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l’émission de l’association des Haltes Pèlerines en Loire-Atlantique & Via Ligeria, qui vous parle des sentiers de pèlerinage dans notre département.
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Welcome to the Josiah-LeAllen Pelesasa podcast, where amazing things happen.
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O PELEJA é canal de youtube, filme em festival e, principalmente, uma produtora de séries e documentários sobre futebol. São conteúdos sobre o futebol pouco visto nas mídias em geral e muito visto nas gerais dos estádios.
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Mount Pelee Cover art photo provided by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@samuelzeller
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Lower-league Scottish football is serious business.
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Produto multimídia que se propõe a refletir sobre a relação de pessoas pretas com Salvador. Por @francardoso88 e @rafito_santana
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Um podcast sobre a pele, cosméticos e skincare da perspetiva de uma farmacêutica com formação na área. Os temas vão ser abordados sempre com suporte científico para criar uma plataforma de educação onde podem obter a informação que precisarem! IG @natuapele_
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Podcast informativo para apresentação em aula sobre racismo no IFMG - Campus Betim Cover art photo provided by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@krivitskiy
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Cuidados para a pele
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Tem rosácea, já experimentou de tudo e nunca sentiu melhorias? Vive com psoríase e nunca conseguiu reduzir o impacto da doença na sua vida social e no seu bem-estar mental? A resposta para todos os seus problemas chegou com “À Flor da Pele”.
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Author and human rights activist, Miko Peled, aims to shine a light on under-reported Palestinian experiences through conversations with the brave human rights defenders living in Palestine, Israel, and the diaspora. Free Palestine! Follow @MikoPeled | www.mikopeled.com
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Welcome to Sisipelebe Podcast, your Yoruba destination for lively discussions, valuable insights, and moments of personal growth. Join us as we explore the various aspects of life and engage in meaningful conversations.
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Una visió de la bellesa diferent en un podcast diferent. Més enllà de les tendències, Mari Pelegrina, una coneixedora cabal de totes les àrees que fan a la imatge personal, entrevistarà a reconeguts professionals d'Andorra que explicaran, de primera mà, tot el que interessa saber de maquillatge, shopping, cirurgia i estilisme. Cada setmana, un capítol. Cada setmana, molta informació.
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Pelé rose from the backstreets of Brazil to become the most prolific goal scorer in the history of the game. Now he’s teamed with development studio Cosi Productions, taking his moves online and developing apps. In a moderated discussion with this soccer legend, Pelé talks about his new app, Pele: King of Football, where you can follow in his footsteps and work your way up to the world stage. Pelé gives a live demo of the app, then wraps the session with an audience Q&A.
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Pelé and director Anibal Massaini Neto talk about the film Pelé Forever. This documentary traces the life and career of the greatest football player of all time, from his poor childhood growing up in a little city, up to the present. This documentary includes Pelé's greatest achievements, titles, interesting facts about his life, never before seen footage, and testimonials from personalities like Zito, Pepe, Zagalo, Tostão, Rivelino, Carlos Alberto, and several others.
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Hun Aa Paar Tu Pele Paar | તું બીજી બાજુ, હું બીજી બાજુ | Love Story | Gujarati Podcast
Audio Pitara by Channel176 Productions
નિત્યા મુંબઈમાં રહે છે, તે 23 વર્ષની છે અને તેના માતા-પિતાનું એકમાત્ર સંતાન છે. તે તાજેતરમાં આર્કિટેક્ટ બની હતી અને હાલમાં એક મોટી ફર્મમાં ઈન્ટર્નિંગ કરી રહી છે. બીજી તરફ, આરવ 27 વર્ષનો છે અને યુએસમાં રહે છે. તેના માતા-પિતા અને બહેન ભારતમાં રહે છે, જ્યારે તે કેલિફોર્નિયામાં ગૂગલના હેડક્વાર્ટરમાં સોફ્ટવેર એન્જિનિયર તરીકે કામ કરે છે. વાર્તા શરૂ થાય છે જ્યારે આરવ તેના ક્રિસમસ વેકેશન માટે ભારત આવે છે. તેના માતાપિતા તેને તેમના જૂના પરિવાર સાથે લગ્ન કરવા વિનંતી કરી રહ્યા છે. #audiopitara #sunnazar ...
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Secció de ràdio. De SER Catalunya. Finestra oberta en què es respira futbol pur, allunyat del focus mediàtic i del soroll. Històries de futbolistes o gent relacionada amb aquest meravellós esport. Des de tots els indrets del planeta. Perquè la passió i les històries són globals.
