Biblical teaching by Melanie Newton to enhance ”Joyful Walk Bible Studies.”
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Learn from the book of Malachi how faithful hearts embrace God’s love. Identity: Sticking to Your Faith in a Pull-Apart World Lesson 10저자 Melanie Newton
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Learn from Nehemiah chapters 7-13 how rebellious hearts spurn God’s grace even when they know better. Identity: Sticking to Your Faith in a Pull-Apart World Lesson 9저자 Melanie Newton
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Nehemiah-Trusting God with Lies, Danger, and a Really Hard Job-S18Ep9
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19:42Learn from Nehemiah chapters 1-6 how to trust God while dealing with lies, dangers, and a really hard job to do. Identity: Sticking to Your Faith in a Pull-Apart World Lesson 8저자 Melanie Newton
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Look at why following God’s way rather than your own way is the best way to live life. Identity: Sticking to Your Faith in a Pull-Apart World Lesson 7저자 Melanie Newton
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Learn how Esther and her cousin Mordecai trusted God to work in the background on their behalf. Identity: Sticking to Your Faith in a Pull-Apart World Lesson 6저자 Melanie Newton
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From Zechariah chapters 9-14, see God’s promises to send us a king who will have power and purpose. Identity: Sticking to Your Faith in a Pull-Apart World Lesson 5저자 Melanie Newton
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Zechariah-The Pervasive Power and Persistent Purpose of God-S18Ep5
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17:43Look at the pervasive power and persistent purpose of God revealed in Zechariah chapters 1-8. Identity: Sticking to Your Faith in a Pull-Apart World Lesson 4저자 Melanie Newton
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Learn from Haggai how important it is to spend time in God’s presence and not use substitute activities to satisfy that need. Identity: Sticking to Your Faith in a Pull-Apart World Lesson 3저자 Melanie Newton
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Learn how Daniel trusted God with opposition against him as well as with his dreams. Identity: Sticking to Your Faith in a Pull-Apart World Lesson 2저자 Melanie Newton
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Learn the two aspects of trusting God and how that helps you to flourish in every way. Identity: Sticking to Your Faith in a Pull-Apart World Lesson 1저자 Melanie Newton
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Learn why identity is dependent on remembering. Remembering leads to commitment to the Lord. And that leads to sticky faith in a pull-apart world. Identity: Sticking to Your Faith in a Pull-Apart World Intro저자 Melanie Newton
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Launch: Transition to a Disciplemaking-Focused Women’s Ministry-S17Ep12
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25:17Learn how to transition any event-driven ministry to one that is disciplemaking-focused. This series of podcasts is companion to the “Lifestyle Disciplemaking Blog Series” at Get this content and more from the book “Leap into Lifestyle Disciplemaking” by Melanie Newton from Amazon and most online bookstores.…
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Launch: Use Your Workday Lunch Break for Disciplemaking-S17Ep11
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12:14Learn how to use your workday lunch break for disciplemaking. This series of podcasts is companion to the “Lifestyle Disciplemaking Blog Series” at Get this content and more from the book “Leap into Lifestyle Disciplemaking” by Melanie Newton from Amazon and most online bookstores.…
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Learn how to start and lead a Bible Study group as part of lifestyle disciplemaking. This series of podcasts is companion to the “Lifestyle Disciplemaking Blog Series” at Get this content and more from the book “Leap into Lifestyle Disciplemaking” by Melanie Newton from Amazon and most online bookstores.…
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Learn how to start and lead a Bible Study group as part of lifestyle disciplemaking. This series of podcasts is companion to the “Lifestyle Disciplemaking Blog Series” at Get this content and more from the book “Leap into Lifestyle Disciplemaking” by Melanie Newton from Amazon and most online bookstores.…
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Establish: Nurture Women Who Are New to the Bible-S17Ep8
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15:45Learn how to properly nurture anyone new to the Bible in your group. This series of podcasts is companion to the “Lifestyle Disciplemaking Blog Series” at Get this content and more from the book “Leap into Lifestyle Disciplemaking” by Melanie Newton from Amazon and most online bookstores.…
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Learn where to find those new and young believers who need to be established and how to get started discipling them. This series of podcasts is companion to the “Lifestyle Disciplemaking Blog Series” at Get this content and more from the book “Leap into Lifestyle Disciplemaking” by Melanie Newton from Amazon and most online books…
