Every week on Performance Today™, Bruce Adolphe re-writes a familiar tune in the style of a classical composer. We get one of our listeners on the phone, and our caller listens to Bruce play his Piano Puzzler™. They then try to do two things: name the hidden tune, and name the composer whose style Bruce is mimicking. From American Public Media.
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Życia, które skończyły się zbyt wcześnie. Zaginięcia bez śladu. Sprawy, o których nie sposób zapomnieć. Twarze, które pamięta się na długo. Wybór najciekawszych spraw o tematyce kryminalnej w podcaście Justyny Mazur.
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Trasmissione sulla letteratura pianistica
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Podcast do Instituto Piano Brasileiro - IPB. Entrevistas, gravações, lançamentos e descobertas.
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Virtual Sheet Music's Piano Lessons Videos give you piano lessons and piano insights from our piano expert Robert Estrin. If you are a pianist, piano teacher, a piano student or simply a piano enthusiast, these videos are for you.
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Piano Finally is a podcast by an old bloke who is learning the piano, finally. I cover the process of learning the piano and music theory as an adult learner. I also review piano books, hardware and other materials from an adult learner's perspective.
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Comment pratiquer le piano concrètement et avec plaisir aujourd'hui
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Komedia z elementami dramatu prezentująca życie Grzegorza Kowalskiego (w tej roli Grzegorz "Dakann" Barański), 35-letniego kawalera z Warszawy, borykającego się z problemami psychicznymi, będącymi następstwem życia w dysfunkcyjnej rodzinie. Bohater w zderzeniu z polską rzeczywistością stara się przetrwać i do końca nie oszaleć. Podcast bazuje na narracji w formie przemyśleń Kowalskiego i nawiązuje do kultowej produkcji o tym samym tytule, podanej w dużo lepszej jakości. Zapraszamy do odsłuch ...
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Join atWork Australia Brand Ambassador and Paralympian, Shaun Pianta, as he speaks with a range of guests with lived experience, as well as industry experts who can provide insight into services available to those who require additional support. These candid conversations will highlight a range of different life stories, experiences and how despite it all, work truly is for everyone.
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The Pianist Podcast is your backstage pass to the world of piano music. Join us as we explore the artistry, stories, and techniques that inspire pianists around the globe. Whether you're a beginner, an expert, or simply a piano enthusiast, you'll discover engaging interviews with world-class musicians, practical tips to improve your playing, and fascinating insights into the piano repertoire. Tune in today!
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A podcast introducing aspiring Jazz Pianists to essential Jazz Piano Skills. Professional Jazz Piano Lessons by Dr. Bob Lawrence, President The Dallas School of Music
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Feeling stressed? Need to unwind? Then join me, James Quinn as your host where I will play for you a selection of soothing classical piano music for you to unwind to.
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Welcome to The Piano Lesson: The Official Podcast. In each episode, journalist and culture writer Jazmine Hughes will give a behind-the-scenes view of Malcolm Washington's new adaptation of the August Wilson story, The Piano Lesson, debuting on Netflix on November 22nd. You’ll hear intimate conversations with the cast members, including Danielle Deadwyler, John David Washington, Ray Fisher, Corey Hawkins, Michael Potts, Samuel L. Jackson, and director and co-writer, Malcolm Washington. Plus, ...
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Welcome to Piano Meditations Podcast by Blake Rowe. For the past six years (with occasional breaks), Wednesday nights have been devoted to creating freely improvised music for about 45 minutes. Known melodies may come to mind and may be explored, but the pieces are primarily “spontaneously composed”. The music tends to follow an arc from introspective to energetic and back again. The first few notes become a motif to be explored; sometimes a piece is more structured and and other times more ...
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Welcome to The Piano Pantry Podcast where together we live life as independent music teachers. Listen in with Amy Chaplin, your host, as we talk about everything from running and organizing a studio business to getting dinner on the table and all that comes between.
