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Psalm 22v25-31 Psalm 9v1-12 Mark 10v13-16 This week, Gay and Kelly speak to the ministry of the Narrate Nursery and how they aim to create a space for parents and babies to feel blessed and valued. Resources mentioned: - Podcasts: Honestly with Bari Weiss 2/26/24 - Why the Kids Aren’t Alright Good Inside with Dr. Becky All Episodes - Books: Hard Is…
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Psalm 4 Acts 3v12-19 Luke 24v36-48 What if every morning you wake and you choose either to live life for yourself or to live for the sake of God and others? What if there is no third option? What if humans are spiritually, psychologically, relationally, emotionally etc. designed to live as servants?저자 Narrate Church
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Psalm 118v1-2, 19-29 Isaiah 50v4-9a Mark 11v1-11 In our last week of Lent, Hannah talks about Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem and invites us to think about our important journeys. If we are invited to walk with Jesus during his last week on earth, how might we be formed by the journey?저자 Narrate Church
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Psalm 19 Exodus 20v1-17 1 Corinthians 1v18-25 John 2v13-22 Where do you turn for wisdom? To what extent, if any, do you live under the assumption there is a God who wants to lead you into His wisdom? To what extent do you assume God’s wisdom and your intuitions are often very different? What role do the Scriptures play in your life? How experienced…
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Psalm 147v1-11 1 Thessalonians 5v1-11 In week 5 of the "Mere Christianity" series, Adam defines the three theological virtues of Faith, Hope and Love. If we paid more attention to them in our lives, what would have to change about the way we live and think? What would be the benefits if we made focus on them more intentional?…
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Psalm 111 Luke 4v1-12 In week 4 of this series inspired by C.S. Lewis's "Mere Christianity", Adam introduces the Cardinal Virtues: Fortitude, Temperance, Justice and Prudence. After briefly describing them, he asks how might the Cardinal Virtues be helpful categories of thought? And how might we become the kinds of people who can do the right thing…
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Psalm 62v5-12 John 14v15-31 In week three of our series inspired by C.S. Lewis's "Mere Christianity", Adam begins with a big question: Why do you follow Jesus? What does a Christian believe about union with God? Is living a Christian life something you can invest in?저자 Narrate Church
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Psalm 139v1-6, 13-18 Matthew 26v31-41 In week 2 of this series based on C.S. Lewis's "Mere Christianity", Adam expands on Lewis's opening theme of the Law of Nature. What might Jesus have meant when He said, "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak?" And what is Jesus' solution to our "prone to wander" tendency?…
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Psalm 29 Mark 1v1-11 This week Adam begins a new series based on C.S. Lewis's "Mere Christianity". He emphasizes the importance of a Triune God in the Christian faith and how this reflects God's desire to be super personal with His creation. As we begin 2024, Adam asks, how might you be able to experiment with finding joy in God's presence? Art ref…
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Isaiah 64v1-9 Psalm 80v1-7, 17-19 Mark 13v24-37 Adam kicks off the Advent season with small steps. What is Advent? How do Christian people observe Advent? And how, along with a long line of believers that stretches back to pre-Exodus, do we celebrate this season of waiting for Jesus?저자 Narrate Church
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Psalm 90 1 Samuel 17v38-58 In this series closer, Hannah poses the question: How do we live a life of courage? What is the difference between being fearless and being courageous? And how does being courageous in what we know to be true help us when we're unsure of what the future holds?저자 Narrate Church
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Psalm 70 1 Samuel 17v1-37 In our second week in The Bark of the Bog Owl, a story based on the life of the young King David, Adam opens with the question, How do you know when God calls you to defend His name? Just as David spoke up when the Israel army was challenged by Goliath, Adam asks, to the extent that God's name has power, what's your role i…
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Psalm 107v1-7, 33-37 1 Samuel 16 This week Adam opened a new series based on The Bark of the Bog Owl, a literary allegory of the early years of King David. He poses the question, how do you know when to live and lead with persistence, fortitude and grit and when to live and lead from a place of adaptability, patience and trust?…
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