Brighten your week with the latest BBC Radio 4 comedy.
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찾을 수있는 최고의 Comedy 팟 캐스트
찾을 수있는 최고의 Comedy 팟 캐스트
Comedy is something you can get by going to a comedy club or watching a TV sitcom. But you can experience comedy in a much more contemporary way. In this digital age, comedy shows come as podcasts too!
Listening to podcasts is hassle-free. All you need is a phone or a computer, and you can stream them right away when you're online. What's more interesting about podcasts is you can also download them for offline usage.
There's an enormous pool of comedy podcasts available now, ranging from those hosted by top comedians like Joe Rogan, Russell Brand and Bill Burr, to funny podcasts by rising personalities. Whether you prefer stand-up comedy, improv, sketches, or listening to humorous conversations and interviews, there's a comedy podcast that suits your sense of humor.
So loosen up and have a laugh with today's best comedy podcasts — we've gathered them for you. Let these funny shows have you LOL and ROTFL!
Celebration of 40+ years on the fringe of show business. Stories, interviews, and comedy sets from standup comics... famous, and not so famous. All taped Live on my Comedy stage. The interviews will be with comics, old staff members, and Friends from the world of Comedy. Standup Sets by Dana Carvey, Jay Leno, Tom Dreesen, Jerry Seinfeld, Larry Miller, Mark Schiff, Bobcat Goldthwait, Paula Poundstone, Garry Shandling, Ray Ramano, Cathy Ladman, Willie Tyler & Lester, and MORE. My web site has ...
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Download the best satirical comedy from Radio 4, every Friday. Features The News Quiz, Dead Ringers, The Naked Week and Too Long; Didn't Read.
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I took the Bonus shows from my main podcast: Standup Comedy "Your Host & MC' and started this second podcast. It is for listeners that want quick comedy bits on their Fridays to start their weekend. All shows are jokes, stories, and comedy bits by the Famous...and not so famous. Listen to a few and Enjoy!
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Selección de los mejores contenidos de Stand-Up producidos por Comedy Central a lo largo de su historia.
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#gags #comedy
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Comedians H. Foley and Kevin Ryan are self proclaimed GARBAGE. Each week a guest gets put to the test to determine if they are in fact ”GARBAGE” as well. It’s like a trashy comedy game show. Do you steal the shampoo from hotels? Own a George Forman Grill? Ever worn JNCO Jeans? You’re Garbage.
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If a joke's worth telling, it's worth repeating. Comedy Factory host Jane Testar collects our favourite skits, commentaries and funny bits that appeared on CBC Radio over the past week. It's an assembly line of humour, safety-tested and priced to move!
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Multi-award-winning comedy nights Always Be Comedy is finally exploiting those sweet, sweet contacts… WITH A GIG-THEMED PODCAST! Guests curate their ideal comedy gig: who would they have open? Close? What dream moment from their gigging days would they love re-enact at this gig? And what live comedy nightmare from their past must not happen again under any circumstances? There’s this and so much more...
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Join host Scott Aukerman ("Mr. Show" & "Between Two Ferns: The Movie") as he interviews celebrity guests like Jon Hamm, Bob Odenkirk, Tatiana Maslany, Allison Williams, and more. Plus, the show’s open-door policy brings an assortment of eccentric oddballs and characters who pop by at any moment to chat, compete in games, and engage in comic revelry. Now entering its 15th year, this podcast has led to multiple spin-off podcasts, a New York Times best-selling book, and a beloved television ser ...
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Tune in each week for another episode
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Подкаст на Комеди Клуб София с топ стендъп комедиантите в България и приятели.
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Comedian und Moderator Stefan Büsser seziert zusammen mit den Comedy-Autoren Aron Herz und Michael Schweizer die Themen der Woche.
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A podcast featuring old time radio comedy shows in original broadcast order with commentary.
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Každý má na všechno názor. Vy, my i oni. Všichni. Věděli jste, že když do Facebooku napíšete slovo "Nevím", tak vám vybuchne klávesnice? Zjistil to LUDĚK STANĚK. A nikdo nechce, aby mu vybuchla klávesnice, to je jasné. Nechce to ani jeho kolega MILOŠ ČERMÁK. Takže oba mají názory na všechno. A protože největší zábava je, když se o názory hádáte, rozhodli se tomu věnovat celý podcast. Tenhle. A zjistili, že hádky můžou narazit na jediný problém. Totiž když mají oba na danou věc názor stejný. ...
