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En skräckpod från det västra kustbandet. Nostalgi, löst tyckande och akademisk analys i en salig röra. Vill ni stötta oss ekonomiskt i det folkbildningsprojekt som är Vargtimmen kan ni gå med på och få en hel del extra material eller Swish (0729-099410) eller PayPal (
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Conteúdos e aulas de vinhos do prof. Marcelo Vargas, que atua como professor de pós-graduação da Università di Camerino (Itália) e PUCRS. Coordenador técnico no MBA em Marketing e Negócios do Vinho e Pós de Negócios em Alimentos e Bebidas da ESPM. Pesquisador do Centro Italiano di Analisi Sensoriale (CIAS Innovation) para projetos nas áreas de Análise Sensorial, Consumer Science e Neurociência Aplicada. Diretor da Associação Brasileira de Sommeliers (ABS-RS).Professor de sommeleirs no Brasil ...
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Únete a mi programa diario en Noticias MVS 102.5, de lunes a viernes a las 10:00 y 19:00 hrs, donde exploraremos juntos los secretos para una vida equilibrada en mente, cuerpo y alma. Acompáñame en un viaje de descubrimiento a través de temas esenciales como Comunicación, Relaciones Humanas, Imagen, Protocolo y Salud. Cada episodio es un espacio para la reflexión y el aprendizaje, donde compartiré valiosas ideas y consejos prácticos para enriquecer tu día a día. Descubre cómo optimizar tu bi ...
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Hosted by Varg Freeborn, The Varg Freeborn Podcast is about balance. Fitness, violence, self protection, responsibility, fear, ambition, drive, leadership, business...through the lessons of adversity we can learn to live successful and strong lives.
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The School of Radiance with Rachel Varga

Rachel Varga BScN, RN, CANS, Double Board Certified Aesthetic Nurse Specialist

In this podcast, we embark on an inspiring journey that challenges the conventional standards of beauty and dives deep into the remarkable power of inner radiance and longevity. Get ready to explore beauty from a fresh perspective and uncover the secrets to a radiant and confident you. What IF skincare doesn't have to be complicated? What IF skincare and rejuvenation can be simplified? What IF radiance is the secret to lasting beauty? What IF the latest beauty trend is actually aging us fast ...
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Valson Varghese

Valson Varghese

Valson Varghese serves as the Senior Associate Pastor at the New Life Assembly of God Church. He also serves as the National Youth Co-ordinator for the Assemblies of God of India. His teaching and preaching ministry has blessed thousands of people in several nations of the world. You will enjoy listening to his messages right here... Subscribe, Like and Share this page with your friends. Remain blessed.
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Get ready for an exhilarating journey into the world of business success using STAGES! Join Pete for weekly extraordinary episodes that will turbocharge your business growth. Experience out-of-this-world content, featuring special guests and invaluable insights, all designed to propel your business to new heights. No sales pitch, just pure value, and actionable strategies! Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, "BACKSTAGE with PETE VARGAS III" is your go-to destination ...
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Espaço dedicado a produções jornalísticas em rádio e podcast pelo jornalista Rodolfo de Souza. São matérias atuais, além de outras produções, realizadas na Rádio Vanguarda de Varginha -- depois Rádio Clube Brasil Sul de Minas/Rede Clube Brasil -- entre julho de 2019 e 12 de fevereiro de 2021, quando foram encerradas as atividade do Departamento de Jornalismo da emissora.
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Welcome to the Staff Sergeant Vargas (US ARMY) I’m a career counselor for Visalia California. I provide the general population with information about Army programs and opportunities, whether it’s on going to school or start a new career. The Army is a lifestyle that’s not for everyone, however if you don’t know anything about it it’s hard to gauge if it something that you wanna do. so I encourage you to ask questions and I will do my best to give you an answer. I don’t have the ability to co ...
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Talking Raps Podcast with Julian Vargas! The show in which host, Julian Vargas and a friend or two from the LA Comedy Community get deep into the most interesting parts of Hip-Hop History & go on tangents. Each week I bring in weird videos(songs/interviews/etc) related to the topic that will strike up funny conversations. If you want to follow along with the videos go to the shows webpage and also SUBSCRIBE, DOWNLOAD, and RATE on ITUNES. That shit matters for some reason idk Email all compla ...
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Programa dedicado a los pueblos Originarios de América: Música, entrevistas a personajes de la cultura originaria, tradiciones, la Pachamama, mitos, leyendas, ... Con la acertada conducción de la Licenciada Amalia Vargas y la colaboración de radio Túpac (Argentina). Todos los viernes a las: 10h00 (hora de Perú, Ecuador, Panamá y Colombia) 11h00 (hora de Bolivia y Chile) 12h00 (hora de Argentina) 16h00 (Europa / invierno) 17h00 (Europa / verano VIA MALKI Radio -
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Spanglish Podcast: NOT SUITABLE FOR SENSITIVE AUDIENCE — NO APTO PARA FRESITAS After I left my job due to a toxic work environment, I decided to open my own business. Scared with no idea of what's coming next, disappointing my family for leaving my job, and a streak of bad luck coming my way, I didn't have any other option but to buckle up. You are going to see my stupidity/cleverness to the next level. What mistakes I'm making and how I fix them. What I want you to get from my podcast is an ...
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¡Te Amo Más! Con Marta Vargas

