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Syntax - Tasty Web Development Treats

Wes Bos & Scott Tolinski - Full Stack JavaScript Web Developers

Full Stack Developers Wes Bos and Scott Tolinski dive deep into web development topics, explaining how they work and talking about their own experiences. They cover from JavaScript frameworks like React, to the latest advancements in CSS to simplifying web tooling.
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Red Web

Red Web

Red Web unravels mysteries from unsolved true crime to the supernatural. Whether you're a believer or a truth-seeker, Red Web will satisfy your curiosity for the unknown with suspense, intrigue, and humor every Monday. Join Red Web at Patreon.com/RedWeb for ad-free episodes and exclusive access to bonus content.
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Websupport | Podcasty o online podnikaní

Každý týždeň si pozývame zaujímavých hostí do našich priestorov a rozprávame sa o biznise, marketingu, značkách a online svete. https://www.websupport.sk/
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世界最大の通信技術企業の一つベライゾンがグローバルな視点から、インターネットセキュリティーの今を伝えるプログラム。企業の情報セキュリティ担当者やリモート在宅ワーカーに向け、サイバー攻撃やネット犯罪から身を守るための様々な情報をVerizon Japan Sr Solutions Principal-Security Prod Sales 森マークがお届けします。 最近気になったサイバーニュースなどがあればメッセージフォームから是非お送りください! みなさんからのメッセージお待ちしてます。 https://form.audee.jp/websecurity/message
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The adventures of Matt Lawrence and Mike Karan through the world of web development, web design, and small business management. As web development agency owners for the better part of a decade, they’ve worked with all sorts of technologies, through the rise of responsive web design, the revolution of serverless computing, and the popularity gain of many no-code tools for small business owners. They commonly discuss foundational web development technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - in ...
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Whiskey Web and Whatnot: Web Development, Neat

RobbieTheWagner and Charles William Carpenter III

Veteran web developers RobbieTheWagner and Charles William Carpenter III host this informal, whiskey-fueled fireside chat with your favorite web devs. They discuss all things web development including JavaScript, TypeScript, EmberJS, React, Astro, SolidJS, CSS, HTML, Web3, and more. They take a unique approach and focus on getting to know the human side of developers and their hobbies outside of work, all while sampling a new whiskey that they rate on their unique tentacle scale.
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República Web

Javier Archeni

República Web es un programa dedicado a todas las personas que se ganan la vida con internet y la tecnología. En el programa se hablará de desarrollo web, herramientas y tecnologías de internet. En definitiva la vida digital que nos ha tocado vivir en la república de la web. Colaboran Javier Archeni, Andros Fenollosa y David Vaquero. Visita la web del programa https://republicaweb.es
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Wild Wild Web erzählt Geschichten aus dem Internet. Mal Wissenschaft, mal Tech, mal Investigativ-Recherche und mal Tier-Doku. Die Hosts Janne Knödler und André Dér-Hörmeyer nehmen euch mit in ein Gefängnis, suchen die Band hinter dem mysteriösesten Song im Internet und fragen sich, ob Hunde sprechen können. In dieser Staffel treffen wir einen Hacker, der in einen der größten deutschen Cyberkrimis reinstolpert und KinoX.to gründet. Und wir entdecken, was die Memes und Internet-Rätsel über uns ...
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Web Reactiva

Daniel Primo

Web Reactiva es un podcast sobre desarrollo y programación web. Estamos en https://webreactiva.com . Te contaré historias para programadores que nunca antes habrás escuchado;) Recursos, reflexiones y todo el ecosistema de producción web: backend, frameworks, cms, ecommerce, cloud, despliegues, frontend, programación a medida y más cosas. También hablaremos del negocio que podemos crear en torno al mundo developer.
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ECHO's Voices of Webster

Maren DeMargel, editor; reporters Emily Goben, Maren DeMargel, Lindsey Bennett, Jaden Fields, Ellise Keller, Zeke La Mantia, Emily Stisser, Zora Thomas, Ethan Weihl and Elise Wilke-Grimm.

