Regular Life topics that I see daily. Let's sit back and let's talk about real life situations.
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Interesting time we are in. Lol the government is closed.
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We are in the start of a new year use that time wisely. Analyze yourself and see how you spent the past year.
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Time is moving faster than ever before. There’s only 24 hours in a day, but so many things happen in that time frame that it can be considered a lifetime.
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Pay attention while your driving. Take a look to your left and then your right what do you see? People on their phones!!!!!!!
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Let’s have a conversation about finances. This is a tip I wish I would’ve been told at an early age.
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How powerful is your device that sits in your pocket?
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Let’s talk about politics for a few minutes.
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Why are you dropping all your money on clothes?
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Discussing a very interesting topic that only a few are touching on. With what I know now I wish they would’ve at least showed us the path about Business when I was In High School.
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Conversation about aggressive drivers on the road.
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