Two bandos talking about the things that nobody else will engage them on. Wind Band, Conducting and all the things that are kind of related to it.
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Post conference blues. reach us at 14 - BDUMMEA and CMEACBDNA ScheduleConducting Symposiums UCM CU BoulderWGI WindsBands of America Summer SymposiumConn Selmer InstituteBDU Drinking GameSuggestions welcomed, preliminary rules: drink every time Grant curses, Finish your drink at the mention of Steve DavisPodcasting for rea…
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Grant and Zac provide brief notes from band director mecca, the Midwest band and orchestra clinic저자 Grant and Zac
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Show 13 - BDUScott Lang LeadershipBands of America Summer SymposiumBDU Drinking GameSuggestions welcomed, preliminary rules: drink every time Grant curses, Finish your drink at the mention of Steve DavisTed Talk about ted talksMidwest/midwasted:scheduleJimmy Tango’s fat bustersMidwest on the CheapCTA Pass“Nomadic Matt” travel blogBand Director Basi…
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