In this show, we discover the many wonders of the world from everyday tools to amazing worlds.
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The only podcast dedicated to Laura Ingalls Wilder, one "Little House" book at a time.
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Jewish education and inspiration courtesy of Rabbi Mark N. Wildes, Founder of the Manhattan Jewish Experience (MJE). Founded in 1998, MJE is a warm and open community where millennial men and women in their 20s/30s can explore Jewish life and meet new people.
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Moderner Stoizismus für ein gutes Leben.
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Wilderness Survival is the official podcast of the Joshua Wilderness Institute, a 9-month discipleship program located at Hume Lake Christian Camps. From information about the program to advice from alumni, this podcast gives a glimpse into daily life here at JWI! Learn more at
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Stay current with new and noteworthy cutting-edge topics in wilderness medicine and adventure through the Wilderness Medicine Podcast, the official podcast of the Wilderness Medical Society. You won’t want to miss our engaging approach to discussing current articles from the Wilderness & Environmental Medicine journal and highlighting adventures, programs, and other research related to this exciting field.
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Nestled in the Canadian Rocky Mountains and recording from Hinton Alberta, this podcast is all about embracing the great outdoors! Featuring interviews with local wilderness enthusiasts, camping and backcountry survival tips, gear reviews and more.
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Der True Dating Podcast mit Nina Goldberg und Markus Barth. Echte Geschichten vom Kennenlernen, Daten, Verlieben und allem, was einem auf dem Weg dahin (und zurück) so passieren kann. Denn auch beim Dating-Wahnsinn gilt: Das Leben schreibt immer noch die unterhaltsamsten Drehbücher.
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The podcast for medical providers at the edges, bringing you digestible updates at the growing edge of Wilderness Medicine, Wilderness EMS, Search and Rescue, and more.
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Ihr kennt "Anna und die wilden Tiere" aus dem Fernsehen? Auch hier im Podcast kommt Anna wilden Tieren ganz nah - egal ob Pferden, Haien, Waldameisen oder Schlangen. Ihr erfahrt dabei vieles über Tiere, das ihr garantiert noch nicht wusstet - zum Beispiel über superstarke Abwehrtechniken gegenüber Feinden oder mit welchen schlauen Mitteln sie an ihr Lieblingsfutter gelangen. An Annas Seite ist nun: ein Otter. Klar, er badet gerne in Annas wildem Wohnzimmer. Und: Er singt, leider eher schräg ...
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This is wilderness medicine education from the Spencer Fox Eccles School of Medicine at the Univeristy of Utah. It is designed for use in the Advanced Wilderness Life Support (AWLS) program, but anyone who goes into the backcountry should study this material. Log onto: for more information.
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Three-time Wisconsin Sportswriter of the Year Jason Wilde and Packers Hall-of-Famer Mark Tauscher discuss the latest on the Green Bay Packers, Wisconsin sports, and more.
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The Keefer Brothers have spent over 20 years mastering the art of survival- not just in the wild, but in the world of storytelling, business and life. Now, these pioneers make Wilder Minds their new home. Each episode, epic stories collide with unfiltered truth and personal evolution- to uncover what it takes to live life against the grain. Awake your soul with Wilder Minds.
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Monthly podcast with fresh Melodic House & Progressive tracks, enjoy! You can find me on:
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Strangers in a Tangled Wilderness is a collectively run publisher dedicated to producing and curating inclusive and intersectional culture informed by anarchistic ideals. This podcast provides audio versions of our monthly feature as well as interviews with the contributors. This can include stories, fiction, poetry, memoir, non-fiction, theater pieces, comics, books, pop culture analysis, recipes, music, history...and occasionally essays and theory. We are looking for content that doesn’t k ...
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Not only is masculinity a wilderness, we often feel alone in it. Male loneliness is at epidemic levels which is not only tragic, it correlates to more men seeking commercial sex. Unfortunately, the demand for commercial sex is precisely what drives human trafficking! On this podcast, we discuss aspects of modern masculinity with leaders across various social justice and professional backgrounds so you can increase your tools for navigating the Masculine Wilderness.
