Storytelling, insight and compelling perspective on American culture and politics. Glenn Beck's quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality have made this one of the most popular radio programs in America. Watch The Glenn Beck Radio Program, Monday through Friday, 9am - 12pm ET on BlazeTV.
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Join clinical psychologist and mom of three Dr. Becky Kennedy on her weekly podcast, as she takes on tough parenting questions and delivers actionable guidance—all in short episodes, because we know time is hard to find as a parent. Her breakthrough approach has enabled thousands of people to get more comfortable in discomfort, make repairs after mistakes, and always see the good inside. You'll gain the tools to embody your authority while developing a stronger parent-child connection, helpi ...
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Glenn Beck sits down with notable guests to discuss big ideas, inspiring stories, and the origins of the extraordinary people behind them.
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Hosted by David Beckworth of the Mercatus Center, Macro Musings pulls back the curtain on the important macroeconomic issues of the past, present, and future.
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Lange samtaler om alt. Med gjester som Ole Asbjørn Ness, Danby Choi, Wolfgang Wee, Fredrik Sjaastad Næss fra Konspirasjonspodden, lege Dr. Torkil Færø, med flere. Nye gjester hver uke. ➡ BLI MEDLEM Fremover vil de som er medlemmer få tilgang til episodene først. KLIKK HER FOR Å BLI MEDLEM NÅ
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A weekly podcast featuring everyday people with an interesting story to tell.
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News and views about the world for those who want to change it.
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Tutti i culti andati in onda su Radio Beckwith a cura delle comunità del primo e del secondo distretto.
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X92.9's The Beckler and Seanna Podcast is your daily download of what you missed on X Mornings with Beckler and Seanna heard daily on Calgary’s Alternative X929. So if you slept in, or simply can’t do the morning thing, we’ll forgive ya once you hit subscribe!
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Dr. Beckett unretires to share sports card stories, analyses, and opinions, based on his six decades of intensive experience.
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In Beckers Bets spricht Christoph Damm mit Jan Beckers, dem CIO und Gründer von BIT Capital. Alle zwei Wochen teilt er seine Meinung über die besten Investmentstrategien und wichtigsten Themen, die die Märkte dieser Welt bewegen. Jeden zweiten Donnerstag liefert euch dieser Podcast Insights über Aktien, Kryptos und die aktuellen Megatrends der Investmentwelt.
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Empowered alien boy dropping truth bombs 💓👽💓
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Empowered alien boy dropping truth bombs 💓👽💓
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The Becker's Healthcare Podcast is devoted to the people who power U.S. healthcare. Four new 15-minute episodes are released daily containing industry news, analysis and thought leadership from powerful healthcare decision-makers.
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The Becker's Clinical Leadership Podcast is the essential podcast for clinical leaders who shape U.S. care delivery and access, treatment advancements, patient outcomes, and clinician engagement and wellbeing. New 15-minute episodes are released each day,
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The Becker's Payer Issues Podcast is the must-listen podcast exclusively created for health insurance executives. Two new 15-minute episodes are released weekly with the leaders who shape health insurance in America and the cost of care, policy and regula
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Adventures after divorce :)
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Der Fußballpodcast.
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The Becket Cook Show was created by Becket Cook to discuss relevant topics and to crush the lies of culture with truth. Becket Cook was born and raised in Dallas, Texas. After graduating from college, he moved to Los Angeles to pursue his dream of writing and acting, finding success in both. He eventually became a production designer working on fashion shoots for brands such as Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Gap, L'Oréal Paris, and Nike. Becket lived as a gay man until 2009, when he reluctantly agr ...
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The Becker's Ambulatory Surgery Centers Podcast is devoted to the business leaders, owners and administrators of ambulatory surgery centers. New 15-minute episodes are released bi-weekly containing industry news, analysis and thought leadership from influ
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Unlock the next levels of Love and Light in your life by connecting with angels, raising your vibration and embodying your highest light. Melanie Beckler is an author and clear channel of love who is passionate about sharing empowering messages, teachings and elevated frequencies from the Higher Realms of Spirit. You truly have all you need within you to elevate your life experience and start living your highest vibrational life... This podcast is designed to help you remember the truth of t ...
