Curiosidades do uso da língua portuguesa, a gramática, o estilo. Análise das frases faladas por políticos e personalidades.
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Um podcast semanal sobre nostalgia e videogames que marcaram as nossas infâncias dos anos 80 e 90.
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En noss archiv da musica èn da chattar nundumbraivlas registraziuns da chors - en spezial chors rumantschs e grischuns.
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Multi media review show with occasional interviews
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A mix of some of the finest music from legendary performers and personalities of the greatest generation, along with complete vintage broadcasts from the golden age of radio. Mix it together, and that's NOSTALGIA RADIO TIME, hosted by Greg Van Beek. Including the 'Bing Sings' feature each week! Heard each Sunday at 9 AM (ET) over New York's 920 WON: The Apple and each Thursday at 9 AM (ET) streaming over YUSA red on the Yesterday USA Super Station at Join our Fac ...
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Old time radio and new audio versions of classic pulp stories and novels.
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Akkerdjie! Een podcast vol jeugdhelden en nostalgie. Ons graag steunen?
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Conversations about history, politics, and pop culture.
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De NOS-voetbalcommentatoren nemen de week door. Met aandacht voor de laatste voetbalwedstrijden, het voetbalnieuws en vooruitblikkend naar de komende wedstrijden. Anekdotes van de voetbalexperts die ter plekke waren en er de hele week bovenop zitten. Presentatie is in handen van Arno Vermeulen.
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Doug Walker remembers it so you don't have to! Join him and he dives into movies from your distant and not so distant past.
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Peninha, Luciano Potter e Arthur Gubert em um talk show para falar da História das coisas. "Qualquer coisa MESMA" (SIC).
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An unofficial podcast about the Seattle Sounders produced by Sounder at Heart's Jeremiah Oshan and Aaron Campeau, with Likkit Pocinwong
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O Espaço de Criação e Web Rádio Nós Na Fita tem a finalidade de produzir, divulgar e fomentar conteúdos independentes em variados segmentos. A equipe é formada por colaboradores especialistas em diversas áreas da comunicação. Além disso, o espaço é livre à comunidade em geral para que possa desenvolver e expressar suas potencialidades. Gravações, filmagens, edições de vídeo, foto e áudio, produção de videoclipes, reportagens, podcasts, curta-metragens, entrevistas, documentários, resenhas, e ...
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Het Oog brengt een overzicht van het nieuws, een blik in de ochtendkranten en het betere journalistieke interview met mensen in en achter het nieuws, omlijst door mooie muziek.
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Welcome to Jake's Happy Nostalgia Show, the podcast where nostalgia comes alive! Hosted by Jake Deffinbaugh, with co-host, Chris Bixby.
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A second look at our favorite movies, without the fog of nostalgia
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O programa da Jovem Pan que revolucionou o jeito de noticiar política e economia, abordando os temas de modo crítico, em um formato de bate-papo e discussão aberta. Os Pingos nos Is alcançou a liderança da audiência no rádio e se tornou referência no segmento no YouTube.
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Are the games of our childhood as good as we remember or do we just have Nostalgia Goggles?
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Nós a EuropaColaboração Europe Direct Madeira Realização: Marta Cília
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The official David Vendetta's AUDIO podcast. HOUSE MUSIC / ELECTRO SOUNDS Contact booking : Julien - - +33 6 65 38 87 67
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Espaço de opinião sobre a atualidade económica em África e Brasil, com análise a informações de carácter económico com implicações diretas no dia a dia do ouvinte. Distribuição: FM RDP áfrica e Podcast 2ª a 6ªfeira - 8.15
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In den Nostromo- Gesprächen schnacken Fred, Sebastian und Udo mal im Duo, mal im Trio und ab und an mit erlesenen GästInnen über ihre große Leidenschaft - Filme. Der Schwerpunkt der cineastischen Auseinandersetzungen liegt zum einen auf formalen Qualitäten, wie der Inszenierung, der Produktion und Herstellung, darüber hinaus auf technischen Aspekten, wie Kamera, Lichtsetzung, Schnitt und Colorgrading, und zu guter Letzt auf der inhaltlichen Interpretation der Stoffe. Unsere Herzen schlagen f ...
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O psiquiatra Daniel Sampaio nasceu em 1946. Numa época muito diferente, em 1999, nasceu a jornalista Marta Amaral. “O Nosso Olhar Para Ti” é um encontro entre gerações que procura olhar para a saúde e para a doença mental numa perspectiva diferente. O foco é a prevenção, a partir da relação entre as pessoas desde a formação do casal, passando pelos filhos e até ao envelhecimento. Daniel Sampaio e Marta Amaral regressam para uma segunda temporada, para conversar sobre temas como o bullying; o ...
