Welcome to Selling Plato, hosted by Dr. Jared Oliphint. I talk to all kinds of people who can make philosophy useful for your daily life. Go to www.sellingplato.com, subscribe on our YouTube channel to watch the conversations, and follow us on socials at @sellingplato to learn more. Philosophy has a marketing problem. Let’s solve it.
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Hello World!
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Une émission quotidienne de philosophie pratique, existentielle et intime. Chaque matin, le philosophe reçoit une personnalité pour lui poser une question de philosophie, formulée en un énoncé proche d’un sujet de bac philo. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Culture is obsessed with romantic love. Our podcast celebrates platonic relationships and the effort that comes with maintaining them. We're two long time best friends aka Platonic Life Partners. Join us, Consuelo & Melissa, on our journey of strengthening our bond, exploring Houston, and catching up with old friends. Stay tuned as we discuss our thoughts and opinions on a variety of topics.
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Editorial Podcast is a weekly radio show hosted by Stereobeaver and KorneJ on Radio Plato. We invite musicians, artists, travelers, restaurant owners and many others to talk about their ways of life, musical tastes and various nonsense topics. We are on air every Wednesday at 15:00 on https://radioplato.by.
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Welcome to Plato's Pod, a bi-weekly podcast of group discussions on the dialogues of Plato, the philosopher and geometer who wrote nearly 2,400 years ago. Anyone interested in participating, whether to learn about Plato or to contribute to the dialogue, is welcome to join. Hosted by amateur philosopher James Myers, the podcast is held through Meetup.com and inquiries can be e-mailed to dialoguesonplato@outlook.com. Episodes are lightly edited for clarity, with care to avoid compromising the ...
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Delve headlong into the world of Plato's Retreat with Samuel Harmony, Kris McFang, Aneeka Moheed and Rob Bollox . $1 - $1000 records given equal treatment and airtime. For all that's good in Boogie, New Wave, Disco, House, Post-punk, Afro, Modern Soul, AOR, & much much more.
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A course in interdisciplinarity by Mario Veen. In each episode I travel through Plato's Allegory of the Cave together with a guide. Together, we examine the question of what it means to learn, grow and develop in life on earth. We do so from a new perspective every time. You can use this course to study whatever interests you through the lens of philosophy, film, art, physics, spirituality and many more. All you need is the willingness to think things through and the openness to have your pr ...
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Podcast para debater sobre as melhores coisas do mundo - amor e pé na bunda.
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A new series for an older podcast feed than yours. Started as a way to talk to people making weird shit on the fringes of the underground, then splitting time with a series of interviews with Gawker commenters, then just weird Christmas music and audio experiments, then interviews with LGBTQIA and POC artists about their feelings about the Trump presidency, then the obscenely pointless series "We Are Podcasting in a Room", and now Platonic Polyamory cohosts Rob Marvin, Jennifer C. Martin, an ...
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The Republic is an influential work of philosophy and political theory by the Greek philosopher Plato, written in approximately 360 BC.
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Presentación Cover art photo provided by Markus Spiske on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@markusspiske
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We are average guys who like to explore the interesting questions in life.
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How THE ALLEGORY OF THE CAVE is still relevant today Cover art photo provided by veeterzy on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@veeterzy
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Podcast by Plato's Cave
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Welcome to the Reportatge a Plató podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Tobias van Schneider on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@vanschneider
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Exploring topics from a non mainstream point of view. Questioning the establishments version of history and truth. Science, politics, technology, religion, and philosophy.
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Platalk is one of Platonic Academy project which is aimed to exchange the wide-ranging knowledges.
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Oscar Platone is Italian and American based in Florida. He speaks multiple languages. Oscar Platon is also an entrepreneur and offers different services like real estate and digital real estate.
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Podcast de cultura general y generalmente irrelevante
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In this ten-lecture course sponsored by Steve Berger and Kenneth Garschina, intellectual historian David Gordon guides students through a survey of the greatest thinkers, and evaluates these scholars by their arguments for and against the idea of Liberty.Download the complete audio of this event (ZIP) here.
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Porque hablar con nosotros mismos es esa variedad de pensamientos dispersos del día a día, así como los principios de incertidumbre de Platón, porque mientras más conocimiento tengamos de la vida menos sabemos hacía donde vamos.
