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Tremendo elenco de estrellas y estrellados que se reúnen en la Taberna del Poni Pisador para hablar de El Señor de los Anillos LCG. Mucho humor, pero mucha calidad de la mano de ¿A qué se juega?. La Mano de Thanos y Los Archivos de Arkham.
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Podcast Svet Užitka: Sex v pisarni: Pripravite se na novo sezono podcasta Seks v pisarni, s polno novimi idejami in iskrenih pogovorov o spolnosti! Z vami bom Monika in skupaj bomo raziskovali različne spolne prakse in se poglabljali v vse tematike, povezane s spolnostjo. Brez cenzure, brez predsodkov, samo iskreno in sproščeno!Pridružite se mi pri odpiranju vrat novim spoznanjem in razpravi o vsem, kar je povezano s temo spolnosti. Življenje je prekratko za slab seks, kajne?
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Experienced change practioner, Petro du Pisani, explores 'change that works' and the people who make it happen.
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Podkast o tym, jak dobrze pisać literaturę • EWA MADEYSKA Doktorka nauk humanistycznych, literaturoznawczyni, pisarka, dramatopisarka, scenarzystka, trenerka twórczego pisania • Treningi indywidualne, kursy, warsztaty twórczego pisania, mastermindy • https://ewamadeyska.pl https://szkolatworczegopisania.pl/
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Bruh Gabut ya? Mending dengerin kita skuy Request bisa langsung ke twitter dan instagram @podcastpiskar
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Programa semanal da Rádio Gazeta AM que discute a cultura pop de um jeitinho diferente.
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Microsoft Office Training Courses Virtual and Face to Face Sydney, NSW Australia www.azsolutions.com.au
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Kanał portalu ZarabiajNaPisaniu.com . Znajdziesz tu mnóstwo ciekawych materiałów o copywritingu, pracy zdalnej, blogowaniu i rynku e-commerce. Przekonaj się, jak wygląda prawdziwe zarabianie w internecie!
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Everything you need to know about teaching and learning in one podcast. Top Class, the OECD Education Podcast, interviews leading educators, researchers and policy experts about the big issues facing education systems around the world. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed and arguments employed on the "TopClass" podcast and the recordings contained therein do not necessarily represent the official views of the OECD, its member countries, or non-members who have participated in any related work ...
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Media Podcast yang membahas tentang dunia sepak bola serta dikelola oleh Dani dan dipandu oleh mantan rocker yang banting setir menjadi pebisnis. Contact Person: 085608357219 (Aceng)
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Podcast by Agnieszka Fiuk Podcast
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Un diario humano, para humanos, de humanos, hacia humanos que se sienten humanos. Pisando Charcos es la plataforma para hablar de las cosas que no nos atrevemos a contarle a Instagram
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Eisen Alldag ass voller Froen an de Pisa gëtt Äntwerten. Interessant Themen gi wëssenschaftlech recherchéiert a spannend erzielt vum Olivier Catani an der Equipe vum Magazin.
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The podcast created to fill the void in your life left by not spending enough time talking sh*t while playing board games.
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Un programa dedicado a los negocios y crecimiento personal quiero apoyarte con mi experiencia a crecer tus Ventas, Inversiones, bienes raices, Mentalidad, patrimonio, ingresos, liderazgo y mucho más
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How to ensure quality early childhood education and care for all
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40:32The early years of a child's life are crucial for their development. Falling behind early can mean never catching up. How can countries ensure lasting benefits from early childhood education and care? In this episode of Top Class, Stephanie Jones, the Gerald S. Lesser Professor in Early Child Development at Harvard University, and Professor Henrik …
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Sto a viacroční pamätníci
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Epizoda 34: Nina Kralj: Kako se z otroki pogovarjati o spolnosti?
