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Zen Mind

Zenki Christian Dillo

Zenki Christian Dillo Roshi is the Guiding Teacher at the Boulder Zen Center in Colorado, USA. This podcast shares the regular dharma talks given at the Center. Zenki Roshi approaches Zen practice as a craft of transformation, liberation, wisdom, and compassionate action. His interest is to bring Buddhism alive within Western cultural horizons while staying committed to the traditional emphasis on embodied practice.
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Quiet your thoughts, take a deep breath, and experience pure mindfulness & relaxation with A Zen Mind Guided Meditations & Visualizations 🤍 Journey within to connect with your highest potential 💫 Let go of the thoughts or emotions that no longer serve you, and welcome healing, inner peace, wisdom, and harmony within🕊️ ✨ New meditations uploaded every Wednesday/Thursday 💗 With Love & Light, xo Jo More from A Zen Mind ✨ www.azenmindpodcast.com 🌼Follow me on Instagram 🕉️ Get More Meditations Ea ...
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正念生活禪 Mindfulness and Living Zen

香光禪播團隊 Luminary Podcasters

我們以輕鬆有料的生活故事,分享正念和生活禪的智慧世界, 與您一起探討轉化 生命的契機。 在節目中我們會介紹最近很夯的正念減壓法,以及更進階的內觀禪法和禪宗的心法。在每集最後,我也會分享一個正念的小方法,讓大家可以在日常中減壓、轉化無聊、苦悶和空洞的生活,提昇生活樂趣和品質,讓大家過著自在又有智慧的人生。 歡迎在FB留言給我們: FB: https://www.facebook.com/MindfulZen5 也歡迎加入我們正念生活禪的臉書社團: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mindfulzen1 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Welcome to 'Zen Brain: Exploring Mindfulness, Technology, and Authentic Living.' Dive deep with us as we unravel the synergy between cutting-edge technology and timeless mindfulness practices. Each episode offers a unique blend of expert insights, practical techniques, and enlightening conversations, fostering a balanced and enlightened approach to life's challenges. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a mindfulness seeker, or someone yearning for genuine connections, Zen Brain bridges the gap ...
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This talk was given as part of a Weekend Sitting at the Boulder Zen Center. It highlights the distinction between the contents of mind and the field of mind and its importance for practice. Dogen encouraged his students "to be continuously intimate with the field of mind." The talk presents two attentional practices to discover and establish onesel…
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Our heart center is responsible for so much of our inner light and energy, yet we often go through life with blockages and constrictions that we don't even realize are there. During this meditation, we will focus on breathing life and beautiful prana back into the heart, opening and restoring it to its deepest potential. By lifting the weight of an…
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#培育和開發心識力量,#不會被AI機器人所取代和控制, #AI 機器人, #潛意識和深層意識 1.前不久輝達公司的黃仁勳董事長才回到台灣,表明要在台灣建AI研究中心,將召募一千位工程師,所以,很多科技業的人和學科技的青年學生都很興奮。加上他提到目前他研究出來的晶片運算速度是世界上最快又比較便宜的,一下間也引起國際間的矚目。也因此,很多人說我們就要進入第四次的工業革命,也就是AI即將進入我們的生活中—不論是咖啡店、餐廳、送貨、搬貨、醫院和長照機構都可以看到AI機器人的影子。因此,有人擔心工作會被取代,也有人擔心機器人末來會比人聰明,控制人類。 2. 有許多專家學者和哲學家都在討論如何因應AI機器人帶來的挑戰。但大家都還沒有找到解決的方法,例如最近的國際佛教AI高峰會,開了二天半會議,還是沒有找…
