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DongXiNanPei radio program Podcast

DongXiNanPei radio program

DongXiNanPei, since 2010, is a discussion radio and podcasting in Mandarin chinese and English. The host taiwanese Yilin Lee-Setälä invites the people living in Nordic countries to discuss about Eastern and Western cross-cultural issues. All interviews can listen from facebook page:
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Chasing Prophecy Radio Program

Chasing Prophecy Radio

Tune into Pittsburgh's only paranormal radio show--Chasing Prophecy THURSDAY'S 8 pm est for an hour filled with conspiracies, UFO’s, ghosts, the paranormal, legends, and myths, from around the world—Chasing Prophecy-- where we discuss anything and everything beyond the scope of normal. ON THE ORACLE TALK RADIO NETWORK BROADING FROM PITTSBURGH AND PHILLY. NOW AVAILABLE ON AN APP IN THE APP STORE AND GOOGLE PLAY.
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Today's family and social-economic systems are failing and will continue to do so unless the collective people regain a proper understanding of reality. Generations Radio, with Kevin Swanson, presents that proper understanding of reality by speaking to the issues people face in the modern day from the perspective of a biblical worldview. Broadcasting from our basement studio in Elizabeth, Colorado, we reach over 100 countries.
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A rich and entertaining half-hour program with host John Stockwell (former WJR Anchor & Reporter) and Fr. Patrick Gonyeau (Administrator at Corpus Christi Detroit & Associate Instructor with Encounter Ministries). The three segments in each episode break open the Word of God, the wisdom of a Saint and the spiritual principles that flow from the Word and the wisdom of the Saint featured. All in all, this program is designed to be an inspiring conduit for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit to re ...
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This is a rebroadcast of the popular and long-running Ave Maria Hour Radio Program by the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement. Now you can listen to these professionally scripted and acted half-hour installments with an opening message from Fr. Bob Warren, SA, introducing this treasure of old-time radio dramas to a new generation of the faithful.
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J.Talks To The People Radio Program

J-Talks To The People Radio Program

This program is an interaction based platform for the people to speak up and speak out. From current events, personal views to CONTROVERSIAL MATTERS! (THIS SHOW HAS MOVED TO WWW.BLOGTALKRADIO.COM/jtalks2theworld), episodes will continue out of this show web address with the actual show name J. Talks To The People
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Hello world this is Family Hope Ministries Every show brought to you is in loving memory of the first lady Lila capers The objective of the founder Arnold Cup of LOVE Lester CAPERS SR. Is that all will be saved and filled with the holy Spirit To encourage the discouraged to bring families together who have been separated by circumstances emotionally and spiritually To provide clean music and the form of snippet to all people worldwide To provide clean storytelling Also your host of this show ...
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Garb your ears in tunes from The Shend's garden shed. Piles of Punk, slabs of sixties psych, Rock and Roll rumblings, wodges of weirdness and steaming lumps of strange ranging from the forties to the day after tomorrow. Stuff you've heard and stuff you'll wish you hadn't. What the hell is going on? EMAIL: [email protected]
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WRBH 88.3 FM, Radio for the Blind and Print Handicapped, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and is the only full-time reading service on the FM dial in the United States. At WRBH, our mission is to turn the printed word into the spoken word so that the blind and print handicapped receive the same ease of access to current information as their sighted peers. You can also download our shows weekly from Itunes or your favorite podcasting app by searching “WRBH Reading Radio Original Program ...
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🏆 Suivez les audiences TV, l'actualité des médias, du PAF, avec ACTIV RADIO, 1ère radio locale de la Loire à Saint-Etienne. 💪 Quelle audience pour TF1 ? FRANCE TV ? M6 ? Qui a créé la surprise d'audience télé ? La réponse dans ce podcast avec en bonus notre sélection de programmes TV ! 🔈 Ecoutez nous en direct sur ( Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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Garoto do Programa – Rádio Online PUC Minas

Alunos da Faculdade de Comunicação e Artes da PUC Minas

Um programa leve, eclético, sobre um jovem garoto em suas incursões pelas baladas mundo afora. Ouça as estórias contadas pelo apresentador Hique sobre um jovem garoto em suas incursões pelas baladas mundo afora. Raves, shows e festas… onde tem farra lá está ele marcando presença. Um programa onde você ciberouvinte, pode se identificar com esse garoto em qualquer balada.
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Rádio C - Programa Conexão

