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Travel King & Dr. Spin 我們是Dr. Spin,正在尋找我們的Travel King 致力於蒐集故事,並將其旋轉出去 希望能透過故事,轉變聽者對世界的想法 由5位交通大學傳播與科技學系大四的學生組成 這個podcast節目為我們的畢業製作, 我們希望能將跨出舒適圈的理念分享給大家 畢業成果展將於12/11~13於竹北新瓦屋舉辦 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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Dr. Andreo Spina interviews a diverse group of educators, athletes, and industry leaders in health & fitness. About Dr. Andreo Spina… A published author, and international speaker on the topics of joint health, human movement, sports performance, and injury management, Dr. Spina's training and manual therapy systems are currently utilized by practitioners world-wide including medical professionals and dozens of professional sports organizations, athletes, and performers in the NBA, NFL, NHL, ...
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In this episode, I sat down with @hunterfitness for what was supposed to be a series of short, Q&A posts. However, once we got going, we just kept going. As a result, we are releasing this as a full podcast! Some of the topics we discuss: Sport specific training, recent case studies, and training program alterations Programming for general populati…
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In this episode, I had the privilege of speaking at the Royal College of Chiropractic Sport Sciences of Canada (RCCSS) Move 2020 Virtual Conference: The psychological, biomechanical and neurophysiological implications of human movement. I discussed some foundational FRS® principles in our approach to injury management and athletic development. ⁣Top…
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In this episode, I sit down with Dr. Michael Chivers to discuss our ongoing development of the FRS Spine Practitioner course. We touch upon back pain epidemiology, historic approaches to spine training, the shortcomings of spinal literature, the evolution of the bipedal spine, spinal anatomy and neurophysiology physiology, and other topics. This ep…
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In this episode Dr. Spina sits down with Sport Specialist Chiropractor, and FRS Instructor Dr. Michael Chivers to discuss the functional anatomy and clinical management of the shoulder girdle. However, as is usually the case, the conversation ends up following a number of important tangent topics, this time related to the overarching idea of system…
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In this episode Dr. Spina sits down with Dr. John Saratsiotis Physiotherapist, Chiropractor, Biochemist, and lead FRS instructor to discuss a controversial topic in the world of manual therapy and injury management, namely the topic of soft tissue Fibrosis. What is it? How does it form? How does it affect force transmission and the many misconcepti…