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#覺察潛意識和深層意識的方法, #公案故事, #楞伽經, #有效減少煩惱的密招 1.心理學家常說,在日常生活中,我們所觀察到的心識活動,可能只是冰山的一小角,大約只佔我們整個心識活動的5%. 這表示深深影響我們生命的大部分活動,都是藏在我們平時沒覺察到的潛意識和深層意識中。也因此,很多時候,我們會覺得無法掌握自己的情緒、脾氣和生命。因為我們的心似乎有它自己的自由意志,會在我們沒意識到的時候跑出來。而這些沒有被覺察到的心識活動,有時就是引起我們煩惱、憂鬱、擔心和不快樂的主要根源。因此,如果我們想找回自己的快樂,並且當自己生命的主人,我們就要學著深入去覺察平常波被覺察到的心識活動。 2. 在S3-25 抓賊—當下承擔中,我們會藉著楞嚴經中的故事和一則子湖利蹤禪師抓賊的公案故事,分享如何在日常生活…
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This is a special conversational episode. Christian (Zenki Roshi) is interviewed by Dr. Greg Madison, a British psychologist and psychotherapist. More than usual, Christian connects the concepts and practices he teaches with his own biographical journey. In the beginning, the conversation centers around Christian's encounter of and interest in Gene…
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This meditation was designed to help you unlock your true potential and manifest your future self. Within each of us lies an infinite wellspring of potential, although it can easily become overshadowed by fear, self-doubt, and subconscious limiting beliefs. This meditation invites you to release these constraints and embrace the boundless possibili…
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#正念行走, #山林行香, #培蒞清明的心, #面對困境的淡定力 1.正念的培養可以讓我們保持一份清明和淡定的心,在遇到生活中的困境和挑戰時,可以有能力去面對它,處理它。另外,在忙錄匆趕和活動緊湊時,也可以讓我們有一份寧靜不煩燥和不慌亂的心,而這些的好處,都要在平常中去培養。 2.培養正念專注和覺知不一定要在安靜無人干擾的禪堂或房間中才能練習,在日常生活中,甚至和家人朋友一起去郊遊旅行也可以練習。在這集正念生活禪中—S3-24 一起山林行香去—,我們將帶你一起到山林中行香,培養正念專注覺知力,邀請您一起來練習。按下連結就可以聽到精彩節目: Iphone: https://reurl.cc/OEqVzg 安卓手機: https://reurl.cc/zrzAj0 臉書 https://www.…
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When your mind may be racing with thoughts and overstimulation, your body holding onto tension, and your soul feeling a bit neglected; turning within for a few moments of blissful rest is exactly what you need. This meditation is designed to pacify your restless mind, soothe your body, and reconnect you with your innermost essence- the beautiful ce…
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1.為什麼佛教談心理作用時,好像跟一般心理諮商師不同呢? 這是因為佛教心理學在談心理作用時 ,更深入也更詳細,例如一般心理諮商師說的嫉妒、憂鬱、悲傷、難過等,對佛教心理學看來說,這並不是單純一個心理活動,而是包括了好幾個面向,至少就有認知、感覺、身體的三面向。如當我們腳的肌肉拉傷,一走路就痛的不得了時,這個痛感就包括了受傷部分的肌肉痛、我們感受到的痛,還有認知到的痛等 2.當我們希望自己少一點煩惱時,佛教心理學也會詳深和深入的探尋到底煩惱真的從哪來? 以便能更精準地對症下藥去解決問題。 因此,在這集中我們將以七個日常生活中跟禪修相關的元素來認識轉化煩惱的方法,這七個元素是: 根、塵、識和見、聞、覺、知。 3.而這七個元素如何與轉化煩惱連上關係,禪子老師會用二句話來說明,一是佛教心理學的唯識中…
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The two most powerful words that you can say are "I AM." When used correctly, these two simple words, followed by your intentions, have the power to shape your entire reality - in the most wonderful way. This meditation will not only serve as a positive mindset shift as you go into your day, but will help you harness your innate power - while setti…
