Hi, I'm Dona. I’m just an average American Patriot who loves God, her family, her country and tries really hard to listen to God’s voice. Oh, and sometimes I write stuff. Come with me and together let's explore this crazy experience we call life.
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Transgender to Transformed: An Interview with Laura Perry Smalts
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34:25In this episode, I interview Laura Perry Smalts, who lived for nearly a decade as a transgender man named "Jake," before realizing the deception of the transgender lifestyle and leaving it all behind. Now Laura not only embraces her true identity as a woman and shares her story at churches, conferences, and more, but she and her husband have also c…
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(Season 2, Episode 8) When the storms of life come, it's important to know who's standing with you. In the midst of his trials, the prophet Jeremiah said, "The LORD stands beside me like a great warrior" (Jer. 20:11). Who is the one standing next to you?저자 Dona Watson
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(Season 2, Episode 7) When we are down deep in the valleys is often where we see the Lord shine the brightest. Come with me today and let's talk about the valleys.저자 Dona Watson
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(Season 2, Episode 6) Thinking of the Passion of the Christ and talking about courage.저자 Dona Watson
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(Season 2, Episode 5) I want to talk with you today about heroes—and one of the most unlikely heroes of all, Gideon.저자 Dona Watson
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(Season 2, Episode 4) Did you know that Caleb had to wait 45 years for his promises to be fulfilled? Let's talk about it!저자 Dona Watson
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(Season 2, Episode 3) To commit fully to something is to not hold anything back. Let's see what Jesus Christ had to say about commitment.저자 Dona Watson
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(Season 2, Episode 2) The world need fearless warriors to fight for what's right. Are you ready to answer the clarion call? Let's talk about it.저자 Dona Watson
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(Season 2, Episode 1) Today's struggle is a battlefield for the mind. But the Almighty God of Heaven's Armies has not left us weaponless!저자 Dona Watson
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(Episode 35) Does your world feel like you're trying to bed down in a patch of prickly pear cactus? David knew that feeling too. Let's see what he had to say about it.저자 Dona Watson
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(Episode 34) As spring approaches, it's a good time to evaluate and work toward a fresh springtime in our hearts as well. Let's look today at what King David had to say about that.저자 Dona Watson
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Who Has Your Attention? (Or Fear-Mongers vs. The LORD of Armies)
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8:21(Episode 33) When it comes to life, whose lens are you looking through? Who has your ear? Today I want to encourage you to not be afraid! The LORD of Armies is in control!저자 Dona Watson
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(Episode 32) In this crazy life bad things happen. But when they do, are you prepared to weather them with peace and strength? Here's how.저자 Dona Watson
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(Episode 31) In this crazy life, we're sometimes faced with decisions. How do you know what's the right thing to do? We're going to talk about that today!저자 Dona Watson
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(Episode 30) There are days when we are so blinded by life's business and stress that we lose our focus. But if needed, God will go to extreme lengths to get your attention, like he did with Elijah! Let's talk about it.저자 Dona Watson
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(Episode 29) Are you facing a mountain today that seems impossible to climb? Let's talk today about how to make the impossible possible.저자 Dona Watson
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(Episode 28) In this life, we choose what we focus on. Where is your attention today? Let's talk about it.저자 Dona Watson
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Episode 27 - Do you realize how beautiful you are in God's eyes? His plans for you are amazing. Let's talk about it. :)저자 Dona Watson
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Episode 26 - Do you ever find yourself stuck in a dark valley where it seems you have lost your way? Know today that you don't have to go it alone.저자 Dona Watson
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Episode 25 - When you think of finding rest, what comes to mind? Completely unplugging from everything? While that might be useful from time to time, consider with me today that there might be a more lasting version of rest that is available to us.저자 Dona Watson
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Episode 24 - Sometimes we try to hard to find our destiny. Consider with me today--maybe you're already living it! Let's find out. (Scripture readings from the CSB.) https://donawatson.com/저자 Dona Watson
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Episode 23: God is so much more powerful than our enemy and stands ready and willing to strengthen us in the fight. The question is, do you believe that?저자 Dona Watson