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Health and wellness for the rest of your life. Since 2013, Joy and Claire have been podcasting about health, wellness, mental health and fitness. Now they bring you Older and Wilder—a smart, authentic take on health and wellness in midlife and beyond. From navigating fitness through perimenopause, mental health, and family chaos, their mission is to cut through the BS and help figure it all out together.
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Creativity: is it a luxury or a necessity? Whether you are a seasoned adventurer or just starting out on a new creative journey, think of me as your greatest fan! Tune into The Wilderness of Creativity every month to find out how my guests pursue creative focus and discover what it really means to take the road less travelled.
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Whether you're an artist seeking inspiration, an entrepreneur looking for innovative solutions, or someone simply seeking a sense of calm and clarity, these guided mediations are the perfect companion for your journey of self-discovery and creative growth.
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Welcome to the Wilder Podcast! Co-hosted by Chloe and Tom, we explore topics including "rewilding", sustainable living and climate change, whilst documenting our attempts to apply these principles on our 80 acres in rural Monmouthshire. We speak with experts who are passionate about understanding, protecting and restoring the natural world, to the benefit of us all. Whether that’s a professor of rewilding, a micro green start-up or charity founders, we explore their stories in a way that’s a ...
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Ein Podcast für Menschen, die auf ihre eigene Kreativität vertrauen
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Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters exists to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the exposition of Scripture and personal relationships in order to equip the Church to impact this generation. This podcast includes teaching sessions from our year-round student conferences, marriage retreats, men’s conferences, and women’s conferences.This is an extension of our ministry to equip student pastors, families, and church leaders to make Gospel-driven disciples in this generation. Learn more at ...
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Solo radio
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A weekly podcast dedicated to all things Old School Runescape. Discussing our journeys through the game, weekly news, and tackling hot topics that pop up throughout each week.
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Welcome to 'Wilder Skies the podcast'… The place where we talk Birds, Wildlife and all the hard hitting Conservation topics on the top of everyone’s minds… As 'Wilder Skies' Nature tour guide, a former Nature Reserve Warden and a passionate birder, Nick Patel delves deep into the world of biodiversity and how those working from all ends of the conservation spectrum share one single mutual strength which drives them, found in Nature...
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No matter where you are in your journey, know this: even in the wilderness, God provides wells of refreshing. Let’s find them together. Subscribe now and take your next step toward healing, clarity, and hope.
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Finding Grace In The Wilderness. This is a Christian Women's Podcast. We will share stories about how God's Grace can be found during life's most difficult circumstances. Meet with me around the table as we chat about God's never-ending faithfulnesss. We will share truth and life, and discuss faith, fears, struggles, and ictories. Join us as we see to grow deeper in relationship with Jesus, the One who makes a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. -Sharon Hawkins
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A podcast about transitions, death, the ruptures of life in between.
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Craig Reid and Karolina Norée inviting guests and telling their stories from Africa, life in the bush, conservation and photography. Covering everything from funny moments and unbelievable events in African nature to heartfelt memories and interesting phenomenons. Socials: Websites:
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If you’re reading this, chances are you’re not an undecided voter. But if you don’t want Donald Trump to become president again, between now and November you’ll need to convince as many as you can to cast their ballot for Joe Biden. With the help of some of the smartest strategists, pollsters, and organizers in politics today, host Jon Favreau explores the minds of voters who will decide the 2024 election, and gives you everything you need to persuade the persuadables in your life. Season 4 ...
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Let's sing, talk, or laugh
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Living your best life? are you? Over the years I've been coaching and mentoring it's become clear that many people I come across are living less than what they believe is their best life. This leaves them feeling: - Frustrated - Out of control of their health - Reactive/stressed - Unhappy and unfulfilled - Feeling negatively about themselves their life and others - Like they want more from life! This podcast has been created to encourage and create insight for those wanting and ready for mak ...