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Welcome to Piano Mastery Unlocked, hosted by internationally-renowned concert pianist Ronald Hawkins. With performances that have enchanted audiences from New York to Moscow, Ronald brings his unique charm and humor to each episode. Explore a diverse range of musical styles, from classical masterpieces to contemporary hits, as Ronald shares insights from his remarkable career. This podcast transforms the concert experience into an engaging dialogue, making classical music accessible and enjo ...
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A piano podcast, uncovering the magical musical moments from some of our finest composers, across all genres - notably Classical, popular, and folk. I will be talking about works that hold special meaning for me, as well as delving into elements of music theory, which help us to better understand the subject matter. This podcast will suit listeners with a general interest in the keyboard, and more specifically, those either learning the instrument, or considering doing so. For more informati ...
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Eventi e persone di attualità.
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Welcome to The Street Pianist! A celebration of all the delightful musicians who play street piano, even when nobody’s listening. I'm Clare Sudbery (@ClareSudbery on Insta and, well, pretty much everywhere). I'm an amateur singer and pianist, and after appearing on season 2 of The Piano TV show in 2024, I discovered just how many street pianists there are with great stories to tell. Every now and then, I'll be sharing another interview with one of the many pianists I've encountered on my reg ...
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Hereinspaziert und durchgegruselt! :) Kleine Warnung: Hier werden zumeist gruselige Geschichten gelesen; sie können explizite Gewaltdarstellung und Horrorelemente enthalten. Ihr Lieben, schön, dass ihr hergefunden habt. Hier lese ich urheberrechtsfreie Kurzgeschichten vor oder solche, von denen der Rechteinhaber mir erlaubt hat, sie zu lesen. Jeden letzten Samstag im Monat gibt es dabei eine meist gruselige Geschichte, die ich inzwischen mit Geräuschen, Musik und Ambient-Sounds versehe, um e ...
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This podcast is an enriching resource designed specifically for piano teachers and music educators working with out-of-the-box students: students with disabilities, physical or learning differences, gifted and 2-E learners and neurodivergent students. Each episode delves into innovative teaching strategies, offering insights and practical solutions that promote creativity, inclusivity, and approaches teaching from a positive and student-first environment. Pedagogue, researcher and music educ ...
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"Ho letto un libro che potrebbe piacerti”. Quante volte tra amici, familiari, colleghi è stata pronunciata questa frase? Sergio e Silvia, un nerd milanese e una filosofa romana, la fanno propria, giocando tra punti in comune e differenze: libri, fumetti ma anche film e serie tv. L'importante è che siano piaciuti a uno dei due e che si desideri condividerli. Non proprio recensioni, ma chiacchiere, approfondimenti, consigli. Così che la prossima volta possiate anche dire "sai, ho scoperto un p ...
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Il Podcast di Finanza Personale di Giorgio Pecorari. Idee, Libri e suggerimenti per investire meglio il proprio denaro e il proprio tempo. Prenota gratuitamente un appuntamento su www.pianofinanziario.it/informazioni
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Classically trained pianist. I enjoy playing not only the traditional repertoire but also pieces from unusual composers.
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Conversazioni inclinate tra la Terra e Marte. Con Alexandra Nistor e l'Alieno Gentile, si parla di economia con un linguaggio chiaro e senza tecnicismi perché l'economia è di tutti. Newsletter del podcast disponibile qui: https://tinyletter.com/PianoInclinato Newsletter di Alieno Gentile: https://alienogentile.substack.com/ il nostro sito: http://www.pianoinclinato.it email: redazione@pianoinclinato.it
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‘Slow Piano for Sleep’ is a new podcast from Jim Butler, creator of the long running Deep Energy Podcast. This podcast is exactly as advertised, slow ambient solo piano pieces to help clear your mind and create the perfect environment to facilitate a peaceful nights sleep.
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Contemporary Piano Music plays only the finest mixes of new, inspiriing, and beautiful current piano music.