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Taking a Look at Childhood Favorite Films to See If They Stand the Test of Time, Or If They're Past Their Prime
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Una comedia semanal con comentarios a las idioteces de la especie humana, entretenimiento familiar garantizado... o nos volvemos a ir, porque como dijo Einstein: ¡la estupidez humana es infinita!
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Welcome to the Designed for Greatness podcast, conversations with Candice to help you elevate your mind, body, and spirit and own your divine greatness.
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Philippe et Sandy vous donnent rendez-vous du lundi au vendredi de 6h à 9h dans Les Matins Nostalgie. Au programme : Bonne Musique et Bonne Humeur.
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The High School Debate Soap Opera
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Taking your earholes back to the era of Hammerpants, plaid, backwards overalls, grunge, and New Jack Swing! We revisit the music of the ’90’s on Dope Nostalgia. Join us for chats with the artists, laughs with friends, and a lot of reminiscing.
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Head on back to the good ole days! Whether it’s waking up Saturday morning to watch cartoons with a big bowl of cereal, opening an N64 on Christmas, or seeing the Chicago Bears do the Super Bowl Shuffle for the first time, the Nostalgia Junkies are here to walk you down memory lane! Join the squad as they discuss how 80s, 90s, and early 2000s tv shows, music, movies, toys, books, video games, and more shaped their youth and their lives. Come join them as they relive the past and experience t ...
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Lista diaria de música dos países lusófonos.De luns a venres en Radiofusión
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Podcast pra quem gosta de gibis sem enrolação! Criado por Léo Palmieri do site Crossover Nerd e do podcast CrossoverCast, o Gibi Nosso de Cada Dia é um podcast focado em reviews, informações e entrevistas relacionadas ao mundo das histórias em quadrinhos.
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Ben jij nieuwsgierig en wil je meer weten over wat er in de wereld speelt? In de podcast van het NOS Jeugdjournaal beantwoorden Bart Tuinman en Malou van der Starre elke week vragen van kinderen bij een nieuwsonderwerp. Wil je reageren of een vraag insturen: WhatsApp ons op 0626586701
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Podcast by NoStandardsPodcast
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Qu'on soit en voiture, à la maison, avec les enfants, en vacances... Il nous arrive plein de choses. C'est La Liste de Sandy, tous les matins à 06h50 sur NOSTALGIE. Philippe et Sandy du lundi au vendredi de 6h à 9h dans Les Matins Nostalgie.
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🎙️Nos vies affectives, un micro et Dieu. 🎧 Un podcast où on parle d'amitié, de santé mentale, de nos émotions, de nos rêves, de vie amoureuse, de sexualité, de mariage et de célibat, sous le regard de Dieu.
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Il podcast ufficiale di Giochi sul Nostro Tavolo! Online dal 2009 Giochi Sul Nostro Tavolo si evolve e diventa punto di riferimento anche nel mondo podcast. Qui potete trovare curiosità e aggiornamenti su giochi da tavolo, gdr e libri games da parte dei redattori di questo storico storico sito! Sito: Canale Telegram: Mail:
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🎙Put your pop-culture past to the ultimate test--THE NOSTALGIA TEST w/ longtime friends Dan & Manny 👬
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Podcast semanal de teologia e bíblia com conteúdo, humor e respeito pela Igreja de Cristo.
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Nos experts répondent à vos questions sur vos animaux.. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Rubrica semanal, da autoria de José Guerreiro, com uma notícia sobre Portugal publicada fora do país, seja em imprensa internacional, blogs, sites ou publicações nas redes sociais.
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A pop culture podcast hosted by two 90s babies and best friends, Amanda and Jess. NBN Classic is a rewatch series where we recap & review teen tv and movies from the early 2000s (think Disney Channel, Nickelodeon, etc). NBN Remixed episodes follow a similar format but cover the tv, movies, and music we love now (Heartstopper, Young Royals, Demi Lovato, etc). Listen along to two best friends having a giggle, and let us know what you think.
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durée : 00:42:43 - Nos Animaux Domestiques저자 France Bleu
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Met vandaag: Internationale top in Jordanie over de toekomst van Syrië | Staatssecretaris Gijs Tuinman van Defensie over de dreigende tekorten aan commando's | Zuid-Koreaanse parlement stemt twee weken na mislukte coup in met afzetting president Yoon | Dichter des Vaderlands en spoken word-artiest Babs Gons zit 25 jaar in het vak | Presentatie: Eli…
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Regulamentação das redes / Bolsa Família e Bets / Derrite defende PM
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Mailbag: Let's talk about the Jesus Ferreira and Paul Arriola rumors!