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Learn how to give new and young believers roots in the truths about their relationship with Christ. This series of podcasts is companion to the “Lifestyle Disciplemaking Blog Series” at Get this content and more from the book “Leap into Lifestyle Disciplemaking” by Melanie Newton from Amazon and most online bookstores.…
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Learn how to prepare conversation starters and transitions and share the gospel facts when the Spirit gives you the opportunity. This series of podcasts is companion to the “Lifestyle Disciplemaking Blog Series” at Get this content and more from the book “Leap into Lifestyle Disciplemaking” by Melanie Newton from Amazon and most …
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Learn how to prepare your faith story to share with others. This series of podcasts is companion to the “Lifestyle Disciplemaking Blog Series” at Get this content and more from the book “Leap into Lifestyle Disciplemaking” by Melanie Newton from Amazon and most online bookstores.저자 Melanie Newton
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Learn how to be a designated engager at any event where visitors might be present. This series of podcasts is companion to the “Lifestyle Disciplemaking Blog Series” at Get this content and more from the book “Leap into Lifestyle Disciplemaking” by Melanie Newton from Amazon and most online bookstores.…
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Connect: Build Intentional Relationships with Nonbelievers-S17Ep2
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26:08Learn how to connect with the nonbelievers God has placed around you. This series of podcasts is companion to the “Lifestyle Disciplemaking Blog Series” at Get this content and more from the book “Leap into Lifestyle Disciplemaking” by Melanie Newton from Amazon and most online bookstores.…
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In this podcast, I invite everyone listening to me to leap into lifestyle disciplemaking. Ready to take the leap? This series of podcasts is companion to the “Lifestyle Disciplemaking Blog Series” at Get this content and more from the book “Leap into Lifestyle Disciplemaking” by Melanie Newton from Amazon and most online bookstor…
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Pathway 6-Asking for Perseverance to Move Forward-S15Ep7
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21:27Learn about perseverance through troubles and the reward for doing so. Lesson 6 of Pathways to a Joyful Walk Bible Study by Melanie Newton. Get the study guide from and most online bookstores.저자 Melanie Newton
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Learn about perseverance through troubles and the reward for doing so. Lesson 5 of Pathways to a Joyful Walk Bible Study by Melanie Newton. Get the study guide from and most online bookstores.저자 Melanie Newton
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Learn the importance of choosing to actively serve Jesus as your master and trusting in the Holy Spirit in you as a greater power over sin. Lesson 4 of Pathways to a Joyful Walk Bible Study by Melanie Newton. Get the study guide from and most online bookstores.저자 Melanie Newton
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Learn that how you see yourself directs how you live out your faith walk. Lesson 3 of Pathways to a Joyful Walk Bible Study by Melanie Newton. Get the study guide from and most online bookstores.저자 Melanie Newton
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See how you can bask in the beauty of God’s amazing grace. Lesson 2 of Pathways to a Joyful Walk Bible Study by Melanie Newton. Get the study guide from and most online bookstores.저자 Melanie Newton
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Stand Firm in the Treasure of Victory in Christ-S16Ep9
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20:07Learn how to stand firm against anything coming against us because of our treasure of victory in Christ. Seek the Treasure Lesson 8. Buy Seek the Treasure Bible Study at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.저자 Melanie Newton
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Look at how to live out the treasure of godliness in your daily life and why it matters. Seek the Treasure Lesson 7. Buy Seek the Treasure Bible Study at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.저자 Melanie Newton
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Depend on the Treasure of God’s Empowering Presence-S16Ep7
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17:11Look at the treasure of God’s empowering presence in our lives. Seek the Treasure Lesson 6. Buy Seek the Treasure Bible Study at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.저자 Melanie Newton
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Look at the treasure we have in being part of God’s church. Seek the Treasure Lesson 5. Buy Seek the Treasure Bible Study at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.저자 Melanie Newton
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Bask in the treasure of being dearly loved by our God. Seek the Treasure Lesson 4. Buy Seek the Treasure Bible Study at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.저자 Melanie Newton
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Rejoice in the Treasure of Every Spiritual Blessing in Christ-S16Ep4