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Kluges Kabarett, witzige Comedy, scharfe Satire: Bei uns hören Sie Neues aus der Kleinkunst-Szene, "Angespitzt", die Kolumne von Helmut Schleich, "Zugespitzt", den satirischen Monatsrückblick, und vieles mehr.
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Werewolf Ambulance is a horror movie comedy podcast. Allen and Katie watch horror movies from all eras and of all qualities and then discuss them in a not-so-academic way (just as the name "Werewolf Ambulance" might imply!) and then discuss and rate them. The episodes do contain spoilers, so please watch the films before listening if that bothers you!
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Comedy legends including Jack Benny, Fibber McGee and Molly, George Burns, Bob Hope, the Great Gildersleeves, and more.
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Journalist/comedian Harmon Leon dives into the history of comedy; bringing podcast listeners some of his favorite comedy influences, cult classics, and all things comedy history. More at: More at:
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British Comedy Guide is a website all about UK comedy. We publish a number of different comedy podcast series.
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Hör auf dein Herz!
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The Brilliant Comedy of Jim Gossett as heard on FistfulOfRadio.Com and at the NewsmakerLine Comedy Shows (NewsmakerLine.Com).
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Presenting the people who make the Austin, Texas comedy scene amazing.
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Sachen zum Lachen bei WDR 4.
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A variety of audio sketches that I do with some random people online.
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LaUGhing about EvErything
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Grenzwertig & Geschmacklos? Genial & Geil? Sagt ihr's uns! In diesem Comedy Podcast geht's um den Wahnsinn der Woche, auf der Welt, im Netz und überhaupt. Macht euch auf alles gefasst, wenn Stefan Kreutzer und Sebastian "Schaffi" Schaffstein loslegen: Sie sind gnadenlos, kindisch, seicht und tief - und manche finden sie sogar lustig ... ;) #Satire #Comedy #PriseAnarchie #BAYERN3SamstagsCrasher
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Die SWR3 Witzküche arbeitet unentwegt an eurer guten Laune und liefert euch mit SWR3 Comedy täglich die Highlights in einem Podcast: Worüber lachen wir heute? Was regt uns auf oder an? Sachen, die Lachen machen: Jeden Tag neu, jeden Tag witzig und immer wieder eine Überraschung – zum Nachkichern und Mitnehmen.
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Chasing Comedy features professional comedians Brian Scott McFadden and Dustin Chafin as they dive deep into the chaotic world of comedy and the craft of Standup, exploring the nuances of joke writing, the unpredictable nature of live performance, and try to humorously make sense of the world while working out, or failing at crafting, that next great joke. With plenty of laughs and candid moments, join them as they tackle a lively exploration of the art of chasing comedy in a world filled wi ...
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Über die Welt könnt ihr euch wundern und ärgern. Oder auch einfach mal drüber lachen. Wir zerlegen die Wirklichkeit in ihre Bestandteile, verschusseln die Montage-Anleitung und setzen das ganze Zeug neu zusammen. Was dabei rauskommt? Ja gut, das sehen wir dann.
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Le One FM Comedy Club, c'est la crème de l'humour romand, tous les jours au micro de l'Happy Hour !
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Your host Aaron Trahan talks to one or more comedians or comedy fans about comedy and life in general. Please note older episodes are a random assortment of things I felt worth recording and putting out into the world.
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What's happening in bar comedy across the country with JerDog and Double T
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Comedy Dynamics Daily is your daily dose of comedy right at your fingertips! You can enjoy bits from your favorite comedians such as Jim Gaffigan, Ali Wong, Tom Segura, Tiffany Haddish, Jimmy O. Yang, Iliza Shlesinger, Larry The Cable Guy, Anjelah Johnson, Lavell Crawford, Eddie Griffin, Gina Brillon, Tom Papa, Maria Bamford, Preacher Lawson, Louie Anderson, Whitney Cummings, Jeff Dunham, Ron Funches, Kathleen Madigan, Craig Ferguson, D.L. Hughley and more! Visit to check ...
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Nonsense thoughts about the comedy and tragedy of life brought to you by your host, Ray Roberts. We deep dive into shallow things and gloss over the big stuff. It's not a podcast, it's a cult.
