Phrases 공개
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For beginner to upper beginner learners of Japanese. Each episode presents a useful vocabulary word and an example sentence. Use shadowing, repetition, and sentence break-downs to fully understand the Japanese. Show notes can be found at
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Russian phrases with double meaning

Russian phrases with double meaning

Language podcast created by native Russian speaker. Every podcast contains explanation of sophisticated Russian phrases. Please write me an email at with your suggestions on new phrases or questions, which I could explain.
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Organic Phrases is a little safe haven where we will explore the worlds of agriculture and writing. As a double major in these two subjects, my goal is to share what I'm learning about the topics and the world at large. So, if you want to learn about carrots and then hear some poetry you are in the right place.
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A 2-minute podcast that you can quickly and easily listen to that will ideally share one Igbo Language Proverb, Idiom, or Phrase, provide the literal meaning and the figurative explanation while suggesting the most applicable English language equivalent.
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"Welcome to 'Serbian & English Phrases,' the ultimate podcast for language enthusiasts! Join us on a linguistic journey where we bridge the gap between Serbian and English, helping you become proficient in both languages. Each episode is packed with essential phrases, cultural insights, and pronunciation tips, delivered by native speakers. Whether you're a beginner or looking to enhance your language skills, this podcast is your go-to resource. Tune in, immerse yourself in the beauty of Serb ...
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ANIMALOGY is a podcast about language, the animal-related words and phrases we use every day, and how they reflect and affect our relationship with animals. Hosted by Colleen Patrick-Goudreau, bestselling author, long-time podcaster, and self-proclaimed zoolinguaphile, Animalogy will change the way you talk -- and think -- about animals. For show notes and more, visit
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Mini Mandarin - Short & Sweet Chinese Phrases

Amy Lin - Online 1-1 Tutor | Podcast Host | Language Learner

你好 (nǐ hǎo)! Hi! I am Amy Lin 👋 I help beginners learn Mandarin Chinese, wan step at a time. I hope you will fall in love with learning Chinese while having fun along the way! 😊 Mini Mandarin features bite-sized episodes so you can build up your Chinese with just a few minutes a day. Of course, you will still need to be consistent and do your work to see your progress 😂 For more resources, please check out
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海外旅行(かいがいりょこう)をしたいけれど、時間(じかん)とお金(かね)がない。 | overseas trip | direct object marker | want to do | however | time | and | money | don’t have I want to travel overseas but I don’t have time and money. View this episode here: View all episodes here:…
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今日(きょう)の天気(てんき)はいいけれども, 気温(きおん)がとても低(ひく)いです。 Today | limiter marker | weather | as for | nice | however | temperature | subject marker | low | copula Although it’s nice and sunny today, the temperature is quite low. View this episode here: View all episodes here:…
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僕(ぼく)はまだ、バレンタインデーにチョコレートを一度(いちど)ももらっていません。 I | as for | yet | Valentine Day | on | chocolate | direct object marker | even once | haven’t received I haven’t received a chocolate on Valentine’s Day yet. View this episode here: View all episodes here:…
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どうやってピラミッドが建設(けんせつ)されたかは今(いま)でも謎(なぞ)だ。 how | pyramid | subject marker | was built | question marker | topic marker | even now | mystery | copula It is still a mystery how pyramids were constructed. View this episode here: View all episodes here:…
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クラスの中(なか)で、山田君(やまだくん)が一番背(いちばんせ)が高(たか)い。 class | in/ among | Yamada | courtesy title |subject marker | the most | tall Yamada is the tallest in his class. View this episode here: View all episodes here: -- Become a Makoto+ member a…
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今日(きょう)の夕飯(ゆうはん)はカレーにしましょう。 Today | ‘s | dinner | as for | curry | decide on | let’s Let’s have curry for dinner tonight. View this episode here: View all episodes here: -- Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes with complete v…
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この池(いけ)には、たくさん魚(さかな)がいます。 this | pond | in | as for | many | fish | exists There are many fish in this pond. View this episode here: View all episodes here: -- Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes with complete vocabulary and…
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私(わたし)は家事(かじ)をしてくれるロボットが欲(ほ)しい。 I | as for | housework | direct object marker | do | for me | robot |subject marker | want I want a robot that can do housework for me. View this episode here: View all episodes here: -- Become a Mak…
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これで今日(きょう)の仕事(しごと)は終(お)わりにしましょうか? With this | today | ‘s | task | as for | end |make | shall we Shall we end today’s task right here? View this episode here: View all episodes here: -- Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes wit…
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新(あたら)しい仕事場(しごとば)はどうですか。 New | workplace| as for | how is ? How do you like your new workplace? View this episode here: View all episodes here: -- Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes with complete vocabulary and grammar brea…