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21:35Rejoice as you finger all the spiritual blessing jewels we have from Christ in your treasure chest. Seek the Treasure Lesson 3. Buy Seek the Treasure Bible Study at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.저자 Melanie Newton
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Remember the Treasure of Your Rescue from Darkness-S16Ep3
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19:30Look at the treasure we receive of being rescued from darkness. Seek the Treasure Lesson 2. Buy Seek the Treasure Bible Study at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.저자 Melanie Newton
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Learn that we begin our treasure hunt with looking at Jesus Christ. Seek the Treasure Lesson 1. Buy Seek the Treasure Bible Study at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.저자 Melanie Newton
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See the similarities between the culture of Ephesus and our modern culture regarding what we consider valuable, especially when it comes to successful living. Seek the Treasure Introduction. Buy Seek the Treasure Bible Study at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.저자 Melanie Newton
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Learn that a relationship with Jesus begins with knowing who He is and putting your faith in Him to be your Savior. Lesson 1 of Pathways to a Joyful Walk Bible Study by Melanie Newton. Get the study guide from and most online bookstores.저자 Melanie Newton
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Learn 6 pathways to a life filled with joy. Introduction to Pathways to a Joyful Walk Bible Study by Melanie Newton. Get the study guide from and most online bookstores.저자 Melanie Newton
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The Gospel: God’s Cure for Our Fatal Sin Disease-S14Ep12
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17:41See the amazing Gospel message as God’s cure for our fatal sin disease. Adorn Yourself with Godliness Bible Study Lesson 11. See listener guide at Buy Adorn Yourself with Godliness Bible Study at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.저자 Melanie Newton
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Learn how adorning yourself with godliness is transferable from woman to woman. Adorn Yourself with Godliness Bible Study Lesson 10. See listener guide at Buy Adorn Yourself with Godliness Bible Study at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.저자 Melanie Newton
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Learn why godliness leaves no room for rebelliousness. Adorn Yourself with Godliness Bible Study Lesson 9. See listener guide at Buy Adorn Yourself with Godliness Bible Study at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.저자 Melanie Newton
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Learn the relationship between godliness and worldly wealth. Adorn Yourself with Godliness Bible Study Lesson 8. See listener guide at Buy Adorn Yourself with Godliness Bible Study at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.저자 Melanie Newton
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Learn that women adorned with godliness will view their work as more than a paycheck. Adorn Yourself with Godliness Bible Study Lesson 7. See listener guide at Buy Adorn Yourself with Godliness Bible Study at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.저자 Melanie Newton
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Learn the value of recognizing godliness by what women do with their lives. Adorn Yourself with Godliness Bible Study Lesson 6. See listener guide at Buy Adorn Yourself with Godliness Bible Study at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.저자 Melanie Newton
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Learn how to recognize legalism and the danger it causes to those wanting to be godly. Adorn Yourself with Godliness Bible Study Lesson 5. See listener guide at Buy Adorn Yourself with Godliness Bible Study at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.저자 Melanie Newton
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Learn how to be a godly woman who is worthy of respect. Adorn Yourself with Godliness Bible Study Lesson 4. See listener guide at Buy Adorn Yourself with Godliness Bible Study at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.저자 Melanie Newton
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Learn how important loyalty to God is to adorning yourself with godliness. Adorn Yourself with Godliness Bible Study Lesson 3. See listener guide at Buy Adorn Yourself with Godliness Bible Study at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.저자 Melanie Newton
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Learn why godliness flows from knowing Christ. Adorn Yourself with Godliness Bible Study Lesson 2. See listener guide at Buy Adorn Yourself with Godliness Bible Study at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.저자 Melanie Newton
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Learn that grasping God’s truth is essential to godliness. Adorn Yourself with Godliness Bible Study Lesson 1. See listener guide at Buy Adorn Yourself with Godliness Bible Study at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.저자 Melanie Newton
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