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Michael Singer Podcast

Michael Singer

Join the New York Times bestselling author of The Untethered Soul, The Surrender Experiment, and Living Untethered for this free series of curated teaching sessions, recorded at his Temple of the Universe yoga and meditation center. For more information, go to Sounds True Inc. Episodes: © 2025 Michael A. Singer. All Rights Reserved.
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Steeds meer Singles

Lizzy van Hees & Emma de Thouars

Ervaringsdeskundo's Lizzy van Hees en Emma de Thouars bespreken de lusten én lasten van het leven als single. En heb je interesse om te adverteren in onze podcast? Neem dan contact op met Dag en Nacht Media via
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Emilie Roslund och Matilda Berggren ger dig din kompletta guide inom dejting och relationer. Support this show Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Enigmas sin resolver

Uforia Podcasts

Enigmas sin Resolver es un podcast de crimen, terror y sucesos paranormales. Cada episodio te llevará a recorrer misterios que desafían a cualquier explicación de la lógica y la ciencia. Luisa Iglesias, la presentadora, se ha especializado desde hace más de veinte años en el género de terror, dando conferencias por todo México y Centroamérica. Fernando Santamaría, copresentador, es experto en psicofonías. ¿Estás listo para ayudarlos a resolver estos misterios? #SoyEnigmático
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Sinar Harian


SINAR HARIAN versi podcast memaparkan berita-berita dan program terpilih yang menarik dan berkualiti. Layari laman web kami untuk pengalaman mendengar unik. Anda juga boleh dengarkan kami di Spotify, Apple dan Google Podcast atau tonton kami di Youtube dan Daily Motion.
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Nora Princiotti and Nathan Hubbard are two pop music enthusiasts. Together, they break down every single album from some of your favorite stars, like Taylor Swift, Adele, and Harry Styles. Topics include favorite collaborators, track five meanings, where these artists get their inspiration, and more.
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Solely Singleton

Solely Singleton

Solely Singleton is creating shows about Magic: The Gathering, Warhammer, and other gaming topics. Shows in this feed include The Poorhammer Podcast and the Solely Singleton Podcast.
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Radio ist Leidenschaft, die man hören kann! Echt jetzt ! Seit 2008 treffe ich mich meist persönlich mit interessanten Menschen aus der Kunst-und Medienbranche für mein Interviewformat "Sina Peschke trifft .." Nach 15 produktiven Jahren findet Ihr hier die besten Interviews aus meiner Interviewreihe, auch aus Zeiten, in denen es noch keine Möglichkeit gab, Radioproduktionen irgendwie nachzuhören. Dafür gibt es jetzt diesen schönen PODCAST ! Foto: Guido Werner
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A estratégia é algo invisível. Você vê algum movimento e sabe que ela está por ali. Mas a boa notícia é que dá para aprender a enxergar isso cada vez melhor e melhor. Por aqui, nós da Sandbox Escola de Estratégia e Sinapses vamos ativar nossas sinapses para entendemos onde estão as estratégias por trás das grandes empresas, movimentos do mercado. Um lugar para falarmos sobre a nossa grande paixão e o fio condutor da sandbox: estratégia. Podcast apresentado por: Felipe Senise e Daniel de Tomazo.
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Dawn and Nick Hacheney are the perfect couple: spiritual, loving, and devoted to the church where Nick is a pastor. When Dawn is killed in a house fire the day after Christmas, the pastor and his flock are devastated. What few knew at the time was the dark prophecy that foretold it. The latest podcast from Dateline and Josh Mankiewicz is about sex, lies, religion… and murder. Listen to all episodes of Mortal Sin now completely free, or subscribe to Dateline Premium to listen ad-free: Datelin ...
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Er du den eneste single i vennegjengen? Finner du ingen kjæreste? Er du drittlei av å være alene kveld etter kveld? Eller er singellivet helt greit og du ønsker å fortsette med det? Du er ikke alene! Denne podkasten gir deg tilhørighet i singeluniverset sammen med programleder Marie og hennes ulike single gjester. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Single Being PODCAST

