This is the official Taskmaster podcast, hosted by former champion and chickpea lover, Ed Gamble. Each week, released straight after the show is broadcast on Channel 4, Ed will be joined by a special guest to dissect and discuss the latest episode. Past contestants, little Alex Horne, and even the Taskmaster himself will feature in this brand-new podcast from the producers of the BAFTA-winning comedy show.
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Introducing Taskmaster: The People’s Podcast, hosted by Series 15's beloved Jenny Eclair alongside Taskmaster aficionado, Jack Bernhardt. Each week, Jenny and Jack take a deep dive into the world of Taskmaster, talking to behind-the-scenes guests, superfans and some of the most beloved Taskmaster characters. This is the official fan podcast from the producers of the BAFTA-winning comedy show. If you want to share your Taskmaster obsession, whether it's talking about your favourite task, what ...
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A 97.5 Táska Rádió Székesfehérvár kisközösségi diákrádiója, helyileg a Lánczos Kornél Gimnáziumban működik. A stáb tagjai Székesfehérvár általános iskoláiból és gimnáziumaiból kerülnek ki.
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Podcasts, blog posts, community updates, jobs, cool articles and more.
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Have you ever wondered why we sing about such weird things to our children? Songs about babies falling out of trees? Mice running up clocks? An egg falling off a wall? English nursery rhymes can seem so strange today. Join language scholar Gina as she explores the historical and cultural meanings behind some of the most popular nursery rhymes. Each episode delves into the origins and significance of the world's most popular nursery stories.
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TaskuLähetys - lähempänä ihmistä
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Keeping the Murray/Mallee/Riverland and Coorong Regions up to date with The Changes in Aged Care
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We explore philosophy, politics, economics, and other ideas from a classical liberal perspective.
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25YL Media and Ruminations Radio Network present John Bernardy & Elle Holgate in a spoiler laced, coffee-fueled, Twin Peaks podcast that dives deep into history and theory.
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Stochastik & Statistik
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News and Issues For Today's First Responders. We provide some of the top mentors, leaders and members of the Fire Service from the U.S. and Canada.
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Uued Uudised on rahvuskonservatiivset maailmavaadet kandev uudiste- ja arvamuskanal. Meie kanalis saab kuulata Mart ja Martin Helme poliitikasaadet "Räägime asjast", Andres Raidi vestlussaateid "Poolkuu Igor Gräziniga" ja "Serviti" ning Erik Boltowski riigikaitse- ja julgeolekusaadet "Si Vis Pacem". Vaata ka
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Kaikki mikä taskuun mahtuu ja enemmän.
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Two Idiots, One Task, the podcast where we turn the art of body doubling into a lifeline for semi-functional adulthood. Adulting is hard... especially for those of us who are neurodivergent or struggle with our mental health. If you’ve ever felt mocked by a sink full of dishes, a pile of laundry or a task that you know you could finish in 10 minutes that has been evading you for months, you’re in good company. We’re here to narrate and support each other through overwhelm with menial, mundan ...
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Listen to Articles, Interviews here about productivity and project management.
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Margus Parts ja välistoimetus toovad kätte Eestile tähtsad arengud välismaal.
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Kuula netis või lae alla. Arvutisse või taskumängijasse.
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Kuula netis või lae alla. Arvutisse või taskumängijasse.
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Kuula netis või lae alla. Arvutisse või taskumängijasse.
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Kuula netis või lae alla. Arvutisse või taskumängijasse.
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Kuula netis või lae alla. Arvutisse või taskumängijasse.
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Kuula netis või lae alla. Arvutisse või taskumängijasse.
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Kuula netis või lae alla. Arvutisse või taskumängijasse.
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Kuula netis või lae alla. Arvutisse või taskumängijasse.
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Kuula netis või lae alla. Arvutisse või taskumängijasse.
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Kuula netis või lae alla. Arvutisse või taskumängijasse.
