Brokeass Grouch was not always brokeass nor grouchy. She’d worked her damn ass offf to earn a respectable career as a journalist, writer, book author, TV personality—you get the idea—and was/is beaming mother of three schmuskies. Then she got divorced. A month later, the recession hit. And she was unexpectedly pregnant with no child support. That’s when shit started getting real. And that’s when her life, likely your life—and our great—changed forever. And guess what, lovers? Plus ça fucking ...
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What Fresh Hell is This? with Brokeass Grouch (aka Susan Gregory Thomas) (Trailer)
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If you've been married or partnered for, well, pretty much your whole adult life, dating for the first time ever is a revelation--in shockingly complicated emotional complexity. In grown men.
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Have boyfriends entered the era of specialization? It could be that there's a boyfriend for every scenario.
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