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Saving the World One Orgasm at a Time
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*New Episodes Thursdays 7AM ET* From college at Syracuse University to real life in NYC, Matt and Sam have been friends for 5 years — nothing more, nothing less. Now that they're roommates, they've got stories to tell about learning how to adult, going on dates, apartment living and keeping things Strictly Platonic!
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¿Qué onda banda? Bienvenidos a la taberna de platón, otro podcast del montón. La taberna de platón nace como un refugio a la creatividad y a las conversaciones que en apariencia son mundanas pero que guardan cierta profundidad, aquí estaremos discutiendo sobre los temas que mas nos apasionan y compartiendo ideas creativas así como creaciones que no pretender llegar a ser arte sino a hacernos compañía. Toma asiento ¿Qué te servimos hoy?
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In Plato’s Ion, Socrates questions Ion on whether he should really claim laud and glory for his ‘rhapsodic’ recitals of Homer’s poetry.
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CAMP RANDALL PLATOON There is no other podcast devoted to Wisconsin football like the “Camp Randall Platoon.” Not only does the podcast feature two former Badger greats in James White and Sojourn Shelton II, but the cast is filled out by a former member of the school’s coaching staff. Warren Herring, a former recruiting analyst for the Badgers who was also a defensive lineman for the program from 2011-14, teams with White and Shelton II to offer unparalleled perspective and insight into the ...
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Plato's most popular dialogue, The Republic, argues for social justice by subjecting the individual to complete state control. The Republic also includes Plato's famous allegory of the cave.
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Från Platon till Twitter är podden om det lilla i förhållande till det stora. Rent trams och översitteri blandat med eviga filosofiska frågeställningar och politiska analyser. Allt för att försöka förstå hur det ligger till i det obetydliga lilla landet på det obetydliga lilla klotet i den obetydliga lilla galaxen som vi kallar vår verklighet. Smart underhållning helt enkelt. Resterande avsnitt går att hitta på Patreon: patreon.com/jokungen Swish: 123 439 81 11
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MI nombre es Juan Denis, soy Profesor de Filosofía y escritor del libro: "Filosofía para enamorados". Mi misión es ayudarte a aplicar filosofía a tu vida cotidiana. Soy creador de la marca "Filosofía en Minutos", y creador del podcast "La espalda de Platón".
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Podcast en el cual hablaremos de todo aquello que nos molesta al punto de volvernos locos. También recomendaremos series, pelis, música. Comentaremos algunas noticias, charlamos de cosas del día a día y hablaremos de cosas que quizás no todos se animan a hablar.
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« Je ne sais, Athéniens, quelle impression mes accusateurs ont faite sur vous. Pour moi, en les entendant, peu s’en est fallu que je ne me méconnusse moi-même, tant ils ont parlé d’une manière persuasive ; et cependant, à parler franchement, [...] ils n’ont pas dit un mot qui soit véritable ; et de ma bouche vous entendrez la vérité toute entière, … » (de « L’apologie de Socrate ») How you have felt, O men of Athens, at hearing the speeches of my accusers, I cannot tell; but I know that thei ...
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Platón en la Caverna es un podcast cultural alternativo de análisis crítico del mundo de las ideas que se desmarca claramente de las propuestas sometidas al consenso biempensante de la hegemonía cultural subvencionada Este programa, conducido por Domingo González Hernández, Profesor de la Universidad de Murcia, aspira a devolver la voz a los intelectuales y pensadores españoles marginados o silenciados por ese clima de consenso suave que envuelve la sociedad.
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Diego Manzanares y Beatriz Sanz nos acercan a TEA FM un nuevo espacio dedicado al 7º Arte que tanta importancia tiene en nuestra programación. En este espacio se cuentan anécdotas de producción, curiosidades de reparto y en definitiva curiosidades para muchos desconocidas.
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Podcast de variedades. A ratos hablamos de cine, de series, de música y de cultura. Todo relacionado con lo que pasa en nuestro día a día. Un podcast repleto de experiencias personales y mucha buena vibra.
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Seeking answers to philosophy's basic questions about the natures of knowledge and goodness, with public philosopher James Graf. Places great works from philosophers living and dead in conversation with Graf's own evolving ideas, to try to understand the natures of the true and good - projects outlined by Plato, which have gripped philosophers ever since.