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Welcome to ‘Stories from Under the Piano’. In each episode, a guest shares a personal story, and Craig responds with a spontaneous piano piece that evokes the emotions and mood of their story. I’m Craig Addy, your host. I'm the Musician Who Listens to the Listener. This podcast offers a glimpse into the world of ‘Under the Piano’, an immersive musical experience I’ve been providing since 2009. Over 1,000 people have discovered comfort, connection, and healing through these sessions, featurin ...
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If you like Debussy, Satie, Sakamoto. If you like Saint Exupery, Coelho, Gibran. If music is the language of your heart.
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Pia og psyken 3.0
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Welcome to the Hector Piantini podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Il piacere della nostra città raccontati da Carlo Orzeszko
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Jazz Piano Performances With Mark Stevens
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"Piąte Okrążenie" to podcast, w którym co tydzień omawiany minione dni w żużlu oraz zapowiadamy, co nas czeka w weekend! Słuchaj najlepszego audioshow o czarnym sporcie!
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Impariamo l’italiano piano piano is a story-based podcast designed for B1 to B2 Italian language learners who want to immerse themselves in engaging narratives while strengthening their grammar and vocabulary. Each episode unfolds through an ongoing story, allowing you to experience Italian in context, naturally reinforcing key structures like the imperfetto, passato prossimo, and congiuntivo. You’ll also get guided practice, interactive exercises, and cultural insights to help you think, sp ...
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Dan Wielunski chronicles his musical exploits
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Stories and reflections of a composer.
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Step by step educational piano lessons with PianoSecrets. We will explain and analyze in detail rhythm, melody and harmony providing you with a wealth of musical knowledge, giving you the tools to discover what playing the piano is all about.
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I got kicked from uv
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Join Pia while she discusses all types of millennial topics people don't like to talk about.
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MusiCureSanity by the piaNOwarist • piano ~ 🅰️Ⓜ️👁 Zonly ① here from the future❓
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Piano Sessions Episode 1
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Podcast by Carson Bokenfohr & Jake Sheardown
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Escucha a Toño Rodríguez haciendo recomendaciones de todo lo que te puedas imaginar: desde qué regalarle a esa persona especial en tu vida hasta cuáles son las aplicaciones ideales para ciertas tareas específicas.
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Podcast Packets Illustrations Lead Sheets Play Alongs Jazz Piano Skills Community Keywords Jazz Piano, Cyclical Quadruplets, Jazz Improvisation, Jazz Vocabulary, Music Education, Piano Skills, Jazz Techniques, Music Theory, Jazz Practice, Jazz Exercises Summary In this episode of Jazz Piano Skills, Dr. Bob Lawrence delves into the concept of cyclic…
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Intervista a Michele Bitossi: è uscito "Ma io quasi quasi" di Mara Generali
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9:00Riccardo sta vivendo in funzione del prossimo giovedì. È il giorno del verdetto... Michele Bitossi "Ma io quasi quasi" Accento edizioni저자 Radio Budrio
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Vuoi ricevere consigli pratici per ottimizzare il tuo patrimonio direttamente nella tua casella di posta? Iscriviti subito alla nostra Newsletter su https://www.pianofinanziario.it/express 👈🏻 In questo video, approfondiamo i rischi del settore immobiliare che spesso vengono trascurati dagli investitori. Scarica i grafici e gli articoli approfonditi…
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L’INFLAZIONE STA TORNANDO! I dazi e la tassa nascosta che stai già pagando.
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14:18Vuoi ricevere consigli pratici per ottimizzare il tuo patrimonio direttamente nella tua casella di posta? Iscriviti subito alla nostra Newsletter su https://www.pianofinanziario.it/express 👈🏻 In questo video, approfondiamo perché l'inflazione ha smesso di scendere e qual è la relazione tra dazi ed inflazione. Scarica i grafici e gli articoli approf…
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IL TRUMP RALLY E’ UFFICIALMENTE FINITO! Ecco dove si stanno orientando i mercati.
