Join filmmakers Matt Damon and John Krasinski as they discuss their new drama "Promised Land." Directed by Van Sant, the film follows ace corporate salesman (Damon) who is sent to a rural town with his partner (Frances McDormand) to close a key deal in his company’s expansion plans. What seems like an easy job becomes complicated by numerous roadblocks, including a grassroots campaign led by a well-meaning farmer (Krasinski). Promised Land explores America at the crossroads, where big busine ...
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Matt Damon and John Krasinski, "Promised Land": Meet the Filmmakers
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Join filmmakers Matt Damon and John Krasinski as they discuss their new drama "Promised Land." Directed by Van Sant, the film follows ace corporate salesman (Damon) who is sent to a rural town with his partner (Frances McDormand) to close a key deal in his company’s expansion plans. What seems like an easy job becomes complicated by numerous roadbl…
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