Voices of Webster is an ECHO Newspaper production. The opinions expressed are those of the student journalists and those they interview, and do not reflect the opinions of Webster Groves High School or Webster Groves School District. Lydia Urice is editor. Music is "Beauty Flow," by Kevin MacLeod from https://filmmusic.io (https://incompetech.com) License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) and “Poppers and Prosecco” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Co ...
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Web Aqua 日向 凛です。大阪を拠点に、ホームページの制作やSEOをメインとした、ネットで収益を上げる仕組みづくりを仕事としています。 この配信は、ウェブ集客をしたい経営者様やフリーランスの方向けに、マーケティング情報をお伝えするPodcastです。 Apple Podcast/Google Podcast/Spotify/Anchor/Breaker/Pocketcasts/RadioPablic/で配信していますので、フォローして聴いていただけると嬉しいです! Web Aqua(ウェブ・アクア)では「すべての人にウェブの恩恵を」の思いから、ITやウェブが苦手な人にもお使いいただけるWix(ウィックス)を使ったホームページを提供しております。 自社で運用できるホームページを欲しい方はぜひお気軽にご相談ください。 https://www.web-aqua.jp/ よく話題にする内容: SEO/Webマーケティング/Wix/SNS/ビジネスマインド Profile: https://web-aqua.jp/rinhyuga Rin Hyuga talks about web ...
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O Espaço de Criação e Web Rádio Nós Na Fita tem a finalidade de produzir, divulgar e fomentar conteúdos independentes em variados segmentos. A equipe é formada por colaboradores especialistas em diversas áreas da comunicação. Além disso, o espaço é livre à comunidade em geral para que possa desenvolver e expressar suas potencialidades. Gravações, filmagens, edições de vídeo, foto e áudio, produção de videoclipes, reportagens, podcasts, curta-metragens, entrevistas, documentários, resenhas, e ...
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We talk to real people who took the not-so-traditional route to make it as web design freelancers or business owners. Plenty of helpful tips and tricks along the way. If you’re looking to start a side hustle or just up your game as a web or UX designer, this podcast is for you.
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Modern Web

Modern Web

The modern web is changing fast. Front-end frameworks evolve quickly, standards are emerging and old ones are fading out of favor. There are a lot of things to learn, but knowing the right thing is more critical than learning them all. Modern Web Podcast is an interview-style show where we learn about modern web development from industry experts. We’re committed to making it easy to digest lots of useful information!
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Web Pro Savvy

Cathy Sirvatka

Web Pro Savvy is a biweekly podcast for freelance web designers and developers, hosted by Cathy Sirvatka. You'll hear interviews with experienced freelance web pros about their business operations, the services they offer, and the types of clients they work with. They openly share their stories and pull back the curtain on how they achieve success so that you can boost your own business.
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Voor ondernemers die vooruit willen. Sven Kersten vertelt je alles over hoe je jouw ideale website strategisch in kunt zetten met behulp van online marketing. Je krijgt tips & tricks over onderwerpen waarvan je het bestaan nog niet wist. Van zoekmachine optimalisatie tot persoonlijke ontwikkeling om jouw business de kans te geven om te groeien.
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Woof's Web

Woof Logik (Michael Granados & Miguel Meza)

Podcast brought to you by Woof Logik. Michael Granados & Miguel Meza, DJ & Producers from Fontana, CA. Where we talk our life stories and music careers.
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Web Rádio Censura Livre

Web Rádio Censura Livre

Rádio digital web, produzida por coletivo de mídia alternativa a serviço da classe trabalhadora. Transmissão por live nas redes sociais, site, APPs e podcast. Web Rádio com programação informativa e diversificada, com conteúdo independente e a serviço dos trabalhadores e setores oprimidos. A voz da classe trabalhadora!
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Walloping Websnappers! A Spider-Man Podcast

Glitterjaw Queer Podcast Collective

Spidey-Fans Doug and Derek dive into every Spider-Man cartoon ever made — and all from a positive, queer, and analytical lens! From the swingin’ 60s through the rockin’ 90s to Spectacular, Ultimate, and beyond, we’ll explore everything weird and wonderful about our favorite Webhead. And over on our Patreon, we take detours into the games, movies, and (of course) comics that shape our favorite webslinger’s multimedia landscape! Is your spider-sense tingling?
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EDGE of the Web is a weekly digital marketing podcast discussing all things in Digital Marketing: SEO, Social Media, Content Marketing, and more. Host Erin Sparks discusses the latest news and trends in the digital marketing industry as well as interviews with some of the top names in marketing. Visit our website at edgeofthewebradio.com to see all of our past shows and videos.
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The Web Usability Podcast