Best Single Life โดย หมอผิง แพทย์หญิงธิดากานต์ รุจิพัฒนกุล

Single Being Podcast about Living Your Best Single Life โดย หมอผิง แพทย์หญิงธิดากานต์ รุจิพัฒนกุล *ทุกวันศุกร์
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SUDDENLY... exploring the 20th century from a trans, queer & radical Australian perspective through the legacy of Frank Sinatra. Catgirl noir, ring a ding ding, etc. Join us as we deep dive into Sinatra's work and the nuances of history in abstract & creative ways, with episodes structured around Sinatra's albums, songs, films and radio appearances. Hosted by Rabia & Felix in Melbourne, and Henry Giardina in Los Angeles. Check out our website: Contact: suddenlypod at gmail d ...
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“Solo - The Single Person's Guide to a Remarkable Life” by Dr. Peter McGraw, seeks to celebrate and destigmatize single living. Welcome to the podcast that explores how being single affords you the freedom to be adventurous, start a business, make art, travel the world, get in shape, or simply sleep in when you want to. Join Peter – behavioral scientist, humor researcher, and bachelor – as he interviews happy single men and women and assembles advice from leading experts about health, fitnes ...
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The Singer's PATH Podcast will premiere in 2025! This podcast provides quality, transparent information for singers and artists. We discuss everything including ways to establish good vocal technique, advice from leading entertainment industry professionals AND mindset support for artists. Whether you're a novice or professional, the Singer's PATH welcomes all singers and helps to guide the way on the journey of developing artistry.
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Consulta Sin Honorarios

Alex Cordova y Mauro de León

El derecho como nunca antes: sin rodeos, sin tecnicismos y sin pagar un peso. En Consulta Sin Honorarios, Mauro de León y Alex Córdoba explican temas legales con claridad, humor y debates sin censura. Casos reales, preguntas incómodas y respuestas directas para que entiendas tus derechos sin morir en el intento. Si alguna vez te preguntaste cómo funciona la ley en la vida real, este es tu podcast. ¡Dale play y descúbrelo!
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La cara oculta de la Economía. Los datos y el análisis que no encontrarás en ningún otro podcast. Un enfoque diferente, didáctico y entretenido de una materia que cada vez interesa a más oyentes. Explicaciones sencillas pero rigurosas de todo tipo de cuestiones económicas: desde la macro que ocupa los titulares de los periódicos a los temas de consumo o ahorro personal. Con Nuria Richart, Domingo Soriano y Beatriz García.
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Sin Sucursal

Sin Sucursal

Podcast para educar a Latinoamerica sobre Fintech pero sin hablar en difícil. Repasamos las principales noticias y novedades sobre el ecosistema Fintech en Latinoamérica entrevistando a los líderes que encabezan esta revolución en el mundo de las finanzas.
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Encouraging and motivating single mothers, reminding them of their strength and determination. They can succeed as a single parent as long as they remain focused. Its not about how you arrived at the TITLE, but, what you do with it!
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Seeking Sinai

Temple Sinai Atlanta

Join Rabbi Natan of Temple Sinai Atlanta as we dive into some of the greatest issues and deepest questions of our time. Our first season, we focused on the Jewish questions of Why?. Our second and third seasons have focused on elevating our individual Jewish journeys. And now, given the war in Israel and the pressing needs of current events, we are dedicating this podcast to these important questions. Whether dropping the kids at school, running errands, heading to work, or meeting a friend, ...
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Single Momcast

