We are a Christian Church located in Anaheim, CA. Visit lovehopecity.com for more info!
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Imagine there was no Bible and you were personally tasked with describing what God was like and writing it down. Left to our own devices, people would come up with ridiculous assertions about who God is and how He operates. You see this in how faith has been misused throughout history. It’s the most amazing, beautifully preserved, cohesive, unified…
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We are beginning a brand new series on the biggest questions of life as it pertains to understanding WHO God is, who we are, why we’re here, how we should live, and (ultimately) where we’re going. Open a Bible and follow along with Pastor Kyle.
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We're joined today by Guest Speaker and Aspire CEO Dr. Kirk Mackie.
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Since we are entering February and “in between” series a bit, this is a good time for a message on relationships. The Bible is full of examples of relationships that faced challenges but remained strong. Today we’re going to look at one of the most unusual biblical friendship stories between Elisha and a wealthy Shunammite woman. Open a Bible to 2 …
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Episode 307: A (Re)New(ed) Heartbeat For The Church Around Antioch-Aheim
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42:48If our hearts aren’t beating for God and His interests, we’ll end up running from one dry well to the next, wondering why it never satisfies. GOOD NEWS! When God gives us a new heart it comes with a new HEARTBEAT! Open a Bible to the Book of Acts and follow along with Pastor Kyle.
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We're joined by special guest speaker Nazareth Rizkallah. He's been a professional comedian and motivational speaker for over 30 years and is a close friend of City Church. Open a Bible and follow along with us!
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There’s something powerful about seeing where something started vs where it’s going. Open a Bible and follow along with Pastor Kyle.
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Episode 304: Unconventional Resolutions To Thrive In 2025
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45:10Happy New Year! Pastor Kyle joins us with a sermon on how we can truly THRIVE in the word in 2025. Open a Bible to John 6 and follow along with us!
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We’re in our 3rd week of our Christmas advent series and we are covering the theme of “love.” We're going to challenge everyone to allow a renewed sense of love to “come down” into our hearts and into someone else’s life. Grab a Bible and follow along with Pastor Kyle.
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Today we are going to do some plumbing in your heart. There might be some leaks that God wants you to dig up and fix. Open a Bible to Isaiah 9:1-7 and Matthew 4:13-16 as we follow along with Pastor Kyle.
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Advent is the ultimate example of God knocking in our lives. Open a Bible and follow along with Pastor Willie as he shares a message of HOPE as we transition into our Christmas series "Make Room When God Knocks."
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Open a Bible to Acts 22 and follow along with Pastor Obie as he shares three steps to share our "elevator" testimony with others.
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Life is full of misunderstandings. Today we’re going to see the Misunderstood Missionary, the Apostle Paul. In virtually every situation of chapter 21, Paul was misunderstood. In the midst of these misunderstandings, he fought to keep the right mindset. Open a Bible to Acts 21 and follow along with Pastor Kyle.…
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For several weeks we’ve been studying Paul’s ministry in Ephesus. After a few months away, he returns to Ephesus for final night with them. After this, he’d never see them again. Open a Bible to Acts 20:17-38 and follow along with Pastor Kyle.
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Open a Bible to Acts 20 and follow along with Pastor Obie as he share on how we can be encouragers like the Apostle Paul.
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Today we come to a story where the Apostle Paul was walking into an angry Hornet’s nest. In an environment where many would panic, Paul stayed completely at peace. Open a Bible to Acts 19 and follow along with Pastor Kyle!
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Join us as Pastor Kyle continues our message series on Acts 19:8-12 detailing Paul's second missionary journey in the city of Ephesus. In this passage, Paul was determined to "dig in" and challenge people to follow Christ.
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Open a Bible to Acts 18 and follow along with Pastor Obie as he shares fives ways to know that we are growing as disciples of Christ.
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Today’s message is a message from your future self to your current self. We pray that this message inspires you not to throw in the towel and that in 6-12 months, you come back and tell us “THANK GOD I DIDN’T GIVE UP!” Open a Bible to Acts 18:1-22 and follow along with Pastor Kyle.
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Open a Bible to Acts 17 and follow along with Pastor Obie as he shares a few ways that you can build your own bridge to the Gospel.
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When a church leaves God, the Gospel, and the Bible, the Holy Spirit and the people follow. And it becomes a mishmash of things human beings can think up to do that “they think” might be good. At that point, it’s already lost. It’s a monument/mausoleum to the things of this world. Open a Bible to Acts 15 and follow along with Pastor Kyle.…
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Pastor Obie shares on how to turn to God when things in our lives don't pan out the way we want them to. Open a Bible to Acts 16 and follow along with us!
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Episode 289: How To Turn Relational Battles Into Real-Life Breakthroughs
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49:33Today we are going to see the early Christian church’s first real conflict and the power of the Holy Spirit working through believers in conflict to turn relational battles into breakthroughs. Open a Bible to Acts 15 and follow along with Pastor Kyle!
