A Podcast All About Men's Gymnastics
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Brock Richardson and his panel of sports experts engage in a lively round-table discussion about Parasports and professional sports news and newsmakers.
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Contenido de Don Eleuterio, de varias fuentes. Podcast no afiliado a programa o personaje.
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Jimmy Et Neutron
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A political podcast inspired by Howard Zinn and progressive and radical activism, taking a hammer to our cultural infrastructure to crack the façade and create space for new perspectives. History, Policy, Environment, Society, Culture. Anticapitalist, antifascist, antiracist, antisexist, anticolonial. Working for a better future.
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A cloaked & grizzled figure stares intensely at you. ”So it’s adventure you crave?” he asks, half-whispering as if about to reveal to you a secret. ”Well you’ve come to the right place!” he exclaims as he leaps to his feet. ”Feast your ears on the wonders of the Awful Neutral podcast! There’s fighting cats, sassy punk gnomes, magic, mayhem, and more fun than a vorpal sword can cut through! Give it a listen, there’s a new episode every week!
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Michael Lamonato and Rob James valiantly attempt to create approximately 30 minutes of F1-adjacent audio that is both vaguely informative and mildly amusing, often failing spectacularly on both counts.
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神戸 住吉 caffe NEUTRAL.昼間はcaffe 夜はBAR.店内にギャラリーとDJブースとプロジェクターを配しあらゆるサブカル的イベントに取り組もうと企んでいる.そんなNEUTRALといろんな絡みのあるゲストを迎えたインタビュー番組.
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Recorded Neutral Territory is a chapter-by-chapter re-read podcast for The Dresden Files book series. Each episode, we examine one or two chapters with a deep dive on the writing, characters, and worldbuilding within this fantastic series. These episodes contain spoilers for all DF related material released at the time of recording. New episodes drop every other Wednesday.
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De Boas agora é MENTE NEUTRA PODCAST! Novos episódios todos os domingos! Que tal se colocar com serenidade com a vida, sem mais stress, sem medos e sem luta? Que tal dar à vida um novo significado, onde ser feliz esteja em primeiro lugar? E onde a evolução seja o seu caminho? Este é o objetivo deste Podcast, te apresentar um universo de conhecimentos abrangendo filosofia, psicologia, espiritualida
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You never know what will spill out of Cig Neutron's mouth.....but that's half the fun.
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The official podcast from Neutral Wrestling.
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A progressive podcast about politics and gaming. Not willing to pull punches, host Tig dives into controversial topics with passion and compassion. More at www.neutralgoodpodcast.com This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis: OP3 - https://op3.dev/privacy
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Escape from the Maya to be Your Authentic Self!
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Podcast by The Petty Neutrals
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Welcome to the Beyond Neutral podcast, where amazing things happen.
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A completely clueless teenage girl provides her opinions on things and just talks forever. Thank you please listen and enjoy.
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Podcast by Neutral Grounders
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Welcome to the neutral podcast, where talk about news you can use.
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A podcast about Stuff Languages Do, covering typology and descriptive grammars from a theory-neutral perspective (or at least, as close as we can get!)
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Een ironisch luisterboekje met pikante romances die zich afspelen tijdens de eerste COVID lockdown in maart 2020, een lente die we nooit meer zullen vergeten. Alles over cabaretière Anne Neuteboom vind je op www.anneneut.nl <3
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Expondo a verdadeira arte de opinar, de forma lúdica, séria, sem perder o lado cearense da coisa. Tudo sobre o futebol cearense, desde os times da Série A até o futebol quase amador da Série D. Aqui também tem espaço para tudo do futebol nacional, focando whole woman of this Brazil!
