There is an answer to the hopelessness, anxiety, and depression that you have encountered. Andrew and Wendy Palau have experienced the pain of loss and guilt but have had their lives restored by God. Now they want to share with you the joy and peace they have found in Jesus Christ. Hope with God offers daily reminders of the good things that can be yours too. Hope with God is a podcast from the Luis Palau Association’s digital outreach, Hope with God exists give everyone on ...
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Our mission is to proclaim the Gospel, mobilize the Church, and equip the next generation of godly leaders. More information at
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This podcast focuses on Pennsylvania Libraries and the people who make them special. Every day in Pennsylvania a librarian impacts the life of a child, family, student, job seeker, grandparent or the guy next door. This is your opportunity to hear what is happening at a library somewhere in Pennsylvania - maybe even your home town. This podcast was created as part of the Pennsylvania Library Association Academy of Leadership Studies. Developed by Mina Edmondson, Brian Fulton, Jill Hallam-Mil ...
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Listen in as Luis Palau encourages Christians to share their faith with easy-to-use tips on reaching your world for Jesus Christ.
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Podcast semanal de La Resistencia del Palau en el que abordamos la actualidad de la sección de basket del Barça, en la que contaremos con invitados.
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Oferujemy do dosłuchania wykłady poświęcone ewangelizacji. Zostały wygłoszone przez dr Luisa Palau. Adresowane były (i są) do duchowych przywódców w Polsce. Termin konferencji: 4-6 kwietnia 1989r. Miejsce: Warszawa Wykłady jakie były wygłoszone to: - Życie osobiste duchowego przywódcy - Życie rodzinne duchowego przywódcy - Osobiste świadectwo duchowego przywódcy - Ewangelizacja a zbór lokalny - Wizja ewangelizacji Prawa autorskie: Materiał został zgrany i udostępniony przez Radio Chrześcijan ...
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Do you feel overwhelmed by the darkness of this world? The book of Revelation in the Bible says this about Heaven—In that city, there is no need of sun or moon to shine in it for the glory of God gives it its light, and its lamp is the Lamb. The Lamb? That's Jesus. Imagine the brightness of that world. It sounds so beautiful…the darkness that surro…
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What have you heard about God? Have you heard that He's too busy dealing with the problems of the world to care about you? This thought is a lie. God knows you; He cares about your life. He cares about people personally. He promises rest for the weary, and He provides for the needy. He intimately interacts with people over and over again. He unders…
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There is darkness and hatred, and evil all around us. After a while, it starts to feel normal. Evil becomes standard—goodness seems so rare. But from the very beginning, God had a plan to rescue us from this brokenness. It was Jesus! Jesus is the one and only savior for us because He became human and walked through the depths of this world’s broken…
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Do you feel the need to understand everything? Do questions about God nag at you? I would like to suggest that if we knew everything and understood everything about God, He wouldn’t be God. He would be a fantasy created in our own imaginations. The very nature and existence of God is beyond understanding. 1 Corinthians tells us that Now we see as a…
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Are you feeling out of control right now? Here’s truth for you, today—your life can be held by God, the One who holds all things secure. Picture this with me right now…God’s powerful, strong hands, holding your life in just the right place. This is not only beautiful, it is possible. Will you trust Him to hold you steady? He is actually directing a…
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Do you feel out of control? There is little we can control in life. Sometimes, it even feels like life just happens to us. But this is not so. You were made for a purpose by a loving creator who has a good plan for your life. Listen to these ancient words from the prophet Isaiah. It's about the stars, but it's really about you. Lift your eyes and l…
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Have you heard about God? What have you heard? Have you heard that He's hard or unkind or angry? The Bible tells us a different story. All throughout history, people have inaccurately represented God. And sometimes we wonder, "Why would I follow a God like this?" If you really want to know what God is like, I encourage you to read about Him for you…
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Have you experienced rejection? Listen to this passage from the book of Ephesians in the Bible… Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes. God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave …
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Do you know God? Or have you just heard about Him? I know about Nelson Mandela, but I'd never met him, and he didn't know me. But I also know my father, Robert Levy- his reputation, what his business is. But I also really know him, and he knows me. I'm his daughter. It's the same with God. Do you know Him? Do you know what He's done in the world? O…
