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Podcast Nyakweterus

Ghoris nyakweterus

Selamat mendengarkan Nyakweterus membahas obrolan yang enak didengarkan sambil rebahan. Karena hidup seperti cakwe baru mateng masih tegak udah sore makin lemes. Mari kita nyakwe rame rame
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Groundbreaking interviews, Documentaries and original analysis on Politics, Culture, History, Technology, Arts, Humanities and Sports from a unique perspective. Twitter: @nyakpo www.nyakpo.com.au +61422477299 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/pnyakpo
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Some of the most accomplished and famous individuals in world history are known only by just one name. A few examples are Michelangelo, Napoleon, Gandhi, Mandela, Oprah, Churchill and Obama. The most famous name in world football history over many generations is also known by one name: Pelé of Brazil. AfricanPod is a podcast produced by Phillip Nya…
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Jadi ini adalah rekaman siaran dari program GMK (Galeri Masuk Kamu). Lu pada bisa dengerin di 90.7 UTY FM Medari. Dipandu Oleh Halim Al Kautsar dan ditemenin sama Kristiana Herawati, kita bertiga ngobrolin gimana keadaan selama masa masa karantina. Rekaman ini udah lama pas dari masih ramadhan. Semoga masih relevan di masa New Normal yang sekarang …
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Sepulang siaran malam kemarin (minggu 3 november) gua langsung menuangkan apa yang gua alami pas siaran ke podkes. Direkam jam 1 pagi dalam keadaan ngantuk sambil minum matchanya circle K. Agak aneh. Di podkes ini gua bilang males ngedit dan maunya natural aja tapi gua berubah pikiran dan malah sempet sempetnya gua kasih backsound. Kenapa juga tiba…
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Gua kenal Arif sejak masuk di ukm radio di STMM MMTC Jogja. Yang bikin dia beda adalah dia paham banget kampus ISTA, kampus yang sempet gua jalanin 4 bulan di Jakarta Barat sebelum akhirnya gua pindah ke Jogja. Arif juga akhirnya mau bercerita soal kisah cintanya yang complicated. Direkam di angkringan bawah flyover Jombor, harap maklum banyak seka…
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Podkes kali ini gua ketemu sama sahabat yang sekelas dari smp sampe sma, tapi pas kuliah jarang ketemu. Direkam di Habitat coffee palagan, makanya suara banyak gangguan. Gua tau sahabat gua ini pemikiran dan tutur bahasanya bagus. Apalagi dia memang lulusan HI Undip. Makanya sayang kalau ga bahas yang berat berat mumpung dia sendiri juga udah berat…
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First published 29 April 2017 This is an interview with a young African who is on his way to Silicon Valley in California. Cecil Nutakor, a serial Entrepreneur from Ghana won a full scholarship from Singularity University, as part of the global impact challenge. The Silicon-based University was convinced that Cecil promoted a moon-shot idea to depl…
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First published 23 February 2016 David Cameron’s lessons for Africa: *You must not wait for others to build a bridge for you *You must thoughtfully make your own case *Take a stand for yourself, because no one will do it for you * Define yourself – don’t wait for others to define you African leaders are too drowsy in their incompetence to learn and…
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First published 1 February 2016 Welcome to this episode of AfricanPod, where we meet a Politician who says most African Politicians are incompetent, greedy and selfish. Kofi Wayo from Ghana is the politician. He differentiates himself by the fact that he has spent most of his life in the United States and became self-sufficient by making a lot of m…
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First published 21 January 2016Welcome to AfricanPod, and this edition is a fascinating conversation with a free-spirited Novelist who writes with authentic African themes. My name is Phillip Nyakpo your host, and we are about to meet T. M. Clark the Novelist, born in Zimbabwe with the experience of living in South Africa and the United Kingdom. No…
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First published 11 January 2016 On AfricanPod today, a peculiar pain known only to those who are running a business. My name is Phillip Nyakpo, and our guest on AfricanPod is a Pharmacist and Business Owner who knows the aggravations of being in business. He will tell us about his experience trying establish a business in Africa, the incredible cha…
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First published 1 January 2016 “You cannot get out of the way of things you cannot see coming towards you” – the words of American futurist, R. Buckminster Fuller. This means you can dodge a projectile coming in your direction – if you can see it coming. For more on the good news and bad news about Africa, subscribe to the AfricanPod on iTunes Podc…
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Fist published 24 December 2015 Zimbabwe takes sides with China, choosing the Chinese Yuan currency, and ditching the US dollar as its official currency. In the game of global dominance, Zimbabwe indeed goes to China For more on the good news and bad news about Africa, subscribe to the AfricanPod on iTunes Podcast. On YouTube, search for AfricanPod…