¡Te Amo Más! Con Marta Vargas

Canciones y conversaciones, incluyendo reflexiones y oraciones para crecer en el arte de amar y ser amados, comenzando con nuestra propia receptividad al gran amor que Dios nos tiene. Déjate amar por Él quien te ama tanto, y quiere más que nada tocar, sanar, liberar y transformar tu corazón y tu vida para que vivas en la grandeza y plenitud para la cual te creó! Siguenos en Facebook/instagram @musiplaticas y @martavargas777, y en YouTube @martavargasmusic para ultimos avances en proyectos qu ...
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show series
Veckans avsnitt kretsar kring två av det sena nittonhundratalets mest hyllade svenska författare. Lars Norén är både fiktionaliserad och dokumenterad på SVT igen vilket gett nytt underlag för debatt kring pjäsen 7:3 och hans syfte med den. Stig Larsson har ställts till svars i Söndagsintervjun i P1 och frågan är vad som egentligen är hans brott?…
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This is a very special Mother's Day episode if you're a mom wanting to look beautiful for family events and have glowing skin in your family pictures. I share tips and tricks to help your mother feel their best, the importance of self-care, and haircare and styling tips for Mother's Day. I wish you all a beautiful day this Mother's Day to rest, rec…
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Saturdays are our family day. No regular work, spending quality time together. My wife and I with our 18 month old son went to the ballpark here in Las Vegas called the Sunset Park after our morning coffee. Watch FULL YOUTUBE INTERVIEW HERE We watched planes landing and taking off. The ballpark reminded me of the days when I spent my own childhood …
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How can you look and feel your best on your travels? What skincare products should you take and what can you leave behind? What food should you eat during your travels to maintain healthy skin? These are a few of the questions I answer in this masterclass! For all of my favorite biohacking products, visit:…
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In this episode, Ricardo discusses how the film "The Social Network" prompted him to think creatively. By encouraging people to focus on novel concepts rather than mundane routines, he reinforces the importance of escaping the conformity cycle. Ricardo argues that in order to improve one's creative and problem-solving abilities, one should seek out…
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Neste episódio, Ricardo conta como o filme “A Rede Social” o levou a pensar criativamente. Ao encorajar as pessoas a concentrarem-se em conceitos novos em vez de rotinas mundanas, ele reforça a importância de escapar ao ciclo de conformidade. Ricardo defende que para melhorar a capacidade criativa e de resolução de problemas é preciso buscar experi…
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Vårruset Vi firar in våren med några skräckfilmer om häxor som sorteras in i underkategorin folk horror, och stannar till lite särskilt vid 2017 års österrikiska mästerverk Hagazussa av långfilmsdebutanten Lukas Feigelfeld (ålder lyckligtvis okänd). Tomas anför fenomenet ättestupa som ett exempel på typiskt svenska inslag i Midsommar och Lars drar …
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Durante muito tempo, Beaujolais (França) ficou à sombra da Borgonha, sendo sua produção vinífera associada a menor qualidade. A região provou seu potencial: a bebida local se tornou uma das melhores opções no quesito qualidade versus preço, e há mais mudanças despontando no horizonte OUÇA E APRENDA: sobre a área, principais influências do terroir, …
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What can you do to embrace an aspect of detoxifying into your daily routine? How can you integrate full spectrum infrared frequencies from nature for optimal health and longevity? Listen to my conversation with Robby Besner as he shares his story on why he started his company, Therasage, and the importance of creating a safe and healthy home. Learn…
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I was having a great conversation with a former Green Beret in one of my podcasts. In that, he asked me about my story, my journey when I decided to get sober. Watch FULL YOUTUBE INTERVIEW HERE His question to me was if I went down the 12 step AA program. Answer to that was: I went in there for 18 days of a 12-week program. Now, did I continue in m…