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The deep pain of the present sometimes feels like it will never end. Well, I want to encourage you—the harshness of the world doesn’t feel right because it’s not right. You were designed to be accepted, to feel that acceptance. To be loved and to know that you’re safe. You were created for a place of belonging. You were made to be rooted in a lovin…
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Have you ever felt the sadness of being rejected? You get passed over, embarrassed in front of other people. Oh, we’ve all felt that. Those feelings of rejection take root in your life, especially if it’s something personal and really close to home. Know this: A better day is coming. Listen to these words of Jesus… Don’t let your hearts be troubled…
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I met a woman full of grief. She had just lost both her mother and father, and she told me her heart was broken. And she said to me, "I need healing; this grief is too heavy for me, and I don't want to live this way any longer." I shared with her the words from the prophet Isaiah. In chapter 53, he says that it was our weakness that Jesus carried o…
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Do you ever feel like the world is broken? Maybe you’re even trying to fix it. Scrambling to comfort yourself, rushing to escape painful situations—to bring chaos into order. How’s it working for you? It doesn’t ever work for me when I make that attempt. But, the Bible says, a day is coming when all wrong things will be undone. The famous writer C.…
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I met a woman in prison in Argentina. A girl, really, she was only 20 years old. She was in prison for selling and using drugs. Soon after she'd gotten there, her mother died. She was afraid. Her eyes filled with tears, and she said, "Now that I'm off drugs, I can think clearly, and I realize I am so alone in the world." My heart was deeply moved. …
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Something’s not right. There is so much pain and suffering in this world. This is not the way it’s supposed to be. I know you feel it, too…deep longing for peace, real love that flows to all people. This desire was put in you by your Maker. As He returns to the earth and makes everything right, a better day will dawn for those who have confessed be…
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You may have heard people say, God is not like us. His ways are not our ways. This is true, but it's also true that we are made in His image. The best parts of humanity, our capacity for compassion, care, generosity, selflessness…these attributes come from God. What would we humans be like if we were not affected by the evil that also exists in the…
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Friends come and go throughout our lives. Relationships change and sometimes they end. But there is one who does not change who will never leave you. God speaks these words in the Bible, in the book of John. He says, No, I will not abandon you as orphans—I will come to you. This promise is for you today. No matter what’s happening in your life, no …
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Have you ever found yourself trying to earn your place in this world? Well, the truth is, none of us can earn our worth. That’s because worthiness is actually a gift, you don’t earn it. Your existence on this planet. The breath in your lungs. Your very own soul and spirit that inhabit your body. These are all unearned gifts given to us by our lovin…
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In a world full of harshness and hurry, there is one who offers you shelter and rest. Listen to the promise from the Book of Psalms… Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. In my own life I searched for meaning, for rest, for security by looking within myself. But I didn’t find what I needed ther…
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There was a time when I moved from place to place looking for a fresh start, thinking maybe here, maybe now… It took me a long time to discover that my purpose wasn't in a place or a career. It was in a person—a relationship with Jesus, the One who loved me already. Jesus said this in the book of John in the Bible… Remain in me, and I will remain i…
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These words of Jesus are for you today. He says… “Are you tired? Worn out?...Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me, work with me—watch how I do it…. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Do you want…
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Long ago, King David wrote these words in a song to God, he said... You made all the delicate, inner parts of my bodyand you knit me together in my mother’s womb.Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. Isn’t that beautiful? You’re not an accident, you’re not a coincidence. You have a beautifu…
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Take a moment and reflect on your life. If you’re like most of us, you may find that you’re longing for something more. God speaks these words in the book of Revelation: To all who are thirsty I will give freely from the springs of the water of life. If you feel thirsty for meaning, thirsty for purpose, for fulfillment… then this verse is for you. …
