自然な日本語を聞きたい人へ!日本語勉強PODCASTです😺 🎙️Nomal Episode➡️N3~N1 ⭐️OYASUMI PODCAST➡️N3~N1 🌱Daily Japanese Talk➡️N4~N3 Podcast Transcripts https://www.haru-no-nihongo.com/podcast Sunny Side Japanese Speaking Class https://www.sunnysidejapanese.com Youtube @harunonihongo https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCauyM-A8JIJ9NQcw5_jF00Q/ Patreon https://www.patreon.com/harunonihongo Instagram: @haru_no_nihongo
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Online Japanese school Nihongo Picnic's Podcast for learners of Japanese! We pick up a topic for each episode and talk about it in Japanese. Here's the transcript of each episode: https://nihongopicnic.notion.site/Nihongo-Picnic-Podcast-s-Transcript-e6c923a2d9f34c1fa278bb5e4531ea0f 🚲:A little easier than other episodes. Most grammar I use in the episodes are N4 level. 🚃:About N3 level 🚀:For advanced learners 👥:Interview 🖥 Website: https://nihongopicnic.com 🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/akok ...
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“AI Transcripts are now available on my Patreon! patreon.com/nihongoconteppei Japanese podcast for intermadiate,Nihongo con Teppei Z,The best way to learn how to speak Japanese naturally!,is a podcast for learners of Japanese language. Listen,learn and have fun while picking up natural Japanese as it really is spoken.Let’s study Japanese with me! http://teppei.nihongoconteppei.com
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こんにちは!このポッドキャストでは、仲良し夫婦のたつやとちよしの日々の何気ない会話(雑談)から自然な会話表現をたくさん聞くことができます☻ 楽しんでもらえると嬉しいです! Hi guys! We’re NAKAYOSHI Japanese couple. You can hear supernatural conversational expressions through our chats! Hope you enjoy listening to our podcasts! / non-scripted Japanese conversation 日本語の中・上級学習者にオススメです。 This channel is suitable for intermediate and advanced Japanese learners. Transcripts: https://note.com/nihongothatsdan Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tatsuyajapanese YouTube: https://www.you ...
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Japanese podcast for beginners (Nihongo con Teppei)
Japanese podcast for beginners (Nihongo con Teppei)
“AI Transcripts are now available on my Patreon! patreon.com/nihongoconteppei Japanese podcast for beginners,Nihongo con Teppei,The best way to learn how to speak Japanese naturally!,is a podcast for learners of Japanese language. Listen,learn and have fun while picking up natural Japanese as it really is spoken.Let’s study Japanese with me! If you like this podcast, and you have the means, please consider making a donation. サポーターをどんどん募集中!! http://teppei.nihongoconteppei.com https://www.ital ...
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This is a podcast for Japanese learners. Full transcripts with Furigana and English versions are on my website: https://www.nihongoforyou.com/
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A weekly podcast for upper beginner to intermediate learners of Japanese. Listen to Yumi talk about... whatever she wants to talk about. Practice your listening comprehension with natural (howbeit slightly slowed down) Japanese on various topics such as Japanese culture, fun idioms, and, of course, cats. The episodes can be enjoyed in any order. -- Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes with a complete transcript and a list of key vocabulary. www.MakotoPlus.com
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Are you eager to learn how native Japanese speakers converse? Tired of listening to slow-paced Japanese sentences in class? Our podcast is the answer to your requests. Join Makiko, a Japanese teacher, and her son Tora as they engage in lively, real-life conversations at a native speed. It might be challenging, but we're here to help you learn and speak natural, conversational Japanese. Join this mother-and-son duo and become a fan of our fun talks! よろしくね! The script is available here: https: ...
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Podcast ที่อยากชวนคุณมาเรียนภาษาญี่ปุ่นไปด้วยกัน เรียนคำศัพท์วันละนิด เรียนไวยากรณ์วันหน่อย แล้วจะค่อยๆเก่งไปเอง
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Learn Japanese language
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In dieser Podcast-Serie werde ich mit verschiedenen Leuten und Wissenschaftlern über Japan sprechen.
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Minna no Nihongo Myanmar အားလံုးအတြက္ ဂ်ပန္စာ
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日本語の先生、かおりです。 日本のこと、日本語のこと、日々の生活のことなど、お話していきます。 TwitterとInstagramはこちらから! ↓ https://linktr.ee/kaori_nihongo
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A podcast for Japanese culture enthusiasts and language learners. Brought to you by Nihongo Master, an e-learning site focused on helping learners at every level master the Japanese language.
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Belajar simple bahasa Jepang Budaya Jepang Update Indonesia Membahas topik lain selain belajar bahasa jepang
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Sakura no Nihongo (Japanese Lesson)- Let’s study Japanese with Sakura! -
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こんにちは Hi everyone, this is a podcast for Japanese learners from a native Japanese teacher. I talk about Japanese language, culture, any topics about Japan. I receive questions from learners every day. I'm happy to answer to your questions too!! Please send me your questions/requests on Instagram: japanese_nihongo_sensei このポッドキャストでは、わかりやすい日本語で話します。日本語のスクリプトや単語リストもできる限りつけるので、リスニングやボキャブラリーの勉強にも役に立つと思います。日本と海外の架け橋になるようなポッドキャストにしたいです👍 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/nihongosensei It takes lots of ti ...