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John Quint and I recently visited Tom Barry, Chief Operations Officer of Westside Barbell, and we’ll be co-releasing that episode in the coming weeks. For this podcast, John and I took the opportunity to sit down to discuss John’s history at WSBB and his relationship with Louie Simmons who was a pioneer in developing world, record- breaking strengt…
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In this episode I sit down with FRS Instructor Josh Halbert for a philosophical discussion about the concept of “exercise”. We discuss the merits of using an evolutionary perspective to view exercise, modern approaches to physical training, inherent problems with current approaches, and how to reframe intentions and results through training. Other …
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In this podcast, I sit down with FRS Master Instructor Dr. Michael Chivers for a technical discussion about the evolutionary perspective of anatomy with special attention on the hip joint. We explore how evolutionary pressures forged anatomical structures and their influence on the biomechanics of joints and how the FRS Bioflow model differs from t…
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In this episode Dr. Spina sits down with FRS Master Instructor Hunter Cook to discuss case study of a retired professional baseball pitcher. Though an FRS lens, Hunter and Dre discuss how this athlete’s training was managed over time with reference videos and photos of his progress. Topics covered in the conversation include: The pathophysiological…
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In this bonus episode we listen in on a meeting between Dr. Spina and FRS instructors John Quint and Dewey Nielsen as they discuss a variety of topics surrounding two cases of Jiu Jitsu athletes with very different backgrounds. Topics covered in the conversation include the cultivation of absolute strength in non-absolute strength sport athletes; h…
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Volume has largely been viewed as an endlessly positive quality to pursue in current strength and conditioning protocols. However, “more” doesn’t alway equal “better”. In this episode, Dr. Spina sits down with FRS Instructors John Quint and Dr. Michael Chivers to discuss programming and volume issues in training. What are the downsides of pursuing …
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LOAD > CAPACITY = INJURY. Using this simple equation as a starting point, Dr. Spina explores the idea of Load Management in professional athletics. Specifically, he discusses how a shift in focus to tissue specific training can hedge an athlete's tissue capacity against the increasing loading demands that occur over their career. Topics covered inc…
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In this episode Dr. Spina discusses the management of low back pain and what may be missing from your treatment and/or rehabilitation strategy. Topics include the evolutionary anatomy of the spine, the importance of re-establishing segmental spinal motion, the misunderstandings regarding neutral spine, the need for specificity in treatment and trai…
