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Helping christians to make God's Kingdom their priority. "Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness" [Matthew 6.33] My Podcasts are free, offering online christian teaching and devotional materials on living effectively in the Kingdom of heaven Enjoy! Philip Email: [email protected] Find me on Social Media: Instagram: philip_sixthirtythree
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Previously Hash.time, sixthirtythreedaily! is safe space where you can find lessons from a young lady hungry for God. This is a safe space where I get to learn to seek God first. I hope to speak into my soul and help my spirit man stand still in God's presence. Why Sixthirtythreedaily? Matthew 6:33 stood out for me in my season of transitioning into a newly Wed. I fasted, I prayed, I soaked in God's presence. God was telling me to seek him first, before anything else and all these things wil ...
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show series
Hi and thank you for stopping by my podcast. I’m excited to share this episode where I reflect on Joy and what I’ve learnt about it in 2023. I am grateful for being able to feel joy, especially in the moments where it feels normal to feel fear. I am grateful for having a faithful God, who is gracious enough to Forgive me for having had put myself o…
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In this episode I explore a NEW why and excited to share an early start to 2024! I share on a NEW reason for being that should have always been the case. We were never built to be so consumed by ourselves but we live in a world that feeds SELF and in this episode I share a shift in how I am going to create and move into a space that I can honor the…
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In this episode I reflect on a revelation I had this past weekend for myself concerning life’s distractions. I share on what that looks like for me in terms of how it shifted my perspective on why Christ died and the good news tied to that. I share four key verses that I will be committing to memory for the week and using those to center me! ✨…
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In this episode, we explore what healing looks like for our resident host, and she shares how she experienced and witnessed God healing and restoring something in her family this past Sunday on October 1st. She shares and reflects on what healing has looked like for her as a young lady and what exciting things she’s looking forward to in the month …
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In this empowering message, I delve into the wisdom of Isaiah 40:31 and 2 Corinthians 12:9-10, unveiling the profound truths they hold about tapping into God's limitless strength.Join me as I explore practical tips to start afresh in God's strength, equipping you to face life's challenges with renewed vigor and trust in the Lord. Whether you're fee…
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Psalm 41 A Prayer in time of sickness. Songs For Saints: Weekly Psalm DevotionsThe psalmist speaks from experience of how God helps, protect, and gives life to his people. And from this place of faith he speaks back to God of his struggles, and asks for healing and help. Jesus' promise to us is that he will always be close to our side. Psalms expre…
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Psalm 40 The Lord is great. Songs For Saints: Weekly Psalm DevotionsThrough all the difficulty the psalmist experienced he has learned to wait for God to speak and to act. That is faith! Our testimony of what God has already done in our lives will give us confidence to face every future challenge. Psalms express every experience of life, every emot…
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Psalm 39 My only hope. Songs For Saints: Weekly Psalm DevotionsPerhaps you, like the psalmist, feel frustration at the seeming pointlessness of life as it is lived around us today. Perhaps too the wickedness we see in the world troubles us. This psalm reminds us that our only hope is in God - in fact he has always intended to be the only hope for m…
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Psalm 38 O Lord my salvation. Songs For Saints: Weekly Psalm DevotionsThis is a psalm for any beleiver who is in any sort of pain. It reminds us that Jesus identified with our humanity, felt our pain, took our sin and draws near to us when we are now in pain or difficulty. God is not far away! Psalms express every experience of life, every emotion …
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Psalm 37 Be patient and trust. Songs For Saints: Weekly Psalm DevotionsLife has a way of getting at us; making us anxious and causing us to fret.. While the Psalmist has seen all this too, he recognises that staying true to God, trusting Him, will make you stronger Psalms express every experience of life, every emotion and situation human beings ca…
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Psalm 36 Love, Protection and Abundance. Songs For Saints: Weekly Psalm DevotionsWhen a christian discovers just how wonderful, good and kind God is, they find the antidote to fear. This Psalm helps us realise that our future is secure in God, but in no-one and from no-where else. Following Jesus means you are loved, protected and provided for. Psa…