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35:24Vuoi ricevere consigli pratici per ottimizzare il tuo patrimonio direttamente nella tua casella di posta? Iscriviti subito alla nostra Newsletter su https://www.pianofinanziario.it/express 👈🏻 In questo video, approfondiamo che cosa sta succedendo al mercato azionario americano, dove si stanno spostando i capitali, quali sono gli aspetti positivi e …
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Renata i Ahmed tworzą wspaniały związek pełen miłości, wsparcia ale też ambicji. Powodzi im się świetnie, aż pewnego dnia coś zaczyna się dziać z Renatą. Pewnego dnia znika. Co tak naprawdę stało się z matką dwóch córek? Audioserial Dźwięk Ciszy wysłuchasz w STORYTEL: https://storytel.com/pl/books/aaron-carter-10022160?appRedirect=true Kolejnego …
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Greetings piano lovers! In today's podcasting episode, we're going to take a brief look at my compositional process - specifically, how I go about putting together a new solo piano piece. This might be of interest to other composers, who wish to compare and contrast; equally, if you've always wanted to write music but have not yet attempted it, per…
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🎙 Episode 41 – Pianos and Keyboards G’day, and welcome back to Piano, Finally – the podcast by an old bloke, finally learning piano. In this episode, we take a look at a curious music theory making the rounds on YouTube, dip a toe into the world of electronic keyboards, and review a more contemporary collection of piano pieces from AMEB’s Rock Scho…
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We learn Italian step by step | Impariamo l'italiano piano piano Podcast Intro
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25:39Send me a text 🎙 Welcome to “Impariamo l’italiano piano piano” Benvenuti! If you're looking for an engaging way to improve your Italian—beyond textbooks and rigid grammar drills—you’re in the right place. This podcast blends storytelling with structured grammar practice, helping you learn naturally and step by step—piano piano. Exclusive access to …
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23 marzo - Giornate FAI di Primavera a Budrio intervista a Valeria Negroni
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6:36In occasione delle Giornate FAI di Primavera il Gruppo FAI Savena Idice Sillaro in collaborazione con Circolo Amici delle Arti organizza le visite guidate "CHIESA DI SAN DOMENICO: UN LUOGO DA NON DIMENTICARE" 23 marzo ore 10-13 e 14-17 Visita storico-artistica: I tappa: portico chiesa di S. Domenico II tappa: il seicentesco "Portico delle Armi" III…
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In this podcast, the Italian pianist Margherita Torretta talks to Pianist editor Erica Worth about the keyboard works of the Late-English Baroque composer, Elisabetta De Gambarini. Having recently recorded De Gambarini’s complete keyboard works for Piano Classics, Margherita shares her thoughts on how to play them on a modern-day concert-grand Stei…
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Sprawa Darii Relugi jest niewystarczająco nagłośniona | Małgorzata Oliwia Sobczak | ROZPYTANIE
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40:51Z Małgorzatą Oliwią Sobczak rozmawiam o sprawie Darii Relugi będącej inspiracją do jej najnowszej powieści „Błękit” z serii „Kolory zła”.Sponsorem odcinka jest Grupa Wydawnicza Foksal sp. z o.o., wydawca książki Małgorzaty Oliwii Sobczak „Błękit” z serii „Kolory zła”.