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Neutrinowatch broadcasts daily from a series of parallel timelines which have 32% (± 7%) in common with our own reality. Episodes are updated every day—stream or re-download each episode daily for a slightly modified user-experience. [Neutrinowatch is a generative experimental fiction podcast created and coded by Martin Zaltz Austwick and Jeff Emtman. Thanks to James Coglan for technical advice. Art by Jeff Emtman; individual episode images created using Zoetrope 5.5]
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Ochsner Medical Student Association Telehealth Interest Group Podcast Produced by Sean Byers and Carl Haupt
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CEO2-neutral - Der Interview-Podcast für mehr Nachhaltigkeit im Unternehmen
Meike Müller, Nils Langemann
Moin und herzlich willkommen bei CEO2-neutral! Ein Interview-Podcast, den wir ins Leben gerufen haben, um möglichst viele Unternehmer:innen, Entscheider:innen und Mitarbeiter:innen zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit und Klimaschutz in ihrem Unternehmen zu motivieren. Denn einer unserer ersten Erkenntnisse auf unserer eigenen Reise zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit war: Alle müssen mitmachen. In unseren Gesprächen gehen wir der alles entscheidenden Frage nach, wie Unternehmen ihren Beitrag leisten können. Und das n ...
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2 Gentlemen and a Lady discussing events and trends.
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Watch us stumble aimlessly across the dnd world
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Neutron stellt euch das Neueste aus der Welt der Wissenschaft vor. Dabei sprechen wir aber nicht über die Forschung, sondern mit Forscher:innen, die dahinter stecken.
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Cheryl Wicks, founder of Sammie's friends, and I discuss the importance of spaying and neutering.
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Home of the In Stereo, Blue In Review, and Only 4 Sports podcast. Former home of Console Neutral (RIP).
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Four environmentalist friends get together each week to talk about their work, pop culture, and how to save the Earth while protecting your sanity.
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In this weekly adventure, I discuss literally whatever is on my mind at the moment. From concert anecdotes to horror stories about traveling abroad, this podcast is like a box of chocolates. You never know what ya gonna get.
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Hockey podcast! Interviews and insights into some of the best minds in the hockey world.
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Connor and Agent Five force themselves to watch four episodes of a terrible Nicktoon every week so they can uncover the suppressed evils buried within. What appears to be a simple kids' show is revealed to star a callous, self-centered misogynist bent on world domination, and it's up to our hosts to expose his crimes... before it's too late!
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Chaotic Neutral Adventures is a podcast that is based on the concept of the Choose Your Own Adventure books. Each installment will have an original story where you, the listener, are in control of the outcome. Content may contain explicit language.
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O Zona Neutra é o podcast de cultura pop capitaneado pelo jornalista de cinema, escritor e tradutor André Gordirro, que conta sempre com convidados da área do jornalismo cultural (inclusive com correspondentes no exterior) para enriquecer o bate-papo com notícias fresquinhas, opiniões embasadas e informações exclusivas que não são ouvidas em nenhum outro podcast do gênero. Cinema, séries, games e livros estão no cardápio das pautas, muitas vezes gravadas no exterior pelo próprio André Gordir ...
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Ciencia para escuchar
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False Neutral is The Hooniverse Podcast Network's motorcycle-centric podcast. Eric, Garrett and Pete discuss buying, riding, and wrenching motorcycles. New episodes appear monthly.
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Het wordt makkelijk vergeten, maar naast Nederland en Turkije doen er nog 22 landen mee aan het EK. In dagelijkse afleveringen gaan Peter en Yordi op zoek naar het land dat het hart van de Neutrale Kijker weet te veroveren, terwijl ze zich met man en macht proberen te verzetten tegen de verleidingen van de oranjekoorts en de toeterende auto's in Diemen.
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Es importante entender que el estado normal de los clientes es saludable, si te encuentras alguno de estos difíciles algo en su emoción esta influyendo y debes neutralizarlo.
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Darragh Wynne and Eleanor O' Brien bring you weekly updates on how they're getting on going Carbon Neutral this Lent and what they're learning from the whole experience.
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A non-bias place where I talk about my own identity and anything else that occurs in life.
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Chaotic Neutral Podcast: A podcast for the crazies, and the geeky alike.. Seriously, this is no informed debate, or eloquent prattle. This is about as offensive as it comes, making children cry everywhere. Along the way we tend to actually tackle the geeky world around us discussing video games, books, tv, movies, conventions, anime, and so much more. If you ever wanted to stay informed while having a total aneurysm, than this is the podcast for you!