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Psalm 34 Magnify the Lord. Songs For Saints: Weekly Psalm Devotions When we magnify God, we aim to make our vision and our understanding of him greater than it was before. And there is so much to see of God that can do just that - magnify him in our eyes and hearts. This psalm helps us. Psalms express every experience of life, every emotion and sit…
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Psalm 33 The Lord's Plans. Songs For Saints: Weekly Psalm Devotions Did you know God has plans for you? While many plans that are not made in God's wisdom will come to nothing, we can be assured, as we plan for our own lives, we can actually plan with God and know his help and blessing. Psalms express every experience of life, every emotion and sit…
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Psalm 32 My hiding place. Songs For Saints: Weekly Psalm Devotions Have you ever tired to hide when you'd done something wrong as a child? Well it's not like that as God's child. When we sin, and get things wrong, we can allways run to him and find a hiding place. One where we will be forgiven, restored and renewed. Jesus came to call the likes of …
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Psalm 31 A cry for protection. Songs For Saints: Weekly Psalm Devotions Our psalmist is not afraid to cry out to God when he knows he needs God's protection. He knows he cannot cope with everything on his own. He trusts in God so is confident God will faithfully respond. Jesus prays for God's protection for us too. Psalms express every experience o…
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Psalm 30 I will praise you forever. Songs For Saints: Weekly Psalm Devotion Sometimes our worship is a sacrifice. Other times it is a result of rejoicing in all God has done for us and all he is to us. Let our confidence be totally in him as we learn to trust him more. May we be moved to praise him more. Psalms express every experience of life, eve…
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Psalm 29 The Lord's Glory. Songs For Saints: Weekly Psalm Devotions Celebrating God's glory is about recognising who he is and honouring him for that. We can catch glimpses of his glory in creaton, nature, and in one another. But supremely in Jesus! Glory to God! Psalms express every experience of life, every emotion and situation human beings can …
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Psalm 28 I pray to you Lord - Songs For Saints: Weekly Psalm Devotions It is wonderful to see how the Psalms constantly return, from whatever terrible situation may be going on, to a single focus of priority - God Himself! This psalm helps us focus our own prayers and life in the same way. Psalms express every experience of life, every emotion and …
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Psalm 27 Wait patiently for the Lord. Songs For Saints: Weekly Psalm Devotions It's easy to feel unsafe, insecure, in our world. There is so much uncertainty. In this Psalm David shows us where he feels most safe - and it is in the presence of God, making him the priority of his life. You too can find a fresh confidence and faith as you meditate on…
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Psalm 26 Declare me innocent: Songs For Saints: Weekly Psalm Devotions The psalmist longs to be able to stand up wihout blame in God's presence. And he knows integrity is crucial to that. What he doesn't yet know, that the christian person can know, is that this is only possible when Jesus gifts to us his integrity, or righteousness, of life. Psalm…
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Psalm 25 you are God my Saviour: Songs For Saints: Weekly Psalm Devotions Here we have a wonderful declaration of faith and trust in God. It's a good prayer, that doesn't ignore the problem of what's wrong in our lives, but strongly maintains trust in God's loving care. Psalms express every experience of life, every emotion and situation human bein…
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🎶 What would you do-Elevation Worship 🎶 what would you do if He walked into the room..what would you say If He walked into the room…how would you praise if he walked into the room…in this episode I reflect on how to create an environment that cultivates a habit of prayer by challenging practical things I will be doing…I share 7 verses to meditate o…
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Psalm 24 The King of Glory: Songs For Saints: Weekly Psalm Devotions God is the King, a glorious King. Who could hope to approach such a one? On our own righteouness we can't; but Jesus makes a way! Psalms express every experience of life, every emotion and situation human beings can face They point us to the God who made us and loves us. And give …
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Psalm 23 A Song for my Shepherd: Songs For Saints: Weekly Psalm Devotions When you know what Jesus has done for you, it is normal to want to praise Him. This Psalm is a song to our good shepherd, Jesus, who will, and does, lead us through our lives, from beginning to end - and beyond! Psalms express every experience of life, every emotion and situa…