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Teach, Task Box, Inspire: The Podcast (A Show for Special Educators)
Lisa Hollady, Special Education Teacher
Teach, Task Box, Inspire: The Podcast is your go-to educational podcast dedicated to making your job as a special education teacher easier and more enjoyable. Your host, Lisa Hollady, is a veteran special education teacher with a passion for helping teachers like you make a real difference in the lives of your students. In your demanding roles, you’re constantly juggling various responsibilities, from differentiated instruction and Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) to data collection, ...
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Barka da shiga Taskar zamani Inda zaka samu labari Irin ta Nishadi Da Jan hankali
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Become a Paid Subscriber: Welcome to The Random Task Podcast where we are always random and NEVER on task!!! Two girls, a guy and a Podcast 🎙️Just Hanging out Doing what we love to do best, getting together, talking, joking, and being silly and talking about new subjects all the time so come Join in on the craziness and have some laughs and maybe learn something new or not lol We always stray off the topic! We love what w
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This is a podcast series on which you'll get to know a lot of opportunities to earn money and make a profitable and scalable business.
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Kuula netis või lae alla. Arvutisse või taskumängijasse.
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Kuula netis või lae alla. Arvutisse või taskumängijasse.
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Kuula netis või lae alla. Arvutisse või taskumängijasse.
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Tas Cover art photo provided by Callum Wale on Unsplash:
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Kuula netis või lae alla. Arvutisse või taskumängijasse.
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Comparison between my parents 🧕🏻👮🏻♂️
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旧名 : タスク管理【先端】研究所~Task Management "Advanced" Laboratory~ タスク管理に詳しいイド♂が、ちょっと濃ーいタスク管理の話をします。一回5分程度で、タスク管理の新しい視点が得られるかも? 「一般的なタスク管理の話に飽きたなぁ」という方は聞いてって下さい。
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Honest movie, show series, games, streaming services, and everything pop culture. Every episode we will suggest and debate a movie our listeners should watch with hope to get your interaction.
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thank you for your kindness.
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Detailed guidelines
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Escucha este podcast y muchos más en o en las apps de iVoox para iOS, Android o Windows Phone.
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Kuula netis või lae alla. Arvutisse või taskumängijasse.
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A podcast about all things recovery
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저자 Dr. Rainer Schlosser
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In this episode, host Matt Bufton interviews historian Steve Davies about the political realignment happening across the Western world. Steve explains how traditional divisions in politics, such as socialism versus capitalism, have been replaced by a new axis centered on nationalism versus globalism. He critiques both "national collectivism" and "t…
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64. Practical Tools for Behavior Management A Guide for Special Education Teachers
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In this episode, we explore practical tools that empower educators to manage behaviors effectively in special education classrooms. From behavior-specific praise and token economies to social stories and calming corners, this episode provides actionable strategies to create a structured and supportive environment. Real-life examples and troubleshoo…
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Ever had one of those days that feels like a dumpster fire that's slowly been escalating to out of control? Haven't we all?! In this episode of Two Idiots, One Task, we tackle the art of unwinding after a truly bad day. You can follow along as host, Britta Newly, shares how she is unwinding from a bad day using several practices of mindset shifting…
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Our friends Scott Ryan (Blue Rose Magazine) and Emily Marinelli (Twin Peaks Tattoo Podcast) have a four-part zoom workshop to tell you about that begins this March. Production by Mitch Proctor and Area 42 Studios and Sound Additional audio editing John Bernardy w…
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Episode 251: Episode 9-14 - Asst Chief Joe Manning - Training in Today's Fire Service & Retention and Recruitment
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What are some of today's most pressing issues in the Fire Service? We look at a couple in this episode: Training in Today's Fire Service, as well as Retention and Recruitment. Joining us to cover these topics is Assistant Chief Joe Manning of the Largo FL Fire & Rescue Department. With nearly 30 years in the Fire Service, he has seen it all in trai…
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ELUST JA POLIITIKAST Helle-Moonika Helme: "Tean, et kõik need head asjad on siiapoole teel"
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Konservatiivsete naiste saates "Elust ja poliitikast" räägib saatejuht Evelin Poolametsale Helle-Moonika Helme oma muljetest Ameerika Ühendriikidesse, kust ta äsja saabus. Helme oli kutsutud Floridasse Donald Trumpi residentsi palvuslõunasöögile. Praegusel ajal oli sel aga eriline tähendus, sest see kohtumine leidis aset vahetult enne Trumpi presid…
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"Si Vis Pacem..." Valimised on demokraatia julgeolekuküsimus. E-hääletust kutsutakse inspekteerima OSCE.