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In this episode Dr. Spina, along with his fellow FRS lead instructors Dr. Michael Chivers, John Quint, and Dewey Nielsen, takes a deep dive into the new Functional Range Systems Internal Strength Model. The conversation covers the evolution of strength training, the distinction between training for strength vs skill in high level athletics, contras…
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Dr.們的畢業成果展於2020年12月13日完美落幕 現在讓我們來回顧拾緣戲院的那三天吧! 場地聲音吵雜+人員眾多+場面混亂 還請各位見諒~~~ 🪐更多資訊: 贊助我們💰:https://pay.firstory.me/user/travelkingndrspin Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/travelkingndrspin/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/travelkingndrspin YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC66HMqPoDJRMvWRW7PgMVkg/featured?view_as=public 交大傳科系畢業成果展:https:/…
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In this episode of the podcast, Dr. Spina sits down for a conversation with conditioning specialist and Functional Range Systems Instructor Josh Halbert about a number of topics including his experience managing and training professional athletes, consciousness and its evolutionary basis, the physiology of meditation and its role in pain management…
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In this white board session, Dr. Spina sits down to discuss the evolutionary origins of human movement and how an understanding of those origins leads to better exercise selection and programming. Also covered is the concept of movement and exercise prerequisites – Play Basketball? Love yoga? Want to smash your WODS? You love to run? Just remember,…
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Spin Time第四集來啦 「千里之行,始於足下。」 第三季《生活中》採訪了四位朋友,,雖然沒有攀上最高的山巔,也沒有探入最深的谷壑,但他們專注在自己身上,高度的自律與自知,清楚認知到自己的行為,努力在生活中耕耘,懷抱著夢想,同時也腳踩著現實,踏實著每一步,總有一天,也會走到遙遠的山頭。 這集spin time,除了有分享團隊們一路走過來的辛酸與感想,也整理很多Dr.們的對於這季的看法,這季的朋友其實都已經很有成就,他們曾經也是莽撞著追著夢想,直到被現實磨去稜角,但他們沒有放棄,在一次次的洗禮,褪去了世俗,璞玉也將會成為鑽石,如果你也還為了現實與夢想的權衡苦惱,記得準時收聽我們podcast! 🪐更多資訊: 贊助我們💰:https://pay.firstory.me/user/travel…
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張藝,因為在IG上的各種角色扮演而出名,也持續在表演與創作中找尋自己的樣子。 「規劃人生,讓自己有更多籌碼可以轉換成自己的生活方式。」張藝有條理地說著,有別於IG上開放活潑的形象,私下的他其實很沉靜斯文,「其實難的不是演甚麼角色,而是將自己也融入其中。」張藝認為,利益與創作的權衡是最難的,去嘗試與犯錯,才知道平衡點在哪裡。 「酸民也是意見阿。」張藝輕鬆地說,酸民的言語或許會影響到情緒,但不會動搖到自己的信念,有時候也能在惡毒的言語中看到自己的不足,「創作最好的就是,能將生活的不如意轉換成藝術。」張藝認為,創作不只是靈感,也是生活的積累。 「其實所有角色在推出的時候就完成了。」張藝說,角色在推出的時候,就像煙火一樣綻放,並慢慢衰退,「做事不要有目的性,因為代表你會在意別人的感受。」張藝認為,先…
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阿材,dadiogaosai創辦人,aka 水源路希子 因為哈哈台而爆紅,後來去巴黎參加展覽,也因為哈哈台的回訪,而持續增加關注度。 「接受到很多惡評阿,不過哈哈台也是貴人。」阿材輕鬆地說著,很多網上的人,只覺得她是一個瘋瘋癲癲的人,浪費家人的錢,做著不切實際的事,「說不在意是假的,但在意也沒用,不如努力做好。」阿材認為,清楚知道自己的夢想與熱忱,遠比獲得別人熱忱來得重要。 「去到巴黎,身旁都是厲害的人。」阿材說道,在巴黎參展時,雖然與鄰居的攤位時常打哈哈,但其實他們都是非常成功的人,時常在各大雜誌與媒體露面,「他們都很有能力,但也很謙虛與和善。」阿材認為,或許自己很衝動與勇敢,但也還有很多現實與挑戰必須面對,必須在之中找到更好的平衡。 🪐更多資訊: 贊助我們💰:https://pay.fi…