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Turn the page -- rewrite your story and manifest everything you want. The episodes of The WilderTalk Show, you'll find a blend of inspiration and MANIFESTATION strategies to empower you in crafting a transformational life, to manifest that which you most desire and improve yourself daily. Covers the Law of Attraction, Law of Assumption, Law of Vibration and other manifesting techniques. Website: If you'd like to see me in video format, feel free to watch all Podcast E ...
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World’s Wildest: Tales of Earth’s Most Extreme Creatures is a podcast dedicated to highlighting the wildest species in the animal kingdom. From our world’s smallest to smelliest, Maya Higa and Connor O’Brien will shock you with the most outrageous stories and adaptations of animals from around the world. Maya is a wildlife conservationist who founded Alveus Sanctuary, a non-profit exotic animal sanctuary and virtual education center in central Texas. She is also a Twitch streamer whose live ...
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Welcome to the Jason Wildes podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Discover the heartwarming and dramatic family podcast, "Wilder Dreams," where the themes of resilience, family bonds, and self-discovery come alive through captivating storytelling. Following the tragic loss of their eldest son, Bailey and her family are forced to navigate their grief and find new dreams for their future. Bailey, who always envisioned running the family ranch alongside her brother, now faces an uncertain path. He was the vibrant and fearless one everyone turned to in tough t ...
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The world is so much more than what we know, and only through understanding it better can we make informed decisions. This podcast aims to bring impactful, entertaining and insightful conversations from a global array of guests. Some famous, some you won’t have heard of. From famous explorers, to renowned scientists and just good people, all have a story to tell which we can take something from. Topics are wide ranging, with a backbone centred on conservation, including hunting, fishing, exp ...
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Podcast by Wilderness Magazine
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Tierisch! – Entdeckungsreise in die wilde Welt der Tiere
Weltwach / Dr. Frauke Fischer & Lydia Möcklinghoff
Tiere können sich in einer für uns nicht wahrnehmbaren Geheimsprache über tausende von Kilometern unterhalten, sie tarnen sich mit Kot, wechseln mal rasch ihr Geschlecht, haben Frostschutzmittel im Blut und wenn es zur Paarung kommt … ach, lassen wir das. Tiere sind jedenfalls zu vielen überraschenden und oft spektakulären Dingen fähig. Nur durch Begeisterung für diese wilde Seite unserer Erde sind Menschen für Natur- und Artenschutz zu mobilisieren. Das wissen Dr. Frauke Fischer und Lydia M ...
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Welcome to, where amazing things happen.
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We discuss WHAT WE HAVE EARNED THROUGH OUR RECOVERY and how we get to live lives today BEYOND OUR WILDEST DREAMS The podcast is open to all paths of recovery The podcast has no opinions on an specific recovery paths the opinions are those of the guest only I provide a safe platform for my guests to discuss their recovery process from substance use disorder and mental health all are welcome
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Welcome to Strickly the Wildest where we give it to you REAL . The truth hurts.. But its funny too.
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A podcast where we typically discuss and celebrate the films of Gene Wilder, one minute at a time. Season one was dedicated to Young Frankenstein. Season two we looked at Blazing Saddles. With Season three, we moved in a new direction, taking on more of a talk-show format with guests.
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Join biggest idiots alive Wilder Shaw & Jesse McGrath as they construct rubrics for the perfect versions of everything in life, always on the hunt for the Very Quite Lit.
