Emmaus Road Church in Fort Collins, Colorado seeks to be formed as followers of Jesus through faith practices, community, and liturgy. We desire to work for justice, love, peace, and hope as demonstrated through the life and teachings of Jesus.
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Sermon Scripture: Hebrews 13:1-8 Here in our final week of study through the book of Hebrews we see the power of love and hospitality in our care for one another. Learning to live in this way is how we connect ourselves to the miraculous power of God’s Kingdom. Through our interactions, each of us become the hands of feet of the Kingdom to others —…
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Sermon Scripture: Hebrews 11:1-3. 12:1-3 Stories of hope are so important for us. They are not only wrapped up in our imaginations as inspiration, but they empower our actual living. We look to those who lived lives marked with great faith as an inspiration in our challenges. We remind ourselves of the hope, of the faith, that carried them on. We a…
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Sermon Scripture: Hebrews 9:11-14, 19-22 The overall aim of the author of the Letter to the Hebrews is to convince Jewish Christians not to turn away from their new faith back to the Judaism they grew up in. He makes a case that Jesus is better in every way—greater than angels, prophets, Moses, priests who came before him. This week, Hebrews makes …
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Sermon Scripture: Hebrews 6:9-12 Hebrews is trying to stir up the faltering 1st century Jewish Christians who were ready to give up the game for lost. It’s like they were in a match that was tied-up at the end of the period and they saw no way of pulling out the win. Many of them were packing it up and just going home. Leaving the covenant of Jesus…
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Sermon Scripture: Hebrews 5:1-10 Theologian Fulton Sheen said that every priest is essentially a Jacob's ladder—that is to say, someone who connects heaven and earth. Thomas Aquinas asserts simply that the priest is a mediator, a bridge, between human beings and God. This week we consider Jesus as the ultimate and final high priest.…
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Sermon Scripture: Hebrews 3:1-6 For us, the story of Jesus and all that he taught and demonstrated is familiar and well covered ground. But, for the 1st century Jews, this upstart Jesus and his radical reformation of the Mosaic law was brand new, and depending on how seriously you took him, he was either who he said he was; the Messiah of God, a ha…
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Sermon Scripture: Hebrews 1:1-4 Hebrews was written from one devout Jewish follower of Christ to others struggling in their faith. A struggle that many of us are accustomed to today. Throughout this series we will dwell on the incomparable glory of the person and work of Jesus Christ; showing his supremacy over angels and prophets, priests, and the…
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Sermon Scripture: James 5 The book of James suggests that followers of Christ thrive through faithful devotion to God’s mercy and grace and a lived life of faith and works, reliance on wisdom to reorient the fickle motivations of our hearts, and to trust God with the providing, protecting, and ordering of our lives. But, we recognize that there is …
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Sermon Scripture: James 4 James chapter 4 feels like a set of three disconnected warnings to the early followers of the way of Jesus, but if we take a step back, we can see a common thread running through each. In verses 1-10 James warns against envy and material greed, in verses 11-12 he warns against judging others, and in verses 13-17 he conclud…
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Sermon Scripture: James 3 James argues that any pretense of being a follower of Christ that doesn't result in a serious working-over of our speech habits is falling short. How we use language — what we say and how we say it — is a central and vital part of what it means to be truly human. The real work of taming the tongue is not just about habit s…
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Sermon Scripture: James 2 In James chapter two we are reminded; that God doesn’t play favorites with who he welcomes into his family, therefore we shouldn’t either, we will be tempted to take our salvation into our own hands in an effort to buy it or manipulate it, when it remains a work of God all along, and that there are no shortcuts to our salv…
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Sermon Scripture: James 1:17-27 This week we begin to study the book of James. James does not read like one of Paul's letters where he addresses specific problems in one local church, rather this book is a summary of James's sage wisdom for any and every follower of Christ. James's goal isn't to teach new theological information, all we need is fou…
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Sermon Scripture: Ephesians 6:10-18 We all live at the mercy of certain forces out of our control, some of which leave us frustrated, damaged, or even completely defeated. Christians need to know that: (1) we are part of this struggle and must be able to recognize the forces against us; (2) we are called to stand firm against these forces; and (3) …
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Sermon Scripture: Ephesians 4:25-5:2 This week, as we continue studying the book of Ephesians, we see what appears to be a list of dos and don’ts to guide and shape our behavior, but really what scripture is reminding us is that the whole range of human emotion and experience is God given, but it is so important to use our strengths wisely and well…
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Sermon Scripture: Ephesians 2 We are all following a map, but is it the right one? Then, if we discover we are headed in the wrong direction we need help in changing course. By allowing God to reconstruct our journey, we might finally discover what we have been missing all along — a new way of living and being human that satisfies all that is unset…
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Sermon Scripture: Ephesians 1:3-14 As we begin a new four week series walking through the major themes of the book of Ephesians, we see God as the master architect of a beautiful plan bringing life to all humanity and all creation. God has a plan, this plan comes with promises, and engaging in them inspires our praise.…
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Sermon Scripture: Mark 3:31-35 There's an ancient proverb that says, “If you want to go fast, go alone, but if you want to go far, go together.” Throughout history, teachers of the way of Jesus have likened apprenticeship with him as a spiritual journey. This long winding journey of becoming a person of love in God is a journey that we were designe…
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Sermon Scripture: Mark 2:13-17 Jesus once said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” * He likened sin to a disease and himself to a healer. Trying to go on the spiritual journey of discipleship without healing from sin is like trying to run a marathon with a broken leg — you’re…
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Sermon Scripture: Matthew 26:36-39 Jesus once said, in this world, you will face trouble in this life. We carry our history in our body and live our past in our present, sometimes comfortably stowed away below the surface. but, all too often our unhealed emotional pain sabotages our spiritual formation into people of love. So the question for today…
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Sermon Scripture: Matthew 11:28-30 If you were to follow Jesus around for a while, you would notice a set of repeating practices. You would see him preach the gospel and heal the sick and cast out demons, and you would also see him keep Sabbath, read scripture and spend time in solitude and prayer.
