On “Trumpland with Alex Wagner,” Alex travels the country talking with the people on the frontlines of Trump’s policies and promises. For the first 100 days of the new administration, she’s taking a break from the anchor’s chair to get out into the field to bring you conversations you can't always find on TV. You’ll get a 360 degree-view of what’s happening both at home and abroad now that Donald Trump is once again president of the United States. Subscribe to MSNBC Premium on Apple Podcasts ...
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Mike Wagner is a 30+ year broadcasting and radio personality interviews famous celebrities, actors, singers, authors, comedians, and interesting people doing amazing things!
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Each month for the Talking Disney Podcast Rachel Wagner and Stanford Clark get together to talk about one of the Disney Canon Classic animated films. We let the random number generator do the work of picking the film to talk about and have a blast giving historical context, trivia and our thoughts on the film.
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Todd Wagner led a movement over the last decades that has impacted untold numbers of lives around the globe. With an entrepreneurs vision, an academic’s love of learning, a prophet’s clarity and a pastor’s heart, his gifts and passions have challenged, sharpened and encouraged young and old, male and female to build communities and organizations that have blessed nations. Todd shoots straight but shepherds with gentleness and love. This show is a chance for you to engage with ancient truths ...
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In diesem Podcast erwarten dich Themen rund um deine Ernährung, deine Fitness, deine Gesundheit, deinen Körper und dein Mindset. Nicht nur Coaching-Tipps und Übungen, sondern auch geführte Meditationen und Experteninterviews sollen dir dabei helfen, deinen Körper besser zu verstehen und kennen zu lernen. „Nobody’s perfect“ - das ist ein ganz wichtiger Ansatz dabei, denn in einer Welt voller Social Media und Vergleichen, fällt es oft schwer bei sich zu bleiben und mit sich im Reinen zu sein u ...
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Es gibt Fußball-Podcasts, und es gibt Fußball-Podcasts. Schön, dass Du Dich für die radikalste und gnadenloseste Form der Fußball-Analyse entschieden hast. Du hast ganz schön Eier! Aber genau die brauchen wir ja. Sonst ist der Fußball gar nicht auszuhalten. Und noch mehr Eier brauchst Du, um die beiden Hosts dieses Podcasts zu ertragen.
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Cover art photo provided by Tom Barrett on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@wistomsin
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The official podcast of Wagneroperas.com
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Podcast experimental...
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Welcome to Owen Wagner, where amazing things happen.
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Welcome to David Wagner, where amazing things happen.
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Welcome to the null podcast, where amazing things happen.
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American dream
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This is a podcast about different parts of my life.
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Me chamo Wagner e sou uma vaca.
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Glanzparade – die Show mit Buschmann, Fuss und Wagner
Sky Sport, Wolff Fuss, Thomas Wagner, Frank Buschmann
Spannende Geschichten, klare Meinungen und ganz viel Leidenschaft für den Fußball - In „Glanzparade – die Show mit Buschmann, Fuss und Wagner“ sprechen die drei Grandseigneurs der Sportberichterstattung über die heißesten Themen auf- und abseits des Rasens. Die komplette Sendung zum Nachhören gibt es hier als Sky Podcast. Falls Du Lust auf noch mehr spannende Sport-Talks hast, findest Du alle Sky Sport Podcasts hier: Meine Geschichte - das Leben von ... https://meine-geschichte.blogs.julepho ...
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Conversations with interesting people. This podcast is brought to you by Authorsunite.com and Infinitepartnershipsystem.com.
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Welcome to Dylan Van Wagner, where amazing things happen.
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Welcome to the Aidan Wagner Podcast podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by R M on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@rangusmoiboi
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Ψ - Psicólogia.
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Rabbi Wagner's Chassidus Class
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Bible-based teachings of Chris Wagner of Calvary Chapel WestGrove CCWG located in Garden Grove, CA
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Behind The Smoke Recaps, Rants, Friends, Family, Digital Marketing, Music, and whatever the hell else I want to talk about! The Life & Times of Cory Wagner Podcast. Listen on the Anchor App.
