Grace Assembly Sermon Series Podcast
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Even though we may be free, there can be something in our life that remains opposed to the Spirit. Pastor John looks into Galatians 5 and Ephesians 3 to help us learn to love instead of being consumed by our sins. Then we can experience the fullness of God.저자 Pastor John Thrift
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Service begins with Kourtney and Alex Kearney dedicating their baby Raelynn Sue Kearney to the Lord. Pastor John continues in Romans 8, reminding us despite how hard life may seem, any sufferings we go through now pales to the glory God has in store for His children. All of us, even creation, wait in great expectation for the beauty to come. Yet we…
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Pastor John starts service by welcoming the rest of our new members. We then celebrate the dedication of Eli and Morgan Brown's baby girl Kinsley to the Lord. Returning to Romans 8, Pastor John reminds us that our flesh, our self, can easily hinder our spiritual growth. Instead we have to live by the Word, for others, and give our lives to them. Ju…
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Service starts with special music from the Dance team, celebrating who we are in Christ. Pastor John then recognizes and welcomes a bevy of new members to the church. Then starting in 1 John 2:15-20, Pastor John reminds us how easy it is to fall into this world’s temptation - simply by doing nothing and wanting our own way. Instead we must learn ho…
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Even though we are redeemed, we are still in a broken, dark world. Further, all of our brokenness may not have gone away when we were saved. Pastor John reminds us that even so the Lord wants to deal with our brokenness. Going to Romans 8, he begins to point out that nothing can stop the will of God to make us whole. And even if words fail Him, the…
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Pastor John reminds us God is working; God is always working. What we may miss is that He's working in you. Since the first time you asked for forgiveness until your last breath, the Lord's Spirit is at work in you. But before He fills us, He needs to empty us. Pastor John then instructs us that we need to understand how to grow.…
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God’s Fellow Workers, Field, Building, and Temple (Audio)
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1:00:00At Grace, we are expecting that God is birthing something in and through us. We don’t know what it is but Pastor John wants to make sure we get prepared. For this he goes to 1 Corinthians 3 and looks at division within the early church. Rather than focus on their mistakes, Pastor John speaks of what the Lord has stirred his heart over. That is we a…
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Pastor John starts by warning us that over time he’s learned four easy steps to failure. Instead, he warns us to not forget our first love. Rather, Pastor John encourages us to delight ourselves in the Lord.저자 Pastor John Thrift
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As a child of God, we need to live in the confidence that we are chosen! Pastor John goes to John 15:16-17 and uses Jesus's words to prove this. Ultimately, we are chosen to be grafted into, abide in, dressed by the Father, and bear much fruit to the glory of God. Pastor John then goes on to describe the fruits we are chosen by God to produce.…
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To start, Pastor John reminds us Jesus wants a relationship with us. He wants to reveal Himself and so much more to us. But we have to listen. We have to apply it to our lives. We have to accept the fullness He gives in life, including His Holy Spirit. Pastor John then finishes up his three points from Matthew 4 of how Satan may tempt us. He previo…
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Pastor John returns to Matthew 4 and this week focuses on tempting God. It can be easy for us to ask the Lord to prove Himself. Instead, if God has addressed the problem, we should never doubt Him. Instead of testing Him, just embrace His words over our life.저자 Pastor John Thrift
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Service starts by looking at one of Satan's favorite tactics - doubt. To help counter it, Pastor John goes to Matthew 4 and shows how Jesus models overcoming for us by first addressing our flesh.저자 Pastor John Thrift
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In preparation for next week and a shifting in the spiritual realm, Pastor John looks at fasting in the Bible. Going to Joel, he emphasizes we need to fast and focus on the Lord so we can get clarity from God. We need to learn to host the Spirit of God; fasting is intended to help us with this essential.…
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Going to Luke 1, Pastor John looks at the miraculous births of John and Jesus and contrasts Zechariah's and Mary's responses. Ultimately, we need to adopt Mary's attitude and state “I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to [His] word.” Let us embrace the living words God speaks over and to us and do what He says.…
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Guest Speaker Les Lawrence joins us today and starts by reading a short drama on the prophecy fulfilled almost two thousand years ago. Pastor Les then goes on to speak about Simeon, the man who spoke the prophecy, what he shared, and how even the most anonymous people to bring about the kingdom of God. If we will just allow ourselves to be used.…
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Concerned over how easy it is to misapply and misquote scripture, Pastor John starts with Matthew 6:33 and how it pertains to God meeting our needs. We often focus on how “these things will be added to us” and miss what the Father says - to seek the kingdom and to seek His righteousness. As an alternative to being motivated but what we think is key…
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Pastor John reminds us we need to pay attention to the words spoken to us. Not the words of other men, thinkers, or saints but the words God speaks to us, His promises. The Word activates our faith and our faith activates the Word. It is the Word united with our faith that empowers and enables us to succeed in our trials.…
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We know that it's impossible to please God without faith. Therefore, Pastor John begins by helping us understand what faith isn’t. It’s not our good feelings or positive thinking. Instead, Pastor John wants us to begin by defining faith with a Biblical understanding.저자 Pastor John Thrift