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Robert Estrin: Piano Practice Secrets: The 2 Most Effective Techniques for Rapid Improvement - From the Piano Expert
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3:26https://www.virtualsheetmusic.com/experts/robert/2-most-effective-techniques/ - In this video, Robert shows you the two key pillars of piano practice for expanding your repertoire and refining your music.저자 Robert Estrin
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… il Pianoforte 216 recital Maria João Pires, pianoforte
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1:21:38a cura di Maria Teresa Ferrante PROGRAMMA Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 - 1791) Sonata n. 10 in do maggiore per pianoforte "Parigina", K1 330 1. Allegro moderato 2. Andante cantabile 3. Allegretto Claude Debussy (1862 - 1918) Suite bergamasque per pianoforte 1. Prélude: Moderato [tempo rubato] 2. Menuet: Andantino 3. Clair de lune: Andante très exp…
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Dans ce nouvel épisode de mon podcast, je partage mon parcours personnel avec l'improvisation et ses nombreux bénéfices pour les pianistes — notamment la libération de la partition. Je vous présente ma vision de cette pratique et comment je l'utilise pour rendre votre apprentissage plus dynamique. **Au programme :** 📌 L’improvisation : un état d’es…
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Quando il governo italiano dice che siamo all'avanguardia per la fusione nucleare sta prendendo tempo con delle chiacchiere o c'è della sostanza? Ne parliamo con Marco Locatelli, un fisico nucleare in collegamento dagli USA, per comprendere quale sia il futuro dell'energia nucleare e quanto sia prossimo. Per comprendere l'economia, bisogna comprend…
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Contestant: Finn Mikeal calling from Euless, Texas저자 American Public Media
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Podcast Packets Illustrations Lead Sheets Play Alongs Jazz Piano Skills Community Keywords jazz piano, improvisation, harmonic analysis, melodic analysis, cyclical quadruplets, music theory, jazz skills, chord notation, rhythm challenge, music education SummaryIn this episode of Jazz Piano Skills, Dr. Bob Lawrence guides listeners through the intri…
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"Para Nise da Silveira", de autoria de Leandro Braga, composta e gravada por ele em 2021, como parte de seu "Diário Musical", em que compôs 365 músicas. Assine o IPB e tenha acesso à versão completa do podcast: https://www.catarse.me/institutopianobrasileiro저자 institutopianobrasileiro
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ORO A 3.000$ ! Cosa si nasconde dietro l'esplosione del prezzo.
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13:58Guarda il webinar gratuito ORO O MAI PIU' su https://www.pianofinanziario.it/oro 👈🏻 In questo video, approfondiamo cosa sta succedendo al prezzo dell'oro, quali sono le principali ragioni del suo aumento e cosa dovrebbero fare gli investitori con i propri risparmi in questo scenario. Vuoi ricevere consigli pratici per ottimizzare il tuo patrimonio …
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ELON MUSK DEMOLISCE LA SPESA USA! Il piano shock per risparmiare 2.000 miliardi di dollari.
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28:07Vuoi ricevere consigli pratici per ottimizzare il tuo patrimonio direttamente nella tua casella di posta? Iscriviti subito alla nostra Newsletter su https://www.pianofinanziario.it/express 👈🏻 In questo video, approfondiamo le ragioni e gli effetti del taglio alla spesa pubblica americana da parte di Elon Musk. Scarica i grafici e gli articoli appro…
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STAGNAZIONE ITALIANA! L'economia italiana cresce troppo lentamente, parola di Giorgetti.
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20:25Vuoi ricevere consigli pratici per ottimizzare il tuo patrimonio direttamente nella tua casella di posta? Iscriviti subito alla nostra Newsletter su https://www.pianofinanziario.it/express 👈🏻 In questo video, approfondiamo lo stato di salute attuale dell'economia italiana. Per approfondire, guarda il video "L’EUROPA SI ARMA! Cosa si nasconde dietro…
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L’AMERICA TREMA! Investitori nel panico per i dazi di Trump!
