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Zoom Zoom Zen

France Inter

Aujourd’hui, nous sommes submergés d’infos, néanmoins nous prenons rarement le temps d’aller au-delà des gros titres. Nous connaissons tout… mais en surface. Et si chaque jour, nous zoomions sur un mot nouveau pour vraiment le comprendre ? Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Upaya Zen Center's Dharma Podcast

Joan Halifax | Zen Buddhist Teacher Upaya Abbot

The Upaya Dharma Podcast features Wednesday evening Dharma Talks and recordings from Upaya’s diverse array of programs. Our podcasts exemplify Upaya’s focus on socially engaged Buddhism, including prison work, end-of-life care, serving the homeless, training in socially engaged practices, peace & nonviolence, compassionate care training, and delivering healthcare in the Himalayas.
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Ordinary Mind Zendo's podcast will play Dharma talks from Zen teacher and psychoanalyst Barry Magid. Barry Magid is a Dharma heir of Charlotte Joko Beck. These talks address a psychologically minded Zen practice adapted to the needs of American students practicing in the context of their everyday lives. Though much of the material here is specific to Zen practice, non Zen folk will find it interesting as well, as it addresses issues of our shared humanity. New episodes will generally be uplo ...
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Zen Dog Training

Just Curious Media & Zen Dog Training

A unique dog training podcast sharing a peaceful approach to raising your dog with Zen. Hosts: Jason Connell, award-winning documentary producer & dog lover & Gordon Fontaine, master dog trainer & founder of Zen Dog Training.
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Mountain Rain Zen Dharma Podcast

Mountain Rain Zen Community

Presented by the Mountain Rain Zen Community based in Vancouver, BC. Featuring talks by our guiding teachers Myoshin Kate McCandless and Shinmon Michael Newton, and other guest speakers. To learn more about our community, explore our extensive teaching archive, and offer your support, visit http://mountainrainzen.org.
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Sok jó zene kis helyen is elfér! Zenei utazások Marosi Viktorral térben és időben. Beszélgetések előadókról, előadókkal, előadásokról. Mindenről, ami a zenéhez köthető.
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Janneke Koch en Arthur Nieuwendijk

Welkom bij zengeluiden, een podcast van Zen.nl. De missie van Zen.nl is om zoveel mogelijk mensen te faciliteren in duurzaam geluk door middel van zen. Dat doen we dagelijks in veertig meditatiecentra in Nederland. Maar ook met deze podcast. Wij zijn Janneke Koch en Arthur Nieuwendijk. We gaan in gesprek met beginnende en gevorderde beoefenaars over hun persoonlijke ervaringen met zen en zenmeditatie. Wat inspireert hen, wat zijn hun uitdagingen, hoe geven ze vorm aan hun leven en hoe kunnen ...
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"Moment of Zen"

Erik Torenberg, Dan Romero, Antonio Garcia Martinez

Every week, Erik Torenberg, Dan Romero, Antonio Garcia Martinez and frequent special guests discuss what's happening in technology, business, politics, and beyond. Moment of Zen is part of the Turpentine podcast network. Learn more: turpentine.co
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Dharma Talks at the Ordinary Zen Sangha, a Zen Meditation Practice Center located in Sarasota, Florida. Please help us if you can. Our programs and events are only made possible by donations from our supporting members. Donations Link... Thank you for listening, Will Rauschenberger, Abbot
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A dharma talk given at the Windhorse Zen Community by Sunya Kjolhede Sensei. Sunya Sensei was sanctioned to teach by Roshi Philip Kapleau, founder of the Rochester Zen Center. These talks are straight to the heart of zen. For more information, see our website, www.windhorsezen.org
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Marlous Lazal