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This talk explores the experience of loneliness and the practice and views we might want to adopt to foster a sense of community: (1) share space instead of expecting to share beliefs or interests, (2) prioritize doing things together over talking, (3) practice mutual embodiment (notice how we interaffect each other in our sensations and movements)…
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#正念 #正念靜心可以舒壓、改善失眠、調整情緒、改善心情、減少煩惱和增長智慧 1.上一集正念身體掃描,得到非常多聽眾朋友的回饋,大家都說很受益,跟著節目引導練習後,身心非常舒適,覺得充滿正能量。其實如果修好正念靜心與禪觀好處很多,舒壓、改善睡眠品質和保持身心健康,這都是最基礎的,如果能夠深入練習,在調整情緒、改善心情、減少煩惱和增長智慧上也會有很大的幫助。 2.在這一集我們要深入一點分享正念生活禪,可以如何在日常生活中應用。我們會藉著二個心理作用的動詞,讓大家更進一步認識我們的心識作用。這二個心理作用的動詞是分別與覺照。 3.在書中對分別與覺照的定義是: 對境起念曰分別, 內守幽閒是覺照,在節目中,我們會用日常生活中的實例解釋這二個心理作用的內容。 4.多認識一點自己的心識作用可以讓我們知道…
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This meditation was created to help guide you into self-healing from burnout - offering a calming and restorative experience to soothe your body and mind during times of mental, emotional, and physical stress and exhaustion. Through gentle guidance, you'll rediscover the path to connect with your inner strength and balance - letting go of thoughts …
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# 最有效釋放壓力的方法, #適合工作忙碌、壓力大或因情緒、人事困擾的人, #有助於改善失眠和因壓力產生種種身心失調者 1.長期因為工作忙碌、壓力或因情緒、人事困擾者,很容易在身心上累積壓力,這些壓力若沒有釋放出來,就會造成很多慢性的身心問題,例如焦慮、易發怒、情緒失控、失眠,和身體健康出問題等,因此,我們需要每天用一點時間把積累的壓力釋放出來。而在正念禪修和冥想中,最有效的方法之一就是正念身體掃瞄,因為它可以啟動副交感神經系統,助我們停下所有過度的雜念和思緒,造成的無形的壓力,讓我們回到當,好好跟身體待在一起,進而釋放出深度累積的壓力,讓我們遠離焦慮、情緒不安和失眠等身心問題。 2.想深入禪修者,身體掃描也是一個可以幫我們很快安定身心,進入深度的禪修和冥想中的好方法。 3.在這一集中我們分…
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This episode was first published in February 2022. We are republishing this episode because in it, Zenki Roshi addresses the most common questions asked by beginners and the issue of discomfort sometimes experienced by practitioners of all levels during zazen. What exactly are we doing in zazen meditation? What kind of effort is necessary? This tal…
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This meditation is designed to help you cultivate and nurture a deep, divine trust in life's timing. Often, we find ourselves resisting the natural flow of life and feeling the need to control every aspect, which can diminish our trust in the universe. This practice guides you in releasing the urge to control or resist, encouraging you to flow effo…
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#深入禪修 #楞嚴經 #25圓通 1.上週節目我們提到 楞嚴經是一部指導禪修的手冊,有次第地讓一般人由淺入深,從凡夫到開悟證果。 2.要懂得25圓通,一定要懂得真心和妄心的不同,這樣才不會認錯目標,找不到回家的路。 3.真心就是清淨無染的真如本性,是每一個人本具的生命體,而妄心則是隨著各種因緣起伏變化的攀緣心,這就好比一個小孩,跑出去玩,臉上弄的烏漆八黑,這張烏漆八黑的臉不是小孩的真實面貌,用水把臉上的黑漆洗掉後,現出來的乾淨臉,才能看清小孩真實的面貌。我們可以在自己平常的身心活動,也就是佛教所謂的五蘊世界中,去覺察自己的真心和妄心有何不同。 4.這次影片較難,一次聽不懂,還可以再聽一次或看週六的影片喔, 按下連結就可以聽到我們的節目=‘也歡迎到正念生活禪臉書,與我們交流: Iphone: …
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This meditation is a self guided silent meditation. The first two minutes I will prepare you for the remainder of the meditation, which provides you the space to contemplate in silence, away from the guidance of my voice, with nothing but the relaxing sounds of the background music, ocean waves, and the sound of your own breath. This meditation is …