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陳彥宇,台灣368創辦人 曾經參加志願役,但為了擁有更多自由的規劃,選擇退役,並用攝影與雙腳,走遍台灣的368個鄉鎮市,領略這片土地的風姿百態。 「生的請一邊,養的大過天。」負面的生長經歷,讓368從小就活在舒適圈外,每天都是挑戰,同時也知道自己沒有退路,只能往前,或許很悲慘,但唯有繼續努力,才有機會改變。 「花十年,把興趣培養成專長。」368說道,天上沒有掉下來的餡餅,花時間花精力,才能讓夢想不再是不再是做夢空想,找到自己熱忱,好好耕耘,總有一天回頭看,會感謝自己的。 🪐更多資訊: 贊助我們💰:https://pay.firstory.me/user/travelkingndrspin Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/travelkingndrsp…
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Cindy 陳詠芯,她在《亞洲超級名模生死鬥》獲得了第五名的佳績,並持續在廣告與模特不同領域中發光發熱。 「妳擁有所有的機會,但我不覺得妳想要贏。」參加《亞洲名模生死鬥》時,一位總監和Cindy說,讓她深陷自我懷疑,或許自己應該更努力,別枉費了別人夢寐以求的機會,「很多看好我,會讓我有點壓力。」Cindy說道,雖然不知道會走到哪,但面對每個機會,都該努力去做。 「初生之犢不畏虎,現在回去參賽,可能比較有經驗,但也會怕東怕西。」Cindy認為,經驗也會是種阻礙,應該要像個璞玉一樣,接受任何的琢磨,讓自己能精益求精。Cindy也說道,別設太多框架,成功與美都有很多種樣子,成為自己想要的輪廓,就是成功和美。 🪐更多資訊: 贊助我們💰:https://pay.firstory.me/user/tra…
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Spin Time 3 「讀萬卷書,行萬里路。」 第二季《旅途上》採訪了五位朋友,他們花了很多時間與精力,走遍世界,看很多的風景與人文,希望這些足跡,能成為未來自己的養分,他們可能放棄了工作,或是努力存錢窮遊,他們沒有光鮮亮麗的照片,卻有酸甜苦辣的回憶,背起背包,和他們一起看看世界吧。 這集整理很多關於跨出舒適圈的勇氣,最難的通常不是路途上的障礙,而是心中的那座高牆,該怎麼說服自己出發,如何在現實與夢想中權衡,放棄與獲得要怎麼取捨,這一季的朋友都提供不同的作法,Dr.們也以自己的處境,提供了一些想法,如果覺得自己陷在類似的現實泥沼中,記得準時收聽我們podcast~~ 🪐更多資訊: 贊助我們💰:https://pay.firstory.me/user/travelkingndrspin In…
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陳柔安Roann,旅行背包畫家,靠著幫別人畫肖像畫走遍世界,並將經歷出版成《我沒錢,所以邊畫畫邊旅行》。 「試試看,成功可能是一輩子,失敗只是浪費半小時。」這是陳柔安在第一次擺地攤賣肖像畫之前,一個志工老師對她說的一句話,這句話徹底了改變了她,是的,或許嘗試了,會跌倒會失敗,但不嘗試,可能蹉跎了一輩子。 「把感謝存留在你心中,去幫助你其他人。」一位曾在美國創業的大叔對她說,不要因為別人的幫助而感到愧疚,而是把她轉成感謝與動力,讓自己也有能力去幫助別人,讓自己與世界都能更好。 「覺察自己。」陳柔安認為他綜觀所有旅程,學到最重要的能力,是所謂正念,就是面對自己所有的情緒,不去逃避,孤獨、恐懼、歡喜、悲傷,全都要去努力地感受,對這些情緒有覺察,並將這些化為養分。 🪐更多資訊: 贊助我們💰:http…
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豬豬隊友,Scott & Wendy,曾花了一年時間,讓自己走遍世界,並經營著YouTube頻道《豬豬隊友Scott & Wendy》,用影片記錄與分享旅程。 「放棄與獲得,才是真正的跨出舒適圈。」對Scott & Wendy來說,旅行當背包客或許很累,但真正的挑戰,其實是心境上的,必須放棄穩定的工作,去旅行,旅行很棒,但不見得能獲得甚麼幫助,「但我們就是想去,或許就是這樣的心情,才能真正有收穫。」Scott & Wendy認為。 走過絲路,也去了南極與非洲等遙遠的國度,Scott & Wendy對於旅程沒有規劃,總是當天或前一天才做決定,「或許這樣蠻衝動的,但變化性也比較多。」變化同時也帶來更多的可能,不要害怕不確定,努力去做,嘗試看看,或許失敗了,也是最好的經驗。 🪐更多資訊: 贊助我們…
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Wu How,曾在小琉球開設民宿與酒吧,現在經營著自由潛水旅宿—Deepsoul。 「對我來說,從來沒有跨出舒適圈的感覺。」Wu How認為,他一路上走來,都一直樂於挑戰與突破,也或許從小生長的環境,就不是安逸穩定的,所以總是在堅持努力著。16歲就搬到小琉球上,經營著民宿與酒吧,後來追尋自己的興趣—大海,以最柔軟的姿勢,自由潛水,去親近這片蔚藍,並希望更多人認識自由潛水這項運動。 曾在非洲流浪,沒有計畫,沒有目的地,「不用有甚麼目標,舒服體驗過程最重要。」計畫能讓路途更順遂,但意外迷路,或許能讓經歷更加豐富。「一定會失敗的,所以反而不用害怕,做好最壞的打算。」Wu How認為,他更鼓勵大家趕快去失敗,至少知道那些行不通,都比不去嘗試還要好,失敗了還繼續堅持著,優過於坐在原地空想。 「爬山就像…
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Zina,畢業於政治大學斯拉夫語系,曾申請教育部的補助,去俄羅斯交換一年,並在結束交換後,自己一人在中亞流浪了40多天。 在俄羅斯交換的時候,Zina為了幫朋友找一幅畫,在幾乎沒有線索的情況下,跑到一個陌生的城市去尋找,雖然最後沒有找到那幅畫,這段故事卻被當地的報紙記錄下來,「雖然沒有達到目的,但獲得一個寶貴的經驗呢。」Zina認為,有時候雖然跟原先的計劃不同,但意外不妨也是段旅程。 「專注在當下,不會害怕。」Zina原本是害羞怕生的人,但為了體驗更多的文化,Zina決定鼓起勇氣,去與更多俄羅斯人講話交流,去沙發衝浪,搭便車到不同城市,遇到了很多有趣的故事,到最後她回頭看來,沒有最初的勇敢,這些都不會發生。跨出舒適圈最重要的,不是去到多遠的地方,或有多遠大的夢想,而是出發的勇氣。 「每個人都…
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融融歷險記 Ben,大學曾去過冰島與非洲交換,當完兵後,開始了他的台灣邦交國計畫,希望透過影片讓更多人認識台灣的邦交國 「我沒辦法坐辦公室,做那種重複的事情。」Ben在做完一年替代役後,清楚知道自己沒辦法從事這種工作,決定追尋小時候的嚮往,走遍世界,「父母雖然沒有完全支持,但還是偷偷塞錢給我,感覺很窩心。」Ben因此更督促自己,要花更少的時間與金錢,去達到目的,證明給父母看。 「不到當地,所有印象都是刻板的。」 「其實北韓也不危險,到處都有導遊拉著。」Ben因為北韓的旅遊影片,在網路上小有名氣,「但其實很多人對北韓還是有刻板印象,不是說它其實有多好,但可以實際走訪,體驗最直接的感受。」不預設立場,面對任何事情都應如此,「事先規劃,不如危機處理。」Ben微笑地說。 「與其走朝聖之路,不如去媽祖…