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Listen Now: Everything Happens with Kate Bowler (featuring Coach K)
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43:45Just in time for the excitement of March Madness, join us for this deep dive into leadership, teamwork, and unlocking potential—on and off the court. What happens when someone believes in you–before you’re even ready to believe in yourself? In this powerful conversation, Duke Professor Kate Bowler sits down with legendary basketball coach Mike Krzy…
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We’re thrilled to invite you to The Dylan Hour, a weekly cocktail party hosted by Dylan Mulvaney, from Lemonada Media. In this fun weekly video podcast, Dylan sips and spills with some of her favorite girls, gays, and theys — featuring pop stars, Broadway belters, actors, authors, like Glennon Doyle, Margaret Cho and even her own dad! The Dylan Hou…
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Nous avons la joie d’accueillir aujourd’hui : Jérome Hautdidier, directeur du service des pèlerinages du diocèse de Nantes mais aussi Josette Taupier et Jean-Claude Morisset, membres des haltes pèlerines en Loire Atlantique et Via Ligeria.저자 Radio Fidélité
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저자 Radio Fidélité
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저자 Radio Fidélité
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저자 Radio Fidélité
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Nunca é demais saber cuidar de nós e as convidadas Filipa Diamantino e Mariana Pinto dão algumas dicas bastante úteis.
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저자 Radio Fidélité
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Cuidados estéticos durante os tratamentos oncológicos. O que posso fazer?
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46:16Áurea Lima, Marília Pastana e Mariana Pinto são as convidadas deste episódio.
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Joana Neves e Carla Abreu são as convidadas deste episódio.
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Enfº Miguel Teixeira; Luciana Mendes e Mariana Pinto conversam com Ana Luísa Silva.
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Joana Coelho e Mariana Pinto são as convidadas deste episódio.
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Pedro Barreira e Carla Abreu são os convidados de mais uma conversa à flor da pele.
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Joana Preto e Carla Abreu dão-lhe alguns conselhos.
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Mariana Cravo e Mariana Pinto dão-lhe alguns conselhos.
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Como cuidar de mim durante os tratamentos oncológicos?
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51:15Enfª Elisabete Soares; Marine Antunes e Carla Abreu são as convidadas deste episódio.
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Fabienne Dagorne, Florence de Deyn, Armelle et Eric Trigance, membre de l’association des Haltes Pèlerines en Loire-Atlantique et Via Ligeria
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32:26저자 Radio Fidélité
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Nuno Menezes e Carla Abreu são os convidados à conversa com Ana Luísa Silva.
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Ears can’t hear many things that numerous numbers of people has done because of money. To what end shall we continue to involve in all these ridiculous acts? It’s time to think deeply, having the fear of God in all that we do…hear more from SisiPelebe’s mouth😁
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Cláudia Xavier e Mariana Pinto são as convidadas de mais um episódio feito a pensar e si.
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Daniela Cunha e Mariana Pinto são as convidadas deste episódio.
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The consequences of anger are difficult to rewrite. Don’t you think silence is best for answers sometimes? Let’s explore this subject matter “anger” together… #ibinu #anger #bestpodcast #bestyorubapodcast #yorubapodcast #Nigerianpodcast #podcast #spotifypodcast #applepodcast #firstfivepodcastinNigeria #podcastwithsisipelebe #sisipelebe #Iamsisipele…
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Prevention is better than cure. It's better to prevent disease that's curable than cure disease that's preventable. Have you ever taken an intentional about yourself? Cholera is preventable.#podcastoncholera #healthpodcast #yorubapodcast #yorubapodcaster#newepisode#podcastwithsisipelebe#sisipelebe
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No episódio de hoje, conversamos com Mariana Pinto, farmacêutica e a Sofia Santareno, cirurgiã plástica.
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Aside the love of and for God, it is fulfilling and expedient to love yourself. It brings confidence, joy and many more that no man can give to you. Do you love yourself? #selflove #ifearaeni #sisipelebe #podcastwithsisipelebe #DeborahOlaleye
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Timidity is a force that debars from making decisions and taking actions that matter to destiny. Do you think things would have been different if you had taken a bold step? #bold #courage #igboya #latestepisode #nigerianpodcast. #yorubapodcast #psp #sisipelebe #podcastwithsisipelebe #DeborahOlaleye
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Having had the knowledge of what pretence is and how it does bad rather than good in our lives, the part two of the podcast PRETENCE look into how we can decipher those pretending and also how to relate with such situations. Do listen. #podcastonpretence #pretence #idibon #yorubapodcast #nigerianpodcast…
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In the world where people suffer, in the world where people face a lot of challenges and battles, in the world where all hopes are dashed, can it be possible that we do not pretend?? (I leave that to you to answer) How then can we know someone pretending? You would testify that Podcast with Sisipelebe is always intriguing, inspiring and educating. …
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This episode talks about the imperfection of man. God will always be God and Man will always be Man that's why we should forgive, tolerate and not give up on people easily. We are all work in progress. Aren't we? Hear Sisipelebe inspired view on this subject matter. #anfanimiiran #secondchance #nevergiveup #Sisipelebe #Podcastwithsisipelebe #yoruba…
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Dr. Naji has recently returned from a medical mission to Gaza.