Single Momcast by Arise Single Moms

The Single Momcast Podcast by Arise Single Moms is a resource for single moms that offers you tools for navigating real life! Listen in as we journey through the life of a single mom. Hosts Pam Kanaly and Mel Hiett are both former single moms who have a wealth of knowledge and real-life stories to tell along the way!
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LA BODEGA ECLÉCTICA DE SLUMDAR Es un proyecto en el que el desprejuicio musical se hace patente cuando lo escuchas y entiendes; que todas las músicas se pueden contextualizar y respetar. No toda la música es buena, pero sí es bueno escuchar toda la música;...y poder elegir.
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Stand up comedian Ryan Singer has in-depth interviews with people possessing paranormal abilities or experiences outside the ordinary. People from all walks of life discuss their experience as empaths, living with clairvoyance, their abilities to communicate with ghosts and much more to help Ryan better understand his past paranormal experiences. Find Ryan on IG @rysing or @meandparanormalyou if you'd like to share your story. - Virtual Store is ...
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Shalom and Welcome to the SINagogue. This is a podcast for consenting adults for information, education, and entertainment on BDSM, sexuality, and all things related. If you’re not a legal, enthusiastically consenting adult, then … *pick up the needle, press pause, or turn the radio off*. I am your host, and they call me the Rabbi. I put the SIN in SINagogue. I am a cisgender, ambimorous, gynesexual, sadistic bratty daddy-dom. Sex therapist by day, and a kink educator by night, and in both t ...
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The Every Single Sci-Fi Film Ever* podcast looks back at more than a century of films, beginning in 1902 and working towards the future. Each episode focuses on a film, director or theme and brings in experts to discuss the history, politics, and influences. Join sci-fi enthusiast Ayesha Khan as she travels through time and space, encounters aliens, and battles authoritarian regimes all from the comfort of your home planet. Released every two weeks *Almost
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Raising kids is not an easy task, but raising them as a single parent might seem to be an impossible feat! Join Jeneen, the Single Parent Solutionist, as she gives a behind-the-scenes peek at her journey of single parenthood through candid talks with other single parents, and those who have been raised in single-parent households. If you're a single mother, single father, or just someone who wants to support them, then this show is for you!
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Victory Over Sin is a podcast hosted by Mark Renick that addresses issues pertaining to returning citizens as they face the challenges of coming out of incarceration in Idaho. This podcast is sponsored by Systemic Change of Idaho. New episodes every Saturday at 1 pm MST.
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show series
En una casa española, rostros inexplicables surgieron en el suelo desconcertando a todos. Cada imagen parece emerger de la nada, fusionando lo paranormal con lo cotidiano. El fenómeno ha generado debates intensos entre creyentes y escépticos. Los rostros de Bélmez mantienen un aura de misterio sin ofrecer respuestas definitivas.…
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Faultlines Recorremos la geografía y sus músicas. Todos los podcast aquí: CANAL MÚSICA SIN USURA: TIMELINE AND TRACK LIST [00:01:05] – 01. philip glass - open the kingdom (liquid days, part two) [00:07:59] – 02. eleon - reflection pool [00:13:06] – 03…
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Rosa María Palacios hoy en #SinGuion: El ministro del Interior, Juan José Santiváñez, culpa al Ministerio Público por aumento de criminalidad y la fiscal de la Nación le responde. En tanto, el Congreso debatirá su censura mientras la población convoca marcha nacional. Además, entrevistamos al alcalde de San Juan de Lurigancho, Jesús Maldonado.…