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28:50Vuoi ricevere consigli pratici per ottimizzare il tuo patrimonio direttamente nella tua casella di posta? Iscriviti subito alla nostra Newsletter su https://www.pianofinanziario.it/express 👈🏻 In questo video, approfondiamo la ritaratura delle aspettative di crescita dei mercati finanziari, gli effetti dei dazi di Trump e l'impatto sul tuo portafogl…
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155 - Starting Over: Moving & Rebuilding a Studio (with Laura Harding )
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20:39Relocating your piano studio can feel overwhelming, but it’s also an opportunity for growth. In this episode, Laura Harding shares her experience moving her studio after 30 years of teaching. From breaking the news to students to rebuilding in a new community, Laura offers practical tips and encouragement for teachers facing a similar transition.It…
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Partnerem dzisiejszego odcinka jest Siepomaga.pl. Pomóżmy 14 milczącym aniołkom, które czekają na ratunek. Razem mamy szansę uratować te dziewczynki które cierpią na zespół RETT'a! Uda nam się, jeśli do nas dołączysz. Razem wielką mamy moc! - https://www.siepomaga.pl/skarbonka-justyny Audioserial Dźwięk Ciszy wysłuchasz w STORYTEL: https://storyt…
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Beyond the Curved Finger: Rethinking Piano Technique for Neurodivergent Students
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13:25Send us a text The journey of teaching piano technique to students with disabilities presents unique challenges that require creativity, patience, and a willingness to adapt. Traditional approaches—filled with flowery language about rainbows and waterfalls—simply don't connect with neurodivergent students who think concretely and pragmatically. Tea…
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Send us a text In this episode of Piano Mastery Unlocked, Ronald Hawkins explores the timeless beauty of Danny Boy. He discusses its origins from Londonderry Air and how Frederic Weatherly’s lyrics gave it a poignant, universal message of farewell. He analyzes why the melody resonates so deeply, highlighting its harmonic richness and emotional dept…
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In today's episode, we delve into the world of one of the most iconic film series of all time. Yes: the names Bond. James Bond. As you may be aware, the 007 franchise recently saw creative control pass [from longtime producers Barbara Broccoli and Michael G Wilson] over to American behemoth Amazon, via its subsidiary MGM Studios. Now, we won’t be d…
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Welcome Welcome to episode 40 of Piano, Finally! If you're new here, I hope you enjoy the show. If you’re a returning listener, thanks for coming back! If you're learning piano or another instrument, I'd love to hear how you're going—drop me an email at david@pianofinally.show. This week, I prepared part of this episode at the Sydney Opera House be…
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Nonostante un po' di problemi tecnici siamo tornati! E non solo, siamo tornati con un po' di novità! Anzitutto la newsletter spin-off del podcast, curata da Silvia, che già esce ogni due settimane alternandosi con gli episodi... e questa è la seconda novità: Potrebbe Piacerti diventa quattordicinale, così da permettervi di ascoltarci con calma e re…
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Jeden zły ruch i okazja przepada. Randkowanie w sieci nie jest dla każdego.
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Hmm. I seem to have not uploaded the last episode or two. If you see the dates out of order that'll be why. My friend Paul came with his flute again tonight, and will come next week as well. We do have a sympatico vibe. I lean towards more chordal playing to allow space for his melody, but we are always listening to each other and adjusting moment …
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Robert Estrin: Play for Anyone: 5 Steps to Piano Confidence - From the Piano Expert
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10:21https://www.virtualsheetmusic.com/experts/robert/piano-confidence/ - In this video, Robert gives you five tips to improve your piano-playing confidence.저자 Robert Estrin
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… il Pianoforte 215 recital Daniil Trifonov, pianoforte
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54:38a cura di Maria Teresa Ferrante PROGRAMMA Domenico Scarlatti (1685 - 1757) Sonata in re minore, K. 213 (L. 108) Franz Joseph Haydn (1732 - 1809) Sonata n. 56 in re maggiore, Hob. XVI:42 I. Andante con espressione II. Vivace assai Sergej Prokofiev (1891 - 1953) Sonata n. 3 in la minore, Op. 28 Pëtr Il'ič Čajkovskij (1840 - 1893) dai 6 Pieces, op. 51…
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Welcome to another episode of Candid Conversations with Shaun Pianta. In this episode, host Shaun is joined by atWork Australia's Registered Psychologist and Wellness Advisor, Sarah, to discuss anxiety. We can all experience anxiety in different aspects of our lives and healthy anxiety can have a positive influence on performance. However, when anx…
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Molti europei stanno però percependo che ora sono soli. Ci saranno grosse lacune nella sicurezza se l'America deciderà di ridimensionare drasticamente o addirittura di eliminare il suo impegno all'interno della Nato, la spesa per la Difesa dovrà aumentare in modo sostanziale. Questa volta l'Europa è pronta a fare un passo avanti? O questo momento, …
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Contestant: Stephen Farrand calling from Freeport, Maine저자 American Public Media
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Podcast Packets Illustrations Lead Sheets Play Alongs Jazz Piano Skills Community Keywords jazz piano, melodic analysis, practice strategies, improvisation, music education, jazz standards, learning jazz, music theory, jazz techniques, jazz skills Summary In this episode of Jazz Piano Skills, Dr. Bob Lawrence delves into the intricacies of melodic …
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TRUMP STA DISTRUGGENDO L’ECONOMIA! Il vero effetto dei dazi.