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Listen to these beautiful lines from Psalm 11… …the Lord is in his holy Temple;the Lord still rules from heaven.He watches everyone closely,examining every person on earth. Whether you’re aware of it or not, God sees you. He is the one who made everything, the creator of the universe, the most powerful one, and He sees you. And not just the outside…
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Did you know that the Bible is about you? It’s about so many things, but yes, it’s true! The Bible talks about all the people of the world…our struggle, the love God feels towards us, and the good plans He has for us. When Jesus entered the world as a baby, the angel announced that it was Good News! Not just for a few people, not just for those who…
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Has your life ever been changed by a book? I can think of so many books that have influenced my thinking, inspired me, and blessed my life. And I know it might sound crazy, but there is one book that claims to do what no other book can do: To cut into the heart like a double-edged sword, dividing between soul and spirit. To contain the words of lif…
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Have you ever wondered who wrote the Bible? The Bible is the most well-preserved historical document in the world. It has many authors, and spans thousands of years, but we believe every word of the Bible was inspired by God. It’s not just a book. It’s God’s most direct way of revealing to us who He is, and telling us the story of who we are and wh…
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What if I told you the Bible is more than a book—it’s a way for us to know the God of the universe? Listen to this opening line from the book of John… In the beginning, there was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. The “Word” that was with God at the beginning of time was a person- it was Jesus. Jesus is often called “the Word”…
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What’s the point of the Bible? The Bible does contain instruction, but it’s really not a manual of direction for how to be holy. It’s not a textbook for becoming a spiritual expert. At its heart, the Bible is an invitation to understand who God is, His character and what He cares about. Within its pages, you can get to know Jesus—God made human. An…
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How does the God of the universe communicate with humans? Graciously, God spoke to us in human language we can understand. He gave us the Bible—not just a book of history and stories written by humans, but divinely inspired by God. Here’s what the apostle Paul said about his own participation in delivering messages from God… Dear brothers and siste…
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Little kids love to hear the same story over and over. And, sometimes, as adults, we just get bored, and we wish they would choose a new story! But there is one story that never gets old. It’s the story that is woven into our very existence. That’s the Gospel! Here it is in a nutshell: Humans are prone to do wrong. God knows this, and He still love…
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The Bible tells us the true story of Jesus coming to earth to rescue us from our sins and to restore us to relationship with our loving creator. Long ago, the prophet Isaiah wrote… How beautiful on the mountainsare the feet of the messenger who brings good news,the good news of peace and salvation,the news that the God of Israel reigns! He is talki…
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Humans learn best through stories, and the Bible is the wonderful true story of who God is and who we are in this world. As the most well-preserved historical document in the history of the world, the Bible provides us with a trustworthy account of the Israelite people, and of the covenants God has made with humanity. It gives us context for our ow…
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Listen to the words of Psalm 19… The heavens proclaim the glory of God.The skies display his craftsmanship.Day after day they continue to speak;night after night they make him known.They speak without a sound or a word;their voice is never heard.Yet their message has gone throughout the earth,and their words to all the world. The natural world reve…
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I read an article the other day and learned that when you hear a good story, your brain actually experiences it as though you’re right there, living it yourself. So, what’s the greatest story ever told? The story of Jesus, of course! The story of the Gospel. A true story. It gives an account of real events. And it’s true in terms of what it means f…
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Listen to this powerful verse from the Gospel of Matthew: Chapter 28, verse 19 says...Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Did you know that the word “go” in this verse means something closer to “as you go along”? That means you don’t have to travel, necessari…