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The Gasolina Gypsies es un quinteto de Michigan cuyas raíces se sustentan en cuatro géneros tan básicos como el rock, el folk, el bluegrass y el country para derivar a su propio estilo imbricado en la Americana. Con EP de hace siete años y un álbum como ‘Gravel Rpads’, han conformado una imagen de constancia basada en la ética del trabajo incansabl…
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En este episodio de Sin Límites, nos reunimos con José, Mariana, Paola y Sergio para hablar sobre las mejores rutas de senderismo en Utah, desde caminatas fáciles para principiantes hasta desafíos extremos para los más experimentados. Exploramos senderos icónicos como Bonneville Shoreline Trail, Angels Landing, The Narrows, King's Peak y The Wave, …
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Jumagu cena con Gilmar Villagrán / Todo sobre Los Andes / Médico barrabrava agrede a Jumagu / Caballos clavadistas. Un ¿deporte? en ¿extinción?. La heroica historia de Sonora Webster. Terrones de azúcar. / Fòrmula 1: volvió Italia. Andrea Kimi Antonelli / Mascotas del fútbol chileno. / Jumagu lesiona a Messi / La lista de Scaloni / IcardiGate / DES…
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Antonio Zapatero, que dirigió el Hospital de Ifema en las primeras semanas de la pandemia y luego fue viceconsejero de Salud en Madrid, visita EPQSA.¿Por qué el Gobierno no reaccionó antes? ¿Qué hubiera sucedido si se hubiera decretado el Estado de Alarma en los primeros días de marzo? Y luego, ¿fue necesario alargarlo tanto? Antonio Zapatero, que …
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Todavía no llevamos 2 meses con el criminal convicto en el poder y ya vamos camino al abismo, estamos perdiendo aliados, estamos entrando en una recesión inminente, la economía se va destruyendo, la bolsa llena de incertidumbre, pero eso si, ahora la Casa Blanca es un concesionario de Tesla. Te invito a debatir sobre este tema en el Foro de la Comu…
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En nuestra octava temporada, @vanderfondi @_cide y @e_a_e_e analizan un nuevo año de novedades nacionales, internacionales y deportivos. También el regreso de las secciones tradicionales como Calendario Electoral, Entrevista a Fondi y el inicio de una Sección de Cine. Además de el TOP 10 del No Somos Nada 2024…
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Bienvenidos al primer episodio del 2025! Este episodio es sobre Sísifo, y habla de todas aquellas cosas que nos toma trabajo llevar a cabo, pero sin embargo sabemos que nos van a traer una gran recompensa en el largo plazo. Trata de esas energías que nos repelen, pero al mismo tiempo nos fascinan, porque son maneras de actuar que no nos salen natur…
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Victory Over Sin is a show hosted by Mark Renick that addresses issues pertaining to returning citizens and the challenges they face coming out of incarceration. Victory Over Sin airs Saturdays at 12:30 pm. On KBXL 94.1 FM Idaho's Treasure Valley facebook: systematic change of ID Instagram: systematic…
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📌 ¿Pensión alimenticia o castigo para los deudores?En este episodio analizamos las obligaciones alimentarias en México, desde su importancia para el bienestar de los menores hasta las consecuencias para quienes no cumplen.🔹 ¿Cómo se calcula la pensión y qué pasa si no se paga?🔹 El Registro de Deudores Alimentarios: ¿una medida justa o una herramien…
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Product-Led Growth en acción 🚀 | Sin Sucursal 🎙️ 💡 ¿Cómo crecen las mejores empresas del mundo sin depender (tanto) del marketing tradicional? En este episodio, exploramos Product-Led Growth (PLG), la metodología donde el producto es el principal motor de adquisición, expansión y retención de usuarios. 📈🔥 Hablamos con Lusine Sarafian y Daniel Jerma…
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'Persiapan raya semua dah tak ada, dihanyut banjir' Mangsa banjir yang ditempatkan di pusat pemindahan sementara (PPS) 1 SJK (C), mengakui sudah hilang 'mood' untuk berhari raya susulan keadaan banjir yang berlaku di kawasan kediamannya di Kampung Sepakat Baru, Skudai sejak beberapa hari lalu, la[or wartawan Sinar Harian Shahrizal Ahmad Zaini Tinja…