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Riigikaitselises saates "Si vis pacem..." räägitakse seekord Eesti e-valimistest ja OSCE ekspertkomisjonist, kes tuleb veebruari esimeses pooles meie ülehaibitud ning manipuleerimises kahtlustatud elektroonilist valimissüsteemi inspekteerima. EKRE on aastaid võidelnud valimispettuste paljastamise nimel. Et liberalistlikud erakonnad ja nende klaköör…
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Az Óbudai Egyetem Alba Régia Kar Mérnökinformatika szak képviselőitől minden részletet megtudhatsz! Vendégeink: Módné Takács Judit intézetigazgató helyettes, és Laib Levente, Szabó Balázs, Pásztóhy László aktív hallgatók.
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Válás és párra találás újra - ahogy a gyerekek élik meg!
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Komoly téma a fiatalokkal Juhász Lia és Hainsworth Kornél interjúja Vitos Éva - családkonzulens/családterapeutával.
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Hogyan érdemes elkezdeni, mire érdemes figyelni egy vállalkozás kezdeténél, ami csak a jéghegy csúcsa. Interjú Zborai Tamás az Axon Digital és a FrameX Content alapítójával.
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After a wonderful first series of Junior Taskmaster, join us in a trip down memory lane as we revisit some of the best moments from the podcast, with wonderful guests including Nish Kumar, Emma Sidi and the dynamic JTM duo themselves, Mike Wozniak and Rose Matafeo! We're talking pigeons, mash and so much more - including a shocking confession from …
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Season 3: Episode 4 - Ants Go Marching / When Johnny Goes Marching Home
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Send us a text In this episode of A Tisket-Tasket Podcast, host Gina dives into the fascinating story behind the children's nursery rhyme 'The Ants Go Marching.' Discover how this playful tune traces its roots back to the American Civil War with the song 'When Johnny Comes Marching Home,' written by Patrick Gilmore. Explore the evolution of the mel…
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저자 Prof. Dr. Ralf Herbrich
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This week Jenny and Jack spy with their little eyes something beginning with Series 9, Episode 9 - a true classic with a little bit of everything from live task meltdowns to bloody knees. Plus they answer listener questions, and pose a few questions of their own - including, should comedians be allowed to drive? Next week we'll be talking Series 8,…
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"Räägime asjast": põhimõttelageda Isamaa parv koormatakse üle
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Poliitilises vestlusaates “Räägime asjast” räägivad asjast seekord Eesti Konservatiivse Rahvaerakonna aseesimees Mart Helme ja EKRE juhatusse kuuluv Anti Poolamets, kuid telefoniliinile võetakse ka erakonna esimees, kes viibib praegu USAs president Donald Trumpi ametisse pühitsemisel. Kuna Poolamets kuulub ka Rakvere linnavolikokku, siis räägitakse…
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Vestlussaade "Vaba sõna": kas peaministril on loll raske olla?