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Spin Time,Dr們的觀點和故事 「跨出舒適圈,很多改變是在內在的,會成為下次出發的養分。」 這一季採訪的六位朋友,都是前往不同國家,體驗不同的文化,在不同環境下覺察自己的短處,並發掘自己的優點,最重要的是,他們都回到最初滋養他們的這片土地,把這些養份帶給大家。這集我們整理了Dr.們對於這些受訪的看法,並希望經由我們自己的經驗,與這些故事對話,讓大家覺得這些故事不再這麼遙遠,而是大家都能看到的風景,我們希望這些故事一直旋轉下去,成為每個人前進的一絲勇氣與微光。 另外,Dr.們也分享了玉山的故事,所有你意想不到的故事都在本集podcast獨家呈現! 接下來三個禮拜也都會有玉山特別企劃,透過影片呈現給大家最有趣的上山過程~~~ 一定要持續鎖定我們的臉書、Ig、Podcast呦~ 🪐更多資訊…
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For over 20 years, Don has coached actors, athletes, musicians, and business executives pushing them to function at their fullest potential. In 2005, he opened his NYC Gym, Drive 495. He has developed a reputation for training some of the biggest names in Hollywood for the big screen. Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively, Jake Gyllenhaal, John Krasinski, Em…
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Birdie,香港人,畢業於台灣大學地質系 曾去過冰島交換半年,也曾去恆春打工換宿一個月。 原本就讀於香港大學,因為不習慣香港過於壓抑與快速的生活節奏,一直很想要離開香港。「不離開熟悉的地方,就永遠都是父母的小孩。」是Birdie在一次越南的couch surfing中,遇到的一個俄羅斯女孩說的,這也讓Birdie決定做出一些改變。 「不會一輩子都這樣,就去試試看。」這是Birdie從到台灣以及後來去冰島,一直保有的一個信念,跨出舒適圈,不適應和不習慣到處充斥著,但只要去面對,就不會一直都這樣,雨過總會天晴,一直堅持,才能在收起傘的那刻,看到天際的那道彩虹。 「不強求,反而無意間就達到了。」Birdie在離開冰島之前,原本只是想去一些景點看看,但因為一直躲避惡劣的天氣,反而不小心就環完島了。…
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In this white board session, Dr. Spina sits down to answer some questions specific to the Functional Range Systems, as well as questions relating to manual therapy as a whole. Topics discussed include – a detailed description of the purpose/utilization of Controlled Articular Rotations (CARs) for articular assessment, training, and therapy; the dif…
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小瑄,畢業於台灣大學財金系,曾參與國際奧林匹克學術研討會,與來自各地的人們,討論全球議題。 「跨出舒適圈,就是離開熟悉的人事物。」小瑄選擇參加國際奧運研討會,除了本身熱愛體育外,也想與來自不同文化的人交流,才發覺這世界很大,自己知道的很少。「在會議中,遇到很多人,知道自己的優勢與短處。」其實這就是我們跨出舒適圈的目的,只有真正的離開,才會聽到來自世界真實的聲音,對於自己的所做所為,給出最直接的評斷,而不是在舒適圈內,為了場面而說的話。 「參加研討會最深的感觸,其實是回到自己,想要去幫助更多青年。」小瑄認為跨出舒適圈,其實有更多的機會與可能,別讓自己的視野被侷限,去想去做,每天做一點改變,有一天回頭,發現已經走了好遠,會感謝自己的。 🪐更多資訊: 贊助我們💰:https://pay.first…
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陳諾,mujo mujo闆娘 高中就開始自己的耳環事業,靠自己到日本就讀語言學校 「沒上也沒關係 你要去的地方不是那裡。」 高中畢業後,有上了其他大學,但決定去報名台藝大獨招,但沒有上,或許命運冥冥中都有注定,陳諾才有了後來賣飾品,並到日本留學的決定。 「我連留學簽證都沒辦,就飛到日本了。」陳諾說,幸好日本有90天的免簽,還來的及補上,其實這也是跨出舒適圈的一環,事前規劃很重要,但是如果缺乏勇氣與衝勁,去跨出那一步,一切都只是紙上談兵。 「在當地的一個聚會中,有很多外國人,他們都做著沒有甚麼升遷與儲蓄機會的工作,在我們的文化看來,他們是不上進,但其實人生不就是這樣,且看且走。」陳諾認為,曾經的自己對於得失心很重,但其實遇到很多來自各地的人,會發現有人生有很多不同的活法,「放下得失心,不代表不…
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Kelly,逢甲大學外文系 曾到史瓦濟蘭、菲律賓、約旦做國際志工 利用教育部青年局的計畫到世界各地體驗當地文化 高中時,因為想要擺脫同儕之間的依賴感,嘗試去當國際志工,選擇遠在非洲的邦交國—史瓦濟蘭,Kelly認為夠遙遠夠陌生的國家,才不會像是去旅遊。出發前,家人對於這次的旅程,意見與想法上出現分歧,媽媽覺得難得的機會,但爸爸覺得是危險,家中的矛盾,加上旅費與行前教案的準備,蠟燭多頭燒,Kelly是如何突破這種困境的呢? 「選擇跨出舒適圈,會改變與別人的關係。」 Kelly從非洲回來後,曾經高中的摯友覺得她變得過於獨立,之間產生了許多摩擦。然而想要改變成最好的自己,必定會與過去有所分別,這之間如何平衡,或許也是跨出舒適圈的課題。 「放下成見,接受不同,才能有一趟好的旅程。」Kelly在看到穆…