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Sermon Scripture: 2 Corinthians 8:7-15 In most Christian churches, generosity is described as one of the core values of the Christian life. The Bible records Jesus saying these words – “it is better to give than to receive.” At Emmaus Road, one of our core values is Partnership; we believe “our faith calls us to give our lives away in service to ot…
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Sermon Scripture: 1 Peter 1:3-7 Life just just happens. We wake up, go about our days, years go by, and one day we realize we've been formed into a particular shape. Then, when we begin to walk the path with Jesus, we realize we are not starting with a blank slate because we've already been deformed, not into the beauty of Christ, but into the ugli…
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Sermon Scripture: Romans 12:1-2 Spiritual formation isn’t a Christian thing or even a religious thing; it’s a human thing. To be human is to grow, to mature, to adapt over time. Formation is simply the process by which our “spirit,” or inner person, is formed into a particular shape or character. Over a lifetime, we are spiritually formed by a comp…
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Sermon Scripture: Mark 1:16-20 Everybody is following somebody or something. We have all heard of a life lived following Jesus, but what exactly does that mean? Does it mean we believe in a set of ideas called Christianity, or go to church on Sunday? Does it mean we try really hard to be a good person? How do we follow Jesus in the modern world? Wh…
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Sermon Scripture: 1 Samuel 3 In 1st Samuel, God called the young prophet Samuel to his service, to which Samuel replies, “Speak Lord, your servant is listening.” Join us as our Colorado Nazarene District Superintendent, Dr. Virgil Askren leads us in considering how God calls us in many ways, along with the many ways in which we might respond to his…
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Sermon Scripture: Colossians 1:3-23 This week we hear the stories and look at the evidence of all that God is doing among us at Emmaus Road. We will hear from our pastor, treasurer, and each of our ministry leaders the details of our ministry over the last year and the amazing opportunities that lay before us. This is a highlight in the life of our…
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Sermon Scripture: Acts 2:1–21 On the day of Pentecost, we are reminded that the Holy Spirit will not be confined to temples or sleep on altars, nor will it be limited to a special, select few, instead it will be for all people and in all places. For some reason however, this was not the experience for most people who were gathered together on that …
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Sermon Scripture: John 17:6-19 God does not love and sanctify us holy in spite of the world, but for the sake of the world, and this has been his position from the very beginning. We have not always understood this, we have not always been very good at living this way, yet the truth remains, we have been given life, forgiveness, restoration, and ho…
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Sermon Scripture: John 15:9-17, 1 John 5:1-3 Christian faith involves trusting that at the center of the universe is a God overflowing with love for his world, which means that the purpose of human existence is to receive this love that has come to us in Jesus and then to give it back out to others, creating an ecosystem of self-giving love in all …
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Sermon Scripture: John 15:1-8 As Jesus describes himself as The Vine, and his friends as the branches, he is giving his followers key principles for finding peace and purpose in life — especially when things seem dark, bleak, or shallow. When you and I today consider how to live and love as best we can in the midst of challenging circumstances, Jes…
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Sermon Scripture: Luke 24:35-48 When Jesus designates his followers as witnesses, a term that becomes very important in Acts, he is saying that they have seen in him the fulfillment of God’s plan for the world’s salvation and that, by the very nature of that plan, they are called to share the story — to be his witnesses.…
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Sermon Scripture: John 20:19-31, 1 John 1:1-2:2 Like the disciples gathered in the upper room when Thomas asks to see Jesus for himself, we wrestle with the aftermath of the cross and resurrection. The season of Eastertide is one in which we wrestle with the hope of big promises and the reality of broken and tough situations. It is a time when we m…
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Sermon Scripture: John 19:41—20:18 To be able to honestly proclaim, “Christ is risen! He is risen indeed,” we, like the characters in our scripture passage this morning, must affirm that four important things are happening in our lives. You might say we are being invited to experience four things developing in our lives. Jesus makes and keeps his p…
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Sermon Scripture: Mark 1:1-11 As we consider the crowds who met Jesus in praise and later condemned him to death for not suiting their needs, I hope we can humbly ask ourselves, “In what ways (big or small), do we push Jesus aside when his Kingdom does not align with ours?” May we say NO to our preferential kingdoms, no to the kingdoms of the cultu…
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Sermon Scripture: John 12:20-33 Here on this 5th week of Lent it is not jumping the gun, nor stealing the thunder from our upcoming Easter celebrations to talk about the cross. In some ways we talk about the cross all the time, but in others ways we don’t talk about the cross enough. It would be tragic to not call attention to the subversive nature…
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Sermon Scripture: John 3:16-21, Ephesians 2:1-10 The Spirit’s work in our hearts is an open invitation of naming our imperfects and leaving them with Christ on our altars. As the Lord renovates the space of our lives, we often see the dust begin to settle right back where it has been cleared away. Today we hope to consider how to make the cleansing…
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Sermon Scripture: John 2:13-22 Today as we return to our lenten passages we make a jump from the Gospel of Mark’s accounts over to the book of John. Today’s text focuses on the question “What does it mean to be the faithful church of Jesus?”