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The Becker's Spine and Orthopedic Podcast is the definitive podcast exclusively for clinical, surgical, and business leaders in the orthopedic and spine care space. New 15-minute episodes are released daily, join experts and surgeons as they delve into bu
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The Bible can be intimidating, right? There are 66 different books, more than 700,000 words, and all of it was written over a period of 1,600 years by dozens of different authors. How do we make sense of it all, and what does it mean for our lives? Amazingly, the Bible is incredibly interconnected with “threads” that run through it from beginning to end. In this podcast, Bible scholar and author Dr. Bruce Becker will uncover these threads, help you dig deeper into God’s truth, and inspire yo ...
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Merian Becker – Coach & Berater für Photovoltaikvertriebler und PV-Unternehmen Merian Becker ist Geschäftsführer des Photovoltaik-Vertriebscoachings und hat es geschafft, sich innerhalb kürzester Zeit vom Quereinsteiger im Photovoltaik-Vertrieb zu einem der besten Vertriebler der Top 5 Photovoltaikunternehmen am Markt zu entwickeln. Zusammen mit seinem Team hat er über 250 Vertriebler am PV-Markt erfolgreich gemacht, begeisternde Vorträge und Webinare gehalten und ist Geschäftsführer eines C ...
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Es ist der Tennispodcast, auf den ihr gewartet habt – und der einzige, den ihr ab sofort noch braucht: Boris Becker und Co-Moderatorin Andrea Petkovic diskutieren alle Highlights der Saison. Bei den beiden Legenden kommt alles auf den Tisch, was die Tennisfans bewegt: Grand Slams, Rekorde, tragische Niederlagen, harte News und wilde Gerüchte. Der Wimbledon-Champion und die Top-10-Spielerin kombinieren schonungslose Analysen mit steilen Prognosen und spannenden Anekdoten aus zwei Weltkarriere ...
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Beck Did It Better is a comedy podcast where we discuss the top 500 albums of all time as decided by Rolling Stone magazine. We don’t know the Beatles from the Beach Boys, but we are here to talk about it. We also give dating advice to our single friend.
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Tobias Beck’s Podcast ist der Podcast für Menschen mit großen Visionen und jeden, der den Traum verfolgt sein eigenes Ding zu machen! Tobias Beck und seine Interview-Gäste motivieren, inspirieren und geben dir Denkanstöße, während du beim Sport bist, auf dem Weg zur Arbeit oder gerade entspannst. Du bist auf der Suche nach neuen Perspektiven und spannenden Geschichten aus der Welt von erfolgreichen Unternehmern, Speakern und Menschen, die den Status Quo infrage stellen? Dann ist der Tobias B ...
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A podcast about reimagining the good life through the lens of disability, faith, and culture. Host Amy Julia Becker interviews guests in conversations that challenge assumptions about the good life, proclaim the inherent belovedness of every human being, and help us envision a world of belonging.
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Twangs of all stripes and stuff that ends in -billy.
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Parenting... just not as you know it. Join Rob & Josh twice a week as they share their tales of parenting woe and chat to celebrity parents about how they're coping, or not coping. Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available everywhere - new episodes are available on Tuesdays and Fridays every week.
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Take Back Your Mind is designed to guide you to take back your mind from worry, doubt, and fear, and to embrace what is trying to emerge through you: a sense of success, creativity, and your real, authentic purpose! Join renowned evolutionary leader, speaker, meditation teacher, award-winning author, and founder and CEO of Agape International Spiritual Center, Michael B. Beckwith, as he answers your Life Questions, guides you in meditation, and speaks with individuals who are on the cutting ...
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Tiktok star Rebecca Goodwin talking about utter crap, life and onlyfans with co-host Dick Bush.
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An improvised trip inside the minds of comedians Becky Lucas and Cameron James. Featuring Regular Musical Guest, Joyride.
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Een onschuldig gezin dat wordt aangevallen. Een gewelddadige seksbranche. Een arrestatieteamlid dat wordt doodgeschoten. Het klinkt als drie zaken, maar het is er één. In deze podcastserie duikt Ramon Kunst in de Zaak Beckum. Want waarom wordt een onschuldig gezin zomaar aangevallen? En hoe kan het dat deze zaak nog steeds niet is opgelost? In vijf afleveringen zoeken we antwoorden in een zaak die nog steeds gevoelig ligt.