Gesprekken over muziek, mystiek, zen en poëzie door radiomaker en zangeres Marlous Lazal. Jouw bescheiden donatie wordt zeer op prijs gesteld. Dat kan via https://petje.af/zenenzo Dankjewel.
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Rinzan Pechovnik is the head priest and primary teacher at No-Rank Zen Temple, a Rinzai Zen Buddhist Community in Portland, Oregon. His Dharma talks explore various aspects of Rinzai Zen Buddhist practice, spirituality and religion. He emphasizes practice as a means to develop and cultivate a tender open-heartedness that allows a deep engagement with a troubled world. http://www.norankzendo.org
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Welcome to Zen Bites, a series of discussions on Zen Buddhism, mindfulness, comparative spirituality and psychology. Zen Bites features Zen Buddhist teacher Martin Goodson and mindfulness-based psychotherapist Jamie Shavdia.
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given at the Zen Buddhist Temples of the Buddhist Society for Compassionate Wisdom (BSCW). The BSCW is a North American Buddhist order founded by Ven. Samu Sunim, a Korean Zen master. The Society's Dharma work promotes the non-dual gate of awakening in everyday life. For more information, visit www.ZenBuddhistTemple.org.
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Nature & White Noise | Relax, unwind, and find your inner peace with Audio Zen Garden 🧘 Enjoy natural sounds like birds, water, fire, wind, rain and animals, along with white noise, meditative bells, ASMR, sleep sounds, relaxing instrumental music, healing sound frequencies and so much more; My Audio Zen Garden offers you an oasis of calm for your mind, body, and soul. Just press play on any episode and easily unlock your Zen! Join our Zen Community: Subscribe now to our Podcast to listen fo ...
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"Zen Footsteps is a podcast that invites you to explore new perspectives and challenge the way you see the world. Through engaging conversations with thought-provoking guests, we delve into ideas that can transform your thinking and inspire personal growth. From redefining success to uncovering unconventional paths to fulfilment, each episode is a step toward expanding your mind and embracing the journey of discovery. Join us as we walk alongside innovators, thinkers, and changemakers who ca ...
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Zen Commuter