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First published on 20 December 2015 In this episode of AfricanPod, we take a look at one of the most powerful elements of communication known to the human race. My guest is a US-based African Doctor, and he has written a book about it. All over the world and across every culture, symbols represent a powerful element in communication. In the West Af…
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Originally published December 2015 Welcome to AfricanPod, and in this episode, we look at the relentless march of China towards global supremacy, this time with a newly-empowered arsenal – its currency, the Yuan, also called Renminbi. It is a big topic because the International Monetary Fund has now recognised the Yuan as a Global Reserve Currency.…
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Originally published 3 December 2015 On the AfricanPod today, a young man from Africa decides to stop talking and rather act and show how and why it is possible to feed Ghana and Africa with simple modern methods of Farming. My name is Phillip Nyakpo, and AfricanPod is about the good news and the bad news about Africa. One of the enduring images of…
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Originally published 26 November 2016 In this episode of AfricanPod, we take a look at Africa and Australia – the collaboration of two continents. These two continents that are so far apart, and challenges in collaboration is a significant issue. These include a range of cultural, political and social gaps that needs bridging. The challenges remain…
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Originally published on 2 November 2015 What is the real benefit of having to choose between two rotten apples? That’s one of the thought-provoking questions in AfricanPod Episode 2 --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/africanpod/message
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Originally published 31 October 2015. Thank you for listening to this first episode of AfricanPod, and I am recording this on a beautiful day in Spring, and in a beautiful city called Perth in Western Australia. Against the background that we live in a world thoroughly saturated by useless information, much of what you can expect on this podcast wi…
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Kamis tanggal 22 Agustus kemarin jadi hari yang sangat menyenangkan buat gua karena fanart gua direpost oleh bang Rezachandika. Gak cuma itu, besoknya hari jumat tanggal 24 gua ikutan challenge utk bikin countdown nya film Gundala. Direpost langsung oleh directornya yakni bang Joko Anwar. Di episod kali ini ada sedikit tips gimana caranya fanart lu…
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Ketika anak jakarta ngerantau pasti ada aja sterotype yang dekat dengan sifat sombong, sok sokan, kasar, dan sebagainya. Sebagai orang yang besar di jakarta, Kyla punya sedikit cerita soal gimana dia diperlakukan beda karena anak jakarta. Ga gua kasih time stamp kali ini tapi bahasan seriusnya ada di bagian belakang. Semoga anak jakarta ga dianggep…
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Jadi di sinilah gua bersama dengan Verus yang pertama kalinya ngerasain podcast. Ngobrol ngalor ngidul gaada arah padahal udah direncanain mau ngomongin apa malah jadinya ke mana. Sedikit time stamp buat yang males dengerin semua obrolannya: 00:00 Soal @stmmharussenja dan lika likunya 30:00 Soal kegalauan dan bodyshaming 45:50 Soal musik 57:50 Soal…
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Pada tgl 19 Juli kemarin gua mengalami musibah kemalingan hp dan dompet di kos gua sendiri. Rupanya mbak Alma juga punya pengalaman tersendiri soal kosan yakni ada stranger yang mencoba masuk ke dalam. Pada akhirnya memang kita semua harus siaga. Jaga barang berharga kita. Ingat! Kunci pintu kos kalo lagi bobo ok?…
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Paul Victor Obeng, or simply PV Obeng occupied a powerful position as Chairman of the Committee of Secretaries under Jerry John Rawlings PNDC military government which ruled Ghana from 1982 -1992. He was the de-facto Prime Minister for Rawlings. When the PNDC switched from a military regime to a political party named National Democratic Congress an…
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Around February 2005, I interviewed Tsatsu Tsikata, a renowned Ghanaian legal Practitioner and former boss of GNPC, the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation. Many years after the original Television interview, I am making the groundbreaking interview available on AfricaPod. For more ground-breaking interviews, subscribe to the AfricanPod on Spotify…
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A telephone interview with former Ghanaian President Jerry John Rawlings. The interview is unique because it is one of the first interviews he gave as ex-President, after nearly two decades as an African Head of State. I conducted the interview when I worked as News Editor for Skyy Power FM based in Takoradi, Ghana. I called to to speak to the form…
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