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Hinter jedem Lebenssachverhalt steckt ein bisschen Enno Becker. Er gehört zu Deutschland wie die Autobahn und Krautsalat. Und doch kennt ihn fast niemand. Nur die Finanzverwaltung verehrt ihn wie einen Heiligen. Unsterblich wurde Enno Becker, als die von ihm entwickelte Reichsabgabenordnung im Jahr 1919 in Kraft trat. Denn damit legte er den Grundbaustein für das komplizierteste Steuerrecht der Welt. Tauche mit uns ein in die wunderbare Welt der Steuern. Erfahre viele spannende, skurrile und ...
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what i ate last night
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Music. It’s all about music.
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Das UNTERNEHMERWERK von Helmut Beck ist ein Podcast für Unternehmer, Selbständige und alle, die sich auf diesen Weg zu mehr Fokus begeben wollen. Wenn Dich Themen wie Erfolg, Motivation, Struktur, Systeme und Tools in der Unternehmensführung interessieren, bist Du hier richtig. Profitiere aus den Erfahrungen erfolgreicher Unternehmer, die wir aus über 1000 Geschäftsmodellen gebündelt haben und weitergeben. Du möchtest mit Deinem Unternehmen auf das nächste Level? Hier erfährst Du, wie Dein U ...
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In the early days of this podcast, Steve and Becky read stories and poems plus interviewed authors. Now, they talk with people from all walks of life about their hobbies, vocations and life experiences. Becky has written several fiction series under the name Rebecca Carey Lyles and two nonfiction books under Becky Lyles. Steve likes to write poems and songs. Learn more about your Let Me Tell You a Story hosts at
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Join Kail Lowry and Becky Hayter as these two rekindle their friendship and navigate the highs, lows, and hilarious in-betweens of life in their 30s. They’ll dive into the joys and challenges of raising families, staying true to friendships, and keeping up with pop culture - all while embracing the unpredictable mix of karma and chaos that life throws at them. With Kail’s unfiltered outlook and Becky’s infectious humor, Karma & Chaos is a refreshing, real, and relatable take on modern adulth ...
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Did We Just Debunk a Piece of the JFK Puzzle? | Guests: Shane Stevens & Scott Robertson | 3/27/25
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2:07:13Is the same pattern of the JFK assassination emerging today? Multiple hearings have occurred regarding the Atlantic reporter being added to a Signal chat with Trump Cabinet officials. Was the CIA involved in getting that reporter added? Glenn questions why the government would trust a private app to the degree that it's pre-installed on all governm…
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Nicole: ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ YouTube English: YouTube DE: German Rap: Instagram: Instagram DE: My DE Amazon: L…
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#872 Meistere dein Leben: Shaolin-Weisheiten für Erfolg, Respekt & innere Stärke | Shi Heng Yi
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51:34👉🏼 Sicher dir hier dein unverbindliches Beartungsespräch 👈🏼 Hast du dich schon mal gefragt, was ein Shaolin-Meister ist? Spoiler: Es geht nicht um schwarze Gürtel oder coole Moves aus Kung-Fu-Filmen. In dieser inspirierenden Podcastfolge spreche ich mit einem echten Shaolin-Meister – Bestsellerautor, Speaker und vor allem: ein Mann, der weiß, wie m…
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In diesem Podcast beleuchtet Helmut Beck, wie Steuerberater ausgebildet werden und warum die eigentliche Beratung dabei oft nicht im Vordergrund steht. Stattdessen dominiert die Bürokratie den Berufsalltag, was dazu führt, dass viele Steuerberater eher verwalten als beraten. Für mittelständische Unternehmer stellt sich die Frage, ob ihr Steuerberat…
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Best of Beck Did it Better: Aretha Franklin: Lady Soul (1968)
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1:32:24Aretha Franklin was born on March 25th 1942 (people love this bit) so it would have been her 83rd birthday. Let's celebrate by listening to us talk about her. What a perfect gift! We are all over the place so we might be taking a few weeks off but you should take some time to listen to this old episode that we all agreed was "pretty good"…
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Ep 250 | 'Britain Is a Failed State': PM Truss BLASTS UK's Decline | The Glenn Beck Podcast
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1:12:34Liz Truss, former prime minister of the United Kingdom, says she wants to be part of the “second American revolution” — “Trump-style.” With “Britian heading for bankruptcy,” “grooming gangs,” unchecked immigration, and the rising threat of Islamism, is it too late to Make Europe Great Again? Despite an unhinged deep state and free-speech crackdowns…