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#正念冥想, #生活禪, #成佛的法華 開悟的楞嚴, #修行方法活潑 貼近生活 1.又到了我們每月一禪的時間,今天我們來分享一部很重要的禪宗經典—楞嚴經,這是大乘佛教中很重要的一部,常有人說: 成佛的法華,開悟的楞嚴。 2.成佛的法華—指法華經,因為這部經中的中心主題是人人皆可成佛,經文中佛陀有舉很多男女老少的修行人,後來都成佛的故事,開悟的楞嚴則是說楞嚴經是指導修行行深入禪修,開悟證果的經典。經中有二十五位修行人,分享自己修行開悟的故事,很精彩。 3.這二十五圓通是教我們從 用我們眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意識等六種感官,看得到、聽得見、聞得到、觸摸得到,或想得到的種種事物情境修行,換句話說,就以日常生活中的見聞覺知來修就可以了。所以,這25個修行法是很活潑,很貼近我們平常的生活,這也就是為什麼…
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This meditation has been created to help guide you through letting go of past regrets and future worries that do not serve your highest self. Throughout life, we accumulate a wide spectrum of emotions, both positive and negative, which can become trapped within our bodies without even realizing it. These unresolved feelings manifest as knots in our…
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This talk is the first of seven Sesshin talks. (A Sesshin is a 7-day Zen meditation intensive.) It starts with the question, 'What does it mean to love?' The word 'love' carries all kind of baggage. So much so that in American Zen it doesn't seem to have a whole lot of currency. Yet, we're all longing for the spiritual dimension of love. This wide-…
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1.良好的溝通,最重要的是說話的人能把心中最想說的,說出來,而聆聽者真心願意聽,聽的進去,也聽的懂。但是大多數的情況是很多人話才講一半,就被打斷,說不下去,或各自堅持己見,各說各話,雖然好像在溝通,其實都沒在聽別人講什麼,吵了老半天,只好不歡而散。這是無效的溝通法。 2.要如何才能讓溝通變成有效率的呢?在正念生活禪中,我們將與大家分享二種心和四個方法,更詳細的內容,請聽S3-18 慈悲的聆聽法,按下連結就可以聽到精彩節目,也歡迎到正念生活禪臉書,與我們交流: Iphone: https://reurl.cc/OEqVzg 安卓手機: https://reurl.cc/zrzAj0 臉書 https://www.facebook.com/MindfulZen5 小額贊助支持本節目: https…
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This meditation has been created to be used before you go to sleep at the end of the day, helping you disconnect from all the thoughts, emotions, and energy of your day, in preparation for a deep and restful sleep. This meditation focuses on a mantra, which will help you to stay grounded and present, relaxed and at peace, as you release the day pas…
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#正念, #智慧, #幸福的魔棒, #在生命中加上一味正念智慧活出自在人生 1.正念生活禪,就是用正念覺照的智慧過生活,也可以說是在生命中加上一味正念智慧,讓自己活出禪的自在和舒垣。換句話說,正念覺照是一種生活的態度,就是我們標題說的,在僵化、迷惘和混混厄厄過日子中,加上一點能滋潤我們精神的清泉,讓我們能在生活中多一份力量和一道神光,甚至一根魔棒,使我們能走出生命中各種困境的智慧和方法 2.在這集 正念智慧的力量中,我們將以醫學界專家稱為「拍案叫絕」和愛不釋手的書—信念的力量提到的研究案例做說。此書作者是布魯斯立普頓醫師,他是著名的幹細胞生物學家,曾在威斯康辛大學和史丹弗大學醫學院擔任教授,他發現到真正決定我們身心健康的細胞不是基因,而是細胞對環境的感知,而這感知就是他稱為信念。而這信念若能…
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This talk was given as part of the closing ceremony of the 3-month Everyday Zen Practice Period. At the end of retreats and periods of intensified practice, many practitioners wonder how they can carry the renewed and invigorated sense of practice into their everyday lives. The answer is simple but not easy to implement: continue to stay fully pres…
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This meditation has been created for you to silence the distractions of the outside world, turn inward, and rediscover the stillness within. Coming fully into the present moment, and letting everything else melt away around you - offering yourself this intentional, blissful time to fully surrender to the stillness that is within you, as you rest, i…
