The DryIceGuys Podcast, we are a group of friends that joke around. Most of our topics include; video games, movies, Tv, beans, and life.
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Colton (RNG) and his brother (Cameron) on childhood and fears
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In this episode RandomNintendoGuy's brother joins him to talk about their childhood and the different things that use to scare them as children.
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In this episode Jacob, Colton, Reginald, and Joey discuss growing up and acting your age and what are the worst things to lose growing up. Reginald will rant about adults acting like children.
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Episode 6 | 5/30/19 | In this episode Joey and Colton will tell some stories that they shared throughout the friendship, with some information about the future of DryIceComedy. Reginald will rant about laundry.
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Episode 5 | 5/18/19 | In this Episode Joey and Colton will discuss some very funny stories involving beans. Reginald will rant about spammers in Smash Bros.
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Episode 4. 5/16/19 In this episode we will discuss future video games with Reginald and Colton. Reginald will rant about Minecraft pranks that were pulled on him.scuss future video games with Reginald and Colton. Reginald will rant about Minecraft pranks that were pulled on him.
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5/5/19 | In This episode we discuss both obscure series of by Dry Ice Comedy "Carlos Vs. Scott" and "The Adventures of Bean Man" Jacob and Joey will react and comment, alongside Colton and Reginald with a little backstory.
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5/4/19 | Today we will be discussing Star Wars with Colton, Reginald, Joey and Jacob!
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5/2/19 | This the 1st DryIceComedy podcast. In this short Intro episode Reginald will rant about Fortnite. 5/2/19
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