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Sermon from Sunday, February 16th, 2025 | Jonah | Running From God -- We all think we know the story of Jonah, but that's because our imagination has been shaped by the story of the whale. What if Jonah has nothing to do with a fish? What if the shortest, most sophisticated piece of literary satire in the library of Scripture is more like a mirror …
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Sermon from Sunday, February 2, 2025 | Co-Mission | Life in the Spirit -- When we consider life on mission, our first impulse is to think, 'What should I do? But we are not the subject of the mission; God is. A better starting point might be to consider, 'What is God doing, and in what way is God doing it?'…
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Sermon from Sunday, January 19th, 2025 | Community | Knowing One Another -- It is easy and simple to love a stranger. Most of us do not struggle with random acts of kindness; much more of us struggle to love those we know. Out of fear or previous pain, our natural inclination is to draw away from one another because we know that love comes at a cos…
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Sermon from Sunday, January 5th, 2025 | Communion | The Love of God -- What is the sign that God is at work in your life? Is it you being healed by God from something, a prophetic word spoken to you, or deliverance from an on-going addiction or crisis? Or is it your ability to walk around everyday with the audacious belief that you are truly loved …
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Sermon from Sunday, December 15, 2024 | We speak of the two Advents this time of year, God's first and second coming. But what about the third Advent, the one we desperately long for in the ordinary days of our lives? What about the darkness, the waiting and the pain of the everyday experience of our painful and frayed lives? The God that was born …
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Sermon from Sunday, December 1, 2024 | God With Us | You're Not Great at Receiving | God came not first to show us something, but to give us someone. We do not receive naturally. We would much rather prove we are worth something to someone than be loved despite our doing. And that is exactly the premise of Advent; there is nothing one can do to be …
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Sermon from Sunday, November 17, 2024 | Hospitality | Practicing the Priesthood | As we wrap up our series on Hospitality, we end by discussing the role of the priesthood. In the Old Testament, priests represented the people of God to the God of the people. Now, though, that same God inhabits his people in a new and profound way. What does it pract…
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Sermon from Sunday, November 3, 2024 | Hospitality | God's Preferred Method and Unlikely Guests |The method of Jesus' ministry was as subversive as it was revolutionary. What startled and confused and frustrated the religious caste system of his day was as much his message as it was his intended audience. Jesus makes insiders outsiders, and outside…
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Sermon from October 20, 2024 | Hospitality | Jesus's Most Subversive Idea | Jesus said things that rubbed some people the wrong way, but his most radical idea remains deeply controversial for all people - his call to enemy-love. For more information about Mosaic, visit us online at…
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October 6, 2024 | Hospitality | People of God: From Genesis to Revelation, the journey is about being in the presence of God. Becoming people of hospitality means being formed by being close to Him and one another. We are the living temple, the place where God's Spirit lives, and it is from that place that we are the welcome mat of God to our commu…
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Sermon from Sunday, September 29, 2024 | Hospitality | Welcome of God: Hospitality is a fundamental practice in following Jesus, but before we begin to explore the in's and out's of this way of life, we are first invited to the table ourselves, where Jesus is the host welcoming us in. For more information about Mosaic, visit us online at www.mosaic…
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Stand-Alone Sermon from September 15, 2024 | The First Two Questions God Asks | When it comes to being human, our natural instinct is to hide, namely out of fear and self-preservation. And that isn’t wrong; we just end up hiding in the wrong place. So, where can we hide where we experience the safety and the healing we long for? For more informatio…
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Sermon from September 1, 2024 | Philippians 3 | Body | Do our bodies matter? That's the question we look at this week. What does it mean for us that God not only created bodies, but took on a body? To fully step into our faith, we have to fully embrace that we are embodied creatures. For more information about Mosaic, visit us online at www.mosaick…
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Sermon from August 18, 2024 | Philippians 3 | Mission | Whether chained in Rome, or living in a neighborhood in the South, the invitation is to live as holy contradictions. What posture must we take toward our culture to live in such a way that heaven is brought to life in us, for the sake of others? For more information about Mosaic, visit us onli…
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Sermon from August 4, 2024 | Philippians 3 | Imitation | When we start following Jesus, our initial response is typically inspiration that leads to excitement. This is the power of God at work in our lives. But, what does it mean when the infatuation stage wears off? Is there something even more dynamic than the power of God? This week we look into…