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Jeremiah and Aaron answer a lot of your questions, dealing with everything from Adrian Hanauer’s stewardship of the club to the impact of the Club World Cup on this season. Before they get to all that, though, they dig into the rumors surrounding the potential acquisition of Paul Arriola and Jesus Ferreira. Nos Audietis is the flagship podcast for …
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Colaboração Europe Direct com o Geógrafo Marco Teles. Temas: BCE e corte nas taxas de juro; crise no sector da indústria automóvel; Programa Europa Criativa; Discurso de Mark Rutte da NATO; Sessão Plenária em Estrasburgo
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Por Peninha, Potter e Arthur Gubert. Pra Pra Os livros citados estão na E você nos ajuda diretamente em
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Coa gaita como protagonista, Boroa presenta un conxunto de melodías de creación propia construíndo un universo sonoro que propón unha viaxe musical alén do Atlántico. Boroa son Sabela Olivares, gaita, piano, pandeireta e voz, Suso Bello, guitarra e voz e Alberto Millán no baixo. A súa música parte da nosa raíz pero é innegable que se deixan conquis…
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Ya aprendimos lo que fueron los Soviets (Comunas), conocimos de Lenin, Stalin y de cómo la revolución Bolchevique cambió el destino de una nación que se convirtió en uno de los bloques más poderosos del mundo. Esta segunda entrega habla de la prohibición durante la era soviética y de las consecuencias hacia sus ciudadanos. Se habla de las cosas bue…
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In deze aflevering van de NOS Jeugdjournaalpodcast gaat het over kerstmuziek. Van gouwe, ouwe tot gloednieuwe kersthits, je kunt er niet omheen. Waarom luisteren we ieder jaar dezelfde liedjes? En wat is het geheim van een goed kerstnummer? Bart Tuinman en Pien Leerink gaan langs bij 3FM-dj Sebastiaan Ockhuysen. Hij weet wat het meest geluisterde l…
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"Ilha da Madeira — A Pérola do Atlântico" é um livro de Ana Brites Freitas. A escritora luso-descendente decidiu fazer uma homenagem aos avós paternos, que nasceram no Funchal, mas que amaram o Brasil.
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#408 - 'Farioli geeft spelers signaal af door geboorte van zijn zoon te missen'
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Jan Roelfs bespreekt de afgelopen voetbalweek met Arman Avsaroglu, Jeroen Elshoff en Jeroen Grueter.
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O Programa Homenagem é produzido pela equipe da Web Rádio Nós Na Fita com a intenção de homenagear personalidades, que de forma positiva, deixaram seu nome na história da arte, cultura, esporte, ciências e outras áreas afins. Nesta semana, falamos sobre Nelson Gonçalves. O gaúcho de Santana do Livramento é o segundo maior vendedor de discos da hist…
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9x02 | Un ami doit toujours être disponible | Solyne & Sophie
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Dans cet épisode, Solyne et Sophie dissertent sur le cliché "un ami doit toujours être disponible". Avec ses casquettes de psychologue, pasteur stagiaire et amie, Solyne nous parle de l'équilibre en amitié, de la culpabilité et des blessures du passé et du présent. Elles abordent aussi la notion de temps (on en manque, on en prend pour soi, on en d…
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S3 AFL 2 - Akkerdjie! met Simonne Peeters (Lili en Marleen, RIP)
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Ze werd wereldberoemd in Vlaanderen als Ida van de Koolkaai, de franke teut uit Lili en Marleen. In deze aflevering vertelt Simonne over de chemie met haar tv-wederhelft Carry Goossens, over haar fameuze rosse pruik en over haar man Walter Van de Velde. Die schreef alle scenario's van Lili en Marleen op zijn eentje. Muziek: On the Bach by Jingle Pu…
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Episode 276: Nostalgia Radio Time for December 14, 2024
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This week back to the more traditional Christmas songs by Andy Williams, Steve & Eydie, Tony Bennett, The Carpenters, Bob & Dolores Hope, Burl Ives, Dick Haymes, our Bing Sings feature with Fred Waring, Perry Como + Old Time Radio Time: Screen Director’s Playhouse Miracle on 34th Street from 12/23/49!…