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#真正讓自己不受傷害、受苦的有效方法, #要求完美和封關自我,容易受傷, #哈佛最受歡迎的課程,#幸福的魔法—讓人更快樂的101個選擇,#支付寶、淘寶網和阿里巴巴集團創始人馬雲, 1.我們都希望平平安安,快快樂樂的做事和過日子,所以,對於可能會傷害到我們或使我們受苦的人事,基於自我保護本能,我們都會選擇以不同方式保護好自己,但是我們可能都曾經有過即使我們覺得自己已經做的很好了,結果卻是跟預期相反的事,不但沒有掌聲,反而聽到很多的批評,讓我們覺得不僅受挫也很難過,甚至不禁自我懷疑是不是有人跟我做對、看我不順眼,或故意刁難我。這些推側雖然有可能,但是這麼想,不僅無法解決問題,反而會增加壓力,也會讓自己跟週遭的人產生敵對和不好的人際關係 2.在這集正念生活禪 中,我們將分享 哈佛最受歡迎的公開課程…
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In our lives, we often define ourselves by external labels—our jobs, relationships, and roles in society. Yet, these labels are just fragments of the deep, multifaceted beings we truly are - well beyond the layers of what we have made ourselves to believe we are. This guided meditation invites you on a journey of self-discovery and reconnection, be…
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#不以壓抑方式讓自己的怒氣和傷痛能得到疏解、療癒的有效方法 當我們很生氣時,或覺得被委曲、被傷害時,在衝動下就會做出或說出讓自己後悔,也傷害到別人的事,造成可能難以挽回後果,和遺憾。在這集正念生活禪—S3-15 用慈心換煩惱心—中,我們將分享如何不以壓抑方式讓自己的怒氣和傷痛能得到疏解、療癒,同時以對自己好也不傷害對方,甚至也有益對方的方式解結問題。 按下連結就可以聽到精彩節目,也歡迎到正念生活禪臉書與我們互動: Iphone: https://reurl.cc/OEqVzg 安卓手機: https://reurl.cc/zrzAj0 臉書 https://www.facebook.com/MindfulZen5 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/use…
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So often, we neglect our own well-being in the pursuit of endless tasks and obligations. We forget how important it is to take time for ourselves to decompress, to rest, and to just be. This meditation creates a sacred space that encourages you to let go of the worries of today, yesterday, or tomorrow, and to fully surrender to the present moment. …
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This talk concludes the line-by-line commentary on the Genjo Koan. Dogen has given us a clear (and maybe disappointing) vision of practice. We are never done with our practice. It's not like we are practicing in order to reach enlightenment, and once we have realized it, we're good. Instead, we are challenged to express enlightenment through our pr…
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常因生氣、心裡受傷,為情所苦的人,一定要聽... 1.在生活中總免不了遇到不順心和不如我們希望的事,我們可能就因此暴怒、生氣或難過,甚至因而陷入情緒的低谷和漩渦中,無法自拔。在這集香光正念生活禪中,我們將與大家分享,如何在情緒風暴中,不做出傷害自己,也得罪或傷害別人的事, 2.要安撫自己的情緒,在不壓抑情緒下,讓自己減少生活中的暴風雨,是需要有方法的,在這集正念生活禪S3-14 靜觀生活中的暴風雨中,禪子老師將分享一個自我慈悲的方法,讓我們能從日常的情緒暴風雨中走出來,按下連結就可以聽到精彩節目,也歡迎到正念生活禪臉書中與我們交流: Iphone: https://reurl.cc/OEqVzg 安卓手機: https://reurl.cc/zrzAj0 臉書 https://www.fac…
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This meditation offers you a sacred space to align with your higher self, providing you with the time and tranquility to visualize your desires and communicate with the Universe. Through gentle guidance and self-discovery, you'll be encouraged to connect with the vast intelligence of the Universe and recognize your true essence—your higher self. As…
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