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We are excited to have Dr. Floyd Cunningham join us to tell of the many wonderful things God is doing all around the world through Nazarene missions. The Pape family and Floyd were together in the Philippines for many years. FAITH PROMISE is used by many local churches to raise financial support for world missions. The Church of the Nazarene, of wh…
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Sermon Scripture: Mark 1:9-15 During the weeks of Lent we become especially mindful of all that alienates us from God, indeed, of the human evil that nailed Jesus to those rough beams. This we lament with sadness. At the same time, we understand that by his death Jesus secured for us forgiveness and eternal life. We are like; prisoners whose releas…
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Sermon Scripture: Mark 9:2-9 The season of Epiphany begins just after Christmas with the story of Jesus’s baptism in the Jordan river by John the Baptist. As Jesus emerges from the water, a cloud appears and a dove descends and the voice of God is heard to say, “You are my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased.” And here, on this day of Transfigur…
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Sermon Scripture: Mark 1:29-39 The Kingdom has come through Jesus for a specific purpose; to renew humanity and creation to its original design by overcoming the obstacles that prevent us from union with God and one another — but how are we doing at living this calling? How are you caring for your physical, emotional, and mental health? We can endu…
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Sermon Scripture: Mark 1:21-28 The Kingdom of Heaven’s authority is undeniable and it is not segregated to certain locations and aspects of our lives. And unlike the authority demonstrated by other power hungry rulers, the stance that Jesus’s authority takes is all together unique. It is so compassionate and focused on the welfare of humanity — you…
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Epiphany, Repent and Believe (It’s Just Not What You Think)
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Sermon Scripture: Mark 1:14-20 “The Kingdom of God is near! Repent of your sins and believe the Good News!” This simple, two sentence phrase holds the key to the entire human condition. It identifies what is broken and it offers the solution that God felt so strongly about that he came to dwell among us, just to show the way. Perhaps, the unfortuna…
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Sermon Scripture: Matthew 2:1-12, Isaiah 60:1-3 In this season of Epiphany between Christmas and Lent, it is customary to focus on the life and ministry of Jesus, because the revelation of God with us in Jesus is what we have been waiting for! In Matthew 2, the Magi demonstrate for us four elements critical to experiencing epiphany in our lives. Jo…
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Sermon Scripture: Luke 2:22-40, Isaiah 61:10-62:3 The community of faith matters! Why else would Mary and Joseph in their poverty make the effort to bring Jesus for dedication? How else could Simeon and Anna have known the tune which they were listening for? How else could they have known what consolation to bring to others? How else could they hav…
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Sermon Scripture: Isaiah 61:1-4,8-11, Luke 4:16-30 When we take up the call and join in the work of giving to others a garland instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of a faint spirit. When we work to build up the ancient ruins; to raise up the former devastations; to repair the ruined cities, the de…
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Sermon Scripture: Isaiah 40:1-11 And when God came in the Christ child born at Christmas, when God heard and answered our cries and dwelt among us, we were offered a gift which could never be taken from us. Was it surprising? Was it what we expected? Yes. This second Sunday of Advent, we too are offered the gift of peace, but this is not a blissful…
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Sermon Scripture: Isaiah 64:1-9 The season of Advent is such a welcome annual reminder that we desperately need hope, love, peace, and joy in our world, because Advent is all about longing and anticipation. It is a time to identify with the longing our spiritual fathers and mothers experienced awaiting the coming of the messiah in the first Advent.…
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Sermon Scripture: Psalm 95:1-7a On Christ the King Sunday we direct our attention into the BEING of our faith, because in God’s wisdom, through our church fathers and mothers, it is clear we need to exercise both our BEING and our DOING of faith. The invitation of Christ the King Sunday, of Advent, Christmastide, Lent, Easter, Pentecost is to enter…
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Sermon Scripture: Matthew 25:14–30 The book of Matthew packs a handful of stories about the return of Christ into chapters 24 and 25 and they all have variations on the same theme. Are we watching, are we waiting, are we ready, are we faithful, are we living the lives of devotional and action that we proclaim we are living? We often view the parabl…
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