nation's presidents and princes. Daniel was preferred because of the exceptional quality and nature of the Spirit within him. Today, Prophet Hari is introducing us to a lifestyle that can transform us into preferred vessels. King Darius recognized the need to raise prince…
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Today's teaching will equip us with insight and keys on how we can manage our soul well. In order to have dominion over our entire being, we must learn to manage our soul effectively. Our body is designed to function in the visible realm through the senses. Although the body is capable of making choices, it is the soul that steers the body, influen…
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The book of 1 Thessalonians and Hebrews gives us an insight about how God created us, and that we are a triune being consisting of the body, soul and the spirit. Our body, soul and spirit were each created with a unique design and to fulfil different purposes. Each of them distinct, yet combined to function as one being. The body is the physical ho…
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While we were still condemned, sinners, and alienated from God, in His mercy, God sent His Son to redeem us from our wretched condition and elevate us to a glorious position. Today, Prophet Hari is reintroducing us to our inherent God-ordained design. In 2 Peter 1:4, we read about God’s promises that enable us to partake in His divine nature. God h…
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Possessing a dimension of grace is a cherished privilege enjoyed by a man of God, often a father. In this teaching, Prophet Hari unveils a profound Kingdom secret regarding the custodianship of graces and how embracing sonship enables individuals to gain insight and learn the ways of their spiritual father, thereby allowing them to partake in the d…
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Explosive Power of Sonship
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When God created man, He allowed him to experience both the Creator and His creation. Adam enjoyed communion with God. However, even within the garden, God observed him and remarked, "It is not good for man to be alone." This makes it evident that God wired man for connection and divine relationships right from the very beginning. Even though Adam …
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God calls Samuel a faithful priest, a prophet that would serve according to His heart and mind. In this teaching, Prophet Hari is revealing the DNA of a prophet and the keys to unlock the voice of God. In 1 Samuel 2 we read that the sons of Eli were wicked and heeded not to the corrections of their father. Therefore, God sent a man with a message a…
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Is it possible to have a title, and yet not fear the Lord? Today, Prophet Hari starts a series on the System of Samuel. In the book of 1 Samuel 2:12- it describes the sons of Eli as worthless men. In Israel, anybody could pick any job they like, except the family of Eli, who were chosen by God to be priests in the Temple of the Lord. Eli and his fa…
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The Church is transitioning into an important season. In this teaching, Prophet Hari is giving us the end-time formula which will usher the glorious return of the Lord Jesus Christ. The book of 1 Samuel gives us insight about a time where the Word of the Lord was rare and there were no open visions.The worst thing that could happen to a generation …
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