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Psalm 22 God listens. A Songs for Saints weekly devotional This psalm has many echoes of Jesus' experience on the cross: from isolation and horror, to victory and deliverance. The victory of Jesus is preparing for you a testimony of His deliverance Psalms express every experience of life, every emotion and situation human beings can face. They poin…
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Life is hard.James shares in his message without a doubt but encourages us as the reader to count it pure joy when we do get the privilege to live through trials as they produce perseverance needed for us to tarry and for God to do his perfect and complete work. I share my testimony of the blessings I took away from a trial I lived through and shar…
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Psalm 21 Rejoice in God's Strength - Songs For Saints: Weekly Psalm Devotions In this Psalm the poet is thanking God for victory. We can use this Psalm to thank God for the victory Jesus has won for us. There is a time for rejoicing! God will be victorious on our behalf! Psalms express every experience of life, every emotion and situation human bei…
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Pray-Praise-Thanks(PPT).In this episode i explore what faith looks like in my storm. I share an area I’ve been procrastinating and speaking the word of God over it. I reflect on how God is calling us to shift our focus back to Him by these three things and how faith is about remembering without ceasing . I share what that NEW posture will look like…
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Psalm 20 May the Lord answer you. Songs For Saints: Weekly Psalm Devotions If you are calling out to God right now, this Psalm is for you. It reminds you that God does answer - just not always in our timeframe! Jesus wants us to always pray and never give up! Psalms express every experience of life, every emotion and situation human beings can face…
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Psalm 19 Declare his glory - Songs For Saints: Weekly Psalm Devotions We all need reminding of things - a friend's birthday, appointments, holiday dates and so on. And creation is designed to remind us of our Creator, God. The Psalmist here though, points us ot God's Word as a more perfect reminder of who God is. Let him remind you too, as you medi…
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In this episode I reflect on courage and how In the month of February I’ll be praying and believing for NEW vocabulary. The courage to ‘speak life’ as God did to Joshua.. Be strong and good courage! Only Be strong and of good courage…This week Courage will look like standing in Gods presence and trusting that I can accomplish ALL through him. This …
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Songs For Saints: Weekly Psalm Devotions - Psalm 18 The Lord is my support When David wrote this psalm, he had been through some difficult stuff. Perhaps you have too. Or perhaps you are still going through. Well then, either you can rejoice with David adn prasie God for his deliverance, or, use his words to reassure yourtself that with God's help …
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In this episode we explore what surrender looks like and take it up as our posture for the week. I reflect on how God is reminding me that I am simply a key in His hands and reflect on how life changing that reminder was for me. I share 7 verses I’ll be meditating on for the week and what they mean to me. 🍃…
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Psalm 17 A Plea for Justice. Songs For Saints: Weekly Psalm Devotions Sometimes we see justice in terms of retribution for a crime. But this Psalm has a different perspective. God's justice draws us close to Him, rather than distancing him from us. Psalms express every experience of life, every emotion and situation human beings can face They point…
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In this episode I unpack my relationship with the Holy Spirit and how this week I’ll be partnering with it to help me move into action that’s aligned with bringing Gods glory down on the earth. I speak on ways we can improve our relationship with the Holy Spirit by sharing practical ways I’ll be practicing this for myself in the coming week🍃…
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Psalm 16 I will bless the Lord - Songs For Saints: Weekly Psalm Devotions Why would you bless God? It's not quite the same as blessing someone else - for example when they sneeze! But blessing means to priase or to honour - and that is what we do towards God; we honour Him! This Psalm is a catalogue fo things we can honour, or prause God for. Let t…
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What would you do if you had an opportunity to stand before God and ask for anything? What would you ask for? What if I told you we have that privilege through prayer today. I share on how prayer us us pouring ourselves out to a loving God who wants to remind us of who we were created to be . I reflect on three reasons why self awareness is the key…