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From The Comedy Zone in Charlotte, NC, We're talking about the Charlotte Comedy scene and a lot of other things. New shows every week-ish. We are likely NSFW unless you work in a super-progressive place, or in a comedy club. Hosted by Jason Allen King, Jonathan Williams and Jordan Centry.
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Audio based long-form improv comedy.
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Aktuelles aus der deutschsprachigen Kabarettszene, zeitlose Satire aus dem Archiv, Premierenberichte, Porträts bemerkenswerter Kleinkünstler/innen, sowie Mitschnitte von Kabarettwettbewerben und Satirefestivals.
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A coming-of-age, slice of life, audio fiction comedy with a difference. Our ageing heroine shares senior moments, family relationships and adventures—entertaining and a wee bit provocative. In Season 6 some ancient Greek deities choose her to 'save the planet' - if she only knew what her superpower was. Written, performed and produced by Aussie-born, Liverpool-based actress, singer-songwriter and performance poet Flloyd Kennedy with guest performers on 3 continents. Please support the podcas ...
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Comedians and Comedy shows from classic Old Time Radio. Jack Benny, Fibber McGee and Molly, Fred Allen, Groucho Marx, and more. New episodes posted weekly. For FREE you can listen to and download all my OTR podcast at Feedback and comments welcome at my email: or @duane.otr on Instagram. - Thank you and enjoy.
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Join Bingo every Wednesday at 8pm EST on Twitch for your weekly dose of gleeful negativity, silly segments, live call-ins, and weird-rad comedy talk!
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Anders Fjelsted og Torben Sangild inviterer med ind i en verden af standup og diskuterer og dissekerer jokes teknisk, historisk og indholdsmæssigt med hjælp fra ugens gæst, der selv er komiker. Standup handler om alt fra flyrejser til døden, fra underliv til filosofi, og det hele bliver endevendt i Comedy-kontoret.
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It’s a comedy show about video games.
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Tom Beinlich zappt sich durch und serviert frisch das BlaBla der Woche.저자 Tom Beinlich
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Learn more about your ad choices. Visit저자 NacelleCast Studios
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In dem Late-Night-Talk „Karlsplatz“ mit Eva Karl Faltermeier und prominenten Gästen wird gelacht, philosophiert und auch das ein oder andere Tränchen vergossen. Gäste in dieser Folge sind Markus Wasmeier und Désirée Nick. Als Ehrengast und schamloser Kritiker der Sendung sitzt diesmal Eva Karl Faltermeiers Papa in der ersten Reihe und kommentiert d…
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Máme chodit do hospody s kamarádem v červené MAGA čepici? (490)
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1:25:39Dnes jsme se ponořili do hlubin Milošových osobních zážitků a kapsy u kalhot – klíče byly v hlavní roli. A zatímco on řeší osobní rituály, které balancují mezi roztomilostí a čistou nepraktičností, Luděk přemýšlí, jestli humor ještě vůbec existuje.Samozřejmě dojde i na literaturu, protože Book Club má před sebou parádní hosty. Tady jsou důležité te…
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IF HE ONLY WORE A SUIT (ZELENSKY) + Hear comedian Jim Gossett on Rob Carson's National Talk Show 12-3 on WMLB 1690 AM in ATL +
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1:15Hear comedian Jim Gossett on Rob Carson's National Talk Show 12-3 on WMLB 1690 AM in ATL저자 Jim Gossett
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The Anderson’s teenage son, Bud, is acting way too nice. At the same time, Jim is trying to avoid a phone call from the judge because he is afraid he’ll have to make a speech. In the end, these two occurrences join to make an interesting twist to the story. Originally aired on January 5, 1950. This is episode 20 of Father Knows Best. Please email q…
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everything is true! Golden Ox Studio rayrobertscomedy.com저자 Ray Roberts
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Andy Zaltzman is joined by Scott Bennett, Sara Barron, Alex Massie and Lucy Porter for The News Quiz recorded from Scarborough. In the last of the current series, the panel unpack the Prime Minister's Washington visit, aid cuts and defence pastes, silent albums and AI-generated essays. Written by Andy Zaltzman. With additional material by: Simon Al…
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Retrouvez Nina Cachelin tous les vendredis à 17h20 dans le One FM Comedy Club. Le One FM Comedy Club, c'est la crème de l'humour romand, tous les jours à 17h20 au micro de l'Happy Hour !저자 Media One Group
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Heute im Rückblick: Sonnenschein, Sondierungsgespräche und Merz-Schrittmacher...