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We are always learning so here are some I have learned from life in the classroom. The lessons include ones from me, my colleagues/friends, and even ones my students have taught me.
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Iyun Gemora
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Wie kannst Du noch freier und überzeugender beim Musizieren werden - für mehr Kreativität, Spaß und Erfüllung? Wie schafft man es als Artist erfolgreich und glücklich zu sein? Marius Wagner spricht über spannende Themen, unter anderem mit interessanten Persönlichkeiten aus der Musikszene.
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Brand Hacking is when someone builds their brand and business at the same time, with nothing more than what an ordinary person has at their disposal. This podcast will help solo professionals, small businesses, and SMMs build and grow without spending a fortune on marketing. From leveraging social media to harnessing the power of networking, we'll uncover the secrets to successful brand hacking. Listen in to learn how to stand out in a crowded market and have fun doing it. Tune in to "Brand ...
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Tracy Ellis and Peter Wagner bring you the latest news and the most compelling interviews of the day with the people behind the stories. Have an idea for a story we should tell? Email Peter or Tracy or follow them on Twitter!
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The Full Potential Podcast shares career stories, ideas and experiences to empower and inspire people to reach their Full Potential.
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A business and marketing podcast that tells it like it is without the fluff. It's honest, direct, and raw. Hosted by Wágner dos Santos, an advertising agency veteran who has owned multiple businesses since the age of 17. You might say that he's a tad bit qualified. A new episode is broadcast and recorded live on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Twitch every other week on Wednesdays. To submit a question or join the conversation be sure to use #WagnerLive from your favorite social media desti ...
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Crooked Media's new series Six Feet Apart with Alex Wagner (journalist and co-host of Showtime's The Circus) will offer a window into the hidden worlds of this pandemic: the chaos and fear, the resilience and innovation — all of which have been necessary parts of survival in this extraordinary moment. Through conversations with individuals on the frontline, from the grocery store to the criminal justice system, this new series will delve into what’s likely to be the defining event of our lif ...
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Die Kabarettist:innen Malarina und Berni Wagner sind das durchschlagkräftigste Comedy-Duo Österreichs. In "FACT FIGHTERS" diskutieren die Freunde im rhetorischen Ringkampf über Themen, die (fast) die ganze Welt beschäftigen. In der Tradition des "Advocatus Diaboli" werden die Pro-und Contra-Postionen zum Thema der Sendung ausgewürfelt. Alsdann gilt es in zwanzig Minuten die überzeugendsten Argumente vorzubringen und seinen Gegner blitzschnell mit einem überraschenden Standpunkt auf die Matte ...
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Renowned academic counselor and “Last Chance U” star Brittany Wagner hosts Sharpen Up, a podcast that inspires, energizes and educates. If you don’t know this southern, single mom yet - then hold on - she’s the wise mentor, helpful advisor, and judgement-free friend we all need. Brittany gained recognition from the Netflix original series “Last Chance U,” where she was the academic advisor to a prolific junior college football team. She changed the lives of student-athletes by believing in t ...
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Do you want to pursue the dream God placed on your heart and serve your family well? It is possible! Welcome to the Purposeful Impact podcast! On this podcast, you’ll find permission to pursue your dreams your way, practical solutions to challenges you might face, and tips for becoming a more influential leader. (And yes, you are a leader!) If you‘re ready to rediscover who you are, feel more fulfilled, and pursue your dreams as you care for your family, you‘re in the right place! Hey, I‘m C ...
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Italienischer Catenaccio, Porzellan aus Meissen & Überleitungen aus der Hölle.저자 Sky Sport
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Gemischtes Hack - halb und halb. Zwei Halbzeiten, zwei Welten
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44:55Die Nationalmannschaft ist das einzige Thema in dieser Folge. Aber es gibt sehr viel zu besprechen. Lets go!저자 Thomas Wagner und Mike Kleiss
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The multi-talented singer/songwriting duo from Torquay, UK Midnight 5-6 are my very special guests!