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In this episode of the podcast Dr. Spina sits down with former research biochemist and 2X New York Times best selling author of ‘The Paleo Solution’ and ‘Wired to Eat,’ Mr. Robb Wolf. Robb has been a long-time authority on nutrition and has served as a review editor for the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, and as a consultant for the Naval Spec…
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Cadyn,加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學 主修藝術,副修商 從小在英語語系的國家長大,在選擇交換的國家時,去了一個母語非中文或英文的國家——西班牙。 「做最壞的打算,存最好的希望。」 Cadyn原本是一個相當保守的人,做事習慣先想好很多規劃,再去執行。但一到西班牙,就遇到當地恐怖攻擊和暴動,「其實發現很多事都在意料之外,與其想好所有情況,不如把自己準備好。」她認為,在這種環境中更能去改變自己。 「在西班牙買菜的時候,覺得大家都是一組一組人,只有自己是孤單的,在一個遙遠陌生的地方。」我們覺得這就是舒適圈的寫照:現狀和身旁的人不同,而進行改變時的感覺是孤獨的,但同時也會激勵自己去改變!「放掉一點矜持,讓自己去接受更多未知。」Cadyn說,離開熟悉的舒適圈,遠離自己熟悉的,才更知道自己應該珍惜什麼,也更…
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In this episode of the podcast, Dr. Spina sits down to speak with the Dr. Duncan French, Vice President of Performance at the UFC Performance Institute (UFCPI) in Las Vegas. Dr. French is globally recognized as a leading expert in high-performance sport and is responsible for directing sport-specific technical interfaces that maximize the impact of…
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Kai,政治大學 斯拉夫語文學系 為了去俄羅斯寫了50頁的企畫書才讓家人安心。透過旅行與交換,她獲得了很多特別感想與經驗,回來之後,在學習與生活上,擁有更全面的視野,並在實習工作中克服困難,在努力中獲得成就感。 和Kai聊到許多在俄羅斯的特別經歷,有參加時裝周的訣竅,也有在森林中飆車的經歷。 「學校學到只是冰山一角,走出去才能看到全面。」Kai說,其實去了俄羅斯旅行與交換後,對於學業、工作甚至生活,都有了許多不同的想法,「去試就對了,不會死就好。」其實不是做不到,只是缺乏嘗試。 🪐更多資訊: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/travelkingndrspin/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/travelking…
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In this episode of the podcast, Dr. Spina sits down with Dr. Corey Peacock. Dr. Peacock holds a Ph.D. in Exercise Physiology from Kent State University and serves as an associate professor in the Department of Health and Human Performance at Nova Southeastern University. As a researcher , he has contributed to multiple peer-reviewed publications in…
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「跨出舒適圈」似乎很難。看過太多成功的人們,分享著他們跨出舒適圈的經歷與收穫,每每聽完,都覺得這些人真的很厲害,對於自己,這些好像永遠遙不可及,獲得這些經歷,似乎只是更加確認自己的平凡無為。 然而事實並非如此,所以我們決定成立Podcast頻道《Travel King & Dr. Spin》邀請舒適圈外的人們,深入地了解故事的全貌,用這些聲音來告訴大家,這些厲害的人們,其實就在我們身邊,同時也透過故事,告訴大家,跨出舒適圈並不難。 Travel King & Dr. Spin是以人物專訪為主的網路廣播節目,專訪對象為各領域中,不斷地突破自我與跨出舒適圈的人們。內容從離鄉背井流浪、轉換工作到兌現夢想,談談一路上的挑戰與坎坷。另外也有「spin time」的環節,讓我們蒐集的這些故事,可以與我們…
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In this episode of the podcast, Dr. Spina sits down for a discussion with long time BJJ black belt Matthew Pasquale, and fellow FRS x BJJ brown belt, Mark Brunswick. ⁣⁣⁣ Topics discussed in this episode include: FRS internal vs external training and its translation to the ability to control yourself in order to better control your opponent Bendy do…
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In this episode of the podcast, Dr. Spina sits down for a roundtable discussion with FRS instructors Dr. Mitch Broser, John Quint, and Josh Halbert after teaching the first day of a Functional Range Conditioning certification in Chicago, Illinois. The conversation covers a lot of ground with topics including the common misconceptions regarding stre…