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Joining us this episode to discuss the highs and lows of parenting (and life) is the broadcaster and writer and national treasure - Gyles Brandreth. You can listen to his brilliant podcast 'Rosebud' HERE Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available everywhere every Tuesday and Friday. Please subscribe and leave a rating and review you filthy stre…
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Dr. Praveen Reddy, CEO of the Center for Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery
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10:25In this episode, Dr. Praveen Reddy, CEO of the Center for Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery, shares insights on the future of spine surgery. He discusses the impact of robotic and endoscopic techniques, the shift to ambulatory surgery centers, and the role of value-based care in reducing healthcare costs while maintaining quality outcomes.…
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Sameer Sethi, SVP and Chief AI & Insights Officer at Hackensack Meridian Health
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20:57In this episode, Sameer Sethi, SVP and Chief AI & Insights Officer at Hackensack Meridian Health, shares how the health system is leading the way in AI adoption. From scaling automation to embedding AI into clinical workflows, he discusses key innovations, challenges, and the future of AI-driven healthcare.…
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Support The Becket Cook Show on Patreon! NOTE: When you sign up for Patreon, PLEASE do it through a web browser (Safari, Chrome, etc.) and NOT an app on your iPhone. The Apple app charges 30% !!! If you just click on the link above, it should be fine. In this episode, Becket Cook chats with Kirk Cameron about his new kids show, “Iggy and Mr. Kirk.”…
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Unleashing Healthcare Innovation with David Goldberg, Dr. Tom McClellan & Jeremy Kimmel
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20:08In this episode, David Goldberg, President and CEO, Mon Health System, Davis Health System-Vandalia Northern Region; Executive Vice President, Vandalia Health, Dr. Tom McClellan, CEO of Intermed Labs, and Jeremy Kimmel, VP of Commercial Development at Intermed Labs, discuss how their collaboration is driving rapid healthcare innovation. They share …
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Idit Ohel – Moren til Alon Ohel som fortsatt sitter som gissel hos hamas.
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17:50Vi ble invitert hjem til Idit Ohel, moren til 24 år gamle Alon Ohel, som fortsatt sitter fanget som gissel, i mørket 40 meter under bakken. Der sitter han lenket fast i tunnellene. Alene. Idit fortalte om sønnen og lot oss bli kjent med ham. Hun bruker hvert våkne sekund til å kjempe for sønnens overlevelse. Vennligst hjelp henne, med å spre budska…
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Best of the Program | Guests: Shane Stevens & Scott Robertson | 3/27/25
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43:33Multiple hearings have occurred regarding the Atlantic reporter being added to a Signal chat with Trump cabinet officials. Was the CIA involved in getting that reporter added? Glenn questions why the government would trust a private app to the degree that it's preinstalled on all government-issued phones. Glenn speaks with Shane Stevens, the grands…
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Beckler & Seanna talk about knots, specific coughs, and political gimmicks.저자 X92.9
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Dr. Praveen Reddy, CEO of the Center for Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery
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10:25In this episode, Dr. Praveen Reddy, CEO of the Center for Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery, shares insights on the future of spine surgery. He discusses the impact of robotic and endoscopic techniques, the shift to ambulatory surgery centers, and the role of value-based care in reducing healthcare costs while maintaining quality outcomes.…
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Dr. Praveen Reddy, CEO of the Center for Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery
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10:25In this episode, Dr. Praveen Reddy, CEO of the Center for Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery, shares insights on the future of spine surgery. He discusses the impact of robotic and endoscopic techniques, the shift to ambulatory surgery centers, and the role of value-based care in reducing healthcare costs while maintaining quality outcomes.…
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In this episode, Scott Becker covers seven major healthcare stories, from layoffs at Washington Health System and Penn Medicine to policy changes, hospital consolidations, and leadership updates—including Dr. Mehmet Oz’s CMS confirmation progress.저자 Becker's Healthcare
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US Wages Economic War on China, But It Won’t Stop Its Rise w/ Ben Norton