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41:16The multi-talented singer/songwriting duo from Torquay, UKMidnight 5-6 talk about their releases “When”, “Wishing I Was Gone”, “The Sea”,“Oooo!!” and more! The duo of Simon and Helen met online after the death ofboth of their partners with common music interests including John Martyn,Little Feat, etc., and formed the group in Christmas of ’16; Simo…
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Women in Ministry: The Confusion And Controversy Around God's Created Order
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1:24:03What does the Bible say about women preaching and teaching? We discuss the Gather 25 event, Adam's role in the fall, and the importance of understanding God's design for men and women. Join Todd Wagner as he explores these complex topics. Watch on Todd's YouTube Channel - The Todd Wagner Show저자 Mission Studios
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Trump’s strikes on environmental regulations are now crossing paths with his attacks on DEI. Citing compliance with Trump’s DEI mandates, the Justice Department dropped its lawsuit against a petrochemical plant in Reserve, Louisiana, in an area known as ‘Cancer Alley.’ This week, Alex travels to Louisiana and speaks to the life-long residents direc…
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Ranking all 29 THE LION KING Songs (Talking Disney Classics Ep 104) (OG, Broadway, Sequels, New)
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55:01Today we have a special episode of Talking Disney. We are ranking every song from The Lion King whether original, sequels, Broadway or the recent CG films! For a spotify playlist of all of the songs ranked https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2GagtfyLfeYInw0m4PhUGW?si=I9A8fUcgSN6-OFRS_J5oPwGet started at factormeals.com/hallmarkies50off and use code h…
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Wie Lego spielen dein Leben oder Business nachhaltig verändern kann | mit Anne Fiedler
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34:51LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® – Kreativität für Arbeit, Leben und persönliche Entwicklung Arbeiten wir hart, denken wir oft linear – aber was, wenn spielerisches Bauen uns zu besseren Lösungen führt? In dieser Folge von „Work Hard, Heal Smart“ sprechen wir mit Anne Fiedler über LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®, eine Methode, die nicht nur im Business, sondern auch für pe…
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Award-winning speaker/author/host of “The Grampion” Jim Tracy is my guest with "Building Men"!
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35:37Award-winning speaker, author & host of “The Grampion” JimTracy talks about his new release“Building Men” exploring the essence of true character building, sharingstories of pivotal figures influencing his business acumen with leadership and integrity from his beginnings in Watertown,SD while offering valuable insights for anyone to guide/mentor yo…
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Studio City, CA author/vibrant survivor of TBI Emily Silver Owen talks about her debut release “The Best of the Worst”!
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40:39Studio City, CAauthor/vibrant survivor of TBI Emily Silver Owen talks about her debut release“The Best of the Worst” sharing her incredible journey of survival after beinghit by an intoxicated driver in Sept. ’19 falling to the grounds withlife-threatening injuries ready to graduate from Humboldt State University andreflecting how HOPE (find out wh…
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Professor Louie of Professor Louie & the Crow Matix is my very special guest with "Crowin' Around"!
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1:06:40Woodstock, NY Grammy-nominated singer/songwriter Professor Louieof Professor Louie and the Crow Matix talks about the latest release “Crowin’Around” featuring “Elevate Yourself”, “Too Much Fun”, “A Million”, “MondayBoogaloo” etc., plus previous works “Strike Up The Band”, “Whispering Pines”,“Wings on Fire” and more! Professor Louie talks about his …
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Austin, TX startup founder/CEO of ROAD Global Retail Management Agency Bashak Ilhan is my guest!
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26:24Austin, TX startup founder/CEO of ROAD (Return on AdvancedDesign) Global Retail Management Agency Bashak Ilhan talks about her latestventure which helps companies expand globally through branding identity,leadership, partnerships, the latest trends while rethinking theirmarketing/branding strategy and find investment funding! Bashak began heramazin…
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Bayern baggert, Leverkusen lauert & Stuttgart schwächelt저자 Sky Sport
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Das Gesülze von Köln Sülz! Oder: Was Sie immer schonmal über Bayern, Dortmund, Hertha und Nürnberg wissen wollten!
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56:43저자 Thomas Wagner und Mike Kleiss
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25+ year southern NJ singer/songwriter Denise Miller is my very special guest with “Richard” !