Rádio C - IFSC Chapecó

Programa informativo que aborda temas relevantes para o curso de Engenharia de Controle e Automação do IFSC Câmpus Chapecó Orientador: Savio A. Maciel; Estudantes: Pedro Eduardo Ambrosi Giachini, Mariane Teló, Alessandro L. Pompeu e Thamyres de Oliveira. A Rádio C é a Rádio Escola do IFSC Câmpus Chapecó. Acesse o site da rádio e conheça a programação completa:
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Programa Om Sarva - Rádio UFSCar

Maria Avelar Guimaraes e Juliana Gongora

O programa Om Sarva tem como objetivo levar à população informações sobre saúde e bem - estar, com o propósito de contribuir com a qualidade de vida. Uma vez por semana sera veiculado um programa onde abordará um tema diferente. Apresentação de Juliana Gongora e Maria Avelar. Produzido pela Rádio UFSCar - Universidade Federal de São Carlos/Brasil
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💚SAÚDE EM FOCO PODCAST - Rádio 99FM 🎙️Entrevistando Autoridades da Área Médica, Holística e Bem Estar. 📆 🕗 Todos os sábados ás 8h – 🔴 Ao Vivo 🎙️ Apresentação: Tátiana Fedatto Andrade @tatianafedattoapresentadora AO VIVO. PARTICIPE! Rádio 99FM 📱 Whatsapp (12) 98868-0999 🛜 Ou pelos canais 👇 🎯 FACEBOOK DA 99 FM: @99fmsosucesso 🎯 YOUTUBE: @tatianafedatto 🎯 LIVE NO INSTAGRAM: @tatianafedattoapresentadora Esperamos você! ☺️ 👍 INSCREVA-SE NO LINK DA BIO.
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Programa de Radio Es Un Tema Energia, Buena Onda, Musica, Entrevistas, Novedades del Mundo, Participacion de la Audiencia y Mas! ¡Un lugar creado para vos!, para que Participas, Comentas y Compartes este momento con nosotros en vivo! DESDE ESTE MOMENTO, ARRANCA, CONTALO, DECILO, EXPRESALO Y COMPARTI ESTE MOMETNO! Radio Show It's A Theme energy, good vibes, Music, Interviews, World News, Audience Participation and More! A place created for you!, so that you Participate, Comment and Share this ...
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show series
Chinamay very well have grown the largest Christian church population onearth, but China has a problem! One hundred million people make up agrowing, thriving church in China except for one little problem —they kill their children. Some churches even pay for abortions. Theconscience of this nation is dead cold with respect to human life,and the Chri…
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『Less is More. 少,即是多』,不只是極簡的設計理念,北歐大自然的季節氣候更讓人能夠身體力行。移居丹麥的藝術工作者 黃尹柔,她發現,在這裡她可以從忙碌中解脫,把多出來的時間用來認識自己,集中精力在最重要的事情上。台灣北藝大畢業的那年,她做了改變一輩子的壯遊,她和朋友摩托車風遊自助旅行途中,遇到了幾位愛旅行的背包客,其中一位就是後來的丹麥老公。她第一趟到達冬天的丹麥,就發現,在很黑暗的時候,要去找到可以讓自己快樂的方法,要去摸索所謂的快樂,不是外在而是內在的。經過五年,原本在台灣被大家認為是開心果的尹柔,更發現「這些開心都是偽善,好像是我的面具,面對外人要開心要很活躍,但在丹麥可以看到自己的黑暗,其實不用這麼用力愛所有的事情,當我開始尊重自己的時候,我發現我給的愛就差不多這樣子,你…
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In this show, we explore the work of the Ukrainian Institute in Bratislava through an insightful interview with its founder, Lyudmila Verbytska. We also take a look at Slovakia from the perspective of Oxford students, gaining fresh insights into the country. Finally, we uncover the story of Slovak writer Timrava.…
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In this show, we explore the work of the Ukrainian Institute in Bratislava through an insightful interview with its founder, Lyudmila Verbytska. We also take a look at Slovakia from the perspective of Oxford students, gaining fresh insights into the country. Finally, we uncover the story of Slovak writer Timrava.…
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Retour sur les audiences TV de votre soirée d'hier. Qui était en tête ? TF1 ? FRANCE TV ? M6 ? La TNT ? Retrouvez aussi les dernières infos du PAF, des chaines télé, et notre sélection de programmes TV du soir. Un podcast proposé par ACTIV RADIO, 1ère radio locale de la Loire et de St-Etienne ! Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez…
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Inthis segment of Discipleship for Dads, Kevin, Todd Strawser, DannyCraig, and Bill Roach discuss the challenges of marriage, dating, andcourtship. How important is it to cultivate a loving andunderstanding relationship with a daughter? How can dads avoid fromfalling into the pitfalls of apathy and control, when it comes tonavigating the maze of co…