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Join us as we talk with the legendary Sharon Hampson and her talented daughter, Randi Hampson, of the children's musical duo, Sharon & Randi. Together, they continue the beloved legacy of Sharon, Lois & Bram, a musical trio that has entertained children for generations. Sharon and Randi share stories about their experiences on television with The E…
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Jurandir Filho, Felipe Mesquita, Evandro de Freitas e Bruno Carvalho batem um papo sobre "Pokémon Red, Blue e Yellow", jogos que deram início à icônica franquia Pokémon. "Red e Blue" (ou Green no Japão) apresentam a aventura clássica em Kanto, onde os jogadores assumem o papel de um jovem treinador em busca de capturar os 151 Pokémon e se tornar o …
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Onopgelost op Videoland: Cold cases onopgelost Maarten 't Hart P.C. Hooft-prijs: Maarten 't Hart: Oeuvre Bekroond Tanja Wolterbeek en Miel Andriesse over de oorlog: Verhalen uit de Oorlog Loes en Renée Wijnhoven (Clean Pete) kerstalbum
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Masšh & Adam Port feat. Ninae - All I Got Âme & Curses - Shadow Of Love ARTBAT feat. Braev - Humans Beatamines - Mauerpark Diplo & Hugel feat. Julia Church - Stay High (VIP Extended) Âme - Asa Hugel x GROSSOMODDO x Randoree - Majnuna Diplo & Hugel feat. Malou & Yuna - Forever Madzoni, Koshi, Sixtone - Tantra Meduza, Ayrton Senna - Seek Your Truth (…
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Ep 399 - Severance/Doppelganger w/ Justin Rogers-Cooper (PREVIEW)
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This week we watched the excellent Apple TV series Severance and put it in conversation with Naomi Klein’s latest book Doppelganger: A Trip into the Mirror World. Both texts explore how the concept of “doubles” plays out in capitalist culture, and we have fun talking about the ways they did (and didn’t) blow our minds. From Klein’s refreshing take …
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Em 'A Nossa Língua de Todo Dia', professor Pasquale responde a pergunta da repórter da CBN BH Bruna Bentes. Ela conta que ouviu recentemente na canção Do Interior, de Castello Branco, com participação de Verônica Bonfim, a palavra petricor, até então nunca antes escutada por ela. Ela pergunta, então, ao professor qual o significado e origem do term…
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discussion about the unofficial shorts and other friday the 13th stuff email: twitter: @RGVpodcast저자 Sebastian
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Rocket Power, Backyard Baseball, 90s Toy Aisle, Christmas Movies and Food
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In this episode, we blast off with a trip down memory lane, exploring the iconic Rocket Power theme song and its surprising connection to the legendary band Devo. We also dive into the exciting news of Backyard Baseball's return, bringing back childhood nostalgia for gamers of all ages. Get ready for a hilarious This or That segment as we debate cl…
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Le 6h/9h du 13/12/2024 des Matins Nostalgie avec Philippe et Sandy !
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Retrouvez Les Matins Nostalgie avec Philippe et Sandy du lundi au vendredi de 6h à 9h sur Nostalgie. Au programme : Bonne Musique et Bonne humeur.저자 Nostalgie France
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Le 8h/9h du 13/12/2024 des Matins Nostalgie avec Philippe et Sandy !
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Retrouvez Les Matins Nostalgie avec Philippe et Sandy du lundi au vendredi de 6h à 9h sur Nostalgie. Au programme : Bonne Musique et Bonne humeur.저자 Nostalgie France
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Le 7h/8h du 13/12/2024 des Matins Nostalgie avec Philippe et Sandy !
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Retrouvez Les Matins Nostalgie avec Philippe et Sandy du lundi au vendredi de 6h à 9h sur Nostalgie. Au programme : Bonne Musique et Bonne humeur.저자 Nostalgie France
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Met vandaag: Russen rukken snel op richting regio Donetsk | Gesprek met premier Schoof | Georgië kiest een nieuwe president, terwijl de zittende president weigert op te stappen | Rudy Hellewegen is de nieuwe spreekstalmeester van het Wereldkerstcircus in Carré | Waarom wordt vrijdag de dertiende als pechdag beschouwd? | Presentatie; Coen Verbraak.…
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Le 6h/7h du 13/12/2024 des Matins Nostalgie avec Philippe et Sandy !