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27:1825+ year southern NJ singer/songwriter Denise Miller talks abouther latest releases “Richard” honoring all veterans who served and fought forour country inspired by a conversation! Denise began her amazing career at 11inspired by a school musical and also part of a duo called Denise Miller &Son (hear about how they came together!) plus released “Th…
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San Diego born author/stay-at-home mom Amanda Mcnear is my very special guest with “My Love” !
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22:40San Diego born author/stay-at-home mom Amanda Mcnear talks about her latest release “My Love” about a woman left at the altar by her ex and staying single for 5 years and later meeting a handsome man at a lagoon sharing a very passionate romance yet presents a dilemma…is she able to get past her ex, or stay with a man that has every woman thrown to…
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Todd Wagner and Brian Sims dive into the often-debated topic of men and women's roles within the church. They emphasize the importance of adhering to biblical truth and understanding God's design for humanity. They discuss the difference between egalitarianism and complementarianism, highlighting that while men and women are equally valuable, they …
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Unerwartete Niederlagen, unmögliche Aktionen & unerwartete Sportarten in der Glanzparade저자 Sky Sport
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Ein BVB in Trümmern, ein VFL Bochum als Bayern-Schreck, Streitfall Leverkusen - die Liga ist bunt
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1:03:04Noch im Doppelpass am Sonntag hat Thomas Wagner den BVB zerlegt, in mehrere Einzelteile. Heute ist er etwas sanfter, was sicher an seinem Lieblings-Podcast-Partner Mike Kleiß liegt. Nur er kriegt ihn "runter", und so wird eine sachliche Analyse möglich. Der VFL Bochum muss gefeiert werden, und das passiert heute! Ist Leverkusen nun eine Top-Mannsch…
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Numerous lawsuits are underway as efforts ramp up to fight against the Trump administration’s agenda, with the charge led by a select group of attorneys general. On this episode, Alex Wagner heads to Phoenix, Arizona where Democratic state attorneys general organized a town hall for citizens impacted by Trump’s executive orders and DOGE’s targeting…
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Author/blues musician/Christian Minister The Reverend John Lee Hooker Jr. is my very special guest!
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43:16Author, blues musician, Christian Minister The Reverend John Lee Hooker Jr. talks about his latest release “From the Shadow of The Blues: My Story of Music, Addiction & Redemption” is a memoir about surviving being shot, stabbed, and incarcerated in multiple prisons, battling drug addiction, a series of related crimes, and how he emerged clean and …
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If I Could Have One Man Teach God’s Word To Others: Todd Wagner & Tommy Nelson
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1:46:33Todd Wagner talks with his FRIEND, Pastor Tommy Nelson, about faith, the Bible, and life. Hear Tommy's story of conversion, his passion for Scripture, and insights on church history and philosophy. They share personal stories and laughs, exploring the depth of God's Word and their friendship. Follow Todd everywhere - linktr.ee/toddwagner Watch The …
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Wilson Getchell of The Thirsty Curses returns with the new release “Music is a Scam” !
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23:43Wilson Getchell of The Thirsty Curses returns with their newrelease “Music is a Scam” featuring “Bombs Away”, “Foot in the Door”,“Breakfast Schmekfast” and more! Wilson formed The Thursty Curses in ’17 with arotating cast of musicians with Clayton Harris as the mainstay, called “The BigTakeover” considered too good to be this anonymous, plus an upd…
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Author & daughter of a Holocaust survivor Julie Brill is my guest with “Hidden in Plain Sight” !
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29:28Author & daughter of a Holocaust survivor Julie Brill talksabout her latest release “Hidden in Plain Sight” as a deeply personal truestory about her father & her family and the experiences in a heartfeltstory as an enduring quest to know the struggles of her father surviving theHolocaust as a young Jewish boy in Belgrade where Nazis murdered 90% of…
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Northern CA Award-winning filmmaker Christopher Shawn Shaw returns with “Lifeless:A Musical Zomedy”!