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1:07:33Kako se z otroki pogovarjati o spolnosti, da se bodo počutili varno, razumljeno in opolnomočeno? V tej epizodi podcasta se pogovarjam z Nino Kralj iz društva Lunina vila (🌙 www.luninavila.si), kjer se že vrsto let posvečajo podpori mladostnikom in njihovim staršem pri odraščanju, čustvenem razvoju in pogovorih o pomembnih življenjskih temah. Skupaj…
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Episodio 3x08 "Los mejores reeditados y la isla perdida"
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4:43:22Aiya! No llegamos a cumplir la cita mensual por los pelos de un hobbit bajito. Lo que por otro lado son muchos pelos. Sea como sea, regresamos para resolver el final de la eliminatoria y escoger nuestros héroes favoritos de entre toda la reedición. Además, nos vamos de visita por una isla a la que no deberíamos haber podido llegar, pero como las me…
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Epizoda 33: Čuječnost v spolnosti: Prisotnost v užitku, Eva Požar
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48:43Kako biti bolj prisoten v trenutku in doživeti spolnost na globlji ravni? 🔥 V tej epizodi se potopimo v čuječnost v spolnosti – kako jo prakticirati, zakaj izboljša užitek in kako lahko vpliva na intimne odnose. Tokrat se mi je pridružila Eva Požar, učiteljica čuječnosti in Sex, Love and Relationship Coach. Eva Požar je terapevtka čuječnosti, ki sk…
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The Power of Rest: Embracing Cycles of Rest and Renewal. Episode 16 of a series of podcasts on taking conscious breaks from work. In this last episode of the sabbatical series, Petro du Pisani interviews Amy Martin about her research on rest, renewal, and life’s natural cycles. Amy shares how burnout led her to explore seasonality, and rhythms like…
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Bert Klug, zažil útrapy s konečným rieišním židovkej otázky, zomrel v Austrálii vo veku nedožitých 101 rokov
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Burnout: A Warning Sign, Not a Weakness. Episode 15 of a series of podcasts on taking conscious breaks from work. This is a special focus episode on Burnout. In this episode, Petro du Pisani speaks with burnout coach Shannon Royden-Turner about the causes, prevention, and recovery from burnout. Shannon explains that burnout isn’t just stress — it’s…
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Tokrat se nam je na podcastu Svet Užitka pridružila mami blogerka, Nika Britovšek. Ta epizoda podcasta Sex v Pisarni je posvečena Valentinovemu. Kot dve zaposleni mami, sva razpravljali sva o ohranjanju iskrice v odnosu, praznovanju Valentinovega in se igrali zabavne igre.🎧 Klikni, poslušaj in se pridruži pogovoru!…
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How can you help disengaged teenagers rediscover their passion for learning? In this episode of Top Class, Rebecca Winthrop, a Senior Fellow and Director of the Center for Universal Education at the Brookings Institution, discusses ideas from the new book she has co-authored called ‘The Disengaged Teen: Helping Kids Learn Better, Feel Better, and L…
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Epizoda 31: Vibrator za motivacijo: Naj ga nosim za v hribe?
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40:36Vibrat0r, ki ga lahko kar nosiš med vsakodnevnimi opravki ali pa se z njim poigrata na zmenku v restavraciji, baru... Nosljivi vibrat0rji: Kaj so, kje in kako jih lahko uporabljaš - vse izveš v tej epizodi podcasta Svet Užitka: Sex v Pisarni. 🎧 Klikni, poslušaj in se pridruži pogovoru!
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#040 Special Focus on Burnout | Laura-Jean Evens & Lurinda Maree
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42:30Burnout: Recognise, Recover and Rebalance. Episode 14 of s series of podcasts on taking conscious breaks from work. This is a special focus episode on Burnout. In this episode, Petro du Pisani speaks to fellow-coaches Laura-Jean Evens and Lurinda Maree. Laura-Jean, an executive coach with an industrial psychology background, and Lurinda, an industr…
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Aiya! Nuevo año, nuevo episodio del podcast. Tras unas vacaciones merecidas o no, regresamos con fuerza y cargados de secciones. ¿Queréis saber nuestra opinión sobre la Guerra de los Rohirrim, averiguar cuáles son nuestros héroes favoritos, cómo cazar un barco pirata o información sobre todos los juegos de SDLA que va sacar Asmodee? Aquí tenéis tod…
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Dzisiaj o tym, czego Was, moi drodzy i moje drogie, nigdy nie nauczę. Choćbym wyszła z siebie. Choćbym zamawiała, czarowała lub po prostu, najbardziej chciała. Nic z tego. Nie nauczę. Ale też o tym, czego Was nauczę. Oto propozycja. 🙌 Fundamenty twórczego pisaniaTen kurs, warsztatowy kurs, to biblia po Waszej powieści albo do Waszej powieści. Niezb…
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Thriving Through Breaks: Balance & Success Episode 13 of a series of podcasts on taking conscious breaks from work. In this episode, Petro du Pisani speaks to Omri van Zyl (CEO of RussellStone Capital) about taking career breaks and sabbaticals for adventure and self-reflection. Omri discusses how these breaks helped him reset, gain new perspective…
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Lessons from a longer-than-intended break. Episode 12 of a series of podcasts on taking conscious breaks from work. In this episode, Petro du Pisani interviews Mike Stopforth, a serial entrepreneur and seasoned marketing and communications professional, who took an extended break after selling his digital marketing business in 2018. Mike shares his…
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Burnout as a catalyst: Pamela's journey to a career pivot. Episode 11 of a series of podcasts on taking conscious breaks from work. In this episode, Petro du Pisani speaks to Pamela Naidoo-Amegio, an executive leader and geoscientist. Pamela shares her journey of taking a sabbatical in 2015 after nearly burning out. Pamela reflects on her reasons f…
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Masturbacija: tabu ali naraven del življenja? Prisluhni naši najnovejši epizodi podcasta Svet Užitka: Sex v Pisarni, kjer odkrito in sproščeno govorimo o pomembnosti spoznavanja svojega telesa, zabavnih dejstvih in koristih, ki jih prinaša masturbacija. 🎧 Klikni, poslušaj in se pridruži pogovoru!