Lucy Collins from Web Usability

Join Lucy Collins, Director of Web Usability, as we explore what it takes to make the web a more accessible and enjoyable place for everyone. Whether you're a website owner, developer, or just a curious mind, we're here to share insights, tips, and stories that can help you improve the user experience of your digital world. Web Usability is an established User Experience (UX) agency. We are UX specialists. We provide inclusive UX research and advice to optimise your digital services. If you ...
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Web Crawlers

Web Crawlers

Ali Segel and Melissa Stetten discuss pop culture, TV, viral stories, unsolved mysteries, creepy cults, scammers, and everything unsettling in between. “They maintain a loose, upbeat dynamic as they fall down rabbit holes, which means listeners can comfortably dip their toes into the deeply unsettling and unexplained, but won’t walk away feeling, well, haunted.” (Vanity Fair, 2020) Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/webcrawlers. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more infor ...
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show series
「干支の格言 -蛇編-」 毎年、社長の年賀状には、その年の干支にちなんだ 知性 を感じさせる格言が添えられている 良い格言の多い蛇の年、どんな言葉が送られたのか 作 大谷芳治 演出 赤松美花   出演 赤松美花、山崎謙造、加藤孝明、大谷芳治、細田利正저자 くりらじ
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In this episode, Matt and Mike dive into the world of freelancing—a rewarding but often challenging career path for web developers, designers, and tech enthusiasts alike. As 10+ year veterans of their own web dev agency, the guys share their personal insights and experiences when freelancing. Learn how to: make the most out of freelancing platforms…
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🔎 Hoy estreno un nuevo formato aprovechando una casa rural SEO que hicimos varios amigos nicheros. Respondemos preguntas SEO con total sinceridad, para aprender de la experiencia de todos. Tanto de lo bueno, como de algunos de los mayores fracasos. 😄 Han aparecido en este vídeo: Jesús Arias (@chuchiseo) Simón Gracia (@simonpmax) Jose Baraza Jose Bl…
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JavaScript is missing a built-in way to make variables reactive—but Signals might change that. Scott and Wes break down what Signals are, how they compare to React state, and how different frameworks like Preact, Solid, Vue, and Qwik are already using them. Show Notes 00:00 Welcome to Syntax! 01:49 Brought to you by Sentry.io. 02:28 Why JavaScript …
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Examining the heartbreaking story behind this true crime case of three children vanishing from an Australian beach known as the disappearance of the Beaumont Children. Support us directly: http://www.redwebpod.com With Patreon, you get access to ad-free content, our exclusive bonus show Movie Club, the Red Web Discord, and more! On a warm summer da…
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O Programa Homenagem é produzido pela equipe da Web Rádio Nós Na Fita com a intenção de homenagear personalidades, que de forma positiva, deixaram seu nome na história da arte, cultura, esporte, ciências e outras áreas afins. Nesta semana, falamos sobre Enzo Ferrari, fundador da Scuderia Ferrari e da fábrica de automóveis Ferrari, a mais conhecida …
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2024年〜2025年の年末年始、サイバー攻撃にまつわるニュースをたくさん耳にしました。 その多くは「DDos攻撃」と呼ばれる手口です。 そこで今回は「DDos攻撃」とはどんな攻撃なのか改めて解説しつつ、 セキュリティの基本対策をおさらいしていきます。 過去「DDos攻撃」についてお話した回はこちらから https://audee.jp/voice/show/51976저자 ベライゾンジャパン
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👉 Lo de la subida del 1.100% es aquí | https://www.webreactiva.com/lista-de-espera 🎙️ Developers, cuidado con las ofertas CTO que llegan después de una gran noche. Este episodio es la Cara B de la publicación La gran noche. Apúntate gratis para recibirla cada semana. Te cuento 3 formas de usar la IA como salvavidas cuando te ofrecen ser el "Develop…
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O texto explica a diferença entre orações relativas e orações completivas em português, focando-se nas funções sintáticas e na substituibilidade do "que". Através de exemplos e testes de substituição e omissão, demonstra como identificar se "que" funciona como pronome relativo ou conjunção integrante. O podcast apresenta critérios claros para disti…
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Доброго дня шановні слухачі. Представляємо новий випуск подкасту RWpod. У цьому випуску: Ruby Ruby on Rails on WebAssembly, the full-stack in-browser journey Benchmarking caching in Rails with Redis vs the alternatives How to avoid problems with Turbo morphing Maybe: The OS for your personal finances Parklife - a Ruby library to render a Rack app (…