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Konservatiivses vestlussaates "Vaba sõna" räägivad Eesti Konservatiivse Rahvaerakonna poliitikud Evelin ja Anti Poolamets seekord muu hulgas näiteks "homoisamaalastest", sest Rakveres linnavolikogus koalitsiooni moodustanud Isamaa poliitikud nõustuid toetama 2000 euroga LGBT festivali, samas, kui seenioride ja mõned teised toredad üritused jäid toe…
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It's time for Taskmaster The Podcast Best Of - Series 18!! Join us in a look back on our favourite moments from this series - from Mr Poo to Ox Tail Soup, we've got it all here in a delicious mix. Who could forget Emma Sidi attempting a three-way secret affair with Andy Zaltzman and Babatunde Aléshé on national TV? Certainly not us. Not to mention …
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저자 Prof. Dr. Ralf Herbrich
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Body doubling is a term that sounds like it could be something from Invasion of the Body Snachers. Lucky for you it's not. Body doubling is a helpful and effective productivity tool. In this episode of Two Idiots, One Task, we explore the what, why, and how of our favorite strategy for making adulthood feel slightly less impossible; body doubling. …
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Got little piles of stuff lurking in every corner of your house, silently judging you? Yep, same. In this episode of Two Idiots, One Task, we tackle the infamous doom piles. You know, doom piles, which are those stacks of random things you swear you’ll deal with “later” but never do. Host Britta Newly comes clean about what doom piles are, why they…
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Jacob Levy - Why Is Montesquieu Important For Liberalism?
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In this conversation from 2021, Alex speaks with Jacob Levy about Montesquieu's role in shaping contemporary political science, the American revolutionary project, and the role of the separation of powers as a bulwark against despotism. References 1. “Rationalism, Pluralism, and Freedom” by Jacob Levy Link:…
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저자 Dr. Rainer Schlosser
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Send us a text Exploring the Fun of Apples and Bananas Nursery Rhyme | A Tisket-Tasket Podcast S3 E3 | Join Gina in Season 3, Episode 3 of the Task at Podcast, where she dives into the whimsical world of the 'Apples and Bananas' nursery rhyme. Discover the silliness of vowel-changing lyrics, the mystery behind its origins, …
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저자 Prof. Dr. Ralf Herbrich
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63. Building Engagement: Strategies to Keep Students on Task
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In this episode, we dive into how engagement can transform student learning and behavior in the classroom. By using high-interest topics, task boxes, movement, and real-world connections, we can help spark excitement and keep students focused. You'll walk away with practical strategies and real-life examples to create a lively and engaged classroom…
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We may be in a new year, but we're watching an old episode of Taskmaster! This week Jack and Jenny are back covering vintage episodes, starting with Series 12 Episode 4, which was suggested by a listener several weeks back. With it comes discussions about Victoria learning to ride a bike, whether there were any hacks missed in that task, and why se…
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Konservatiivide vestlussaates "Vaba sõna" vaatavad taas eelmisele nädalale tagasi EKRE poliitikud Anti ja Evelin Poolamets. Teemadena võetakse luubi alla ERRi skandaalne aastavahetuse programm, Riigikontrolli ülevaade ja 50 miljonit dollarit, mille Eesti sai tänu EKRE jõupingutustele Danske Panga rahapesu protsessist.…
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EKRE valitsuses tehtud otsused toovad siiani riigile kasu
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Raadiosaates „Räägime asjast“ arutavad Mart ja Martin Helme, kas 50 miljonit eurot koostöö eest rahapesu vastase võitlusega on ameeriklastelt saadud palju või vähe. Tegelikult ei ole Eestis rahapesuvõrgustikku siiani paljastatud ega kahjutuks tehtud. Teise teemana võetakse ette riigikontrolli aruanne, mis näitas et EKRE osalusega valitsuse tehtud p…
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When getting dressed sends you into a spiral of decision fatigue making you feel like a glitchy robot stuck in a loop, then this episode is for you... In this episode of Two Idiots, One Task, host Britta Newly walks you through the surprisingly complex task of choosing an outfit when your executive function is on strike. From prioritizing comfort t…
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The Taskmaster Podcast has something different for you this week! If you didn’t already know there is another podcast that discusses all things TM. It’s called The Taskmaster People’s Podcast and it’s hosted by the brilliant Jenny Eclair and Jack Bernhardt. Each week Jenny and Jack take a deep dive in to the world of Taskmaster, talking to behind-t…