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Classic Christadelphian Books recorded in chapter-length episodes
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I'm just a girl transforming. Sharing her life in the Wilderness
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!ard Und die wilden tiere
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Brad Nortman of Kyle, Brust & Nortman is in as the Cousins Sub of the Day for Tausch! After catching up with Jason's third-favorite punter, the guys dive into how meaningful Saturday night's loss to BYU was for Wisconsin men's basketball. Will either Wisconsin men's basketball or Badgers football win a title in your lifetime? The guys review that q…
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Körperspannung loswerden – ich gebe dir in dieser Folge einige Hinweise zu den beiden Entspannungs- bzw. Entladungstechniken TRE und NSDR. Wissen & Werkzeuge für Menschen mit FeingefühlVeränderungsprozesse kreativ begleiten: Unsere Tools sind dafür geschaffen, aus einem soliden Freiraum heraus tief in Problematiken einzutauchen und den Dingen wirkl…
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NPC – das Wort hast du wahrscheinlich schon einmal gehört. Es bedeutet „non player character“ und stammt aus der Gamer-Welt. Es beschreibt die Charaktere in einem Open-World-game, die nicht von echten Menschen gesteuert werden, sondern von der KI. Daraus entstand schnell ein Meme, nachdem es auch in der echten Welt NPCs gäbe und diese immer mehr wü…
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Der True Dating Podcast | Folge 37 Was tut man, wenn das Date seinen Bruder mitbringt - und das nicht nur als Anstandswauwau? Und apropos Wauwau: Hunde auf den Mund küssen - was macht das aus einer 10 von 10? Schickt eure Storys an mail@wildegeschichten.de저자 Nina Goldberg & Markus Barth
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Diesmal gibt’s den Spaziergang über die Augenweide! Es gibt so viele unterschiedliche Augen-Erfindungen im Tierreich – wir garantieren euch: Ihr werdet große Augen machen. Mindestens so groß wie die Augen des Kolosskalmars (fußballgroß). Vielleicht macht ihr aber auch nur ein großes (gelbes) Auge, und mit dem anderen schaut ihr blauäugig verträumt …
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Have you ever felt like you want to be seen a certain way? Do you avoid being honest because you want to 'keep the peace? Are you a people pleaser? I created this podcast for you, so you can be free to needing to 'please' others. There are some truths about caring what others think that we don't talk about, so here they are. Enjoy…
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Gem Fletcher is the Head of Communications for the NHS, and plays a crucial role in shaping how vital messages are delivered to healthcare professionals and the public often during high-pressure and emotionally charged situations. Her expertise not only highlights her ability to navigate complex communication challenges but also emphasises the impo…
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In this episode, Liv Sosnoski, Andrew Long, Mack Strobel, and Chandler Morel, medical students from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in the United States will break down the Lone Star tick — one of the most aggressive and medically important ticks. From bacterial infections like Ehrlichiosis and Tularemia to Alpha-gal Syndrome, Bou…
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Geographer, illustrator, author, and popular educator Dr. Linda Quiquivix joins me in this interview. Broadly speaking, we discuss the below: “a world where many worlds fit.” Much of this conversation is based on Dr. Quiquivix’s 2024 book, Palestine 1492: A Report Back, published by Wild Ox Books.// Episode notes: https://www.lastborninthewildernes…
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It's the final hour of the Jim, Matt & Molly takeover of Wilde & Tausch! They put a bow on their NCAA Tournament thoughts and predictions, including a round of Molly's Game where Molly asks Jim, Matt & producer Primetime to pick a side on some of Friday's final games of the Round of 64. Jim also gets back to his topic from throughout the show, disc…
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Please leave a review on Apple or Spotify to help others grow in their faith. Click here to get our Colossians Bible study.저자 Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters
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The Jim, Matt & Molly takeover of Wilde & Tausch continues LATE into Hour 2. They catch back up on the clock when producer Primetime unveils Molly's embarrassing childhood nickname, leading Jim to shoutout Mr. Irrelevant Alex Strouf for his embarrassing nickname while also asking fans for their own embarrassing childhood nicknames. They circle back…