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How can proper hydration contribute to healthy, glowing skin? Why is it important to purify water and what are the impacts of structured water on your energy and longevity? Listen in on my conversation with Mario Brainović as we discuss the connection between coherent water and the gut microbiome, and how structured water affects your mind, body an…
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In this episode, Ricardo talks about the challenges and crises in project management. He emphasizes that projects naturally encounter difficulties, such as delays, stakeholder issues, and risks, which are manageable. A crisis occurs when these challenges exceed the ability to deal with them, necessitating significant changes in behavior and approac…
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Neste episódio, Ricardo fala sobre os desafios e crises no gerenciamento de projetos. Ele enfatiza que os projetos encontram naturalmente dificuldades, como atrasos, problemas com as partes interessadas e riscos, que são administráveis. A crise ocorre quando estes desafios excedem a capacidade de lidar com eles, necessitando de mudanças significati…
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Nesta aula simbólica (número 100) do Grupo de Estudos e Degustação, o prof. Marcelo Vargas vai ensinar sobre a região que mais gera receita no mundo: Champagne 🍾 OUÇA E APRENDA: sobre a área, referência em estilo, qualidade e valor agregado; além de conhecer as regras mais rígidas de produção. ------------------------------------- Sugestão de degus…
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Phil Kornachuk’s mom did not have any issues letting him know that they really didn’t expect him and that he was not part of the plan. He was the youngest by 7 years among 5 kiddos. He’s now a father of 8 who believes in leading by example and not by forcing principles and values into people either in business or in a family. Watch FULL YOUTUBE INT…
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What is the best nighttime skincare routine to achieve a more radiant glow? What are the best skin products to brighten your skin? How can you reduce redness, puffiness and darkness around the eyes especially during allergy season? These are a few of the questions I answer in this masterclass! For all of my favorite biohacking products, visit: http…
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In this episode, Ricardo talks about findings from the "Stanford University AI Index Report," which emphasizes the advantages that industry has over academia in AI research, the efficacy of AI in specific activities, and the high expense of creating sophisticated models. Although regulation is still in its infancy, the US leads the way. While AI bo…
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Neste episódio discute os insights do “Relatório de Índice de IA da Universidade de Stanford”, destacando a eficácia da IA em certas tarefas, a liderança da indústria sobre as universidades na pesquisa de IA e os altos custos de desenvolvimento de modelos avançados. Os EUA lideram, mas a regulamentação ainda é incipiente. A IA aumenta a produtivida…
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How much collagen should we be consuming daily? How much collagen do we need to make a difference in our skin and how do we stimulate our own skin's collagen? I share the answer to these questions and more during this Live Q&A all about collagen! For all of my favorite biohacking products, visit: and u…
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Tratando-se de vinho, a Itália possui várias regiões relevantes; dentre elas, uma vem se destacando muito nos últimos anos, especialmente no Brasil. Com suas bebidas intensas, a Puglia ganhou mercado e consumidores e tem valorizado cada vez mais seus produtos, inclusive no quesito preço. OUÇA E APRENDA: sobre a região: influências do terroir; locai…
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A balloon is manufactured out of a simple piece of plastic. It stays deflated and remains useless until someone decides to fill it up with air. But once it’s filled to its capacity, it’s seen in celebrations, birthday parties and festivities. Then it’s serving its purpose. Similarly, human beings can expand and reach their max. Watch FULL YOUTUBE E…
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What is hyaluronic acid and how can we reap the benefits of it to have better, more hydrated skin? How can we add more hydration internally with hyaluronic acid products and what are the best hyaluronic acid products for skincare? For products mentioned in this episode, visit: and use the promo codes t…
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