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Awaiting his trial on charges of impiety and heresy, Socrates encounters Euthyphro, a self-proclaimed authority on matters of piety and the will of the gods. Socrates, desiring instruction in these matters, converses with Euthyphro, but as usual, the man who professes to know nothing fares better than the man who claims to be an expert. One of Plato’s well-known Socratic Dialogues, Euthyphro probes the nature of piety, and notably poses the so-called Euthyphro Dilemma: Do the gods love a thi ...
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The Republic is a Socratic dialogue written by Plato around 380 BC concerning the definition of justice and the order and character of the just city-state and the just man. It is Plato's best-known work and has proven to be one of the most intellectually and historically influential works of philosophy and political theory. In it, Socrates along with various Athenians and foreigners discuss the meaning of justice and examine whether or not the just man is happier than the unjust man by consi ...
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Plato's Republic is a Socratic dialogue which deals mainly with the definition of justice, the characteristics of a just city state and the just man. Although it was written more than two thousand years ago, many of the ideas and thoughts expounded here are still very much relevant to modern society. This is Plato's best known work and is also considered his most influential especially when it comes to the fields of philosophy and political theory. The Republic is divided into ten books and ...
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More than two thousand years ago, the great Greek philosopher Socrates was condemned to death for making seditious comments against the city state of Athens. His followers and disciples were legion. Ranging from Xenophon, the mercenary warrior and historian of the Peloponnesian War to the scholarly Plato, Socrates was described as the conscience-keeper of the nation, or the “gadfly” who would not let the massive machinery of the state rest in complacence. The Apology of Socrates by Plato was ...
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More than two thousand years ago, the great Greek philosopher Socrates was condemned to death for making seditious comments against the city state of Athens. His followers and disciples were legion. Ranging from Xenophon, the mercenary warrior and historian of the Peloponnesian War to the scholarly Plato, Socrates was described as the conscience-keeper of the nation, or the “gadfly” who would not let the massive machinery of the state rest in complacence. The Apology of Socrates by Plato was ...
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Dr. Edward Zalta - Behind the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
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Dr. Edward Zalta served as Principal Editor of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy from 1995 to 2022, and now serves as Co-Principal Editor. He is a Senior Research Scholar in the Philosophy Department at Stanford University. His research specialties include Metaphysics and Epistemology, Philosophy of Mathematics, Philosophical Logic/Philosophy…
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You know.저자 Bublik
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It's another special COVERS SHOW! Highlights include a special Quincy Jones covers set from Sam Harmony, a debate about what constitutes a medley and an edit, as well as a very special final song as we approach the holiday season.
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Plato's Laws - Book XII, Part 2: The Nocturnal Council Guarding Virtue
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Our final meeting on Plato’s longest dialogue, The Laws, concluded with readings from Book XII, where the Athenian expounds on the operation of a special Nocturnal Council that will act as the head and intellect for Crete’s new colony, Magnesia. On August 4, 2024, members of the Toronto, Calgary, and Chicago Philosophy Meetup groups considered many…
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Radio Plato - Editorial Podcast #123 w/ Anastasia Rydlevskaya
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Гераіняй сённяшняга “Рэдактарскага падкаста” стала мастачка і спявачка Анастасія Рыдлеўская Сваёй творчасцю яна выбудоўвае цэлы сусвет, які сатканы з юнгіянскіх, фальклорных і аўтабіяграфічных сімвалаў. Карціны ўвасабляюць песні, музыка гучыць саўндтрэкам да карцін. Яе музыка – гэта наватарская электроніка з элементамі фолка, якая, па словах музычн…
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In this exciting premiere of Season 2, we take a trip down memory lane and recap the highlights from Season 1. We'll reintroduce ourselves, sharing a bit about how we’ve grown since our last episode. Then, we’ll give you an exclusive sneak peek into what Season 2 has in store. Join us as we embark on another thrilling journey together!…
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Dr. Jared Oliphint - So You Want to Do a PhD in Philosophy?