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41:32저자 mikopeledpodcast
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Nurse Lana - recently returned from a medical mission to Gaza. What she reveals is unreal!
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41:32저자 mikopeledpodcast
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Ann Wright - Former US Army Col, retired US State Dept diplomat - deserter, activist
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59:42One of the most courageous and clear voices in the world of American activists, a hero to many of us, Ann Wright!저자 mikopeledpodcast
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"A cemetery for the living," that is how Munther Amira describes the Israeli prison. In his 40 years of unarmed resistance Munther has been arrested, beaten and tortured more time than he can remember. This time, he says, is far, far worse than anything he has ever experienced. Trigger warning - some of the things he describes are extremely hard to…
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Haneen Zoabi is a Palestinian leader and politician from the city of Nazareth.
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1:03:48Haneen Zoabi served for 10 years in the Israeli Knesset, representing the Palestinian party Balad. Listen to her speak about life of Palestinian citizens of Israel living under apartheid.저자 mikopeledpodcast
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Palestinian, Woman, Mother, Activist all in one. Many Tamimi has lived the horror of having her children torn away from her and the uncertainty of whether or not the enemy killed, injured or merely tortured them. This is her story!저자 mikopeledpodcast
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Yazan Risheq - Exec. Dir of Grassroots Alquds, on the situation in Jerusalem
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55:38저자 mikopeledpodcast
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Rafat Abu-Eish, Beduin Palestinian activist, local leader.
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51:38저자 mikopeledpodcast
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Issa Amro - surrounded by hateful settlers and a violent trigger happy military force.
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53:55One man in Hebron holding on to deal life!저자 mikopeledpodcast
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A conversation with an Ultra-Orthodox Rabbi about Zionism, Palestine, Judaism.저자 mikopeledpodcast
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저자 mikopeledpodcast
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Grassroots Alquds - hear from the Executive Dir. Yazan Risheq about the conditions and restriction on Palestinians
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55:38Palestinians denied entry to the Old City of Jerusalem, harassment by settlers and soldiers and an increase in the efforts to complete the ethnic cleansing of the Capital of Palestine, Alquds/Jerusalem저자 mikopeledpodcast
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One of the most important thing that distinguishes the victorious and successful people is Vision. The situation and circumstances surrounding your life now can be rough but WHAT ARE YOU SEEING? Don't let your situation determine who you would become. See beyond now! You will learn more in the podcast…
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Conversation with Manal Tamimi - activist, mother, Palestinian.
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54:23One of the more moving conversations I have had with Palestinian sisters and brothers. She is powerful voice fighting the fight, participating in the struggle to free her country, her people, her family!저자 mikopeledpodcast
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My good friend, Palestinian-Beduin leader and activist Rafat Abu-Aish from Lakia in the Niqab
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51:38The connection between the Palestinian Beduin in the Naqab and the people of the Gaza Strip is a long and strong one. Rafat Abu-Aish talks about that and about the terror Palestinians endure in the Naqab and the history of resistance in the Palestinian Beduin community.저자 mikopeledpodcast
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A lone Palestinian defender living among hate-filled settlers and a lawless army. Issa Amro does sacred work trying to stand for Palestinian in Hebron.저자 mikopeledpodcast
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Rabbi Dovid Feldman of Neturei Karta speaks on Judaism and Palestine
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58:22"Silence is also a price," Rabbi Feldman said to me when we met at a protest for Palestine. He was telling about members of the Ultra Orthodox community in the US who had lost jobs for speaking out about Palestine and against Zionism. He is a fascinating man and I must say I learn a great deal from him every time we talk.…
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Conversation with Green Party candidate for president, Dr. Jill Stein.
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1:03:17Do we vote for the lesser of two evils again or for a third party candidate. If we decide on third party then which one? In this episode I ask Dr. Jill Stein about this and many other topics.저자 mikopeledpodcast
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My friend and comrade Dr. Yousef Al-Jamal and I talk about Gaza, Palestine, his family history and the much beloved, recently murdered, Dr. Reefat Alareer.저자 mikopeledpodcast
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Dr. Gerald Horne on African-American Palestinian solidarity
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29:24The African American- Palestinian solidarity has al long history but as a movement it seems that it has never caught on widely. I discuss this with Dr. Gerland Horne.저자 mikopeledpodcast
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