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黒(くろ)のジャッケットが嫌(いや)なら黄色(きいろ)のジャッケットはどうですか? black| of | jacket | subject marker |dislike | if | yellow | jacket | topic marker | how about If you don’t like the black jacket how about a yellow one? View this episode here: View all episodes here:…
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私(わたし)の母(はは)は、洗濯(せんたく)をするのが好(す)きだと言(い)います。 I | ‘s | mother | as for | laundry | direct object marker | do |like to | copula | quotation marker | say |copula My mother tells me that she likes doing laundry. View this episode here: View all episodes here:…
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私(わたし)の弟(おとうと)は絵(え)を描(か)くのがとても下手(へた)です。 my| brother | as for | picture; drawing| direct object marker | draw | topic marker | very | is not good at My brother is terrible at drawing pictures. View this episode here: View all episodes here:…
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今日(きょう)のランチは、カレーかうどんを食(た)べたい。 today| ‘s | lunch | as for | curry | or | udon | (direct object marker) | eat | want I feel like eating curry or udon for lunch today. View this episode here: View all episodes here: -- Become a Makoto…
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私(わたし)はまだあの映画(えいが)を見(み)ていません。 I | as for | yet | the | movie | direct object marker | haven’t seen I haven’t seen the movie yet. View this episode here: View all episodes here: -- Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes with com…
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私(わたし)の兄(あに)は登山(とざん)をするのが好(す)きです。 my| brother | as for | direct object | mountain climbing | loves My brother loves mountain climbing. View this episode here: View all episodes here: -- Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes wi…
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私(わたし)の母(はは)は歌(うた)を歌(うた)うのが上手(じょうず)です。 my| mother | as for | song | (direct object marker) | to sing | is good at My mother is good at singing. View this episode here: View all episodes here: -- Become a Makoto+ member and get show…
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25-50 | 25 | To je istina. | That's true. | 26 | Da li razumeš? | Do you understand? | 27 | Da li me voliš? | Do you love me? | 28 | Sve je pogrešno. | Everything is wrong. | 29 | Ti si tako pametan. | You are so clever. | 30 | Samo se šalim. | I'm just kidding. | 31 | Bio sam iznenađen. | I was surpised. | 32 | To je neverovatno. | That is amazing…
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明日(あした)は学校(がっこう)がないので、早(はや)く起(お)きなくてもいいです。 Tomorrow | as for | school | (subject marker) |not | because | early | wake up |don’t have to I don’t have to get up early tomorrow because there is no school. View this episode here: View all episodes here:…
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1-25 | 1 | Bio je kod kuće. | He was at home. | 2 | Nemoj otvarati ta vrata! | Don’t open that door! | 3 | Molim te zatvori vrata. | Please close the door. | 4 | Kako se prezivaš? | What's your last name? | 5 | Radim noću. | I work at night. | 6 | Juče je padala kiša. | It rained yesterday. | 7 | Ne zarađujem dovoljno. | I don't earn enough. | 8 | …
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食(た)べながら話(はな)さないでください。 eat | while | talk | not | please Please don’t talk while eating; Please don’t talk with your mouth full. View this episode here: View all episodes here: -- Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes with com…
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今度(こんど)の週末(しゅうまつ)に映画(えいが)を見(み)に行(い)きませんか? Next; this | ‘s | weekend |on| movie | (direct object marker) | see | to (see) |won’t you Would you like to go see a movie this coming weekend? View this episode here: View all episodes here:…
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寒(さむ)い日(ひ)は一日中家(いちにちじゅういえ)の中(なか)にいる方(ほう)がいい。 Cold day | as for | all day |house| inside of | at| to be | subject marker| good On a cold day, it’s better to stay in the house all day. View this episode here: View all episodes here: …
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私(わたし)は家族(かぞく)と沖縄(おきなわ)に行(い)ったことがあります。 I | as for | with |family| Okinawa | to | went | occasion | subject marker| there is I have been to Okinawa with my family. View this episode here: View all episodes here: -- Become a Makoto+ …
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今日(きょう)の外出(がいしゅつ)には傘(かさ)はいりません。 today| ‘s | outing |for | umbrella | as for | not needed We don’t need an umbrella for going out today. View this episode here: View all episodes here: -- Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes w…
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高(たか)いビルの屋上(おくじょう)から見(み)ると、人間(にんげん)がまるで蟻(あり)のようだ。 tall | building | ‘s | roof | from | to see | upon doing so | humans | as if | ants | appear | are From the rooftops of tall buildings, people look like ants. View this episode here: View all episodes here:…
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今年(ことし)は日本(にほん)に帰国(きこく)しようと思(おも)います。 this year | as for | Japan | to | return to country | intend to | thinking of I am planning to return to Japan this year. View this episode here: View all episodes here: -- Become a Makoto+ memb…
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おとうさんは、私(わたし)にプレゼントをくれた。 Dad | as for | me | to | present | (direct object) | gave Dad gave me a present. View this episode here: View all episodes here: -- Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes with complete vocabulary and gr…
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おかあさんは、おとうさんにプレゼントをあげた。 Mom | as for | Dad | to | present | (direct object) | gave Mom gave Dad a present. View this episode here: View all episodes here: -- Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes with complete vocabulary and g…
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晩(ばん)ご飯(はん)を食(た)べてから、宿題(しゅくだい)をします。 dinner | (direct object) | eat and after that | homework | (direct object) | do After dinner, I’ll do my homework. View this episode here: View all episodes here: -- Become a Makoto+ member and g…