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Dr. Jared Oliphint is the founder of Selling Plato (www.sellingplato.com), received his PhD in philosophy, and teaches philosophy at the college level. His published work has focused on metaphysics, philosophy of language, conceptual engineering, social ontology, and metaethics. 📬 FREE Selling Plato’s Dialogues: Subscribe to the weekly newsletter a…
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Hello, I'm very tired, so I'm sorry to be reusing the same description again. Our old friend Sara Century is back to talk about her massive SCREAM zine, over 60 pages dissecting the themes of all six Scream films. It rocks. Everything Sara does rocks. I'm not really sure what else to say about it except it's worth your $14 for the physical copy…
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Episode 51 - Bergson's Restless World with Emily Herring
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We discuss Herald of a Restless World: How Henri Bergson brought philosophy to the people - The first English-language biography of Henri Bergson, the French philosopher who defined individual creativity and transformed twentieth-century thought. Emily Herring is a writer based in Paris. She received her PhD in the history and philosophy of science…
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Hello, Our old friend Sara Century is back to talk about her massive SCREAM zine, over 60 pages dissecting the themes of all six Scream films. It rocks. Everything Sara does rocks. I'm not really sure what else to say about it except it's worth your $14 for the physical copy with the cool, unique, handmade cover. If you can't afford that + shippi…
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Dr. Christian Miller - Why is the Virtue of Honesty So Neglected Within Philosophy?
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Dr. Christian Miller is the A. C. Reid Professor of Philosophy at Wake Forest University. His main areas of research are meta-ethics, moral psychology, moral character, action theory, and philosophy of religion. He directed the Honesty Project (honestyproject.wfu.edu), funded by a $4.4 million grant from the John Templeton Foundation. He was the Ph…
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Radio Plato - Editorial Podcast #122 w/ Kolorit Kulmana
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У госці “Рэдактарскага падкаста” завітаў адзін з нашых улюбёных беларускіх гуртоў – “Каларыт Кульмана” 🎶 Як апісваюць самі музыкі сваю творчасць, яны граюць парадаксальную тэхна-джаз імправізацыю: пры кожным спатканні ў іх нараджаюцца ўнікальныя кампазіцыі, якія яны афармляюць у п’есы. Пра іх творчы метад, пра існаванне “паміж” у канцэртнай тусоўцы…
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Hello World!저자 Bublik!
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Hello, Our old friend Sara Century is back to talk about her massive SCREAM zine, over 60 pages dissecting the themes of all six Scream films. It rocks. Everything Sara does rocks. I'm not really sure what else to say about it except it's worth your $14 for the physical copy with the cool, unique, handmade cover. If you can't afford that + shipping…
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Andy Blitz - The Slipnutz, Working with Conan, and A Life of Comedy
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Andy Blitz is a standup comic and was a writer and performer for Late Night with Conan O’Brien for many years, worked on the shows Human Giant, Review, Important Things with Demetri Martin, and many other projects. We talked about his legendary Late Night sketch, “The Slipnutz” (link below) and opening for Slipknot, his early days of comedy, what i…
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The Plato's team is joined on the show by Rachel Ashby of bFM breakfast fame. In sport the focus is on the ecstasy and agony of the bFM football team who competed in the Footy Fundraiser in support of Music Helps. A few tears are shed during a special TV on the Radio at 6pm for the passing of the legendary Maggie Smith.…
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10 years ago I filmed a "documentary" about a noise festival being held in the community center of a 4H fairgrounds in the middle of nowhere, I Indiana and attended by no one. The organizer of that event, Laura Squirrel, wanted to come back on to mark the 10th anniversary of that show no one witnessed but the artists, me, my girlfriend at the time,…
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Plato's Laws - Book XII, Part 1: Who Guards the Guardians?