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Today Pastor John looks to the life of Abraham to help us understand how to grow in our faith. We know faith comes by hearing and hearing from the Word but do we know how to strengthen our faith? It starts by realizing and truly accepting that He is above all things - even when things are unpleasant. But as Pastor John points out, our faith flouris…
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Today Pastor John reminds us of how critical, important, and foundational the Word is to our lives. If we go to the Word and it seems dead, the problem must be us. Therefore he reminds us we must approach it with an open mind and the expectation that the Lord wants to speak to us. And don't pull back when we are chastised by it. He does that out of…
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Guest Speaker Michael Masambu: Worship, Thanksgiving & Praise (Audio)
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1:23:00Michael Masambu joins this service and finishes teaching on three things that will help each of us: Thanksgiving Praise Worship. He finishes today with worship because it is through our worship that we acknowledge the holiness of God.저자 Guest Speaker(s)
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Guest Speaker Michael Masambu: Thanksgiving & Praise (Audio)
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1:28:00Michael Masambu joins this special service and continues to share three things that will help each of us: Thanksgiving Praise Worship. Tonight he focuses on praise because through our praise we acknowledge the greatness of God.저자 Guest Speaker(s)
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Today Pastor John talks about what the Lord wants for Grace Assembly, for each and everyone of us. He wants a deeper relationship with us. But the heart of the matter is the matters with our hearts. The transformation of our head needs to change us to the core of our beings - our hearts.저자 Pastor John Thrift
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In an effort to strengthen our foundation of faith, Pastor John comes back to the topics of worry and anxiety. If we try to be victorious on our own accord and strength we will always question whether we got it right. Instead, Pastor John directs us to Colossians 1 for a profound yet simple solution. Jesus can say to not be anxious and can mean it …
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Today we repeatedly hear from the Lord a message for us to choose to surrender and to worship.저자 Pastor John Thrift
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Bought With A Price, Embracing What's Best (Audio)
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1:06:00Today Pastor John reminds us we need to quit messing around, get over ourselves, and stop playing around with disobedience. After all, we were bought with a price and we are not our own! We are the Lord's and He knows what He’s doing! So let's be motivated to discern and embrace all the has for us!저자 Pastor John Thrift
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Seeking to strengthen our faith in God, Pastor John turns our attention to our future, present, and past. In order to endure the trials coming, we need to let go of our past and embrace Jesus and the new and living way that He has before all of us now. We can't hold onto our past and our newness in Christ.…
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Although we know we shouldn't be anxious, our prayer life often reflects something different. Looking to 2 Kings 6 and 7, Pastor John draws from Elisha, Ben-hadad the king of Aram, and their besiege of Samaria and he reminds us when we don't know what to do, we need to wait with purpose, we need to wait on God. For we don't know how the Lord may wa…
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AIf we are not careful, Satan will trip us up. But Satan is in fear of fully consecrated believers - those who remain devoted even when trials come. Pointing to Acts 4 and 5, Pastor John challenges our half-hearted faith and how it does not fool the Holy Spirit. So Pastor John asks us to consider asking the Lord about our consecration in the follow…
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Laura Lee, with the Inspire Project, is our guest speaker today and she begins by reminding us that the Great Commission is non-negotiable. Laura then goes on to remind us that God is looking for believers who are faithful over our fears, feelings, followers, fame, or fallacies. It starts with what our faith is built on. It must be solid. Not just …
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Covering a lot of ground through the Spirit and the Word, Pastor John reminds us Jesus wore our crown of thorns so we can live His life of obedience. Is that what we're doing? Or like Cain, do we ask God to bless the fruits of our curse and disobedience?저자 Pastor John Thrift
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Pastor John reminds us that if for some reason we don't embrace God's truth, then we're embracing lies. So when God reveals truth to us, we need to act on it, even if it's hard. If we are willing to embrace God's truth, Pastor John points out the Lord will reveal to us how to walk out of our mess. After all, everyone who is of truth listens to Jesu…
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Guest Speaker Michael Masambu: The Name of Jesus (Audio)
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1:16:00Today guest speaker Pastor Michael Masambu starts by reminding us to arise and shine, for the glory has come upon us (Isaiah 30). And that glory comes to us in the mighty name of Jesus. His name is our access to the Father. So Pastor Michael asks one critical question - What is our relationship with the name of Jesus?…
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Pastor John returns to the truth that the number one supreme goal of every Christian must be obedience. Complete, whole-hearted obedience, even in the midst of our messes. After all, if we are followers of Jesus Christ, then we should be consumed with doing his will.저자 Pastor John Thrift
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It's easy for us to get distracted. But Pastor John reminds us Jesus was motivated to do the will of God, not his own will. This requires humbling ourselves and obeying the Lord. So Pastor John reminds and encourages us how to become obedient to Himby choosing how Jesus did it.저자 Pastor John Thrift
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Guest Speaker Peter Drummond: Where is Your Treasure (Audio)?