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Suami isteri ditahan pos dadah kepada pelanggan Helah sepasang suami isteri menggunakan perkhidmatan kurier untuk mengedar cecair dadah jenis methamphetamin gagal apabila ditahan polis di kaunter peti mel sebuah stesen minyak di Taman Canning di Ipoh, Khamis lalu, lapor wartawan Sinar Harian, Noor Ainon Mohamed Yusof. Kedua-dua suspek berusia 30 da…
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Terdesak bayar hutang, anggota polis bantuan nekad merompak Gara-gara terdesak membayar hutang sebanyak RM20,000, seorang anggota polis bantuan nekad menggunakan senjata api ketika menyamun sebuah kedai emas di dalam sebuah pasar raya di Kota Damansara, Sabtu lalu, lapor wartawan Sinar Harian, Muhammad Aminnuraliff Mohd Zoki. Bagaimanapun, nasib ti…
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'Dah tak fikir pasal raya, rumah pun dah kosong' “Dah tak fikir pasal raya, dalam rumah pun dah kosong... semua habis.” Demikian luahan Siti Kamariah Ahmad, 40, yang kehilangan hampir segala-galanya selepas kediamannya di Kampung Sri Jaya, Johor Bahru, ditenggelami air pada Khamis lalu, lapor wartawan Sinar Harian, Nuratikah Athilya Hassan. Menurut…
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Maahad Muhammadi Perempuan ajak umat Islam bertadabur Program World #QuranHour 2025 pada 25 Mac memberi kesan besar terhadap masyarakat supaya lebih dekat dengan al-Quran, lapor wartawan Sinar Harian Aswany Omar. Penolong Kanan Pentadbiran Maahad Muhammadi Perempuan, Nik Emran Datuk Nik Mustapha berkata, penganjuran program dalam bulan Ramadan juga…
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Vespers I, Evening Prayer for the Vigil of the Solemnity of the Annunciation, 3rd Monday in Lent, March 24, 2025. Thanks for praying with us. Help Sing the Hours stay on the internet! Support this work at any of the following funding platforms: Sing the Hours support community: Venmo: @singthehours PayPal: htt…
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In most cases, the quality of your life is not determined by external circumstances but by your own mental dialogue. Your awareness is trapped by thoughts, desires, and past experiences, which dictate your ability to enjoy life. The key to liberation is learning to let go of these mental preferences, rather than trying to manipulate external circum…
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ROME PILGRIMAGE 2025: Thank you for praying with us. Help Sing the Hours stay on the internet! Support this work at any of the following funding platforms: Sing the Hours support community: Venmo: @singthehours PayPal:…
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Lauds, Morning Prayer for the 3rd Monday in Lent, March 4, 2024. Come with us to Rome in November for a chant pilgrimage. Visit Thanks for praying with us. Help Sing the Hours stay on the internet! Support this work at any of the following funding platforms: Sing …
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Seorang tukang jahit di Kampung Maju Jaya,Johor Bahru, pasrah apabila lebih 20 pasang baju raya pelanggan musnah selepas kedainya ditenggelami banjir lumpur, Rabu lalu, lapor wartawan Sinar Harian, Nuratikah Athilya Hassan. Nurizuna Ismail, 39, berkata dia berusaha menyelamatkan pakaian pelanggan dengan meletakkannya di tempat lebih tinggi sebelum …
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Tidak lena tidur risau banjir berulang Beberapa penduduk yang dibenarkan pulang ke rumah selepas beberapa hari berlindung di pusat pemindahan sementara (PPS) Kulai mengakui tidak lena tidur sekiranya hujan pada sebelah berikutan risau banjir berulang lagi, lapor wartawan Sinar Harian, Nor Azura Md Amin. Menurut Nor Hamizah Saidin, 37, walaupun masi…
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Seorang suri rumah tidak menyangka bunyi bising dari arah jalan raya berdekatan rumahnya di Projek Perumahan Rakyat (PPR) Sungai Putat, Melaka rupanya kemalangan yang meragut nyawa anak sulungnya, lapor wartawan Sinar Harian, Nor Farhana Yaacob. Suri rumah, Jamilah Kamaldin, 48, berkata, ketika itu dia berada di rumah menunggu kepulangan Muhammad S…