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20:35Northern CA Award-winning filmmaker/owner of Anchor ProductionsChristopher Shawn Shaw returns with “Lifeless: A Musical Zomedy” telling thestory through decades after zombie apocalypse wiping out the entirety of humancivilization yet one lone zombie’s undead heart groans and croons for somethingmore in the award-winning faith-based musical comedy s…
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Freiburg auf Kurs Champions League, Loris Karius auf Kurs & Kurse für gute Überleitungen in der Glanzparade.저자 Sky Sport
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Alaaf! Die Wahrheit hinter den Kimmich-Bayern-Gesprächen! Die These des Geysirs!
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58:28Spätestens am Rosenmontag haut Thomas Wagner einen raus. Und Kleiß war längst darauf gefasst. Was steckt hinter den (nicht erfolgreichen) Gesprächen zwischen den Bayern und Kimmich? Was ist los bei Werder Bremen? Kann sich Heidenheim noch retten? Und sind der HSV und Köln "durch"?저자 Thomas Wagner und Mike Kleiss
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Author/economist/biotech expert Ken Peters is my very special guest with "The Seed Sanctuary"!
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53:51Author, distinguished economist/biotech expert Ken Peters talksabout his latest release “The Seed Sanctuary” taking place in 2030 where aninnovative super-agri seed offers hope against growing food insecurity drive byclimate change where a Mossad agent discovers a hidden conspiracy to destroythe seeds which could spread famine globally! Ken worked …
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Ireland’s emerging singer/songwriter Colm Gavin is my special guest with “Diggin’ The Idleflower” !
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30:47Ireland’s emerging singer/songwriter based in Dublin Colm Gavintalks about his latest release “Diggin’ The Idleflower” featuring “What’s itLike in L.A.?”, “Song for Sam”, “Little Rowboat to China”, “Katie Macaroni” andmore! Colm began his amazing career at 10 writing music and performing at 14across Ireland & beyond while sharing the stage with Gle…
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CT multi-dimensional artist/author Thomas Lane talks about his latest release “The Karma Factor" !
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38:33Connecticut multi-dimensional artist/author Thomas Lane talksabout his latest release “The Karma Factor” as a work of visionary fiction exploringboundaries of human conscious against the backdrop of a classic suspensethriller telling the story of NYPD detective James Early haunted by namelessguilt and running from demons trying to end his life but …
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It’s been three years since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine and while President Donald Trump's spreading of disinformation aims to rewrite history, Ukrainians on the frontline of the war refuse to forget the truth. On this week’s episode, we see how Ukrainians in the U.S. are marking the anniversary and honoring those fallen back home. Plus…
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The Day I Killed Kennedy: James Files' Shocking Confessions
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2:10:02The amazing story of the man who shot JF Kennedy. Todd Wagner talks with James Files, a man claiming to be a former CIA operative and mob hitman. Files recounts his unbelievable life, from jumping out of a second-story window during a shootout to his involvement in the JFK assassination. He details his time with the Chicago mob, his relationship wi…
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Unerwartete Aufstiegshelden, ungewöhnliche Motivationsreden & viel zum deutschen Unterhaus.저자 Sky Sport
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Ein Messer am Hals ist kein Spaß! Wer vor Ultras Angst hat, setzt die Kontrolle aufs Spiel
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55:34Hier eine .kleine Werbung eigener Sache. Folgt dem Technikchef und seinem neuen Format. Wir versprechen: Es ist schwindelerregend gut, auch weil Thomas Wagner eine tragende Rolle spielt Youtubelink:www.youtube.com/@rheingefragt oder bei Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rheingefragt/저자 Thomas Wagner und Mike Kleiss
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Haut und Ernährung für strahlende Ergebnisse | mit Dr. Elisabeth Stammler
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57:13In dieser Folge von „Work Hard - Heal Smart“ sprechen wir über den Einfluss von Ernährung, Sonneneinstrahlung und Hautpflege auf unsere Hautgesundheit. Wie kann die richtige Ernährung unsere Haut unterstützen, und was passiert, wenn wir der Haut schädliche Nahrungsmittel oder zu viel Sonne aussetzen? Wir gehen auf gängige Hautkrankheiten ein und kl…
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