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De la vulgarisation scientifique pour avoir l’air instruit dans vos soupers entre amis저자 CISM 89.3
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During the chapter discussion, we examine Monica Sells and her case, followed by our introduction to McAnally's and Susan Rodriguez. This conversation delves into the themes of noir literature and its influence on the Dresden Files series. We then explore the distinctions between noir and hard-boiled tropes, analyze the character of Harry Dresden, …
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The British Championships are here, so is the Antalya World Cup, Josh Karnes set a new season record on parallel bars and Rhys McClenaghan won Dancing with the Stars Ireland. For those new here, I’m Kensley the host of Neutral Deductions a Podcast all about men’s gymnastics. This is Episode 62 where I recap week 10 of the NCAA season plus elite new…
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Thanks ever so much indeed, as ever, for waking up at 4am to watch the Australian Grand Prix regardless of the time zone your home territory and/or domicile. Formula McGinley 🏎️ Click here to join our Fantasy F1 league (code: C3NZWQN8P07) Suggestion box 🗳️ Leave a suggestion Support the show 🤝 Click here to get access to bonus content and ad-free e…
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Coming up on today’s episode we will be joined by Ontario women’s wheelchair basketball head coach Dylan Carter. Dylan joins us to discuss how his team was formed and the expectations he has for the 2025 National Championships being held in Durham! Plus, let’s chat about the Toronto Maple Leafs and what the real expectations are as we had down the …
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Accessorial Liability of United States Officials, Part 2
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1:35:37“YCBN 136 - Accessorial Liability of United States Officials, Part 2” SITUATION IN THE STATE OF PALESTINE COMMUNICATION PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 15 OF THE ROME STATUTE Accessorial Liability of United States Officials Section IV-V https://dawnmena.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/DAWN-ICC-Jan-2025-final.pdf ”…
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De la vulgarisation scientifique pour avoir l’air instruit dans vos soupers entre amis저자 CISM 89.3
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Coming up on today’s episode Olympic and Paralympic athletes can now opt to have OLY and PLY as part of their signature the panel discusses the importance of that choice. Plus we will chat about the NHL’s trade deadline.
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U.S. athletes brought home a full set of hardware from Baku, Heath Thorpe gave us insight into just how much it costs to be an elite athlete, and Nazar Chepurnyi made perhaps the greatest gymnastics post of all time. For those new here, I’m Kensley the host of Neutral Deductions a Podcast all about men’s gymnastics. This is Episode 61 where I recap…
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We spend a surprising but appropriate amount of time talking about the state of airport public toilets. Unrelated: Phillip Horton joins us to preview the Australian Grand Prix and his new book The Grand Prix Year. Suggestion box 🗳️ Leave a suggestion Support the show 🤝 Click here to get access to bonus content and ad-free episodes by buying a Box o…
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Accessorial Liability of United States Officials, Part 1
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2:03:06“YCBN 135 - Accessorial Liability of United States Officials, Part 1” SITUATION IN THE STATE OF PALESTINE COMMUNICATION PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 15 OF THE ROME STATUTE Accessorial Liability of United States Officials Section I-III https://dawnmena.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/DAWN-ICC-Jan-2025-final.pdf ”…
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De la vulgarisation scientifique pour avoir l’air instruit dans vos soupers entre amis저자 CISM 89.3
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In this episode, Adam and Brian delve into chapters two and three of 'Stormfront' from the Dresden Files series. The discussion highlights Harry's observational skills, his interactions with law enforcement, and the moral complexities surrounding his interactions with characters like Marcon. The episode also touches on themes of sexism, leadership,…
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We're back for another season with a surprising number of references to AFL identity Dwayne Russell and exclusive audio of Oliver Oakes discussing Jack Doohan's F1 future. Livery Awards 🏎️ What's your favourite 2025 livery? Let us know on Discord. Suggestion box 🗳️ Leave a suggestion Support the show 🤝 Click here to get access to bonus content and …
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Coming up on today’s episode, Brock speaks to Tyson Gunter, an American para track and field athlete. He stops by to tell us about his career and journey as an American Paralympic athlete. Plus, we will share our thoughts on Vladimir Guerrero junior and the Toronto Blue Jays as well as our opinions on some recent comments by Canadian Senior Men’s N…
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Penn State beat Stanford, Jamie Lewis is the new English Gymnastics Champ, and USA Gymnastics responded to our request for answers about the U.S. national team selection. For those new here, I’m Kensley the host of Neutral Deductions a Podcast all about men’s gymnastics. This is Episode 60 where I recap week 8 of the NCAA season ___________________…
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I Started Screaming For Help, But No One Heard Me