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Sermon from July 7, 2024 | Philippians 3 | Joy | Cynicism captures the spirit of our age; and there's much in the world to be cynical about. But what if our current circumstances are not what defines our posture? What if instead we were anchored in something altogether different, something like defiant joy? For more information about Mosaic, visit …
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Sermon from Sunday, June 16, 2024 | That You May Live: The Fire Burning Within | We round out our Ten Commandment series with the offense that is always there, but hard to detect -- the ever-present desire. What desires do we have that we are aware of; and how might we live a life that moves toward a life of contentment? For more information about …
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Sermon from Sunday, June 2, 2024 | That You May Live: The Blessing and Cursing of Words | The previous three commandments were fairly simple and straightforward. But why does this commandment actually involve our neighbor? And of all the ways to image Jesus, the most personal and intimate way might be refraining from speaking. For more information …
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Sermon from Sunday, May 19, 2024 | Most of us don't steal from people, in the stereotypical sense. But what if the way of Jesus goes beyond robbing banks and embezzling money? Jesus calls us to much more than keeping our criminal history clean, and many of us may be more familiar with theft than we think. For more information about Mosaic, visit us…
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Sermon from Sunday, May 5, 2024 | God created us, which means God hates when any one of us is objectfied. At the heart of the seventh commandment is this: your neighbor is not an object. The words and ways of Jesus stand against objectifying my neighbor. For more information about Mosaic, visit us online at…
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Sermon from Sunday, April 7, 2024 | Most of us are marked by some parental wound. So, what does it look like to honor those who we are so relationally tied to, and yet from whom we experience a void? The invitation most of us know is the one most of us spurn -- honoring those whose wounds we carry. For more information about Mosaic, visit us online…
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Sermon from Sunday, March 3, 2024 | God has a name (and it's not 'God.') So, what is His Name? And how do we misuse it and misrepresent Him in such a way that His name is emptied of any power in our world? For more information about Mosaic, visit us online at www.mosaicknox.org저자 Mosaic Knox
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| Each of us has that nagging question; what does God look like? But that might not be the right question. The second word prohibits us from making images that represent God precisely because it cannot be done. But just because we're unsure what God looks like doesn't mean we can't know what we sounds like. For more information about Mosaic, visit …
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Sermon from February 4, 2024 | For next several months, we are going to enter into what are known as the “Ten Words” or the Ten Commandments. The ancient Law given to the people of God has something for us, in 2024. How might we re-oreint our desires and loves for the sake of God and his kingdom? The first commandment is first for a reason: God req…
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Sermon from January 7, 2024 | God is doing a new thing in us, and He’s inviting us into deeper faith, and a better story. Crossing the Jordan River is an inflection point in the story of the Israelites; and it’s also an inflection point for us. Lean in as we ready ourselves for God’s new work among us. For more information about Mosaic, visit us on…
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Sermon from December 3, 2023 | We would think that if God were to enter the world, he would come in the most unbelievable of ways. This, of course, makes his arrival on Earth all the more astounding. The long-awaited King came in a highly believable way, to easily discredited people, in the least ideal of circumstances. Why? Because that’s where we…
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Sermon from November 19, 2023 | Ultimately, the desire for our life can be summed up in one word: “shalom.” In concluding our series on Vocation, Kyle Pickell breaks down what shalom is, and how we might join God in the work He is doing in our little corner of the world. For more information about Mosaic, visit us online at…
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Sermon from November 5, 2023 | In a world that cares about the bottom line of metric of up-and-to-the right, the story God writes for the world is counter-intuitive. What does it mean to be a human "being," rather than a human "doer." How might we root ourselves in rest and resistance, and not a slave to the machine and the story of futility? For m…
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Message from October 29, 2023 | Your vocation does not center around your job, it also centers around your home. One of the vocational callings is parenting. God uses this calling to grow us up, and Ken and Nicky Norman pull back the curtain on what the invitation is from Jesus in the life of a parent. For more information about Mosaic, visit us on…
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Sermon from Sunday, October 15, 2023 | While most of us probably don’t see it this way, your job is one of the primary environments that your spiritual formation gets worked out. But the big question is, “Does my job matter? Does it have any meaningful significance in the world?” Throughout the Scriptures and apexing in the life of Jesus, we see th…