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1:03:00Guest Speaker Peter Drummond starts with Jesus's words in Matthew 6 and the physical example of a spiritual reality. Our perspective, our focus, our attention determines where we store up our treasures. So when we focus on His heavenly things, on what He is doing, what He wants us to do instead of our temporal ones, that's when we are blessed.…
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Today’s service starts with Pastor Jenn sharing from Acts 8 and key things we can learn from the Ethiopian eunuch and Phillip during that baptism. We then celebrate as the following 11 people are baptized: Angel Juarez; Jerica Jones; Courtney Divine Carpenter; Nicolas Alfred; Kalisi Brown; Mikayla Brown; Lexie Brown; Samuel Ademola; Favor Ademola; …
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Today’s service starts with the youth sharing about their recent missions trip with the Dream Center and in the Raleigh area. Lance Morris then shares a vision he recently had related to what has been happening at Grace in the spiritual realm. We are encouraged to prepare for involvement by mending our vessels so we can hold and not waste His livin…
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Pastor Les Lawrence shares today and reminds us that the #1 terrorist in the world is Satan. And the primary weapon he uses is fear - even on Christians. Les reminds and encourages us to resist the devil and he will flee. Pastor John then goes on to speak about fear, doubt, and unbelief and the biblical antidote. We need to reboot our stinking thin…
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Today the mission team that recently went to and returned from Kenya shares about their trip. Pastor John then points out that while none of them had training in advance, their testimonies remind us that Jesus’s words are still true and He is “with [us] always, even to the end of the age (Matthew 28:16-20).”…
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Guest Speaker Vincent Ademola: Spiritually Prepared and Vigilant (Audio)
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1:09:00Vincent Ademola shares today and reminds us of several key things in order for us to be spiritually prepared and vigilant. He emphasizes our need to have an urgent and immediate focus on maintaining a faithful and prepared heart always ready for the return of the Lord. Vincent stresses - to us, the children of God - that “Repentance is not a one-ti…
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Guest Speaker Les Lawrence: The Holy Spirit (Audio)
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1:03:00Today’s “substitute pastor” is Les Lawrence who goes in depth on the promise of the Father - the Holy Spirit. We need the Spirit in our lives during our times of testing and trial. We need the Spirit so we can have a complete relationship with God - the Father, Son and Spirit. We need the Spirit so our character can be shaped into one that is more …
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Looking at very personal and recent events, Pastor John reminds us what God is doing during our times of trial. Rather than wallowing in why, as that can lead to unhealthy places, we need to count it all joy.저자 Pastor John Thrift
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We start today by recognizing and honoring our High School students that graduated this year: - Jackson Stitt - Jeremiah Lewis-Brown - Jose Garcia Pastor Hannah then goes on to speak on how we, believers, can walk into God's promises. It has nothing to do with age or gender. Instead, it has to do with our spirit. This requires us to align ourselves…
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Life can be difficult. Life can be frustrating. Life can be impossible. Looking to the preaching of John the Baptist, Pastor John confirms these truths. He also reminds us of the solution - we need the Holy Spirit to help us as God works through our tough times.저자 Pastor John Thrift
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Pastor John points out that while we wait on revival, it is preceded by repentance. Even those with great gifts must realize if our gifts don't align with a Godly character we'll look like fruitcakes. So, what are we elevating above our relationship with God? Going to the Word, Pastor John shows our need and how to perform personal spiritual examin…
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Happy Mother's Day!! Pastor Sherry Thrift brings the word today reminding us that He comes to us. He will find us wherever we are at. He always knows where we are at even when we feel like we can't get to Him or we think it's “out” of His way. He still comes to us.저자 Pastor Sherry Thrift
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Pastor Richard Oti speaks today beginning in the gospel of John. He quickly gets to the point and reminds us we have a Helper / Counselor / Strengthener on the inside of us. He is always there, through all circumstances. We know this, so we should ask Him and yield to Him.저자 Pastor Richard Oti
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Guest Speaker Les Lawrence: Passover, Resurrection, and Heaven (Audio)
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1:09:00Going from the Passover, to the Resurrection, and finally Heaven, Pastor Les Lawrence teaches today on how all Christians are connected to Israel and Israel is connected to al Christians.저자 Guest Speaker(s)
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Today starts with a bevy of testimonies of God’s goodness and liberty. In Luke 13, Jesus dealt with the development process. Pastor John points out it starts with repenting and then Jesus working in us, often through trials, to produce fruit.저자 Pastor John Thrift
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