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Regular Podcast: Asaradio Website (Scripts are here) https://momoko-to-nihongo.com/ Patreon https://www.patreon.com/momoko_to_nihongo Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/MomokoNihongo Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSSL66s6YkqRym3VD5cnbhA Topic request https://www.instagram.com/momoko.nihongo/ Twitter https://twitter.com/MomokoToNihongo
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Learn Japanese with stories! This is a podcast for intermediate Japanese learner and above. If you are a beginner Japanese learner, please check the words on the transcript first before listening. There is also transcripts so you can check if you heard it correctly. I talk about various topics in Japanese. **Buy me a coffee☕️🍰** https://www.buymeacoffee.com/jpstorybynoriko **I teach Japanese on a language platform Preply. If you are interested in my lesson, contact me from the link below!** ...
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Japanese podcast for beginners through intermadiate learners,Fukushu con Teppei ,is Another Nihongo con Teppei channel ,is a podcast channel for learners of Japanese language. Listen,learn and have fun while picking up natural Japanese as it really is spoken.Let’s study Japanese with me! http://fukushuconteppei.com
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Japanese podcast for beginners through intermadiate learners,Learn Japanese With BIZARRE stories-Nihongo con Teppei, is another Nihongo con Teppei podcast channel for learners of Japanese language. Listen,learn and have fun while picking up natural Japanese as it really is spoken.Let’s study Japanese with me! http://bizarrestories.learnjapanesewhilesleeping.com
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Nihongo con Teppei Essential- the best way for learning essential Japanese Grammar and Vocabulary in Use -,is a podcast for learners of Japanese language. Listen,learn and have fun while picking up natural Japanese as it really is spoken.Let’s study Japanese with me! http://essential.nihongoconteppei.com For those who have more advanced level http://nihongoconteppei.com http://teppeisensei.com https://www.italki.com/i/D6ccAG?hl=ja I teach here! Find me!
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Learn Japanese While Sleeping(Nihongo con Teppei Way)
Learn Japanese While Sleeping (Nihongo con Teppei Way)
Japanese podcast for beginners through intermadiate learners, Learn Japanese While Sleeping (Nihongo con Teppei Way) ,Another Nihongo con Teppei channel ,is a podcast channel for learners of Japanese language. Listen,learn and have fun while picking up natural Japanese as it really is spoken.Let’s study Japanese with me! http://learnjapanesewhilesleeping.com
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◼︎Transcripts: https://note.com/nihongothatsdan/ ◼︎Instagram: instagram.com/tatsuyajapanese/ ◼︎YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCv8oMr-W5rPvTbenjqO7YzA
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저자 Japanese podcast for beginners (Nihongo con Teppei)
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会話クラス体験会はこちら!https://www.sunnysidejapanese.com/event-details/12ming-xian-ding-3tsunokurasude-ri-ben-yuwo-huasou-kurasu-ti-yan-hui-trial-class-speak-japanese-in-three-different-clas Transcripthttps://www.haru-no-nihongo.com/post/ep-252-骨がボキボキ-my-bones-were-cracked Japanese Speaking Classhttps://www.sunnysidejapanese…
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152. iPhoneのジャーナル機能が提案する質問に答えてみた!Answering Questions Suggested by the iPhone Journal Feature!
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나중에 재생
Phoneユーザーならご存知(ぞんじ)の機能(きのう)かもしれませんが、ジャーナルという日記(にっき)機能(きのう)の中(なか)には、iPhoneから提案(ていあん)される「お題(だい)」もあります。例えば(たとえば)、最近(さいきん)会(あ)った一番(いちばん)賢(かしこ)い人(ひと)は誰(だれ)?などなど。今回はそんなiPhoneから出(だ)される質問(しつもん)について、私(わたし)たち自身(じしん)の回答(かいとう)を話(はな)してみました。 You might be familiar with this feature if you’re an iPhone user, but within the Journal, there are also topics suggested …
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저자 Teppei
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🚲:A little easier than other episodes. Most grammar I use in the episodes are N4 level. 🚃:About N3 level 🚀:For advanced learners 👥:Interview Transcript of each episode: https://nihongopicnic.notion.site/Nihongo-Picnic-Podcast-s-Transcript-e6c923a2d9f34c1fa278bb5e4531ea0f Nihongo Picnichttps:…
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Nihongo no Tane 160: ピアノの先生1 The Piano Teacher Part 1 | Japanese Immersion podcast
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나중에 재생
In this episode of "Nihongo no Tane," Yumi shares her delightful encounter with a professional pianist whose lifestyle is a page out of history. Explore a home adorned with Victorian elegance, complete with a century-old telephone still in use! Immerse yourself in this captivating tale of classical music, vintage fashion, and timeless grace. KEY VO…
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今日のポッドキャストは、日本語の先生、なつき先生へのインタビューです! 日本語の字幕が見たい人は、YouTubeから📹 ========================================= 📖オンラインレッスン Online Lessons https://www.nihongoforyou.com ✒サブスクリプション Subscription https://www.nihongoforyou.com/account/login/create 💰寄付 Donation https://www.nihongoforyou.com/donate 📷Instagram https://www.instagram.com/nihongo_for_you/ 🐤Twitter http…
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저자 Japanese podcast for beginners (Nihongo con Teppei)
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저자 Teppei
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저자 Japanese podcast for beginners (Nihongo con Teppei)
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저자 Teppei
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151. 高校生が創り上げる一大イベント文化祭!その魅力と楽しさを語る!High School Students' Grand Event: Exploring the Charm and Fun of Japan's Culture Festival!