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LA wildfires: What educators can do when disaster strikes
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37:47Wildfires raging in Los Angeles have destroyed thousands of homes and forced the closure of hundreds of schools. As communities try to rebuild following the destruction, including the burning down of schools, what can teachers do to support students? In this episode of Top Class, Developmental-Behavioural Paediatrician David Schonfeld, Director of …
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Jiří Kafka, veterán 2. svetovej vojny
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As technologies transform businesses, what critical skills are needed to succeed in the workforce of the future? With artificial intelligence, the green transition, globalisation and much more all impacting the world of work, there is an urgent need for policymakers, educators and businesses to respond. In this episode of Top Class, we explore what…
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Mir kucken zréck an no vir. Bal 200 Sendungen an no un 1000 Reportagen. Am Pisa erkläre mir zanter 15 Joer d’Welt. Wat waren d’Highligts aus de leschte Joren. Wéi huet de Fuerschungsstanduert Lëtzebuerg sech entwéckelt. A firwat huet een am Laf vu sengem Liewen ëmmer méi d’Gefill, dass d’Zäit reegelrecht verflitt.…
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Episodio 3x06 "Una entrevista antes de la incursión"
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5:25:32Aiya! Hola habitantes de la Tierra Media. Nos hemos hecho un poquito de rogar, pero aquí nos tenéis de regreso con un episodio en el que nos traemos un invitado de lujo para una entrevista, damos las claves para superar una de las misiones más difíciles del Cazador de Sueños y RafaH nos trae un mazo de elfos silvanos marinos. Esperamos que lo disfr…
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Why are adult literacy skills dropping? Insights from the OECD Survey of Adult Skills
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32:41Over the past decade, literacy and numeracy skills among adults have largely declined or stagnated in most OECD countries. This is the main finding from the second OECD Survey of Adult Skills, a once-in-a-decade assessment that measured the skills of adults across 31 countries and economies. Despite efforts to strengthen education and adult trainin…
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Pavol Boňko, syn z ruskej emigrantskej rodiny, ktorý utiekol pred Veľkou októbrovou revolúciou.
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Tired, stressed & burnt out: strategies to support teacher well-being & healthy working environments
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나중에 재생
36:11Every year, countless teachers face stress-related illnesses and burnout. While some manage to keep going, often at a reduced capacity, others leave the profession entirely. In this episode of Top Class, we explore how policymakers and schools can better support teacher well-being and create healthy working environments to ensure educators remain h…
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Wéi mir eis erkalen a wat wierklech hëlleft. En zolitte Schnapp. Hals- a Kappwéi. Domat sinn aktuell vill Leit geplot. Am Pisa wéi eng Medikamenter wierklech hëllefen a wéi eng een sech spuere kann. Wat an eisem Kierper genee geschitt wa mir eis mat engem Erkältungsvirus infizéieren. Firwat mir eis ëmmer rëm erkalen an u wat läit et datt d’Häre bes…
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Pri 35.výročí nežnej revolúcie predstavíme mozaiku piatich príbehov politických väzňov z 50 rokov, pre ktorých priniesla nežná revolúcia možnosť znova sa realizovať
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Kako načeti pogovor o spolnosti? V tej epizodi podcasta Sex v Pisarni vam pomagam z nasveti in predlagam vprašanja, ki bodo olajšala odprtje te pomembne teme. Poslušajte, kako lahko samozavestno začnete iskren pogovor o spolnosti s partnerjem!
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Milada Juhásová, lekárka, ktorá pomáhala prenasledovým vo vojne a odboji
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Zdravje in užitek gresta lahko z roko v roki! V tej posebni epizodi podcasta Svet Užitka: Seks v pisarni, ob Movembru raziskujemo, zakaj stimulacija prostate ni le korak k boljšemu zdravju, temveč tudi priložnost za raziskovanje novih občutkov. V tem podcastu ti povem, kako se lotiti stimulacije prostate, predstavim različne igračke, ki lahko popes…
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Wéi ee Fake News kann opdecken a ganz uewen um Fernsehtuerm zu Diddeleng. D’Fact-Checkers vun AFP weise wéi si Fake News fannen a richteg stellen. Mat engem Experiment am Journal teste mer den Afloss vu KI op Noriichten. Weise wéi d’Leit viru bal 200 Joer fir Meenungs- a Pressefräiheet gekämpft hunn. Firwat zu Diddeleng europäesch Tëleesgeschicht g…
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