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Harga tanah di kawasan Kampung Sungai Baru, Kampung Baru yang terlibat dengan pembangunan semula sepatutnya dinilai sebanyak RM3,000 bagi setiap kaki persegi, atau sekurang-kurangnya RM32,000 untuk setiap meter persegi, lapor wartawan Sinar Harian, Nurhidayah Hairom. Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad berkata, nilai tersebut menjadi jam…
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Ismail Sabri nafi tarik sokongan Bekas Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob menafikan sekeras-kerasnya telah menarik diri dari Kerajaan Perpaduan susulan dakwaan beliau bersama 13 Ahli Parlimen Barisan Nasional (BN) lain menarik sokongan seperti yang tersebar di media sosial baru-baru ini, lapor wartawan Sinar Harian, Rosilawati Rosedi. …
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Vespers II, Evening Prayer for the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, March 23, 2025. Thanks for praying with us. Help Sing the Hours stay on the internet! Support this work at any of the following funding platforms: Sing the Hours support community: Venmo: @singthehours PayPal:…
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This Lent, I am going to attempt to provide daily weekday Daytime Prayer offices. This week we will do None (Midafternoon Prayer). Pray that these efforts are fruitful and don't forget to support us today on any of the following funding platforms: Sing the Hours Support Community: Venmo: @singthehours PayPal: …
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Dos niños muy amigos entre sí, que viven en la montaña, se separan abruptamente; unos años después, ambos se han vuelto urbanitas, y se vuelven a encontrar: uno se ha convertido en un justiciero nocturno con traje rojo, y el otro es un asesino en serie con máscara de ojos de corazón… En la entrega de esta semana, saludos mediáticos aparte, tenemos:…
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Lauds, Morning Prayer for the 3rd Sunday in Lent, March 23, 2025 Thanks for praying with us. Help Sing the Hours stay on the internet! Support this work at any of the following funding platforms: Our support community: Venmo: @singthehours PayPal: P…
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Penduduk rayu penyelesaian segera banjir berulang di Kampung Pasir Penduduk sekitar Kampung Pasir dilanda keresahan apabila hujan berterusan selama dua hari menyebabkan banjir kilat yang merosakkan perabot, perkakas elektrik serta kenderaan mereka, lapor wartawan Sinar Harian, Shahrizal Ahmad Zaini. Tinjauan Sinar Harian pada Sabtu mendapati pendud…
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Banjir Johor: Ibu dalam pantang bersama bayi sudah tiga hari di PPS Berpindah ke pusat pemindahan sementara (PPS) bersama bayi kecil bukan sesuatu yang dijangka, namun itulah situasi yang terpaksa dihadapi oleh seorang ibu selepas rumahnya di Kampung Parit Abdul Rahman, di sini, dinaiki air pada petang Rabu, lapor wartawan Sinar Harian Nor Azura Md…
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'Kami bukan pengemis, hanya kutip kotak cari rezeki' "Hentikan rekod video kami anak beranak. Kami bukan pengemis tapi cari rezeki." Demikian luah Nik Surina Deris, 49, ibu kepada tiga anak yang tular di media sosial kerana menaiki motosikal roda tiga yang uzur, lapor wartawan Sinar Harian, Hazelen Liana Kamarudin. Artikel: https://www.sinarharian.…
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Saya niaga untuk kumpul duit pembedahan mata isteri- 'Pak Cik Petai' Peniaga petai yang videonya tular sejak Jumaat memaklumkan dia berniaga kerana mahu mengumpul dana untuk pembedahan mata isteri, lapor wartawan Sinar Harian, Syamilah Zulkifli. Mohd Noor Saad, 67, berkata, dia bukannya berniaga setiap hari kerana bergantung kepada bekalan petai di…
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PRK Ayer Kuning: BN tiada masalah PSM tanding Barisan Nasional (BN) tidak ada masalah untuk berdepan dengan mana-mana calon termasuk dari Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) yang mengumumkan akan bertanding pada Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Ayer Kuning, lapor wartawan Sinar Harian, Saifullah Ahmad. Pengerusi BN Perak, Datuk Seri S…
