La literatura debe circular, expandir horizontes. Ese es el fin de este podcast. Martín Sebero.
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MMSA, but make it podcast. Now you can get so much useful information, news, and other health-related topics here, with a ton of interesting speakers! Be sure to keep tuning in!
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Welcome to Brooke Berrios (MMS), where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Jeremy Galliani on Unsplash:
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A weekly show of just a few married men sitting around shooting the you know what. Discussing current events in news, sports and just our everyday lives.
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Welcome to Ryan Ellis (MMS), where amazing things happen.
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Welcome to Isaya Chou (MMS), where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Efe Kurnaz on Unsplash:
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Podcast by Modern Muslim Self Help
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In today’s age the world echoes 10,000 signals, messages and beliefs. come listen to the ONE that means the most in this life and the next. Welcome to the truth amidst 10,000. As many of you know I have launched a new podcast called the millennial mustard seed at the end of 2019 on this show I’m combining both podcasts I’m releasing content from the new show. I have listeners from around the world who enjoyed the show and I didn’t want to end it for good but wanted to cross platform and rele ...
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Signo de los tiempos que corren.
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Poema que indaga la dualidad del bien y del mal.
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microrelato sobre un personaje icónico de la literatura de Salinger.
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Carta escrita por el gran Camus a su profesor Louis Germain
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Relato dedicado a los docentes de Argentina.
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Poema en busca de los valores perdidos.
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Gloria eterna a nuestros héroes!Reedición del episodio del 2022.
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Relato sobre el arquetipo del hombre niño.
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Relato sobre la importancia de observar la naturaleza que nos rodea.
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Poema sobre la impermanencia social.
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In this episode, the mmsa podcast talks about the importance of understanding disaster management for medical students with Ms. Febi as an IFMSA Trainer from CIMSA FK UGM (Gajah Mada University). Disaster management is an important thing that everyone needs to know in efforts to deal with both predictable and unpredictable disasters. This skill is …
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Relato sobre la brevedad de la vida.
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Relato sobre la invocación de demonios. Música: Goetia, de Peter Laundry
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Pada MAPS edisi Alumni Talks kali ini, MMSA menghadirkan dr. Emir Jayaringga. sebagai narasumber. Banyak sekali pengalaman dan pesan yang Beliau sampaikan sebagai salah satu alumni MMSA. Penasaran dengan obrolan kami? Langsung dengarkan MAPS edisi Alumni Talks pada Spotify MAPS (MMSA Podcast)!
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La última frontera (dedicado a Leo Messi), de Martin Sebero.
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1:26Relato dedicado al capitán de la selección Argentina.
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Relato crudo y sensible a la vez para retratar una realidad omnipresente.
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Remember everybody this is the old podcast that I originally started back in 2018, The new podcast is called the “Millennial Mustard Seed “ I do upload episodes from the new show here on- not of this world. Make sure you like and subscribe to the new podcast! I like to drop in on the old show here every once in a while and upload because I know the…
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MAPS #13 - Alumni Talks 3 with dr. Fery luvita Sari, Sp.N., M.Sc.
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37:09Pada MAPS edisi Alumni Talks kali ini, MMSA menghadirkan dr. Fery Luvita Sari, Sp.N., M.Sc. sebagai narasumber. Banyak sekali pengalaman dan pesan yang Beliau sampaikan sebagai salah satu alumni MMSA. Penasaran dengan obrolan kamu? Langsung dengarkan MAPS edisi Alumni Talks pada Spotify MAPS (MMSA Podcast)!…
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MAPS #12 - Talk about Stunting, The Importance of The First 1000 Days
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1:10:31Pada MAPS episode kali ini, kami membicarakan tentang bagaimana kondisi stunting di Indonesia dengan mendatangkan narasumber dari 1000 Days Fund, yaitu Kak Lidya. Penasaran dengan bagaimana pembicaraan kami? Langsung saja cek pada Spotify MAPS (MMSA Podcas)!
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Crossover metafísico del barrio.