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1:03:25“YCBN 134 - I Started Screaming For Help, But No One Heard Me” In Masafer Yatta We’re Still Being Erased - Adra Humanitarian Situation Update #258 | West Bank - OCHA Humanitarian Situation Update #268 | West Bank - OCHA Moment of Zinn - Martin Leahy - “Palestine”저자 YouCantBeNeutral.com
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De la vulgarisation scientifique pour avoir l’air instruit dans vos soupers entre amis저자 CISM 89.3
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Das CEO2-neutral Corporate Sustainability Briefing - Omnibus-Spezial | mit Lena Götzenberger
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24:01mit Lena Götzenberger | Sustainability & Change Management Consultant bei PHAT CONSULTING Das Omnibus Spezial Was ist die Omnibus-Verordnung? (04:31) Die wichtigsten Änderungen zusammengefasst (07:14) Das erste Feedback zur Omnibus-Verordnung (13:44) Die Konsequenzen für Unternehmen (16:11) Was sind die nächsten Schritte (19:26) Lena Götzenberger b…
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Coming up on this episode of The Neutral Zone, we are pleased to be joined by the host of the pre-and post game shows for the Four Nations face-off on SiriusXM, Scott Laughlin. Plus, we are going to heap some praise on Canadian men’s para ice hockey as they recently took on the United States as part of a showcase of the sport combined with the four…
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Hello nerds! Enjoy a pilot of the new Hell Frasier. We work out some kinks for the first episode and play with from TTRPG noobs. Its a lot of fun and we cant wait for the new Hell Frasier Podcast.저자 Awful Neutral
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Riley Loos won Winter Cup, Frederick Richard debuted a new uniform, and we cover what exactly went down in CottubsFor those new here, I’m Kensley the host of Neutral Deductions a Podcast all about men’s gymnastics and I’m joined by Christian Marsh. This is Episode 59 where we recap gymnastics from January 20 - 23____________________________________…
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Die Rolle der Handelskammern bei der Transformation zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit | mit Dr. Dirk Lau, Handelskammer Hamburg
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38:24mit Dr. Dirk Lau von der Handelskammer Hamburg Unsere Learnings aus der Folge: Das reine Reporting bringt noch keine Verbesserung für die Umwelt Die Handelskammer bietet ein kostenloses vielfältiges Angebot für ihre Mitgliedsunternehmen, insbesondere für den Einstieg in relevante Themen Den Hamburger Unternehmen ist die Relevanz von Nachhaltigkeit …
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“YCBN 133 - Incitement to Genocide in Gaza 4” Communication to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court Incitement to Genocide in Gaza Situation in the State of Palestine D-E https://www.statewatch.org/media/4664/icc-submission-israel-palestine-incitement-to-genocide-6-12-24.pdf ”저자 YouCantBeNeutral.com
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It’s finally elite season which means we are all about to understand the men’s code of points that much better I have so much to catch you up on! For those new here, I’m Kensley the host of Neutral Deductions a Podcast all about men’s gymnastics. This is Episode 58 where I preview Winter Cup, Cottbus, and recap Elite Canada and so much more _______…
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De la vulgarisation scientifique pour avoir l’air instruit dans vos soupers entre amis저자 CISM 89.3
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Storm Front - Chapter 1 In this episode of Recorded Neutral Territory, we explore the characterization of Harry Dresden, the noir tone of the narrative, and the public perception of the supernatural. The discussion highlights Harry's unique identity as a wizard, his relationship with technology, and his moral compass. The episode concludes with a t…
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Coming up on today’s show, when athletes make mistakes on the big stage, is it necessary for them to apologize to an angry fan base? The panel will discusses this. Plus, the Canadian Wheelchair Basketball women’s program had a next generation tournament, the Osaka Cup. We discuss the results and what this type of tournament does for development of …
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Vampirismo Energético: Como Se Proteger das Drenagens de Energia | ECOTRIMCAST com Marcello Cotrim
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1:02:57Neste episódio do ECOTRIMCAST, Marcello Cotrim explora o fascinante e crucial tema do vampirismo energético. Descubra técnicas eficazes para identificar e proteger-se contra drenagens energéticas que podem afetar sua vitalidade e bem-estar. Aprenda sobre os diferentes tipos de vampiros energéticos, como eles operam, e estratégias práticas para mant…
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De la vulgarisation scientifique pour avoir l’air instruit dans vos soupers entre amis저자 CISM 89.3
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Episode 57: Oklahoma remains top dog in the NCAA, we finally saw the first 15 of the season, Rhys McClenaghan got a 10 on Dancing with the Stars and Winter Cup is next week For those new here, I’m Kensley the host of Neutral Deductions a Podcast all about men’s gymnastics. This is Episode 57 where I recap Week 5 of the NCAA Season. ________________…
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Coming up on today’s show, I recently got to sit down with Canadian national Boccia player Liza Puri. We discussed her recent success in the sport and that she has been named to the 2025 Canadian National Team. We also discuss this year’s Super Bowl and the upcoming four Nations cup!