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1:01:50The US is waging an economic war on China while threatening Chinese students here on student visas. But China has maintained huge economic and social growth, in spite of severe economic sanctions and new tariffs. Brian Becker is joined by Ben Norton, an investigative journalist currently based in Beijing, and the editor of the independent news webs…
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Anisha Sood, Chief Financial and Strategy Officer at First Choice Health
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12:50This episode, recorded live at the Becker’s Healthcare 12th Annual CEO + CFO Roundtable, features Anisha Sood, Chief Financial and Strategy Officer at First Choice Health. She shares insights on cybersecurity, AI-driven efficiencies in prior authorizations, and the evolving role of provider partnerships in healthcare administration. Anisha also dis…
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Heather O’Sullivan, APRN, President and COO of Healthcare at Home at Mass General Brigham
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18:51In this episode, Heather O’Sullivan, APRN, President and COO of Healthcare at Home at Mass General Brigham, discusses the rapid expansion of the Home Hospital model, its impact on patient outcomes, and the challenges of scaling home-based acute care. She shares insights on how this innovative approach is addressing hospital capacity issues, enhanci…
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Webb Pierce - "'Cause I Love You" [0:00:00] Ray Price - "Heart Over Mind" [0:05:45] Benny Barnes - "It's My Mind That's Broken" [0:08:29] Linda Brannon - "Wherever You Are" [0:10:46] Vernon Stewart - "I'll Still Love You" [0:12:53] Webb Pierce - "Yes I Know Why" [0:14:59] Music behind DJ: Buzzy Brant - "Valley of the Moon" [0:17:25] Carl Perkins - …
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Dr. Chris DeFlitch, Vice President and Chief Medical Information Officer at Penn State Health
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27:27In this episode, Dr. Chris DeFlitch, Vice President and Chief Medical Information Officer at Penn State Health, discusses the health system’s rapid transformation. From pioneering EHR advancements to Penn State’s impactful philanthropic efforts like the Four Diamonds Fund, Dr. DeFlitch shares how technology and community-driven care are shaping the…
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Brian Canfield, President & CEO of Blessing Health System
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13:45In this episode, Brian Canfield, President & CEO of Blessing Health System, discusses his career journey, the evolving priorities at Blessing Health, and the system’s biggest investment yet—a transition to Epic. He shares insights on workforce challenges, retaining top talent, and the importance of clinician leadership in major organizational shift…
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Why Glenn Now Questions the JFK Assassination Narrative | Guest: Allie Beth Stuckey | 3/26/25
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2:09:46Texas Democrat Rep. Jasmine Crockett is under fire for referring to Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R), who is paralyzed and in a wheelchair, as “Governor Hot Wheels.” Glenn and Stu discuss Crockett, her unbelievable defense of the scandal, and her influence on the Democratic Party. B-2 stealth bombers appear to be en route to the Middle East. Is this just…
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Best of the Program | Guest: Allie Beth Stuckey | 3/26/25
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49:38Texas Democrat Rep. Jasmine Crockett is under fire for referring to Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R), who is paralyzed and in a wheelchair, as “Governor Hot Wheels.” Glenn and Stu discuss Crockett, her unbelievable defense of the scandal, and her influence on the Democratic Party. BlazeTV host of "Relatable" Allie Beth Stuckey joins to discuss her inspir…
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Healthcare Finance Trends: Profits, Challenges & Future Outlook with Alan Condon
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7:20In this episode, Alan Condon, Editor-in-Chief at Becker’s Healthcare, discusses the latest financial performance of major health systems, the impact of rising costs, and the ongoing challenges with payer reimbursements. Listen in for key insights on the evolving healthcare landscape.저자 Becker's Healthcare
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Beckler & Seanna talk about diddling, chemical peels, and the GOAT of sailors.저자 X92.9
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Key topics include Fanatics' distribution mode clarity, PSA's response to tariffs affecting the hobby, and the emerging role of breakers in the market. Dr. Beckett (and other panelists) discuss Whatnot's challenges, debut patches, the abundance of one-of-one cards, and the evolving nature of sports card collecting. 00:49 Fanatics Distribution Model…