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Jason, Tausch & Jesse Nelson all have the day off, so Jim, Matt & Molly from 4-6pm in Madison fill in as the Cousins Subs of the Day! JM&M introduces themselves to the statewide audience, including the cool shoutout and free gear that they got from the UW Badgers Volleyball program, and they check in on how their BRACKETS are doing after Day 1 of M…
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The Amazon Chief, A Shed Hunting Corpse and The Miraculous Muzzleloader Shot
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1:13:05Casey Keefer talks proving himself worthy to an Amazon Tribal Chief, being smuggled by a non-english speaking heli pilot, and how some guy tried to make life harder by legalizing bowhunting. Chris Keefer breaks down how a steady diet of ciggy's and coffee got him through multiple seasons of Dropped, his new found tobacco-free pouch obsession and wh…
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Brody Holloway | WinterSWO Following Jesus demands wholehearted devotion, shaping every aspect of our lives to reflect his Gospel. This commitment comes at a cost, requiring sacrifice and unwavering faith. Yet, through Christ’s providence, power, promises, and perseverance, we find true purpose and worth in him. Though challenges such as opposition…
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Was hat ein Kranich mit einem Profi-Basketballer gemeinsam? Und was verbindet den Vogel mit einer Prima-Ballerina? Tierreporterin Anna verrät es euch und gemeinsam findet ihr heraus, warum Otti Otter dringend Ohrenstöpsel braucht. Annas Abenteue mit dem Tanz der Kraniche siehst du hier in der ARD Mediathek…
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The final hour of this unusual Thursday show tips off with some sports theme song power rankings! Jesse believes he’s specially qualified to offer his list as music was one of his majors in college. It ends up being quite the divisive debate. Joe in ‘Tosa struggles during Wilde & Tausch trivia before Jesse decides it's time to be done for the day. …
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Jason continues to field questions from fans while also pondering who the best game show hosts are. However, it’s also the first day of the NCAA Tournament so Jason and Jesse have to discuss the best ways to fill out brackets and preview the Badgers before being joined by a former March legend for the cardinal & white, Zak Showalter! He provides in…
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It’s the Jason and Jesse show today as Tausch continues his Spring sabbatical and it’s the ask Jason (almost) anything edition! He fields inquiries on everything from the Green Bay Packers offseason to his definition of fandom, some are certainly better than others… But first, Jesse has a story to tell about his brother-in-law and his good fortune …
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Ep. 037: Taking Rewilding Mainstream with Alister Scott of the Global Rewilding Alliance
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1:02:59In this joyful episode to celebrate World Rewilding Day, we take a big picture view as Alister addresses key questions such as ‘what does a rewilded world look like’, ‘how do we get there’ and ‘what are the benefits?’ Amongst a range of topics, we discuss climate stabilisation, eco distress and environmental education, as well as the power of succe…
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Festive fashion crabs, octopus that collect shells for armor and the sad reality of hermit crabs. On this episode of World’s Wildest, Maya & Connor talk through our animal kingdom's best dressed. Stop putting off those doctors appointments and go to to find and instantly book a top-rated doctor today. ✨ BONUS CONTENT ✨ Pa…
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In this episode, hosts Joy and Claire discuss their spring break plans, including a ski trip to Copper Mountain and managing pets with dog sitters. They share midlife insights, like Claire’s dad’s perspective at 80 and Brandon’s thoughts on turning 40, and celebrate with a Hot Ones challenge at his birthday. Other topics include the evolution of re…
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#37: Climate Change: Recreation at RiskWilderness & Environmental Medicine journal online: www.wemjournal.orgQuestions/comments/feedback and/or interest in participating? Send an email to: WMPodcast@wms.orgPart 1: Journal ClubTitle: Climate Change Impact on Outdoor Organizations TodayArticle link:…
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Please leave a review on Apple or Spotify to help others grow in their faith. Click here to get our Colossians Bible study.저자 Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters
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Episode Notes This isn't a real episode. It's an advertisement, but it's an advertisement for a really cool thing, a new new book by Margaret Killjoy that we're Kickstarting. You can get so many deals and cool rewards and stretch goals that have already been unlocked, as long as you're listening to this before March 21st at 9am est. If you're liste…