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Where do you go when trouble comes? Or confusion or uncertainty? When circumstances feel out of control? From my experience, people call out to God in times of crisis. They either beg God for help or they raise their fists in anger and frustration. The interesting thing is that we need to believe God exists to call out to Him. Romans 10 tells us th…
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Have you ever had to deliver a message on behalf of someone else? Maybe a friend said, “Send my love to the family.” When you deliver messages like these, you’re acting as an ambassador—representing someone who isn’t physically there. Well, God has invited us to be His ambassadors. What an honor. You and I get to be the hands and feet of Jesus in a…
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Sorrow comes to us in different ways. Sometimes, the pain of this world walks through our door and sorrow settles into our souls. But, sometimes our own choices bring sorrow. Psalm 16 tells us that troubles (or sorrow) multiply for those who chase after other gods. The Hebrew word, right there, means pain or wound. Are you wounded? Are you in pain?…
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I’ll never forget my dad, Luis Palau, telling this story. When he was young, his mother knew he was meant to be an evangelist. After much urging from Grandma, Dad finally said, “Mom, give me a break! I’m waiting for the call.” Well, what was her reply? “The call?! The call went out 2,000 years ago!” She was talking about this, a verse, Mark 16:15 “…
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When I was a young man, my addictions and inclination towards bad behavior and bad relationships nearly destroyed me. I was so far from God I never thought I would find my way back. Maybe you’ve heard about Jesus before and thought to yourself, “He would never want me.” You’ll never be perfect. God knows this, and He still loves you. So much so tha…
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My daughter recently went to a massive music concert. 60,000 people singing along, thousands of girls enraptured by the production, the lights, and the beauty of this musician. Each identifying with the stories she tells through her songs, feeling seen and known. I couldn’t help but think about how deep the longing is to be known. To be understood …
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Has anyone ever told you, “Today’s a gift…that’s why it’s called the present!” Well, it’s a silly old joke; it’s a pun, and puns work because there’s some kind of truth to them, right? If you’ve never made the decision to follow Jesus, maybe today is your day. The gift of new life, eternal life- it was purchased by Jesus, and it is offered to you t…
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How easy it is to love what is beautiful, the powerful, the young. We’re all naturally drawn to this. But who loves the old, the poor, the tired, or the abused? When our bodies are destroyed because of age, or sickness, or addiction? The Creator of the universe- He sees past all of these things. He alone has the power to heal, and to help, and to c…
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By the time I was a young adult, I had done so many things I was ashamed of. I didn’t know how to break the cycle. But God was so gracious to me. When I finally reached this breaking point—when the darkness began to really close in on me, God showed me… All of my sin, all of my shame…His sacrifice powerful enough to wash it away. He purged me of al…
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Have you ever felt excluded? Like everyone else was wanted, but you were forgotten, not good enough? Listen to this verse, John 3:16-17, “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save t…
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If God is your father, you do not live in fear. What are you afraid of today? Failure or loss or loneliness? You might even be struggling with irrational fears. In Romans 8, Paul reminds us that we don't have a spirit of fear, but a spirit of sonship. That just means if you follow Jesus, you’re a child of the Living God, the Mighty God. This is a r…
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When I was young, I knew I could never compete with my brothers, the twins! They were perfect straight-A students, and I was the family wildcard, always in trouble. After many years of struggling to do better and failing, I discovered…There was someone who already knew me and loved me completely. It’s God. And He has a good plan for your life. As h…
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Have you been adopted by God? Human adoption is marked by longing and loss. A family longing for a child steps into a situation and chooses to welcome a child into their family. They choose the child. They do what needs to be done to legally become that child’s forever family. Romans 8 tells us that we’re adopted by God. He wants us. He chose us. A…
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Do you ever feel like something's missing in your life? Think about it right now. Maybe something just popped in your head as I asked that question. Or maybe you’re mostly happy except for the rare occasion when you find yourself sleepless, when you're feeling completely worn out. Whatever it is, I want to tell you, there’s someone who knows your d…
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