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✌️ ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ YouTube English: YouTube DE: German Rap: Instagram: Instagram DE: My DE Amazon: Listen to my podcast:…
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Musk's Real Plan is to Loot Social Security w/ Prof. Richard Wolff
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33:12On today's episode, Brian and Prof. Richard Wolff discuss Musk’s recent statements on Social Security and the Trump administration’s agenda to cut and privatize the vital program that so many seniors rely on to survive. They’re cutting the Social Security budget, firing workers, and grabbing hold of the most sensitive data in the Social Security sy…
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Conor Delaney, MD, Executive Vice President of Cleveland Clinic and President of the Cleveland Clinic Florida market
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19:15Conor Delaney, MD, Executive Vice President of Cleveland Clinic and President of the Cleveland Clinic Florida market, discusses key challenges in healthcare, particularly the focus on making care more affordable. He highlights partnerships that are enhancing at-home care solutions and explains how AI is improving sepsis detection. Delaney also shar…
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Have you ever heard of Shiphrah, Puah, and Jochebed? They're not the most well-known women in the Bible, but their contribution to the kingdom of God was an act of courage and faith. In this episode, Dr. Bruce Becker will examine the lives of three Israelite women who feared the Lord God more than they feared the pharaohs of Egypt. If you enjoy thi…
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Redefining Modern Masculinity Through Mindfulness, Failure & The Courage to Feel with Scott Grace
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1:06:07Today, Michael welcomes Scott Grace. Scott is a highly sought-after singer, speaker, workshop leader, conscious stand-up comedian, author, and life coach who rose to prominence opening for personal growth luminaries like Deepak Chopra, Louise Hay, Ram Dass, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Marianne Williamson, among many others. Today, he is …
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In this episode, Sylvia Hastanan, founder and CEO of Greater Good Health, discusses how her organization is addressing the growing physician shortage by empowering nurse practitioners. She shares insights on improving senior care, expanding access, and the future of value-based primary care.저자 Becker's Healthcare
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Eunmee Shim, President of OSF HealthCare St. Joseph Medical Center
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8:57In this episode, Eunmee Shim, President of OSF HealthCare St. Joseph Medical Center, discusses her inspiring journey from bedside nursing to executive leadership. She shares insights on healthcare expansion, workforce challenges, and how she establishes herself as a leader in a new health system.저자 Becker's Healthcare
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Gulshan Mehta, Chief Digital and Information Officer at Blanchard Valley Health System
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13:06In this episode, Gulshan Mehta, Chief Digital and Information Officer at Blanchard Valley Health System, discusses the organization's approach to digital transformation. He highlights the importance of building a strong IT foundation, leveraging AI and automation, enhancing data accessibility, and overcoming industry challenges like workforce adapt…
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How Was an Anti-Trump Reporter Added to a White House Signal Chain? | 3/25/25
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2:10:06A reporter from The Atlantic was accidentally included in a signal group chat where top cabinet-level Trump administration officials discussed upcoming attacks against the Houthis in Yemen. How could such a security breach occur? The genomics company 23andMe filed for bankruptcy, putting millions of people's DNA up for sale to the highest buyer. Wh…
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Glenn explains the original intent behind the three forms of government and the checks and balances within our government. CBS's '60 Minutes' recently interviewed a cartel member who admitted that the cartel is smuggling drugs and people through Canada, something Canada previously denied was happening. Glenn and Stu discuss males competing in girls…
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In this episode, Amy Mansue, President of Inspira Health Network, discusses Inspira’s unique position as a thriving independent health system. She shares insights on innovative partnerships, community-focused growth, and strategies for maintaining independence while expanding services to meet patient needs.…
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Beckler & Seanna talk about famous music samples, Jagmeet Singh's campaign, and talk to a tattoo artist for Career Day.저자 X92.9
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