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Book XII is the final chapter of Plato’s longest and last dialogue, The Laws, and addresses the challenge of how a community can thrive when its leaders act against the collective interest. Having set out a novel constitution that promotes the virtue of citizens and leaders in Crete’s new colony, Magnesia, the three characters in the dialogue turn …
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Episode 50 - Teaching Climate with Ginie Servant-Miklos
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We discuss Ginie Servant-Miklos' new book Pedagogies of Collapse. This urgent, and radically honest, open access book looks collapse in the face, acknowledges the temptation for denial and despair, but chooses hope. Pedagogies of Collapse makes a dire, fact-packed case for the urgency of action, but resists the urge to fall into the usual categorie…
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Parker Settecase - YouTube Lessons, Journaling, and Marketing Philosophy
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Parker Settecase is a professional YouTuber (with three master's degrees) who hosts a channel called ParkNotes with almost 200,000 subscribers. He hosts several other channels, including Parker's Pensées, where he has longform conversations on philosophy and theology. Parker's substack: parknotes.substack.com ParkNotes channel: https://www.youtube.…
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10 years ago I filmed a "documentary" about a noise festival being held in the community center of a 4H fairgrounds in the middle of nowhere, I Indiana and attended by no one. The organizer of that event, Laura Squirrel, wanted to come back on to mark the 10th anniversary of that show no one witnessed but the artists, me, my girlfriend at the time,…
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Radio Plato - Editorial Podcast #121 w/ Arciom (Podpolny Vestnik)
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“Рэдактарскі падкаст” на сувязі! Сёння гутарым са стваральнікам пабліка “Подпольный вестник” (t.me/nenavizhu_rock) і лэйбла Podpolie 375 (www.instagram.com/podpolie.375), прамоўтарам, музыкам і пісьменнікам Арцёмам пра менскую андэрграўндную індзі- і панк-сцэну. Што зараз адбываецца на інструментальнай сцэне сталіцы, дзе выдаць кнігу без выдавецтва…
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The Plato's team is joined on the show by Rachel Ashby of bFM breakfast fame. In sport the focus is on the ecstasy and agony of the bFM football team who competed in the Footy Fundraiser in support of Music Helps. A few tears are shed during a special TV on the Radio at 6pm for the passing of the legendary Maggie Smith.…
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Dr. Kevin Zollman on How to Apply Game Theory to Parenting, Poker, and Life
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Dr. Kevin Zollman is the Herbert A. Simon Professor of Philosophy and Social and Decision Sciences at Carnegie Mellon University, and the director of the Institute for Complex Social Dynamics. His research focuses on game theory, agent based modeling, and the philosophy of science. He is co-author with Paul Raeburn of The Game Theorist's Guide to P…
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Plato's Laws - Book XI: Property and Punishment in Magnesia
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Book XI of Plato's last and longest dialogue represents a dramatic shift in tone from Book X, where we began our series on The Laws eleven episodes ago. On July 7, 2024, members of the Toronto, Calgary, and Chicago Philosophy Meetup groups convened to consider the thirty-three laws that the Athenian proposes to Clinias and Megillus for the regulati…
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Another Plato's classic, traversing multiple genres and featuring multiple guests, including the one and only Frank Booker
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Episode 49 - Everyday Activism with Chris Julien
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We discuss Chris Julien's new book Everyday Activism (Alledaags Activisme). Chris is an activist and researcher, he is a PhD candidate at Utrecht University, where he works on ecological governance with an emphasis on new materialisms and decolonial ecology. He has an independent practice at the intersection of ecology and culture and is a spokespe…
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Pauline Déroulède : d'où vient cette force de la vie en nous ?
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durée : 00:49:59 - Sous le soleil de Platon - par : Charles PEPIN - Pauline Déroulède, championne de France de tennis fauteuil, va chercher la médaille aux JO paralympiques de Paris. C'est après un accident de la route dans lequel elle a perdu une jambe qu'elle se dédie plus que jamais au tennis. Retour sur son parcours et sur ce qu'est l'Elan vita…
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Boris Cyrulnik : comment le bonheur demeure possible quand frappe le malheur ? Les conditions de la résilience
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durée : 00:49:51 - Sous le soleil de Platon - par : Charles PEPIN - Le neuropsychiatre et auteur Boris Cyrulnik est connu pour avoir vulgarisé le concept de « résilience » tiré des écrits de John Bowlby. Nous (ré)appréhendons avec lui ce concept puissant. - réalisé par : Antoine LARCHER저자 Charles PEPIN
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Tom Ryan - A Philosophical Look at Standup Comedy
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Tom Ryan is a New York-based standup comic who has appeared on the Late Show with David Letterman and played venues like Carnegie Hall. He has been featured on Showtime, A&E, Comedy Central, and NBC, and has opened for B.B. King, Natalie Cole, Jeff Beck, Earth, Wind and Fire, Aretha Franklin, Tim Allen, Steven Wright, Brian Regan, Gary Gulman, Denn…
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Jacques Audiard : par quel mystère un film devient du cinéma ?