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Sara Taher joins the EDGE team this week to have a focused discussion of AI and SEO in the news. From China's deep-sea AI shake-ups to Meta monetizing threads and Google's evolving search Quality Raters Guidelines, this week promises a feast of intriguing insights and digital dilemmas. We unpack the repercussions of Deepseek—a Chinese AI marvel sha…
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🗓 Quinta-feira | 06 de fevereiro 🕚 20h 📍Acesse 🎙EXCEPCIONALMENTE NESTA 5ª FEIRA (06/02), ÀS 20H, você fica com mais uma edição do programa "SST VIDA - Saúde e Segurança no Trabalho", com HEITOR FERNANDES, pelos canais da Rádio Censura Livre e do apresentador. Os temas serão: - LUTA EM DEFESA DO TELETRABALHO NA PETROBRAS - MUDANÇAS CLIMÁTICAS E OS I…
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Sia Karamalegos, performance engineer, web developer, and Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies & Web Performance, discusses the pitfalls of relying solely on Lighthouse scores, the importance of Real User Monitoring (RUM), and dive deep into metrics like Core Web Vitals and various other performance indicators, giving practical insights to e…
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This week, Robbie and Chuck talk with Ken Wheeler and Chris Power about everything from React and fantasy football to bizarre Airbnb experiences. They debate React’s evolution, lament the quirks of hooks, and revisit the infamous React t-shirt incident. Plus, Ken shares his DIY McRib recipe—because why not? In this episode: (00:00) - Intro (00:47) …
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Will AI take over web design? Should I learn to code? Is there too much competition for me to have a chance? I answer all those questions as I lay out 5 things I'd do differently if I was starting over with web design in 2025. You get all the juicy details of the mistakes I made along the way and the importance of adapting to changes in the industr…
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In this episode of the Modern Web Podcast, host Rob Ocel, along with co-hosts Adam Rackis and Danny Thompson, explores the sustainability of open source with Chad Whitacre, Head of Open Source at Sentry. Chad discusses the Open Source Pledge, an initiative encouraging companies to fund the open source projects they rely on. He breaks down the chall…
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For our podcast anniversary, we're releasing one of our favorite Patreon episodes -- our immediate reaction to the Pepsi-holding, taxi-stealing, bad CPR-delivering, low energy legend herself, Madame Web! If you want to hear us yell more about this beautiful trainwreck of a movie, we'll have a brand new Patreon commentary on February 14! Website⁠ | …
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LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE, & SUBSCRIBE! This week we talk about high school bullies, immigration, & super bowl predictions! SUBSCRIBE to our other channel: @MapleAlley More Woof Logik: INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/wooflogik TWITTER: https://twitter.com/wooflogik FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/wooflogik TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@wooflogik TW…
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La semana pasada el equipo de Tailwind CSS presentó una actualización completamente optimizada para el rendimiento y la personalización. La versión 4 de Tailwind CSS marca un nuevo hito, con una espectacular actualización que ha llevado meses de trabajo. Esta última versión trae mejoras extraordinarias en un nuevo motor de alto rendimiento, integra…
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Summary In this episode of the Web Usability podcast, host Lucy Collins speaks with Ahmed Khalifa, a digital experience manager and advocate for web accessibility. They discuss Ahmed's journey as a deaf individual and how it has shaped his professional life, emphasising the importance of accessibility in digital experiences. The conversation covers…
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Rats eating evidence room drugs, woman scammed by fake Keanu, extending dogs lives, Instagram green card marriage scam, Justin Baldoni/Blake Lively lawsuit, celebs with high IQs, and more! TV: Severance Movies: Paris, Texas Books: Yellowface by R.F. Kuang Join our Patreon for video episodes and True Crime episodes every other week! Intro song: Jore…
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