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Poema en prosa dedicado a la obra plástica La virgen del conurbano, de Emiliano Guerresi.
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Microrrelato de uno de los enigmas históricos.
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Pada MAPS edisi Alumni Talk kali ini, MMSA menghadirkan dr. H. Fahad sebagai narasumber. Banyak sekali pengalaman dan pesan yang disampaikan oleh Beliau sebagai salah satu alumni MMSA. Penasaran? Tunggu apalagi? Langsung dengarkan MAPS edisi Alumni Talk pada Spotify MAPS (MMSA Podcast)!
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Último episodio del 2021 evocando una sextina no publicada.
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MAPS #10 - Talks about Bioethics and Medical Humanities with Prof. Beth Rivin
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30:01In this episode of MMSA Podcast, Prof. Beth Rivin, MD, MPH talks about bioethics in the 21st century which demands expansion beyond the traditional topics of medical and research ethics to include a wider set of issues such as war, refugees, migrants, and climate change Prof. Beth E Rivin, MD, MPH is a pediatrician who has worked in global health f…
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MAPS #9 - COVID-19 Vaccine Program Intensification, How's the Truth?
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45:48In this episodes of MMSA podcast, dr. Yudhi Sulistya Nugraha, former member of MECO MMSA UMY, talks about the Vaccines as a game changer in the pandemic COVID-19 battlefield. dr Yudhi is testing and treating patients on the frontlines and in this podcast he will reveal the COVID-19 vaccines facts from the frontline…
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MAPS #8 - Her Breast Cancer Story: I Did Not Survive Cancer, I Fought For It
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42:04Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb “No matter what the statistics say, there is always a way.” on this month's MMSA podcast we invite a survivor who really inspires us all. He broke the societal stigma that women are weak creatures. Nothing is impossible in this world. Miracles do exist but miracles are not just hope but also struggle with enthusiasm and never…
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El viaje de Oli, escrito por Candela Chavero. Leído por Martín Sebero.
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23:31Relato de ciencia ficción donde los cruces temporales producen paradojas.
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In this episode I have the host of Sasquatch odyssey here Brian, we dive into the topic of Cryptids and some of the strange encounters that we’ve both heard on and off the air as the years have going on this is an interesting episode and I hope you enjoy it.
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In this episode I have the well renowned Steve Sawyer here he’s a famous Artist known for many great paintings we talk about our first encounter and his artwork Calvary. This episode is very personal and heartfelt please enjoy this and share it with a friend.
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25:32Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. No one leaves home unless home is the mouth of the shark. No one really wants to be a refugee. On this month's MMSA podcast, we invite us all to see refugees from a new perspective. In this episode, we have conducted an interview with one of the broad known refugees activist, who is the Advocacy Coordinator at SUAKA Indones…
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23:46Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. No one leaves home unless home is the mouth of the shark. No one really wants to be a refugee. On this month's MMSA podcast, we invite us all to see refugees from a new perspective. In this episode, we have conducted an interview with one of the broad known refugees activist, who is the Advocacy Coordinator at SUAKA Indones…
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In this episode I interview Micah from the knight light podcast he shares dreams and encounters that he’s had throughout his life and comments on the current church environment in the days we live in.
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Hombre simple, de Lynryd Skynyrd. Leído por Martín Sebero.
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2:05Letra icónica de una banda icónica.
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In this episode I interview Brian Godawa who is a Hollywood screenwriter, movie producer, writer and so much more. listen this is one you don’t want to miss! We cover all kinds of topics on this episode! hang all the way to the end if you want to hear me stump Brian with a great question!