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Send us a text Really fun short bit of standup comedy by Dana Carvey back in 1983 when he was a "Featured Act". You will hear a young Host (me) and Dana as we entertain the club audience. He references smoking as it was still allowed in those days. We did have a Non-smoking section; but really... did it matter, ha! Very funny and loose as usual, Da…
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The Always Be Comedy team (OK, James and Tim) have launched a spin-off podcast: Always Be Comedy’s Comedy Heroes. Each Friday, they’ll celebrate the icons, trailblazers and, in some instances, overlooked geniuses who’ve shaped the world of humour. Today's hero is Jasper Carrott! SELECTED HIGHLIGHTS Thank You For Being a Friend -…
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Thunder’s Mouth Theatre presents: yet another mini adventure in the life of our aged heroine Helen. Her granddaughter Susie phones up to apologise for standing her up last week, and after a chat with daughter Janey, Helen decides to attend a ‘gathering’ headed up by Susie’s latest bestie, to see what the fuss is all about. You heard Flloyd Kennedy …
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Groucho Marx | You Bet Your Life || Secret Word - Spoon ||Secret Word - Sky || 1950
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1:00:19Groucho Marx | You Bet Your Life || (77) Secret Word - Spoon || (78) Secret Word - Sky || Broadcast: January 01, 1950; January 25, 1950 : : : : : My other podcast channels include: DRAMA X THEATER -- SCI FI x HORROR -- MYSTERY X SUSPENSE -- VARIETY X ARMED FORCES -- THE COMPLETE ORSON WELLES Enjoy my podcast? You can subscribe to receive new post n…
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Eine neue Fluglinie, zwei verrückte Piloten, eine durchgedrehte Stewardess und jede Menge skurrile Passagiere, die es nur bei Schlager Radio gibt! Erleben Sie die Abenteuer von Lars Vader, Hans Ohlo und Fräulein Schieber jeden Tag bei Schlager Radio.저자 Schlager Radio
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저자 Comedy Central España
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Bonus Bang: Adam DeVine, Edi Patterson, Tim Baltz (Nutz 4 Snutz)
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1:17:41This is episode 3 in our "Nutz 4 Snutz" series, originally episode #614 airing August 11th, 2019. Adam DeVine, Tim Baltz, and Edi Patterson of HBO’s The Righteous Gemstones join Scott to talk about everything about their new HBO original program. Then, Bean Dip returns to talk about her new hot dog related business venture. Plus, Randy Snutz return…
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Are You Garbage presents stand up comedians and podcast hosts Chris Distefano & Yannis Pappas! We're talking about buying houses, cleaning your front yard and marriage! You know the History Hyenas, Chrissy & Yannis from stand up comedy, Chrissy Chaos, the Yannis Pappas Hour, The Joe Rogan Experience, Whiskey Ginger w/ Andrew Santino, Kill Tony, Sod…
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Chasing Comedy Episode 18 with professional comedians Brian Scott McFadden and Dustin Chafin! On this week's episode of Chasing Comedy, Brian and Dustin share their comedy war stories, discussing everything from the absurd decor of comedy clubs, inventive ways to move merch, the "heckle tax," the dutch angle, what makes comedy a contact sport, the …
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⚡ Подкрепи ни, като станеш член на канала:🔥 За още от Комеди Клуба:
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Steven and Miles discuss what they're giving up for Lent.저자 Catholic Comedy
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Who's that time-traveller running across the glass roof of the British Museum, being pursued by his own past self (probably)? FIND OUT in Young Howard's thrilling screenplay: TIME JUMP!More episodes:저자 British Comedy Guide
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(Recorded 03/05/2025/) Fogman Fest recap! / Dave Chappelle’s bad logo / Yellow Springs / New Wallet! / Bingo thinks Chappell Roan is FINE / AuxiliaryMode Affiliates is en ENEMY OF THE SHOW / Kidnapping!! / Goblin Mail presents!! / Yum Yuckers: True Crime Edition! / Pope cat! / C. Wylder holds his guitar like a BOSS / Horses!! www.masterroshi.comHWO…
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From broken mics to missing comics to drunk hecklers to tech disasters, sometimes Mr. Murphy is the real headliner. In this episode of Bar Comedy USA News, we dive into the unpredictable madness of live entertainment, and ask the age-old question: Why does the universe wait until show day to fall apart?…
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On 02/10/2025 host Aaron Trahan (@aaronmadeulaugh) sat down with Harrison Hess (@harryhess11) in the Brick Room at the World Famous Madhouse Comedy Club (@MadhouseComedyClub). We talked about Comedy and Life in general to find out just listen to the episode. Follow the podcast on IG (@comedyorworse)
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In this week's episode, we're discussing an often-requested 1987 horror comedy terrible masterpiece: "Blood Diner." Special topics for your consideration include: jokes that haven't aged well, upsetting lips, the pros and cons of actually just eating people, the absolute horror of topless aerobics, and...brothers? Are they brothers?? The 1980s was …
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Check out our Patreon: Today, Mikey Stephens joins to talk about the latest fantasy masterpiece by Obsidian, Avowed. The Show: @vgacomedyshow Jeremy Schmidt: @jeremyschmidt Mikey Stephens: @mikeylovesmikey저자 Jeremy Schmidt
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There's something different and familiar happening. Something the extended cold and dark has made us forget. Host Jane Testar feels like it and...the colour green?