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Open a Bible to Acts 14 and follow along with Pastor Obie as he shares the 5 traits of Spiritual Grit.
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Imagine with me that you are brand new to Jesus, to this church and to ministry. Put yourself back into that state of mind. Today we’re going to see God start using the “new guy” Paul. We’re going to see the accomplishing of what God had always envisioned, the Gospel reaching the Gentiles and the Nations. Open a Bible to Acts 13 and follow along wi…
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Episode 286: Praying Through Problems: "God I Need a Favor"
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46:10Pastor Obie shares with us HOW we can pray through the problems in our lives. Open a Bible to Acts 12 and follow along with us.
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What is a Christian? To us who have devoted ourselves to following Christ, it is the most beloved, cherished title of our lives. Sadly, I fear the term has become somewhat tarnished in today’s culture. Perhaps the term has always created a mixed set of feelings to the world and maybe that’s a good thing. By the end of this message, I hope we all un…
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Is Faith and Family on a Comeback? - Digging Deeper Ep. 012
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42:33This episode of Digging Deeper is a follow-up to episode 11, where we explored the question of whether Christianity is on a comeback. Join us for part two of that conversation in episode 12, where we discuss whether faith and family are on a comeback.
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Jesus instructed the disciples to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth, but the change wasn’t really happening. Wanna know why? CHANGE IS HARD! The Israelites always wanted the Gentiles to get saved, but they wanted it to happen by seeing Gentiles becoming Jews. Jesus had a different plan. We’d all love to think that once we know Jesus all our …
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We're joined today by special guest speaker Daniel Gil. He's an incredible worship leader, motivational speaker, athlete and winner of the 2020 American Ninja Warrior Championship. Grab a Bible and follow along with us!
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Join us today as we welcome back Dr. William Nolte with a sermon on HOW God works in our needs, challenges and problems in life. Open a Bible to Acts chapter 9 and follow along with us!
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Episode 282: Saul to Paul: How Amazing Grace Changes You
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52:36We're joined today by Pastor Obie with a sermon on how amazing grace changes your relationships. Open a Bible to the Book of Acts and follow along!
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Join us as we welcome Pastor Willie with a sermon in the Book of Acts on how to join God in Kingdom work. Open a Bible and follow along with us!
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Is Christianity On A Comeback? - Digging Deeper Ep. 011
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31:09There have been many recent articles in secular media hinting to a possible comeback of Christianity. In this episode of Digging Deeper, Pastors Kyle & Obie discuss their take on this.
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Join us as we welcome back Pastor Obie with some lessons we can learn from Simon the Sorcerer's mistakes. Open a Bible to Acts 8 and follow along with us!
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Join us for a sermon from Guest Speaker Dr. Willie Nolte, open a Bible and follow along!
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Father's Day 2024 with Pastor Kyle, open a Bible and follow along!
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We're joined today at City Church by Pastor David Harris from Aspire Network, open a Bible and follow along!
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Episode 276: How To Obey God Over People Without Alienating People
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54:27Open a Bible to Acts 5 and follow along with Pastor Kyle as he shares ways for us to obey God without alienating our friends, family and neighbors.
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Episode 275: Instagram Spirituality – Gotta Be Looking Good
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49:08We're joined today by Dr. Willie Nolte with a sermon on "Overflow Grace" and what it looks like in our Church and personal lives. Open a Bible to Acts 4 and follow along with us!
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Open a Bible to Acts 3 and follow along with Pastor Kyle as we learn how to turn opposition into opportunity.
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Today at City Church we celebrate Mother's Day with Pastor Kyle, open a Bible and follow along!
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Today at City Church Pastor Obie shares 7 ways to live as a Church on Mission. Open a Bible to Acts 3 and follow along with us!
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Episode 271: An Uncomfortable Message for an Overly Comfortable Church
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43:25We're joined today by Pastor Kyle with an uncomfortable message for the Church, open a Bible to Acts 2 and follow along with us!
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We're joined today by guest speaker Dr. Willie Nolte, open a Bible to Acts 2 and follow along with us!
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Open a Bible to the Book of Acts and follow along with Pastor Obie as we learn the art of making Godly decisions and live as disciples.
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Open a Bible to the Book of Acts and follow along with Pastor Kyle as we dive into the Ascension of Jesus and how we can wait well for his return.
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Easter Sunday 2024 at City Church with Pastor Kyle.
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On Palm Sunday, Pastor Obie shared the declarations shared by Jesus as they came to Bethphage, to the Mount of Olives. Open a Bible to Matthew 21 and follow along!
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Open a Bible to Ephesians 6 and follow along with Pastor Kyle as we learn about the armor of God and how to stay strong in our toughest battles.
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