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나중에 재생
秋(あき)といえば高校(こうこう)の文化祭(ぶんかさい)シーズンです。文化祭(ぶんかさい)は日本(にほん)の高校生(こうこうせい)が自分(じぶん)たちで創(つく)り上(あ)げる一大(いちだい)イベントです。アニメやドラマで見(み)たことがあるかもしれませんが、お店(みせ)やお化(ば)け屋敷(やしき)を作(つく)ったり、劇(げき)を創(つく)り上(あ)げたりと、高校生活(こうこうせいかつ)で一番(いちばん)楽(たの)しい思(おも)い出(で)の一(ひと)つです。高校(こうこう)によって違(ちが)いはありますが、日本(にほん)の文化祭(ぶんかさい)について話(はな)してみました。 Autumn is the season for high school culture festivals in J…
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저자 Japanese podcast for beginners (Nihongo con Teppei)
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スイカゲーム https://store-jp.nintendo.com/item/software/D70010000043363 🚲:A little easier than other episodes. Most grammar I use in the episodes are N4 level. 🚃:About N3 level 🚀:For advanced learners 👥:Interview Transcript of each episode: https://nihongopicnic.notion.site/Nihongo-Picnic-Podcast-s-Transcript-e6c923a2d9f34c1fa278bb…
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저자 Teppei
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저자 Japanese podcast for beginners (Nihongo con Teppei)
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저자 Teppei
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Transcripthttps://www.haru-no-nihongo.com/post/ep-251-ネガティブも悪くない-being-negative-isn-t-all-bad Japanese Speaking Classhttps://www.sunnysidejapanese.com Shadowing Coursehttps://www.haru-no-nihongo.com/plans-pricing Youtube@harunonihong…
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150. 人気の航空会社ランキング。日系航空会社は本当に満足できる?私ちの本音レビュー。Popular Airline Rankings: Are Japanese Airlines Really Satisfying? Our Honest Review
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나중에 재생
最近(さいきん)ハマっているYoutubeから、エミレーツ航空(こうくう)のサービスがとてもいいということを知(し)りました。また、常(つね)に人気(にんき)ランキング上位(じょうい)の日系(にっけい)の航空会社(こうくうがいしゃ)ですが、実(じつ)はそんなに好(す)きじゃない、という意見(いけん)を聞(き)いて、まさに私(わたし)も同意見(どういけん)だとびっくりしました。そこで、今回は人気(にんき)の航空会社(こうくうがいしゃ)ランキングを元(もと)に、私(わたし)たちの経験(けいけん)を踏(ふ)まえた上(うえ)でそのランキングの真偽(しんぎ)について話(はな)してみました。 Recently, from a YouTube channel I’ve been into, I learn…
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最近見たアニメとOHTANI-SAN⚾️ Recently watched anime and OHTANI-SAN【OYASUMI PODCAST⭐️】
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続きはPatreonで聞くことができます!patreon.com/harunonihongo Japanese Lessonhttps://www.haru-no-nihongo.com/book-online Shadowing Coursehttps://www.haru-no-nihongo.com/plans-pricing Youtube@HARUKA ~Next Step Japanese~ Instagram@haru.no.nihongo@next.step.japanese
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저자 Japanese podcast for beginners (Nihongo con Teppei)
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🚲:A little easier than other episodes. Most grammar I use in the episodes are N4 level. 🚃:About N3 level 🚀:For advanced learners 👥:Interview Transcript of each episode: https://nihongopicnic.notion.site/Nihongo-Picnic-Podcast-s-Transcript-e6c923a2d9f34c1fa278bb5e4531ea0f Nihongo Picnichttps://niho…
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저자 Teppei
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저자 Japanese podcast for beginners (Nihongo con Teppei)
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저자 Teppei
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Transcripthttps://www.haru-no-nihongo.com/post/ep-250-日本の限界集落-japan-s-disappearing-villages Japanese Speaking Classhttps://www.sunnysidejapanese.com Shadowing Coursehttps://www.haru-no-nihongo.com/plans-pricing Youtube@harunonihongo I…
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저자 Japanese podcast for beginners (Nihongo con Teppei)
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