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Frank & guests Laura Smyth, Sunil Patel, Simon Evans & Kyrah Gray discuss googling, goggling, groping, gropping and the correct way to punch yourself in the face. This is the panel game based on what we all sit down and do at least once a day - shop online and leave a review, as an all-star panel celebrate the good, the bad & the baffling Everyone …
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Read the article at Episode #348 Scott Wharton talks with Valerie Lopez about Being a prolific troublemaker Getting his comedy start in Virginia Finding home after 30 years Landing his first Moontower Comedy Festival with Dressed to Kill Recorded February 2025 at Fallout Theater Podcast Studio Follow Scott Website - Linktree - linktr…
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Jack Benny – Jack Tries to Rehire the Sportsmen. ep611, 470302
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29:30At the end of last week’s show, Jack fired the Sportsmen. Can he justify himself to the sponsor on his decision? Will his contract with the quartet support Jack’s case…저자 Keith Heltsley
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Send us a text This "Best Of" Series shares some of the best podcast comedy sets and interviews, and this is one of those...from new York, Mark Schiff. This shows features one of the funniest men in the universe, originally from New York...Mark Schiff, amazing Headliner and Standup Comic. He talks of his rise in comedy to touring with his Buddies J…
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Helfried - unverändert neu! Christian Hölbling & Maria Weichesmüller
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24:01Helfried – das Bühnen-Alter-Ego des Kabarettisten, Conférenciers und Sängers Christian Hölbling ist wieder da: mit der so typischen Hornbrille, dem braunen Trevira-Anzug mit akkurater Bügelfalte und penibler Krawatte. Wirkte diese Figur mit seiner strikten Art und verschrobenen Ansichten schon vor 25 Jahren ziemlich aus der Zeit gefallen, so birgt …
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"Zugespitzt" von HG. Butzko: Der satirische Monatsrückblick
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16:08Seit 1997 ist HG. Butzko als Kabarettist unterwegs, mit einer bestechenden Mischung aus Infotainment, schnoddrigen Gags und Frontalunterricht, wie er selbst sagt. Der Gelsenkirchener und bekennende Schalke-Fan steht für investigatives politisches Kabarett und intelligente Unterhaltung, für wortgewaltige Attacken auf Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellsc…
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CLASSIC - Luke & Drew Watson - A Crash Course in Marine Biology
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43:05REBROADCAST Brothers, Luke & Drew Watson join me for a day in the marine biology lab. Check out my other artistic ventures #improv #comedy #improvcomedy #improvpodcast #comedypodcast #longformimprov #nashvillecomedy #humor
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The hosts discuss a wide range of topics including music, comedy, and hypothetical scenarios. They explore the intricacies of Casey Musgraves' 2018 album 'Golden Hour,' sharing both their personal opinions and providing context about the artist’s career and album’s significance. The conversation then shifts to broader societal issues, including the…
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Man kann 20 Jahre Philosophie und Lebensweisheiten studieren oder man hört einfach diese SamstagsCrasher-Folge. Wir erfahren, warum der Versuch mit allen Mitteln ein Geheimnis zu wahren, am Ende genau das Gegenteil bewirken kann. Oder wie man sich am besten NICHT nach dem Skifahren ins Auto setzten sollte.Außerdem gibts schaurig schräge Versuche, M…
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