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Wolves in Slovakia have a complex and often turbulent history. Once widely persecuted, these wild canines were relentlessly hunted and driven into the remote valleys of the country’s east. However, Slovakia’s accession to the EU brought stronger conservation policies, allowing wolf populations to make a remarkable comeback.Now, a new wave of fear a…
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Wolves in Slovakia have a complex and often turbulent history. Once widely persecuted, these wild canines were relentlessly hunted and driven into the remote valleys of the country’s east. However, Slovakia’s accession to the EU brought stronger conservation policies, allowing wolf populations to make a remarkable comeback.Now, a new wave of fear a…
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Retour sur les audiences TV de votre soirée d'hier. Qui était en tête ? TF1 ? FRANCE TV ? M6 ? La TNT ? Retrouvez aussi les dernières infos du PAF, des chaines télé, et notre sélection de programmes TV du soir. Un podcast proposé par ACTIV RADIO, 1ère radio locale de la Loire et de St-Etienne ! Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez…
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TJS Original Program 「たむけんがLAにいるよ~!」 TJS ラジオ 夜の番組、「たむけんが LA にいるよ~!」 毎週火曜日午後 8 時から~の生放送 たむらけんじがお届けする「たむけんが LA にいるよ~!」 楽しいトークバラエティ番組。 「LA イベント」「政治ネタ」「時事ネタ」など話題満載。 また音楽は たむけんが セレクトした 80 年代、90 年代の邦楽・洋楽を中心にお届けします。 毎週火曜日夜 8 時は TJS ラジオで盛り上がろ〜 ゲストに........ 茨城アストロ・プラネッツ ゼネラルマネージャーの 色川 冬馬(いろかわ とうま)さんです。 TJS-YouTube Channels Studio-CAM Guest-CAM TJS-Instagram…
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| 1. | Tools You Can Trust, | Working & Shopping | 2. | Sex Gang Children, | Kill Machine | 3. | Absolut Pantz, | F*ck About You | 4. | Sexton Ming, | Taken Bacon | 5. | The Nosebleeds, | Cranked Up Really High | 6. | Sparks, | Lost & Found | 7. | The Rocking Horse Club, | Straight White Man | 8. | Schizoids | Randalier | 9. | Red Deer People, | Go…
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Kevinand Bill Jack discuss what a biblical view of masculinity should be. Is the only problem feminism and egalitarianism, or does it go evenfurther back? Can all this be fixed by government programs, or willit take something stronger? Thisprogram includes: 1.The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (VietnameseChristians Flee to Thailand, Libe…
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Retour sur les audiences TV de votre soirée d'hier. Qui était en tête ? TF1 ? FRANCE TV ? M6 ? La TNT ? Retrouvez aussi les dernières infos du PAF, des chaines télé, et notre sélection de programmes TV du soir. Un podcast proposé par ACTIV RADIO, 1ère radio locale de la Loire et de St-Etienne ! Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez…
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AndrewTate, a prominent figure who is currently under arrest in Romania,encourages sexual sin, and appears to have a great deal of disdainfor women, has become especially popular lately among men. Tate couldbe the most well-known influencer, when it comes to male audiences. However, as Christian men approach these topics, they should askthemselves:…
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Recent data from Eurostat show that over 14% of Slovak population lives on the poverty line. In this show, we are going to explore the problem of growing poverty in Slovakia. You are also going to hear from experts: sociologist from SAV Zuzana Kusá and trade unionist, activist and analyst Ján Košč from initiative Pracujúca chudoba.…
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Recent data from Eurostat show that over 14% of Slovak population lives on the poverty line. In this show, we are going to explore the problem of growing poverty in Slovakia. You are also going to hear from experts: sociologist from SAV Zuzana Kusá and trade unionist, activist and analyst Ján Košč from initiative Pracujúca chudoba.…
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Retour sur les audiences TV de votre soirée d'hier. Qui était en tête ? TF1 ? FRANCE TV ? M6 ? La TNT ? Retrouvez aussi les dernières infos du PAF, des chaines télé, et notre sélection de programmes TV du soir. Un podcast proposé par ACTIV RADIO, 1ère radio locale de la Loire et de St-Etienne ! Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez…
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