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Reviewing the progress and development of the Packers wide receivers, including a fan on the Carbliss ESPN Wisconsin Talk & Text Line who says the numbers don't tell the whole story from last season. Also, Wilde and Tausch Trivia on a Wisconsin Geography Wednesday. And Whoa Nelly! with Jesse asking Homer for advice on picking Marquette to advance i…
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Homer explains the new NCAA Tournament contest he's helping coordinate. Then, the guys review comments from Packers GM Brian Gutekunst in January sharing how the team needs a sense of urgency to compete for a championship. Has the GM demonstrated such urgency this offseason? And the Packers officially submit a proposal to ban the tush push.…
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Tausch's Spring Sabbatical begins with Homer as the Cousins Sub of the Day hosting with Jason! The guys review the newest addition to the Packers wide receiver room: Mecole Hardman! And Bryan Bulaga joins for his weekly appearance, weighing in on the addition of Hardman, the latest on Aaron Rodgers, and soccer camp.…
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Brody Holloway | Pure and Holy In this Pure and holy session, Brody talks about how the lies we believe can impact our lives and our relationships. Satan is the father of all lies, and when we stray from God’s truth, we believe these lies. Brody shares some real examples of the world's lies–such as finding happiness in unhealthy relationships or th…
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This week we sat down with Joanne Jung to hear more of her thoughts on "the upside-down kingdom." For more info on JWI, visit저자 Joshua Wilderness Institute
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Tausch returns after delivering his speech, and had an interesting interaction with a fan sharing some fun Wisconsin trivia. Speaking of trivia...Wilde and Tausch Trivia, with Jesse jinxing the contestant on a Badgers Trivia Tuesday. And Whoa Nelly! featuring a quick discussion of the Packers backup quarterback situation and government officials ma…
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Quick review of a list ranking Lambeau Field the top-rated sports venue in professional North American sports! And while Tausch steps away, The Badgers Outsider makes his triumphant return to the show! Derek Blakeslee shares his thoughts on the state of Wisconsin Men's Basketball entering the NCAA Tournament, as well as the state of Wisconsin Footb…
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It's the Tuesday edition, with Tausch hosting from a unique undisclosed location where he'll be giving a speech during today's show? What's the holdup with Aaron Rodgers and Russell Wilson finding new teams to play for this year? And Evan Cohen of Unsportsmanlike on ESPN Radio joins for his weekly appearance, including sharing a story of the bigges…
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The Wilderness - Haftarah Portion 22 - וַיַּקְהֵל VAYAK'HEL
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1:08:11The Wilderness is an in-depth study of the haftarah. The haftarah is a section of Holy Scripture taken from the Prophets or Writings of the Hebrew Bible that is read after the weekly alongside the Torah. The specified section always has some connection to the theme of the Torah portion of the week and the time and season of year. Class PDFs and Aud…
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37 Adjusting Our Attitudes and Our Crowns As Daughters of Christ
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19:44Send us a text This episode discusses Stinkin' Thinkin' and how we can work to overcome it. We all do it. The enemy fires his fiery darts repeatedly at Today's Busy Woman. Fiery darts are his lies. The problem is we believe the lies sometimes and we don't even realize that he is shooting those darts. Sharon takes a look at five people from the Bibl…
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Geographer, illustrator, author, and popular educator Dr. Linda Quiquivix joins me in this interview. Broadly speaking, we discuss the below: “a world where many worlds fit.” Much of this conversation is based on Dr. Quiquivix’s 2024 book, Palestine 1492: A Report Back, published by Wild Ox Books.// Support the work + listen to the full interview: …
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#37: Climate Change: Recreation at Risk & Hypothermia MythBustsers
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1:06:39#37: Climate Change: Recreation at RiskWilderness & Environmental Medicine journal online: www.wemjournal.orgQuestions/comments/feedback and/or interest in participating? Send an email to: WMPodcast@wms.orgPart 1: Journal ClubTitle: Climate Change Impact on Outdoor Organizations TodayArticle link:…