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In this episode of the podcast, Dr. Spina sits down for a conversation with elite performance coach Dewey Nielsen. Dewey has lectured world-wide on the topics of human movement optimization, mobility development, endurance training, and more. He has also worked with and consulted for a number of professional sports organizations in the MLB, NBA, NF…
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In this white-board session, Dr. Spina sits down to discuss a question that is vital to the understanding of any process but especially as it pertains to human optimization - What are your training goals? Do you want to build tissue/muscle? Increase power? Develop greater strength? Are you rehabbing an injury? Do you want to get better at a particu…
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In this episode of the podcast, Dr. Spina sits down to speak with Sports Specialist Chiropractor, and lead Functional Range Systems instructor Dr. Michael D. Chivers. Dr. Chivers has lectured world-wide on a variety of topics pertaining to human health, performance, and optimization. He has worked with countless professional sports teams and organi…
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In this episode of the podcast, Dr. Spina speaks with Sports Specialist Chiropractor, Triathlete and FRS Instructor, Dr. Roger Menta on a number of topics including the current state of the literature pertaining to soft tissue therapy, the science of mechanotransduction, force propagation in human tissue, how to effectively consume literature, spor…
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In this episode of the podcast, Dr. Spina speaks with professional Bodybuilding experts Seth Shaw, and John Quint. Seth is the Mens Bodybuilding overall winner at the 2017 IFBB North American Championships and is an active competing professional bodybuilder in the IFBB. John is a former bodybuilder, a Neuromuscular Therapist, Manual medicine consul…
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In this episode of the podcast, Dr. Spina sits down with his long time Jiu-Jitsu coach Joel Gerson, owner of Revolution Mixed Martial Arts with locations in the Greater Toronto Area (Canada). Joel is one of the pioneers of MMA in Canada and an expert in hand-to-hand combat/MMA instruction with over 25 years of experience. He is a 5 time Canadian Ji…
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In this episode of the podcast, Dr. Spina sits down with his friend and colleague Dr. Shawn Thistle, founder of RRS Education to discuss a number of topics including the philosophy of science, the application of scientific literature to daily clinical practice, the consequences of misinformation, how to consume research, and other topics. The also …
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