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Episode 22: In our world, we are faced with what seems to be one impossible situation after another. But today I want to encourage you that with God all things are possible. Let's talk about it. :)저자 Dona Watson
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Episode 21: Our world today is in turmoil. Freedoms are threatened and godly principles are under attack. But take heart! God sees you and he has a plan. Let's talk today about finding peace in the midst of this crazy storm we find ourselves in.저자 Dona Watson
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Episode 20: How we handle ourselves in crisis shows who we really are. As we face a daily battle of good versus evil, are you ready for war? Let's talk about it.저자 Dona Watson
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Who likes waiting? Not me! But it is an important season. Let's learn why and what we can learn from waiting.저자 Dona Watson
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To gain the Promised Land, the Israelites had to leave everything behind that was familiar to them. But boy did they know how to grumble! Let's look today at how they--and we--responded to God's blessings.저자 Dona Watson
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If God is Spirit and we are here in the physical world, how can we approach him? Let's talk today about how to open the gates of heaven through praise.저자 Dona Watson
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Even though the disciples were with Jesus every day, they still had doubts when needs arose. Perhaps they were looking at the wrong thing! What do you think?저자 Dona Watson
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Sometimes life presents us with dark valleys where it seems we can barely see clearly enough to put one foot in front of the other. These are times when it seems that no matter what we choose, it will be the wrong choice. What can you do? Let's talk about it.저자 Dona Watson
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In Matthew 10 we find an amazing blueprint for how to live as God's warriors in today's challenging times. Let's talk today about how to overcome evil and wage war!저자 Dona Watson
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We're wrapping up the beatitudes today and talking about...WAR! What's it gonna take for us to hold the line? Let's talk about it...저자 Dona Watson
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Taking a fresh look at some familiar verses, specifically, the first three of the Beatitudes. Let's take a peek at what the original hearers might have thought of when they first heard these words of Jesus.저자 Dona Watson
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Good Friday is such a bittersweet day. Bitter because of we know of the anguish our Lord suffered. But sweet because we know the ending of the story! Join me today for a few thoughts about Good Friday.저자 Dona Watson
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Does it feel like you're facing impossible odds? The Bible has a few things to say about that. Let's look today at a couple of examples where that ended up to not be true. When God has set something in motion, nothing can stop what is coming!저자 Dona Watson
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Today we're taking a look at Haggai. What an awesome encourager he was! Could you use a little encouragement today? Come join me and let's talk about it.저자 Dona Watson
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Preparation may not always be fun, but it can certainly be exciting! And it always will serve to strengthen your hand. Let's look today at what Zephaniah has to say about preparation and strength.저자 Dona Watson
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7: How to Get Through these Tough Days with Unshakeable Faith
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11:41I had no idea the prophet Habakkuk could be so relevant to today! In this episode, we're taking a look at how his world had much in common with our own today.저자 Dona Watson
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Looking at Nahum today and how we can use those words to stand firm and unafraid today.저자 Dona Watson
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Let's take a peek at Micah and how his words can relate to us today. America might be in a hard place, but it's not too late. It's time to take back ground that the enemy has stolen from us!저자 Dona Watson
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Talking today about Jonah. Difficulty is a fact of life, but the secret to living a victorious life is how we respond.저자 Dona Watson
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3: How to Find True Peace and Contentment--Even When All Seems Lost
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7:31Have you ever known anyone who seemed unshakeable? Who seemed to never quaver in the face of adversity but was able to keep putting one step ahead of the next with joy? Have you ever wished that for yourself? Today I want to talk about how you can make that a reality in your life.저자 Dona Watson
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Hello, everybody. Welcome to podcast number two. I'm so glad that you're here. I wanted to share an encouraging word with you today about "Blessing and Obedience." It came out of my morning, quiet time. I was reading the book of Joel and it's very interesting passage. In this period of time that we're in right now, our country is in a really diffic…
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Things might look a little tough right now, but I want you to know...God's got this!저자 Dona Watson
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