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In this episode from 2021, Alex Aragona speaks with Victor M. Muniz-Fraticelli about whether the monarchy might seem absurd, and whether a little absurdity can be a good thing. References 1. “The Monarchy and the Constitution” by Vernon Bogdanor Link:…
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Do you dread tasks for months that are arguably easy? Well... Welcome to the debut episode of Two Idiots, One Task! In this series, we tackle menial tasks with humor, a touch of chaos, and strategies that make adulting feel less overwhelming. In this episode, we clean the bathroom together step by step. From creating dopamine rewards (hello, orange…
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When your bed feels like quicksand and the floor is lava, getting up can feel like an Olympic event. In this relatable episode of Two Idiots, One Task, host Britta Newly shares a calming, step-by-step process designed for anyone who feels overwhelmed by the thought of starting the day—especially during the cold, dark months. Through guided breathin…
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Send us a text Support the show저자 Gina Zimbardi
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62. Podcast Guest Amanda Matusoto- SLP and AAC devices
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In this insightful episode of Teach Task Box Inspire, host Lisa Hollady welcomes Amanda Matusoto, a high school speech and language pathologist with a caseload of over 60 students. Amanda brings a wealth of experience from her work in ABA therapy, outpatient facilities, and as a head softball coach. She shares her expertise on fostering meaningful …
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This week we're bringing you some of the best moments of 2024. It's been a great year, from Lou's rocking predictions, to Little Alex Horne's task writing strategies (and why he might not be using a mangle), and some behind the scenes insights from the 'voice of Mr Blobby' herself. And remember when Jenny learned what face swapping was? Plus there …
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Volunteer SA/NT - everything you need to know about having volunteers in your business
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This episode is an in-depth conversation with David Jacquier from Volunteer SA/NT. Home | General Volunteering Services | Volunteering SA&NT This is a must listen for those who have volunteers on their team and for volunteers themselves. You can find out more about national volunteering wee 19 - 25 May here National Volunteer Week - Volunteering SA…
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"Räägime asjast": "Perverssusi edendavad asutused tuleb maksurahast ilma jätta"
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2025. aasta esimeses saates "Räägime asjast" on Eesti Konservatiivse Rahvaerakonna juhtpoliitikute Martin ja Mart Helme külaliseks samuti Riigikogu EKRE fraktsiooni kuuluv Varro Vooglaid, kellega koos kommenteeritakse ERRi aastavahetuse programmi, milles edendati perverssusi solvates kõiki inimesi. Seega tuleb ERR riiklikust rahastusest ilma jätta.…
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Vestlussaade "Vaba sõna": uue aasta prognoosid - tuuleparkide invasioon, majanduslanguse jätkumine ja muu
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Konservatiivide vestlussaate "Vaba sõna" aasta esimeses osas teevad EKRE poliitikud Anti Poolamets ja Evelin Poolamets prognoose saabunud aastaks. Teemadena on nendeks tuulikuparkide invasiooni, kliimaseaduste agressiivne pealsurumine, kaks ja pool aastat kestnud majanduslanguse jätkumine ja Ukraina sõja võimalikud rahuläbirääkimised.…
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Ha valami nem megy, fáradékony vagy, van megoldás - Hangtálazás, hangterápia
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Az új év új kihívások elé állíthat! Hogy mindig mindenre készen állj érdemes feltöltődni! Ebben is segít a hangtálazás, hangterápia. A részletekről Péntek Gáborné Erika, holisztikus segítő beszélt nekünk rádiónkban!
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Ha még nem is tudod mit jelent, hogy tudod eldönteni hogy kell-e vagy sem. Segítünk! Ismerkedj meg az autogén tréning világával! Szakértőnkkel Faragóné Bistey Réka autogén tréning és szimbóliumterápiás gyakrolatvezetővel beszélgettek rádiósaink.
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Season 3: Episode 0 - Happy New Year 2025! State of the Podcast!
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Send us a text Episode Description: Happy New Year and Exciting Updates Welcome to 2025! It’s been a while since my last update, but this podcast is far from abandoned. In this episode, I share the highlights of my journey over the past few months, including speaking at the 2024 American Folklore Conference. From reconnecting with friends to presen…
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