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I share my reflection on how to posture ourselves for Gods new mercy and grace as we welcome week two of 2023. I share the my story concerning my appreciation of what mercy is and what it’s has looked like in my life and most of all I share how I will be practically preparing my spirit man to be ready to receive the newness each day affords me in t…
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Psalm 15 Blameless - Songs For Saints: Weekly Psalm Devotions We don't like getting blamed for things, but so often it is easy to apportion blame to others! God's desire for us is to make us blameless - even for the things we actually have done wrong. That's why Jesus came, to take the blame, the sin and the guilt that is ours. The Psalmist writes …
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Hello 2023…I am Super excited to usher in a new week where we are experiencing a whole NEW year. I explore and share my vision word for the year and reflect on what I am looking forward to in 2023. I reflect on the goodness of God in the past year and share what welcoming a NEW abundance in God looks like. I share Isa 43:19 as the verse of the year…
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Psalm 14 - The Lord protects His People! Songs For Saints: Weekly Psalm Devotions While the world is a mess - God is by your side! God's offer of forgiveness, love and life have only to be received by us, to know his care and his protection. We are safe from harm, from hurt and from judgement when we entrust ourselves to Jesus. Psalms express every…
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Psalm 13-God is Good. Songs For Saints: Weekly Psalm Devotions When you pray, but it feels like it's not getting through, where do you turn? Even the great King David found prayer a challenge. Somtimes he wasn't sure which way to turn. But despite all that he, and we oursleves, can hang on to one abiding truth: God is good! All the time! So keep tr…
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Psalm 11 - God's Flawless Words. Songs For Saints: Weekly Psalm Devotions You can't believe everything you hear, or see, can you? So it's hard to make sense of the world we live in, so much of the time. So where can we look? Our Psalms tells us we can look to God, because his words are flawless. We can look ot him to help, to act on our behalf, to …
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Psalm 11 Confidence in the Lord - Songs For Saints: Weekly Psalm Devotions Not everyone likes you all the time! Not very bit of advice is good advice! So how do you live confidently? The Psalmist suggests the best way is by keeping our confidence resting in God. To ahev confidence means we have someone to confide in; and the one we confide in is so…
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In this episode I reflect on how I will be finishing off my year. I delve on how God has been covering me with his loving hands: how God has been calling me to him through his word: how Christ had me engraved in his palms at calvary. I share how that is a power pose I will be assuming as I go into the last few weeks of the year. I share practical s…
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A Prayer in the Dark! Perhaps the world seems a dark place to you sometimes. But when we get a true perspective of God and his kingdom, there is another perspective available to us. Because the kingdom of God is a kingdom of light. And Jesus is, or can be, the light of your world, if you ask him to be. Not only do Psalms express every experience of…
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Enjoy this weekly Sixthirtythree SONGS FOR SAINTS devotional based on the Psalms. This is a song that encourages us to really let go when we worship our amazing God. In the Old Testament some of the words for praise suggest various bodily postures, like kneeling or dancing, lifting hands, or lying prostrate. Explosive praise! When we really underst…
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Creation is eagerly waiting the manifestation of the children of God... In this episode I explore what it means to be connected to the source of light and why we're called to arise and to shine. I settle on how we are called to bring the glory of God into the lives of those we're blessed to be connected to by being light. I share how abiding in Chr…
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In this episode I reflect on waiting in God as a way of getting a new system Reboot. I share the definition of waiting and theoretical and figurative definition of waiting in Hebrew. I Reflect on how that looks like in my life. I share how waiting contributes to a new strength from God. I share an article from: Which area…
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Enjoy this weekly Sixthirtythree SONGS FOR SAINTS devotional based on the Psalms. This wonderful Psalm sets us straight about who God is! He is King over all the earth. So big, so great , so wonderful that it’s a amazing that he is interested in us. Yet he is, in fact he cares really deeply for each and every individual. No-one is insignificant to …
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