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Die Welt der Biopioniere - Ein Einblick in die Nachhaltigkeitsaktivitäten der Bauck Mühle | mit Katrin Porsch
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36:20mit Katrin Porsch | Nachhaltigkeitsmanagerin bei der Bauck Mühle Unsere Learnings aus der Folge: Neue Entwicklungen in der Regulierung als positive Herausforderung zu sehen, macht die Unternehmen handlungsfähiger Die Entwicklung von nachhaltigen Standards fördert auch die Chancengleichheit für biologische Produkte im Hinblick auf die Preissetzung E…
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“YCBN 132 - Incitement to Genocide in Gaza 3” Communication to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court Incitement to Genocide in Gaza Situation in the State of Palestine C. The Legal Implications and the Evidentiary Value of the ICJ Order and Findings https://www.statewatch.org/media/4664/icc-submission-israel-palestine-incitement-to-gen…
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Você sente que merece o melhor da vida? No episódio de hoje, exploramos como a coragem e o merecimento estão diretamente ligados ao seu crescimento pessoal e espiritual. Descubra como fortalecer sua autoconfiança, alinhar-se com a Lei da Atração e transformar sua mentalidade para manifestar uma vida mais plena. Ouça agora e desperte seu poder inter…
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De la vulgarisation scientifique pour avoir l’air instruit dans vos soupers entre amis저자 CISM 89.3
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Coming up on today’s show, Brock recently had the opportunity to sit down with the CEO of the Canadian Paralympic Committee, Karen O’Neill, to talk about her experience at the 2024 Paralympic games. Plus, with the Super Bowl under a week away, we’re going to be previewing the big game and continuing with our annual tradition of giving you our choic…
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Das CEO2-neutral Corporate Sustainability Briefing (CSB) für Februar 2025 mit Alexandra Herget
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15:00mit Alexandra Herget | Sustainability Consultant bei PHAT CONSULTING Die Quellen zu unserem CEO2-neutral Corporate Sustainability Briefing (CSB) News im Febuar 2025 Unternehmen wie Ford, Toyota, Amazon, Meta, Walmart, Google & McDonalds trimmen ihre Diversitäts- und Inklusionsprogramme oder streichen sie ganz, obwohl Studien wirtschaftliche Vorteil…
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“YCBN 131 - Incitement to Genocide in Gaza 2” “A former IDF general, he enjoys heroic aroma.” Communication to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court Incitement to Genocide in Gaza Situation in the State of Palestine B(III) https://www.statewatch.org/media/4664/icc-submission-israel-palestine-incitement-to-genocide-6-12-24.pdf ”…
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De la vulgarisation scientifique pour avoir l’air instruit dans vos soupers entre amis저자 CISM 89.3
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Episode 56: Ohio State upset Stanford in a Major way, All-around Winter Cup spots have been awarded, and Oklahoma regained the top spot in the NCAA For those new here, I’m Kensley the host of Neutral Deductions a Podcast all about men’s gymnastics. This is Episode 56 where I recap Week 3 of the NCAA Season. _________________________________________…
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