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Retrouvez Les Matins Nostalgie avec Philippe et Sandy du lundi au vendredi de 6h à 9h sur Nostalgie. Au programme : Bonne Musique et Bonne humeur.저자 Nostalgie France
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Nous sommes aujourd’hui le vendredi 13 ! Un jour qui ne laisse pas indifférent pour 75% des français… C’est un jour lié aux superstitions. Qu’est ce qu’on vit quand on est superstitieux, Sandy… ?저자 Nostalgie France
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Oposição 'derrota' governo / Presidência vaga? / Reforma Tributária
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Mão de obra siria na Europa pode ser fortemente diminuída e dois países da Ásia Ocidental ganham relevo nos contactos com Damasco.
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Met vandaag: Debat en stemming over de onderwijsbegroting in Den Haag | NAVO-baas Rutte roept op tot 'geestelijk voorbereiden op oorlog' | Bijna geen verdachten meer vast voor ICC | Rechtspsycholoog Robert Horselenberg over tv-serie 'Onopgelost' | Presentatie: Lucella Carasso
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Em 'A Nossa Língua de Todo Dia', professor Pasquale responde a dúvida do ouvinte Evanilson Almeida. Ele pergunta se o correto é 'em vez de' ou 'ao invés de'. Para responder, Pasquale conta com os auxílios luxuosos 'De Frente pro Crime', de João Bosco e Aldir Blanc; 'Estrada Branca', de Tom Jobim e Vinicius de Moraes, Mônica Salmaso e José Pedro Gil…
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Le 6h/9h du 12/12/2024 des Matins Nostalgie avec Philippe et Sandy !
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Retrouvez Les Matins Nostalgie avec Philippe et Sandy du lundi au vendredi de 6h à 9h sur Nostalgie. Au programme : Bonne Musique et Bonne humeur.저자 Nostalgie France
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Le 8h/9h du 12/12/2024 des Matins Nostalgie avec Philippe et Sandy !
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Retrouvez Les Matins Nostalgie avec Philippe et Sandy du lundi au vendredi de 6h à 9h sur Nostalgie. Au programme : Bonne Musique et Bonne humeur.저자 Nostalgie France
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1-Berlai e Fanny e Alexander-Ao outro lado da porta 2-HUgo Guezeta-Espertar 3-Maneiro-Anxos do inferno 4-Zavala-Santa Cruz 5-Pava-O himno da lesión 6-Catuxa Salom-Hórreo 7-Belem Tajes-Arou'79 8-Os Carecos-Tristimil 9-Ailá-Maneo de Erbecedo 10-De Ninghures-Corazón alionado 11-Mocho Gris-Espinho 12-9Louro-Amarroume en Amaro 13-A Gramola Gominola-O ra…
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Le 7h/8h du 12/12/2024 des Matins Nostalgie avec Philippe et Sandy !
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Retrouvez Les Matins Nostalgie avec Philippe et Sandy du lundi au vendredi de 6h à 9h sur Nostalgie. Au programme : Bonne Musique et Bonne humeur.저자 Nostalgie France
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Le 6h/7h du 12/12/2024 des Matins Nostalgie avec Philippe et Sandy !
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Retrouvez Les Matins Nostalgie avec Philippe et Sandy du lundi au vendredi de 6h à 9h sur Nostalgie. Au programme : Bonne Musique et Bonne humeur.저자 Nostalgie France
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Tom, dans l'équipe, à déménagé hier… 6 millions de français déménagent chaque année… Ça a inspiré Sandy… Qu’est ce qu’on vit quand on déménage ?저자 Nostalgie France
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The first time DNP has featured 2 legendary artists at once! R&B vocal groups Hi-Five & H-Town have collaborated on a hot new single, and we bring it to you. Their huge hits "I Like The Way (The Kissing Game)" and "Knockin' Da Boots" were gamechangers. Treston and Shazam join us to talk about their fallen brothers Dino & Tony, Being on the shows So…
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Caiado inelegível / Alckmin 'isolado' / Reajuste SELIC
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A movimentação interna e internacional em torno da Síria aumenta e não tem só perfil político.
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Met vandaag: De onderhandelingen over de onderwijsbegroting in Den Haag | Toendra’s stoten voor het eerst meer CO2 uit dan ze opslaan | De positie van christelijke Syriërs na de val van Assad | Wie krijgt de huisdieren bij een echtscheiding? | Presentatie: Rob Trip
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Join us as we speak with actor and voiceover artist Ty Olsson. From his early days on projects like The X-Files and Lake Placid to his memorable voiceover work as Ord in the PBS Kids series Dragon Tales, Ty shares some wonderful stories from his diverse career. We dive into his more dramatic roles, including his powerful portrayal of Mark Bingham i…
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