Stacy Ike is a TV host, actress and entrepreneur currently based in Los Angeles. OTS Tuesdays is a weekly dose of entertainment, inspiration and Stacy's way to unapologetically push the narrative Fight for Your Fairytale, encouraging other dreamers and creatives through her journey to believe in themselves wholeheartedly and to continually grow past their fears to be the best version of themselves. You can catch up with Stacy at, or on Instagram and Twitter @onetakestace.
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Let's talk about choosing our struggle. When you choose a journey of greatness (one we all are made for) you can't decide how hard the struggle will be, you have to make the decision to endure the struggle to get to YOUR fairytale. What are you willing to struggle and push for? If it gets hard, you're on the right track. Keep Going.…
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Competition is so old news. This is y(our) time. When you win, someone else wins...we are ALL ON THE SAME TEAM and are allowed to shine TOGETHER!!저자 Stacy Ike
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The grass is greener where you are. Don't spend time worrying about other people's journey, instead of your own. You can't look forward if you are looking to your left and right. God's got a plan for YOU, OWN IT.저자 Stacy Ike
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To-do list, check list, post-it notes everywhere, calendars, appointment books, it's overwhelming just talking about it let alone doing it. With that said, let's talk prioritizing!저자 Stacy Ike
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Provebs 18:21 says, The tongue has the power of life and death. Have you thought about how real that is?! Basically the difference between pity and purpose lies within you. Be kind when you speak about people, be kind when you speak about yourself. Your words have power, don't forget it.저자 Stacy Ike
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The Journey by Stacy Ike저자 Stacy Ike
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In the mix of the madness, we can never forget, the best way to be a gift to others is to be at our best! You cannot serve as an empty vessel, self-care is the best care.저자 Stacy Ike
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Revisiting Our Resolutions by Stacy Ike저자 Stacy Ike
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This week let's talk about "Respecting your gift." God doesn't make act like it, and OWN IT.저자 Stacy Ike
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Challenge yourself in ways you didn't think were possible. Dream in colors that don't yet exist and accept the grace God has already paid all leads to the fairytale we deserve. Lots of love beautiful people!저자 Stacy Ike
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It's also a good time to be thankful for all that didn't happen. All of the things we thought we wanted but didn't need, all of the trials that turned into triumphs, and some of the questions we still don't have the answers to. It's all under HIS grace, and deserving of our gratitude.저자 Stacy Ike
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It's time to gear up your next level network & one of the ways to do so is getting out of your comfort zone! Go to the event alone, schedule the lunch meeting, be open to your surrounding & the magic available to you when you push past the uncomfortable.저자 Stacy Ike
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It's so easy to start our days checking emails, scrolling through social media updates & responding to text messages.... or all of the above. But how we begin our day has a big imact on our productivity.For the next 30 days, spend the first 30 minutes of your day, praying, stretching and reading. How you divide that time is up to you but dedicate t…
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So, EGOS.....right. We all have them, but do we know how to check them? Pausing your promise to worry about the petty is a waste of your time. Ego is the enemy, let's get into it.저자 Stacy Ike
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Be Patient With Yourself by Stacy Ike저자 Stacy Ike
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We are in the second month of the year and you’re either still super excited or totally over it... whichever one it is, let’s talk about how to stay excited, inspired and out of our own way because by the grace of God we have a long way to go and a lot of beauty ahead!저자 Stacy Ike
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