Open the Bible is the teaching ministry of Pastor Colin Smith. Our mission is to use a broad array of modern media to help people around the world meet Jesus. We do this by opening the Bible for them, helping them open the Bible themselves, and equipping them to open the Bible with others.
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Open the Bible is the teaching ministry of Pastor Colin Smith. Our mission is to use a broad array of modern media to help people around the world meet Jesus. We do this by opening the Bible for them, helping them open the Bible themselves, and equipping them to open the Bible with others.
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Open the Bible UK presents engaging and accessible Bible teaching from Pastor Colin Smith. This programme is the radio broadcast also available on our website ( and at 7:30pm each weekday evening on Premier Christian Radio.
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3 minute daily Bible reflections from Open the Bible UK, authored by Colin Smith, read by Sue McLeish.
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We are forgiven by Christ’s death on the cross because the punishment for sin fell on Him instead of us. Therefore, at the cross, God’s forgiveness is released toward us.저자 Colin Smith
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Christian, what do you know about controlling your own desires? It is at this very point that many Christians feel defeated. There are two things you need to know, especially if you feel that it may already be too late for you.저자 Colin Smith
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It is possible to have the Spirit of God, to be called to a ministry and used by God, and still take a plunge to disaster. Join us as we look at the life of Sampsonthe courageous hero and the irresponsible fool.저자 Colin Smith
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For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. Galatians 5:13 Can you see how it would be possible for you to lose your freedom by indulging the flesh? There is a sin in your life that you used to battle, but you suffered many defeats, and so now you have d…
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On the cross, Jesus bore the sins of the world. The cross shows us both the heinousness of sin and the love of God.저자 Colin Smith
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Do you struggle with self-control? Today, we look at story of Samson, exploring the theme of self-control and how it can help us navigate the battles of our lives. Pastor Colin unravels Samson's journey, capturing his struggle to control his passions and desires, and draws parallels with the challenges that Christians face today. It's a story that …
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Is God working in us even if our life appears to be a mess? Today, we dive into the tumultuous life of Samson, a man of great faith and extraordinary strength, yet marked by personal flaws and failures. Join us as we explore the question of how someone so gifted by God can also be an irresponsible fool. This intriguing story offers hope, showing ho…
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When you’re dealing with conflict, how can you cut through it all and get to the heart of things? Discover four questions related to attitude, convictions, motivation, and communication that you can ask yourself.저자 Colin Smith
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We cannot separate Christ's Lordship from His salvation of us. It is a fundamental misunderstanding of the gospel to think that you can receive what Jesus offers and at the same time resist what He commands.저자 Colin Smith
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So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God. Galatians 4:7 This remarkable change has already happened in your life if you are a Christian believer. You were a slave. Now you are a son. The gospel sets you free. God has embraced you, in Christ, who died to redeem you. He has made you a new creation in Christ by t…
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In today's episode, Pastor Colin explores the concept of authority and submission, delving into the story of Korah, as depicted in Numbers 16, to uncover a powerful lesson on the dangers of prideful rebellion. Through the dramatic tale of Korah's defiance and ultimate downfall, we're reminded of the importance of acknowledging authority, both divin…
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In Adam, we all die. But if we are joined to Christ by faith, we shall be made alive!저자 Colin Smith
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There are 5 things that can easily cause frustration in any group. Fail to address them, and you’ll soon have a climate that’s ripe for division and conflict.저자 Colin Smith
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When we were children, [we] were enslaved to the elementary principles of the world... Formerly, when you did not know God, you were enslaved to those that by nature are not gods. Galatians 4:3, 8 A slave has no freedom. He does what he is commanded to do. The tragedy of the slave’s position is that his work never moves him to a better situation. H…
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Do you feel dissatisfied in church? How do you deal with it? This week, we're delving into the story of the Israelites' prolonged journey to the Promised Land and the rebellion that arose against Moses—a narrative that holds powerful lessons for us today. As we explore this often-overlooked biblical account in Numbers chapter 16, we'll reflect on t…
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The multiple theophanies that occurred in the Old Testament were pointing forward to a time when the Lord himself would come in human flesh.저자 Colin Smith
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If your gifts continue to outweigh your character, that means you are eventually headed for a plunge to disaster.저자 Colin Smith
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The life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20 Notice how the apostle Paul describes the Christian life. First, it is lived in the body. That means that you will always feel the pull of the flesh. You will always find yourself in conflict. You will find yourself lacking coura…
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Do you spend as much time working on your character as you do on your gifts? Join us as we explore the intriguing story of Balaam from the Book of Numbers. In this episode, Colin shares a powerful message on the critical balance between gifts and character, urging us to live what we believe and highlighting the importance of integrity, particularly…
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God took the initiative in sending Christ to be born of the virgin Mary. He did not wait for a Deliverer to arise from us, He came to us in the person of Jesus.저자 Colin Smith
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Let me ask you only this: Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law or by hearing with faith? Galatians 3:2 This is a crucial question: How do you receive the Holy Spirit? How do you receive the new life that comes from above? Not by the law—the law cannot impart life—but by hearing with faith. This is the gospel. Those who believe the gospel …
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Being faithful to God does not necessarily mean that we must sacrifice success in this world.저자 Colin Smith
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The Good Shepherd leads us, and He restores our souls. In part one of He Restores Me, Pastor Colin talks about why we need this restoring.저자 Colin Smith
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Now before faith came, we were held captive under the law, imprisoned until the coming faith would be revealed. So then, the law was our guardian until Christ came, in order that we might be justified by faith. Galatians 3:23-24 When you see the impossibility of the life that God is calling you to live, then you will see your need of a Saviour. The…
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Praying about something that God has already revealed in his Word often ends up being an exercise in self-deception.저자 Colin Smith
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As Christians, we are in the world, but our citizenship is in Heaven. What does it mean to be a part of two kingdoms?저자 Colin Smith
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If a law had been given that could give life, then righteousness would indeed be by the law. Galatians 3:21 The law cannot give you life. Nothing you do for God can impart life. Your ministry cannot impart life. Your giving cannot impart life. Your spiritual disciplines cannot impart life. God’s law tells you what you have to do, but it cannot give…
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Today we explore how questioning God's clear word can sometimes be a sign of rebellion rather than spirituality. Today, Pastor Colin delves into the story of Balaam—a prophet who knew God's will but struggled when it conflicted with his personal desires. We're covering numbers 22 to 24, unpacking valuable lessons from eight biblical characters who …
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In the Bible, there are many examples of bad shepherds of God’s People. But Jesus is the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for the sheep.저자 Colin Smith
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Esau took a plunge to disaster because he lived at the level of impulse. He had no room for God in his life, and then he became confused about values. Find out how you can avoid his fate.저자 Colin Smith
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I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. Galatians 2:20 There are two sides of the gospel—the death of Christ for you, and the life of Christ in you. In the first part of the verse, Paul says, “I have been crucified in Christ.” The Son of God loved you and gave Himself for you. This was a historical…
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In today's message, "Establish True Values," we explore the importance of aligning our values with those of God. Pastor Colin examines the story of Esau, a man who lost his way when he drifted from God and acted on impulse, leading to disastrous consequences. Learn how starting with a firm foundation in God can guide you to establish values that wi…
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If God moves you to do something for Him, you can know that He will be with you in it!저자 Colin Smith
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Most people would say that it’s good to follow your heart.’ But the Bible is more cautious about the heart’s ability to effectively guide us.저자 Colin Smith
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