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Sermon from October 1, 2023 | Vocation: Identity | There’s a lot of discussion in circles around what God is calling you to do. But, before you can answer that, you need to listen to who He has called you to be. And only when that answer is solidified can you be free to go and do something. For more information about Mosaic, visit us online at www.…
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Standalone Sermon from September 17, 2023 | God speaks in the Scriptures, but he does not speak incessantly. In fact, throughout much of the Bible, He is silent. And so it is with our life. Many times, the Spirit of God is so loud in our life it’s as if He’s speaking audibly. Yet, other times, the opposite is true. What do we do with the silence of…
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Sermon from September 3, 2023 | Series: Three Circles | Title: Co-Mission | The church stands as a sign-post in every community she is in of another kingdom, of another city. God’s interruption into the world gives us both signs and symbols of his kingdom. But it is the summit of his kingdom that is both so startling, and the beginning of an altern…
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Sermon from Sunday, August 20, 2023 | Series: Three Circles | Title: Community | Cynicism is the air that many of us breathe, but there is an alternative story we are invited into. A story of celebration. What if we became a church known for celebration over cynicism, authentic joy over easy skepticism. For more information about Mosaic, visit us o…
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Sermon from August 6, 2023 | Series: Three Circles | Title: Communion |The story of God can be summed up in one word: intimacy. Our challenge is believing that God is really after intimacy with us; and it has nothing to do with our earning, and everything to do with our capacity to receive His unending invitation. For more information about Mosaic,…
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Sermon from July 23, 2023 | Strangers and Citizens | A War For Our Soul Sometimes our real struggle is believing that God is for me; but other times it’s living under the assumption that the Devil is a figment of our imagination, not a real agent acting in the real world with real consequences. In Peter’s final exhortation, he calls the churches to…
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Sermon from July 16, 2023 | Strangers and Citizens | Shepherds and the Shepherd In a world that is strongly skeptical of authority, what does Jesus say about godly authority? Who are the shepherds of the church, and what does their life look like in relation to Jesus, the true Shepherd? A look at Peter’s life and Jesus’ final exhortation to him spu…
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Sermon from July 9, 2023 | Strangers and Citizens | Family in Exile | Life is hard; and that is no less true within the confines of discipleship to Jesus. What are the key markers that identify us as followers of Jesus, and how might our witness to the world increase with how we treat one another? Peter gives us some strong exhortations about how w…
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In his last sermon at Mosaic which was preached on June 14th, 2023, Zeru shares how rest and love from the Mosaic community have shaped his heart to notice and witness the powerful presence and promises of God. Communities have the power to form or deform us, and communities that choose to listen to and love Jesus participate in a formation that ha…
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Sermon from June 25, 2023 | A lifestyle distinct from culture while living in and among culture might be the greatest challenge of our day. We continue to explore the theme of exile through the letter of 1 Peter. For more information about Mosaic visit us online at www.mosaicknox.org저자 Mosaic Knox
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Sermon from June 18, 2023 | We continue on in 1 Peter as we work through the implications of making a defense. What is an appropriate offense? How might we hold our convictions and welcome people into them? Listen as we lean into being a prophetic voice in our contentious world. For more information about Mosaic visit us online at www.mosaicknox.or…
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Sermon from May 21, 2023 | When we read exhortations in the Scripture, we immediately flash to, “What do I need to do” without first considering, “Who I am.” Everything flows from our belief in how loved we are. There is important work to do; but not before naming our beloved-ness. For more information about Mosaic visit us online at www.mosaicknox…
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Sermon from May 7, 2023 | We finally arrive at one of the more uncomfortable passages in 1 Peter: the one about submission. But before we enter into the semantics of how we do this, we must first answer Jesus’ most pressing question: “Do you understand what I have done for you?” For more information about Mosaic visit us online at www.mosaicknox.or…
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Sermon from April 9, 2023 | Good Friday and Holy Saturday are reminders that following Jesus is marked by a ton of sin, pain, and doubt. And Easter Sunday is a reminder that God did not come to alleviate pain or overlook sin, but to prove life in him is resurrection — for us and His world. Death is inevitable, but it is not final. The dawn is comin…
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On the Wednesday of Holy Week, Jesus entered the house of Simon the Leper and was anointed by a woman who many labeled as sinful, unwise, and a nuisance. But Jesus honored her worship and linked it to his Messianic purpose. In this podcast, there are a few reflections to help guide our meditations for this part of Jesus' Passion.…
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