Thom Walters

Zen Commuter is about meditation and how it can improve the quality of your life. Thom Walters speaks with acclaimed meditation teachers, authors and everyday practitioners, to help listeners understand how to start a mindfulness habit, as well as keep it going. Along the way he discusses topics that help listeners cultivate a calmer, wiser and happier life. Come join Thom Monday through Friday to deepen your meditation practice.
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Send us a text Through CMM, Dr. Danny helps chiropractors grow their businesses while maintaining balance and avoiding burnout—a challenge he’s overcome himself. His approach blends business development with personal growth, empowering clients to achieve their professional and personal goals. Support the show…
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Pedro wrestles with the wasting of time and how to know whether we’re on the right path. Is the way in front of us a confusing multitude of branching streams we need to choose, a bright freedom of present possibility, or a blank void of ‘why bother’? Are we trying to repress our inclinations to conform to a prescribed practice, or finding our own f…
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What if the key to peak performance and lasting well-being was as simple as stillness? In this episode of Ze Commuter, I sit down with Richard Earney, a leading expert in fitness and movement, to explore how meditation enhances physical and mental well-being. Richard shares his insights on the mind-body connection, explaining how mindfulness isn’t …
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durée : 00:50:32 - Zoom zoom zen - par : Matthieu Noël, Cyril Lacarrière, Pierre Courade - En ce mois de novembre, le manga "Dragon Ball" d'Akira Toriyama fête ses quarante ans ! Retour sur la naissance de "Dragon Ball", l'histoire d'un succès avec Matthieu Pinon journaliste spécialisé en manga et en pop culture japonaise. - invités : Matthieu Pino…
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Equanimity is a powerful state of being that not only reduces our stress and suffering but also enables us to respond effectively. However, in our efforts to achieve some measure of equanimity, we may end up stuck in the tentative calm of denial or in the coldness of indifference. True equanimity is clear-eyed, undefended, compassionate, and inclus…
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This week, Erik Torenberg is joined by Dr. Victor Davis Hanson, classicist, political commentator, and Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford. Together they conduct a thought experiment: it's 2030, how can we expect to understand the legacy of Donald Trump, the shifting political landscape in Germany and the rest of Europe, the outcome…
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Norman gives the fourth talk of the “Living by Vow” 2025 Series on The Three Refuges to the Dharma Seminar as the focus of the Everyday Zen 2025 Practice Period. His lectures reference Shohaku Okumura’s book “Living by Vow; A Practical Introduction to Eight Essential Zen Chants and Texts.” Suggested donation: $7 https://bit.ly/donate-edz-online-tea…
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"How can I express the dream of this life?" Myoshin Kate McCandless offers an exploration of what Dogen calls "twining vines" - the entanglement of our karmic lives and the intertwined nature of awakening. _____________________________________________________________ These talks are made possible thanks to donations from our worldwide community. If…
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In this talk given on April 28, 2024 at the Windhorse Zen Community outside of Asheville, NC, Roshi Sunya Kjolhede discusses tips on how to take Zen home. She focuses on body practices such as the use of the eyes, centering your attention on your hara (lower belly), and chanting—among many others. To donate or learn more about Sunya-roshi and the d…
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Jamie and Martin return to discuss ‘shadow work’ a term now popular referring to the need for genuine transformation of consciousness through integration of the hidden or repressed contents of the unconscious in order to bring about wholeness of the personality. This podcast looks at correlations between this psychological work and the work of Zen …
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Zen Dog Training Episode 41: Solving Play Biting In 48 Hours Jason Connell and Gordon Fontaine discuss how quickly play biting can be resolved in the Zen Dog Training. Recorded: 01-07-25 Studio: Just Curious Media Partner: Zen Dog Training Hosts: Jason Connell Gordon Fontaine #justcuriousmedia #zendogtraining #mrjasonconnell #gordonfontaine #pets #…
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Janneke in gesprek met Hanneke de Wit. Hanneke mediteert nu 2,5 jaar. Ze is klassiek zangeres en zangdocent aan het conservatorium en de Opera Academie. We spreken over opera, lesgeven en hoe zenmeditatie helpt bij zingen, spanning, prestatiedruk en overgave.저자 Janneke Koch en Arthur Nieuwendijk
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Recorded on February 15, 2025 at Boundless Mind Temple in Brooklyn, NY. The BZC Podcast is offered free of charge and made possible by the donations we receive. You can donate to Brooklyn Zen Center at brooklynzen.org under ‘Giving.’ Thank you for your generosity!저자 Brooklyn Zen Center
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This talk is offered in gratitude for the life of Johanna Sindelar, a long-time sangha member who dedicated over a decade of service to Mountain Cloud. As a tribute to Johanna, Valerie begins with a look at the Heart Sutra in a rendering by Thich Nhat Hahn that was set to music in harmonies Johanna loved. The talk then turns to case 18 in the Blue …
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Spisovatelé Štěpán Kopřiva a Jiří Pavlovský debatují o zajímavých žánrových autorech, a nejen o nich. Hlavním cílem jejich zájmu jsou detektivky, noir, drsná škola. A jelikož se snaží rozebírat díla slavných tvůrců, nevyhnou se ani spoilerům – tak pozor! Konkrétně tato epizoda obsahuje spoilery pro knihy A. A. Faira Vrah má mít doktorát, Nasaďte vš…
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In this Wednesday Night Dharma Talk, Sensei Kodo brings his characteristic warmth and curiosity to an exploration of classic Mahayana literature. With equal parts scholarly enthusiasm and playful inquiry, he delves into this classical Buddhist text, beginning with the Matriarchs lineage chant before venturing into what he calls “dharma geek” territ…
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Relax with this episode of White Noise: Soft and Ambient Airplane White Noise, a calming soundscape that mimics the gentle hum of an airplane in flight. Perfect for sleeping, studying, or focus, this soothing audio drowns out distractions and creates a peaceful environment. Whether you’re seeking rest or productivity, let the ambient airplane white…
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February 2025 Sesshin, Day 2 In part two of her overview of working with koans, Jissai Prince-Cherry emphasizes the importance of engaging the heart and mind and the need to feel and live with the koan. Dharma Talk by Ven. Jissai Prince-Cherry. Automated Transcript The post Tips for Working on Koans, Part 2 appeared first on Rochester Zen Center.…
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Bezugnehmend auf die Koan Mumonkan 10 sowie Hekiganroku 27 und 97 beschäftigt sich Christoph Rei Ho Hatlapa in seinem Teisho mit dem Thema Scham. Jeder weiß erfahrungsgemäß, wie schwer es fällt, sich dem Schmerz und den unerfüllten Bedürfnissen zu stellen, die hinter der Scham liegen und meist auf vergangenen Erlebnissen beruhen. Die GFK-Trainerin …
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In this episode, we sit down with David Braithwaite. David's journey has taken him from financial advising and business ownership to coaching for Strategic Coach and hosting his own BBC radio show. Join us for a great discussion about his career, financial insights, and his passion for helping others achieve financial succhess.…
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Anish speaks with Guest Chris Bale, diving deep into the topics of Presence, Accountability, Conscious Authenticity, Simple yet profound Intimacy and Artful Honestly. You find out more about Chris' work at: https://www.awakenedintent.com/ Send us a text저자 Anish C Patel
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In deze aflevering spreek ik met Nico Tydeman, zenleraar verbonden aanZen Centrum Amsterdam. Hij heeft inmiddels meer dan 10 boeken geschreven en van zijn nieuwste boek dat als werktitel heeftHet milieu, een mystiek lichaamis de inkt nog nat. Het zal pas medio 2026 verschijnen, maar we krijgen nu al een kijkje in de keuken van dit omvangrijke werk.…
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