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Vespers I, Saturday Evening Prayer for the 3rd Sunday of Lent, March 22, 2025. With Fr. Nathaniel and Paul Rose Join us on our November pilgrimage to Rome! Thanks for praying with us. Help Sing the Hours stay on the internet! Support this work at any of the follow…
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ROME PILGRIMAGE 2025: Deus in Adjutorium – O God, Come to my assistance Hymn: Ternis ter horis numeris, 8th c., English © 2023 ICEL Antiphon. Per arma iustítiæ virtútis Dei – Armed with God's Justice (English transcribed by StH) Psalm 119(118)v81-88 XI (Caph) Psalm 61(60) Psalm 64(63) Antiphon. Per arm…
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I get this question all the time...who should I study with? What should I look for when looking for a great voice teacher? You only have a few days left! Sign up for our brand new FREE live masterclass: Starting to Sing: A Safe Space for Singers ! This class takes place on March 26th, 2025 from 6pm-7pm EST (although we may run over). There will be …
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Lauds, Morning Prayer of the Liturgy of the Hours, 2nd Saturday of Lent, March 22, 2025. Join us on our November pilgrimage to Rome! Thanks for praying with us. Help Sing the Hours stay on the internet! Support this work at any of the following funding platforms: …
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Widar Wang (32) har bodd i Norge i snart ni år og gjester podkasten for å fortelle om hva som foregår i Kina. Single over 28 år blir overflødig om de ikke har klart å gifte seg. Myndighetene ønsker at flere skal gifte seg og få barn, samtidig som de skal utdanne seg. Likevel ønsker myndighetene at folketallet skal ned. De ønsker kvalitet fremfor kv…
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Hm Sat Chit Ananda Guru A Sat Chit Ananda A Sat Chit Ananda Guru Hm Sat Chit Ananda Hm Ananda Guru Om A D Sivananda Guru Om G Ananda Guru Om A Hm Sivananda Guru Om Vorgetragen von Bhakti vom Mantra Circle Du kannst das Audio mit anderen teilen, um Liebe und Harmonie zu verbreiten.🌍💞 Auf diese Weise hilfst du aktiv mit, Yoga in der Welt zu verbreite…
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We dive into an article written in The Journal of Modern Physics called "Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena, Extraterrestrial Life, Plasmoids, Shape Shifters, Replicons, Thunderstorms, Lightning, Hallucinations, Aircraft Disasters, Ocean Sightings." I'll read some excerpts pertaining to shapeshiftiing and we ponder the argument of animal vs object. W…
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Cubaan menyeludup dadah jenis methamphetamine bernilai RM1.062 bilion yang disembunyikan dalam 166 tong drum terbongkar selepas pihak berkuasa merampas dua kontena di sebuah gudang di Pelabuhan Barat pada 25 Januari lalu, lapor wartawan Sinar Harian, Muhammad Aminnuraliff Mohd Zoki. Pemangku Pengarah Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Narkotik (JSJN) Bukit A…
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Biarpun khemah perniagaan mereka dinaiki air pada Khamis susulan limpahan air sungai Johor akibat hujan lebat sejak Rabu, peniaga di tapak Bazar Ramadan Kota di Kota Tinggi, tetap bersemangat meneruskan perniagaan masing-masing, lapor wartawan Sinar Harian, Shahrizal Ahmad Zaini. Tinjauan Sinar Harian ke lokasi mendapati golongan peniaga sibuk meng…
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Seorang penganggur mengaku tidak bersalah di Mahkamah Sesyen Kuala Lumpur pada Jumaat, atas satu pertuduhan memandu secara berbahaya dalam kes tular langgar lari di sebuah kelab hiburan di Jalan Klang Lama, Kuala Lumpur dua bulan lalu, lapor wartawan Sinar Harian, Noor Azlida Alimin. M Lavindran, 27, membuat pengakuan itu selepas pertuduhan dibaca …
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Seramai 60 mangsa banjir daripada enam keluarga di Kampung Maju Jaya, di sini, terpaksa diselamatkan menggunakan bot selepas jalan utama ke kawasan itu terputus akibat banjir dan arus deras pada Khamis malam, lapor wartawan Sinar Harian Nuratikah Athilya Hassan Ketua Kampung Maju Jaya, Roslan Hassan berkata, operasi pemindahan yang dijalankan oleh …
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