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21:41Vuoi ricevere consigli pratici per ottimizzare il tuo patrimonio direttamente nella tua casella di posta? Iscriviti subito alla nostra Newsletter su https://www.pianofinanziario.it/express 👈🏻 In questo video, approfondiamo come la politica e la comunicazione di Trump stanno creando confusione e stanno potenzialmente gettando le basi perfette per un…
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Skellig Michael: l’isola dei monaci; l'intervista a Paola Bizarri, ideatrice del docufilm a cura di Mara Generali
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11:13Bologna 13 marzo ore 20, Skellig Michael: l’isola dei monaci anteprima assoluta del docufilm Biblioteca della Chiesa San Francesco Piazza Malpighi, 9저자 Radio Budrio
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LA GERMANIA CAMBIA TUTTO! Cosa c'è dietro la grande svolta economica tedesca.
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17:39Vuoi ricevere consigli pratici per ottimizzare il tuo patrimonio direttamente nella tua casella di posta? Iscriviti subito alla nostra Newsletter su https://www.pianofinanziario.it/express 👈🏻 In questo video, approfondiamo i dettagli del piano d'investimenti tedesco e le sue implicazioni sia sul mercato azionario sia su quello obbligazionario. Per …
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In today's episode, we look at Maurice Ravel's most popular composition: Bolero. Despite being an instant success, the writer never held it in quite the same regard as the public. Let's examine some key aspects of the score, and consider why Ravel may have been dismayed by its popularity. For more information: whaviland.com/podcast Happy piano play…
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🎹 Episode 39 – Choosing Music 🎶 Welcome! Thanks for tuning in to Episode 39 of Piano, finally! Whether you're a first-time listener or a returning friend, I appreciate you being here. If you're on your own piano-learning journey, feel free to share your progress with me at david@pianofinally.show. 🎧 Piano News & Resources 🎼 Chopin Podcast Returns! …
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Polska, lata siedemdziesiąte. Raz za razem giną dzieła sztuki wybitnych malarzy, między innymi Bruegela i Van Dyke’a. Pewien celnik orientuje się, że pod jego nosem trwa proceder wywożenia dzieł sztuki za granicę. Co się stanie, gdy powiadomi o tym ministerstwo i służby?Przeczytaj tekst Doroty Abramowicz: https://www.zawszepomorze.pl/artykul/18469,…
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Ti sei perso il webinar gratuito ETF POWER? Guarda la REPLICA su https://www.pianofinanziario.it/power 👈🏻 In questo video, approfondiamo alcune considerazioni che ha condiviso Warren Buffett nella sua lettera agli azionisti, gli attuali rischi sui mercati finanziari e come applicare questi concetti alla nostra situazione personale. Per approfondire…
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L’EUROPA SI ARMA! Cosa si nasconde dietro all'investimento europeo da 800 mld €.
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17:18Ti sei perso il webinar gratuito ETF POWER? Guarda la REPLICA su https://www.pianofinanziario.it/power 👈🏻 In questo video, parliamo di ReArm Europe, un progetto da 800 miliardi per la difesa europea. Scarica i grafici e gli articoli approfonditi in questo video su: https://www.pianofinanziario.it/pdf 👈🏻 Hai bisogno di consulenza? Prenota un appunta…
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