This is a weekly chabura on erev Shabbos. We are learning chelek aleph of Nesivos Shalom. It covers the most essential and foundational topics in yiddishket and how to practically live by them. The sefer Nesivos Shalom is one of the most popular Seforim in the world. Most people learn the Slonimer Rebb’s Torah on the Parsha and Moadim. However, he also wrote Seforim on foundational topics in Yiddishkeit. Emunah, Bitachon, Dveykus, and Purifying one’s Middos are a sample of these topics. In t ...
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Nesivos Shalom chelek aleph - Torah
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Deepening our appreciation of Hashem's Torah.
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Maharal - Nesiv Heteshuva by Rabbi Meir Bulman
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One of the most famous seforim is Nesivos Shalom. For about two years we had a small chabura that met every Friday morning (early) to learn the Rebbe's teachings about "Shabbos" in Nesivos Shalom chelek bais - The Slonimer Rebbe's Torahs about Shabbos have the ability to take one to a different world in appreciating and tasting the Holy Shabbos. If you have any questions or comments please email Check out the other chaburas Nesivos Shalom Working on Middos Likutei Moh ...
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The results of learning Torah L’Shma저자 Reb Yirmi
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The expanded vision of Torah L’Shma저자 Reb Yirmi
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The great revelation and benefits of Torah L’Shma저자 Reb Yirmi
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20/20 vision저자 Reb Yirmi
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The ways and type of Torah L’Shma저자 Reb Yirmi
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Torah closes the gap and reveals the truth저자 Reb Yirmi
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Next section in Nesivos Shalom on Torah저자 Reb Yirmi
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Torah reveals Hashem저자 Yirmi Ginsberg
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The Torah combines heavens and earth저자 Yirmi Ginsberg
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Introduction to Torah and beginning of Torah L’Shma저자 Yirmi Ginsberg
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We’re moving to Nesivos Shalom - Torah저자 Reb Yirmi
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The top of the Holy Mountain - Bittul저자 Reb Yirmi
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Think what Hashem wants저자 Reb Yirmi
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Living above your nature and changing your middos / Kedusha저자 Reb Yirmi
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Middos and Kedusha are the two pillars that יהדות stands upon저자 Reb Yirmi
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Middos middos middos저자 Reb Yirmi
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Do what’s good in Hashem’s eyes저자 Reb Yirmi
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Seize the auspicious moment!저자 Reb Yirmi
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נשיאת חן저자 Reb Yirmi
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New Teshuva for this Elul!저자 Reb Yirmi
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How we can learn from the wicked저자 Reb Yirmi
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Desiring Kedusha저자 Reb Yirmi
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Dveykus is the key저자 Reb Yirmi
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תשוקה저자 Reb Yirmi
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The root of all desire - and way to destroy bad taivos저자 Reb Yirmi
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Being the 7th maamer저자 Reb Yirmi
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Deep tikkunim저자 Reb Yirmi
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Shabbos is the ultimate Tikkun저자 Reb Yirmi
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Only mesiras nefesh저자 Reb Yirmi
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Advice to help our Kedusha저자 Reb Yirmi
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Torah is the tikkun저자 Reb Yirmi
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No one is fully cast away저자 Reb Yirmi
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Kedusha and Bittul저자 Reb Yirmi
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100% pure or 100% impure저자 Reb Yirmi
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The wonder regarding our Avodas HaKedusha저자 Reb Yirmi
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3 areas to guard Kedusha and 3 ways to increase Kedusha저자 Reb Yirmi
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Tahara and Kedusha저자 Reb Yirmi
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Proactive Holiness저자 Reb Yirmi
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עשה טוב שבקדושה저자 Reb Yirmi
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Continued from last week저자 Reb Yirmi
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Shovavim - the way to purifying that which we never thought possible저자 Reb Yirmi
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Preparing for Shovavim저자 Reb Yirmi
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The first derech in Avodas Hashem저자 Reb Yirmi
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make a choice저자 Reb Yirmi
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Fortifying the weakest stronghold against the attack of the yetzer hara저자 Reb Yirmi
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Mizmor Shir저자 Reb Yirmi
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New maamar저자 Reb Yirmi
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Deepest desire저자 Reb Yirmi
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Realigning the most important middah저자 Reb Yirmi
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pg 104저자 Reb Yirmi
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