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まだ朝(あさ)ご飯(はん)を食(た)べていない。 yet | morning | food | (direct object marker) | eat haven’t I haven't had breakfast yet. View this episode here: View all episodes here: -- Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes with complete vocabular…
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交番(こうばん)でおまわりさんに道(みち)を聞(き)いたらどうですか? police station | at | police officer | to | road | (direct object marker) | ask | if | how about |? Why don't you go to the police station and ask the officer for directions? View this episode here: View all episodes here:…
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あの先生(せんせい)の説明(せつめい)は、とても分(わ)かりやすいです。 that | teacher/doctor | ‘s | explanation | as for | very | understand | easy to That doctor's explanation is very clear. View this episode here: View all episodes here: -- Become a Makoto+ membe…
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あの先生(せんせい)の説明(せつめい)は、わかりにくい。 that | teacher/doctor | ‘s | explanation | as for | understand | difficult to That teacher’s explanation is hard to understand. View this episode here: View all episodes here: -- Become a Makoto+ member…
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去年(きょねん)に比(くら)べて、今年(ことし)はとても暑(あつ)い。 next week | I | as for | 40 years old | to become Compared to last year, this year is very hot. View this episode here: View all episodes here: -- Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes with …
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来週(らいしゅう)、私(わたし)は40歳(さい)になる。 next week | I | as for | 40 years old | to become Next week I turn 40. View this episode here: View all episodes here: -- Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes with complete vocabulary and grammar …
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私(わたし)はハンバーグ定食(ていしょく)にするわ。 I | as for | Hamburg steak | set meal | will have | (feminine) I'll have the Hamburg steak special. View this episode here: View all episodes here: -- Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes with compl…
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生活(せいかつ)のために働(はたら)かなければならない。 living | for the purpose of | work | must We must work for a living. View this episode here: View all episodes here: -- Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes with complete vocabulary and grammar br…
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明日(あした)の朝(あさ)、早(はや)く起(お)きなければいけないので、もう帰(かえ)ります。 tomorrow | ‘s | morning | early | get up | must | therefore | before long | return home I have to get up early tomorrow morning, so I'm going home now. View this episode here: View all episodes here:…
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明日(あした)までに借金(しゃっきん)を返(かえ)さなくてはならない。 tomorrow | by | debt | (direct object marker) | pay back | must I have to pay my debt by tomorrow. View this episode here: View all episodes here: -- Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes wi…
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今日(きょう)は、日曜日(にちようび)なので学校(がっこう)に行(い)かなくてもいいです。 today | as for | Sunday | therefore | school | to | don’t have to go Today is Sunday, so you don't have to go to school. View this episode here: View all episodes here: -- Become a Mako…
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こんな夜中(よなか)に何(なに)をしているんですか? such a | middle of night | in | what | (direct object marker) | doing | (explanation question) What are you doing out at this time of night? View this episode here: View all episodes here: -- Become a Mak…
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この部屋(へや)はとても暑(あつ)いので、クーラーをかけてください。 this | room | as for | very | hot | therefore | air conditioner | (direct object marker) | turn on | please This room is very hot, please turn on the air conditioner. View this episode here: View all episodes here:…
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ポイントカードはお持(も)ちですか? point card | as for | (polite) carry | do you? Do you have a loyalty card? View this episode here: View all episodes here: -- Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes with complete vocabulary and grammar breakd…
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先生(せんせい)は来週(らいしゅう)の火曜日(かようび)にお帰(かえ)りになります。 Teacher | as for | next week | ‘s | Tuesday | on | will return The teacher will return next Tuesday. View this episode here: View all episodes here: -- Become a Makoto+ member and get show…
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うわさでは、あの俳優(はいゆう)さんは離婚(りこん)したらしい。 Rumor | as for | that | actor | as for | divorce | did | it appears Rumor has it that actor got a divorce. View this episode here: View all episodes here: -- Become a Makoto+ member and get show not…
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あの歌手(かしゅ)は、とてもいい声(こえ)をしています。 that | singer | as for | very | good | voice | (direct object marker) | has That singer has a very nice voice. View this episode here: View all episodes here: -- Become a Makoto+ member and get show not…
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どこかで猫(ねこ)の鳴(な)き声(ごえ)がします。 somewhere | at | cat | ‘s | crying voice | is doing Somewhere a cat is meowing. View this episode here: View all episodes here: -- Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes with complete vocabulary and gr…
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晩(ばん)ご飯(はん)のあとで、お風呂(ふろ)に入(はい)ります。 dinner | (limiter) | after | bath | in | enter After dinner, I will take a bath. View this episode here: View all episodes here: -- Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes with complete vocabula…
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寝(ね)るまえに歯(は)を磨(みが)きましょう。 to sleep | prior to | tooth | (direct object marker) | polish Brush your teeth before going to bed. View this episode here: View all episodes here: -- Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes with complet…
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