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durée : 00:49:51 - Sous le soleil de Platon - par : Charles PEPIN - Le cinéaste Jacques Audiard, dont le dernier film "Emilia Perez" a reçu le Prix du Jury au dernier festival de Cannes et sort en salle, vient nous parler de ce qui est à l'œuvre dans la création pour qu'un film devienne une œuvre. - réalisé par : Antoine LARCHER…
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Hélène Darroze : pourquoi cela fait tellement de bien de faire plaisir ?
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durée : 00:49:26 - Sous le soleil de Platon - par : Charles PEPIN - Hélène Darroze, grande cheffe qui cumule six étoiles au Michelin et jury de Top Chef soigne autant ses plats que les cuisiniers de son équipe. Celle qui cuisine pour sa clientèle et ses proches avec la même joie vient nous enseigner le plaisir de faire plaisir. - réalisé par : Anto…
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Gaëtan Roussel et Martin Luminet : comment écrit-on une belle chanson ?
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durée : 00:49:37 - Sous le soleil de Platon - par : Charles PEPIN - Entre le chanteur de Louise Attack et la jeune révélation grandit une amitié musicale. Gaëtan contribue au dernier Album "Deuil(s)" de Martin et, ensemble, ils signent un très beau titre, "Jusqu'ici". De leur passion commune pour le texte, ils viennent nous dire ce qui fait une bel…
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durée : 00:50:43 - Sous le soleil de Platon - par : Charles PEPIN - La psychologue clinicienne, psychothérapeute et enseignante Joanna Smith a publié cette année "Protéger son enfant des violences sexuelles" aux éditions Dunod. Celle qui prend en charges les personnes ayant subi, enfant, ces violences nous apprend à prévenir et à protéger. - réalis…
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Episode 48 - Geocentric Worldview with Marcia Bjornerud
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We discuss Turning to Stone: Discovering the Subtle Wisdom of Rocks by Marcia Bjornerud. Marcia Bjornerud is a professor of Environmental Studies and Geosciences at Lawrence University. She is a contributing writer to The New Yorker, Wired, The Wall Street Journal, and the Los Angeles Times and the author of Reading the Rocks, Timefulness, and Geop…
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Maël Renouard : comment pratiquer l'art de la réminiscence ?
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durée : 00:49:56 - Sous le soleil de Platon - par : Charles PEPIN - Maël Renouard est philosophe, écrivain et traducteur. Son essai "De la réminiscence" sortira chez Payot&Rivages à l'automne. C'est l'occasion de revenir avec lui sur cette belle notion pour tenter de retrouver, nous aussi, notre madeleine de Proust. - réalisé par : Antoine LARCHER…
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La force philosophique de la douceur, avec Marie Robert
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durée : 00:48:32 - Sous le soleil de Platon - par : Charles PEPIN - Marie Robert est autrice et professeure de philosophie. Directrice d’écoles Montessori, elle crée "Philosophy is sexy", un podcast et une page Instagram où elle partage ses réflexions philosophiques au quotidien. Ce matin, elle nous invite à penser la douceur comme un rapport au mo…
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Karol Beffa : comment la contrainte peut-elle nous rendre créatifs ?
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durée : 00:50:56 - Sous le soleil de Platon - par : Charles PEPIN - Le pianiste et compositeur multi-primé Karol Beffa nous emmène dans son parcours musical et nous invite à penser la contrainte comme énergie créatrice. - réalisé par : Antoine LARCHER저자 Charles PEPIN
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Anne-Victoire Rousselet : comment sortir du déni par la psychothérapie ?
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durée : 00:49:44 - Sous le soleil de Platon - par : Charles PEPIN - Psychologue et psychothérapeute au Centre Hospitalier Sainte-Anne à Paris, chargée d’enseignement à l’Université Paris Descartes, autrice de "Mieux vivre avec la schizophrénie", Anne-Victoire Rousselet nous a rejoint pour nous aider à répondre à la difficile question du déni. - réa…
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Pierre Zaoui : n'y a-t-il de beauté qu'éphémère, fragile ?
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durée : 00:49:47 - Sous le soleil de Platon - par : Charles PEPIN - Le philosophe Pierre Zaoui nous rappelle avec délicatesse la fragilité de notre existence avec son très bel essai "Beautés de l'éphémère, apologie des bulles de savon" publié cette année aux éditions du Seuil. - réalisé par : Antoine LARCHER…
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