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How do Jason Wilde's and Rob Demovsky's latest articles about new Packers corner Nate Hobbs enlighten us more on the state of Jaire Alexander with the Packers this offseason? Reviewing responses from fans on the great wide receiver debate as the offseason without a splash addition continues. And Whoa Nelly! featuring the start of the MLB season? An…
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Continued discussion of how the Packers have navigated the wide receiver position over the past few seasons. Who in the NFL has it worse than the Packers right now with wide receiver depth? And a special St. Patrick's Day celebration with a new "Pot O' Gold" game, as well as Tausch's Irish Pirate accent returning for Wilde and Tausch Trivia.…
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Wisconsin falls in the Big Ten Tournament championship game to Michigan, and draws a 3 seed in the NCAA Denver? With that development, is Tausch backtracking on his Final Four prediction for the Badgers? Also, Jason's awkward case of mistaken identity? And how does the Cincinnati Bengals agreeing to contract extensions with Tee Higg…
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Breaking the Cycle of Shame: A Path to Healing & Redemption with Gene McConnell
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1:01:12Shame thrives in silence, but what happens when we finally confront it? In this episode, Gene McConnell shares his raw and deeply personal journey from addiction and self-destruction to redemption, revealing the transformative power of vulnerability, love, and accountability. Together with host Tom Perez, Gene unpacks the hidden wounds of childhood…
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Welcome to this week's episode of The Wilderness of Creativity with Lucy Williams @ms_williams100 on X Lucy is a passionate creative thinker and advocate for the arts, dedicated to making a positive impact in her role as the Senior Leader and Senior Mental Health Lead. She leverages her extensive experience and creative voice to foster environments…
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381 / The Unnatural History Of Bird Flu / Brandon Keim
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1:13:26Science journalist and author Brandon Keim joins me to discuss the origins and evolution of H5N1—popularly known as bird flu—explored in his excellent article for Nautilus, The Unnatural History of Bird Flu.Brandon Keim deftly covers the recent evolutionary history and trajectory of avian influenza, with a focus on H5N1 and its subvariants as it ha…
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Are you a woman navigating a season of uncertainty, burnout, or spiritual doubt? The Wilderness and The Well is your place of encouragement, renewal, and faith-filled guidance. Hosted by Cece Henderson, founder of The Sanctuary International, this podcast helps women reconnect with God, heal from past wounds, and step into their true purpose. Each …
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Es ereignet sich, auf einer anderen, tieferen Ebene, als die, wo wir willentlich entscheiden. Die ersten beiden Ebenen sind Emotionen und sinnhafte Empfindungen (Felt Senses). Noch tiefer jedoch kommen wir in Verbindung mit etwas Größerem, was einen eigenen Willen hat. Wissen & Werkzeuge für Menschen mit FeingefühlVeränderungsprozesse kreativ begle…
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Ep. 20 - Out of Hospital Airway Adjuncts: King Tube vs LMA
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27:27King Tube vs IGEL for Airway Management In this episode of Wilderness Medicine Updates, Dr. Patrick Fink addresses a listener's question on whether to use a King Tube or an IGEL as an out-of-hospital airway adjunct. The episode begins with an overview of airway management techniques from mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to supraglottic airway devices. …
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The last words on the 30-year-old player debate that took over the show. Wilde and Tausch Trivia flashing back to last year's NCAA Tournament. Whoa Nelly! featuring Jesse's love of Dubuque and Eric Stokes looking forward to dinner after 10pm in Las Vegas. And Feel Good Friday painted by Hallman Lindsay Paints.…
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Jason and Gabe Neitzel (in as the Cousins Sub of the Day for Tausch) continue to review responses from fans answering if they're skeptics or believers in the Packers philosophy on 30-year-old players. Also, another player fitting that criteria signs with an NFC North rival.
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Gabe Neitzel is in as the Cousins Sub of the Day hosting the Friday edition with Jason! After an opening segment debate on the value of conference tournaments, the guys dive into the Packers unwritten "policy" on 30-year-old players. Does it frustrate fans that the team now appears to be almost entirely out on players once they eclipse 30 years in …
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