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Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. Selamat malam MMSA! Pada MAPS kali ini, MMSA berhasil mendatangkan salah satu alumni MMSA yang sangat menarik. Beliau merupakan mantan Advocacy Director MMSA. Alumni yang juga merupakan youtuber ini banyak bercerita mengenai perjalanan hidup beliau selama kuliah, menjadi member, dan juga official MMSA. Beliau adalah dr. Muh…
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Ron Morehead has traveled the world doing research on the unexplained, undiscovered, and underexplored. He is recognized around the globe for the best Bigfoot/Sasquatch audio recordings known as the Sierra Sounds. In this episode we play the Sierra Sounds and dive into the deep end. Ron had these unique experiences 50 years ago and has never looked…
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In this episode Drew Graffia joins us again for a very important message. We cover the impending UFO disclosure and this episode naturally turns to bible talk, sharing perspectives and ideas. As Iron sharpens Iron so a Believer sharpens his friend. This is a radical episode where we cover a lot of ground ranging from supernatural beings, unidentifi…
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In this episode I have Derek Gilbert from Skywatch TV join me to talk about the ancient word of God in the days that we live in this episode is not one you want to miss give this a play and share it with your friends. As many of you know I started a second podcast at the end of 2019 called the millennial mustard seed you can find all my new up-to-d…
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Shawn Carter is a full-time pastor who travels and helps people with spiritual things like ghosts portals orbs and hauntings. Shawn is a strong Christian man who battles the darkness and leads people to the Lord Jesus this is a roller coaster ride of an episode I hope you enjoy!
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Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. Human immunodeficiency virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) merupakan dua hal yang berbeda. HIV adalah virus yang menginfeksi tubuh, sedangkan AIDS adalah kumpulan segala penyakit yang menurunkan sistem kekebalan tubuh yang disebabkan oleh virus HIV. Sayangnya, informasi yang beredar di masyarakat masih keli…
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Ep. 4 - Peran Mahasiswa Kedokteran di Masa Pandemi COVID-19
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33:07Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Perjuangan para dokter di masa pandemi tidak bisa dipandang sebelah mata, telah lebih dari 100 dokter gugur berjuang di tengah pandemi Covid-19. Hal ini menjadi pengingat bagi kita, mahasiswa kedokteran Indonesia, untuk turut mengambil peran walau sekecil apapun. Mulailah dari hal kecil seperti menjadi role model bagi masyar…
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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Kanker merupakan salah satu penyebab kematian terbesar pada manusia. Angka kejadian kanker payudara menempati urutan pertama dari seluruh kanker yang terjadi pada wanita. Sebenarnya, hal ini dapat dengan mudah dideteksi dengan melakukan SADARI dan SADANIS. Pada MAPS kali ini, kami mengundang dr. Suwardjo, Sp.B(K)Onk sebagai …
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Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. Kesehatan mental yang baik adalah ketika kondisi batin kita berada dalam keadaan tentram dan tenang, sehingga memungkinkan kita untuk menikmati kehidupan sehari-hari. Seseorang yang bermental sehat dapat menggunakan kemampuan atau potensi dirinya secara maksimal dalam menghadapi tantangan hidup, serta menjalin hubungan posi…
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Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. Pandemi menjadi salah satu tantangan bagi kami untuk terus beraktivitas. Namun, hal tersebut tidak menjadi penghalang bagi kami untuk terus berkarya dan mengembangkan kreativitas untuk menyebarkan informasi dan edukasi kepada masyarakat. Salah satunya kami wujudkan dengan MAPS atau MMSA Podcast. Pada episode kali ini kami a…
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Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. Pandemi menjadi salah satu tantangan bagi kami untuk terus beraktivitas. Namun, hal tersebut tidak menjadi penghalang bagi kami untuk terus berkarya dan mengembangkan kreativitas untuk menyebarkan informasi dan edukasi kepada masyarakat. Salah satunya kami wujudkan dengan MAPS atau MMSA Podcast. Pada episode kali ini kami a…
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Gabriela y divorciarse enamorado, en Llorarás, de Carolina Amoroso. Leído por Martín Sebero
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18:28Otra de las historias de Llorarás, en este caso la de Gabriela.
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A mis obligaciones, de Pablo Neruda. Leído por Martín Sebero.
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1:09Episodio dedicado al día del trabajador.
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Óscar, el doctor del pueblo, en Llorarás (Historias del éxodo venezolano), de Carolina Amoroso.
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13:46Uno de los relatos conmovedores de esta obra que visibiliza el dolor y la esperanza de los desplazados.
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