Hello, everyone, it's Dashu Mandarin here. We're three Chinese teachers that focus on providing authentic and valuable Chinese learning materials for the Chinese learners of intermediate level and above. In this Podcast, we will talk about all kinds of things concerning China and Chinese culture, society, etc. You can also watch the video version on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfsNycNoClXZA1FuUJSGT0w Welcome to join us.
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呼吸照護網路播放總結了每個月發表的紙本期刊,每段網摘錄了各文章要點,以及呼吸照護期刊主編Rich Branson博士個人評價總結。Rich Branson博士解釋了每一篇在當月期刊內出版文章的臨床重要性、及告訴讀者該帶回的訊息。我們希望在紙本寄達之前,經由對即將來到的期刊內容文章重點提示這樣的服務,會幫助您成為這個期刊更好的讀者。
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I'm Learning Mandarin is a podcast that dives deep into the questions that matter to Chinese learners. Host, Mischa Wilmers, talks to the world's leading scholars and draws on his experience of self-studying the language to fluency. Visit the Im Learning Mandarin blog. Popular posts include: Your Ultimate Guide To Learning Chinese Tones: https://imlearningmandarin.com/2024/09/16/its-never-too-late-to-learn-chinese-tones-heres-how/ How Long Does It Take To Learn Mandarin: https://imlearningma ...
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Listen through the Mandarin Chinese New Testament twice in one year. Audio downloaded from from http://www.audiotreasure.com/mp3/Mandarin/. Podcast created by http://audiobiblepodcast.com.
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Learn Taiwanese Mandarin is a podcast aimed at intermediate to advanced learners.It’s all in Chinese(from the 4th episode), and if there are advanced words, I will explain them using slower and easier Chinese words and sentences! You will also learn some culture knowledge about Taiwan. With more episodes coming out, I'll also teach you some useful Taiwanese/Hokkien. 跟我一起用中文學習中文吧!Website: https://lear-taiwanese-mandarin.webnode.tw/(Icon made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com)
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2CR 澳洲中文广播电台是澳洲第一间每周七 二十四小时的中文广播电台。节目独立制作,本地制造,服务澳大利亚本地华人超过二十载,为大家带来有趣又接地气的节目! 2CR Radio is Australia’s first 24/7 Chinese radio station, serving our community for over 20 years. Programs locally and independently produced, providing interesting but also informative audio content.
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AWR Mandarin (AWW: 婚禮之後)
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Ingin pintar berbahasa Mandarin dan Taiyu? Ingin lancar dalam komunikasi? Simak Belajar Mandarin & Taiyu!
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Mandarin radio program (NWF 溫暖的家) brought to you by Adventist World Radio
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You can download the entire audio course on our website: www.linguaboost.com Boost your fluency in Mandarin Chinese with LinguaBoost! Each lesson contains useful everyday phrases related to a specific topic. You’ll learn the language in context, not just single words. All material is translated and spoken by native speakers.
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Hi, I’m Jiajia, a qualified language teacher and a language lover. If you have been learning Chinese for years and still haven’t reached fluency, I’m here to help! Through this podcast you will learn the REAL Chinese. You will listen to different topics, such as the cultural, the custom, idioms and slang, stories, tips for learning and more. Listen repeatedly-Read the transcripts-Do output activities. You will find yourself using new words and phrases that you’ve listened before automaticall ...
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Learn the Cantonese and Mandarin ways to say things related to health and medical matters, and a hodgepodge of many other things you won't learn in a formal classroom.
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Join Abby to explore Taiwan while improving your Mandarin listening skills and learning to talk like a Taiwanese! Each podcast is 100% in Taiwanese Mandarin, best for intermediate to advanced learners. Full transcripts are available on my Patreon. 透過各種話題的分享,希望讓外國朋友們在學習中文的同時能更認識台灣。 ► Patreon(full transcripts): https://www.patreon.com/TalkTaiwaneseMandarin ► Chinese graded readers & Chinese Lessons: TalkTaiwaneseMandarin.com ► Support my work: https://talktaiwanesemandarin.com/support/ Tips: A ...
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Hi, I host and create podcast episodes in the language I teach, covering everything from current events to fascinating cultural aspects. Daily Life; News & Current Affairs; Society & Culture. 每日生活; 时事新闻; 社会文化. Intermediate and advanced Chinese listening practice. HSK 4, HSK 5, HSK 6; B1;B2;C1 中,高级汉语听力练习 https://www.mandarin247.com/
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Learn Mandarin Chinese with fun and engaging stories. Practice your listening with a weekly story, entirely in Chinese. Levels: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced covering all levels of the HSK. Get daily stories tailored to your level by subscribing to maayot.com
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Welcome to Fluent with Nicole, where learning Mandarin becomes fun and interactive ! Whether you're a beginner or an advance learner looking to improve your skills, this podcast is designed to help you master the languages in a practical, easy-to-follow way. Tune in as Nicole, a passionate language teacher, breaks down useful phrases, explores cultural insights, and offers tips for improving your speaking, listening, and comprehension skills. Join us and take your language journey to the nex ...
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Have you ever felt that rush of excitement when you absorb a ton of information, only to freeze up when it’s time to chat with a native Chinese speaker? It’s maddening, isn’t it? You know that learning takes time, but what if I told you that with the right approach, you can actually speed things up? It’s not just about collecting knowledge; it’s about unleashing it in real conversations. Once you embrace this simple yet powerful method, you might be blown away by how quickly everything start ...
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AWR Mandarin - EHS 遇見幸福
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Mandarin Chinese (YNE 年輕不留白) radio program brought to you by Adventist World Radio
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Mandarin Chinese (APE 安德品安歌) radio program provided by Adventist World Radio
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Welcome to Ming’s Mandarin Café! I’m Ming, a passionate Chinese teacher. Think of this podcast as a cozy café where we can chat about everything in our life. I’ll share my stories, reflections, and questions, and I’d also love to hear your experiences, perspectives, and cultural insights. I hope the connections we make here will help you naturally learn authentic Chinese and discover the richness behind the language. Life is complicated, and I don’t have all the answers. But I’ll always have ...
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大家好,我是惠敏。我是一個來自台灣的中文老師,我從2004年開始教中文,目前已經教了17年。我希望能透過簡單易懂的中文,跟大家分享我在生活中好玩的事情,一些想法,新聞,電影,還有學習語言的經驗和方法,希望你們的中文也會一起進步喔。 Hi, I am Huimin, a Mandarin instructor from Taiwan. I've been teaching Mandarin since 2004. I would like to share some thoughts, insights, things that I enjoy, like movies and books, and also my experiences of learning and teaching languages. Meanwhile, I hope your Mandarin will be improved while following my podcast. Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Learn Taiwanese Mandarin With Miss Lin Podcast│Taiwanese Mandarin Conversation│Taiwanese culture
Miss Lin, Mandarin teacher from Taiwan
大家好,我是林老師! This is MandarinWithMissLin from Taiwan. I'm from Taipei, Taiwan. I hope this Podcast can help you train your Chinese listening skill and learn natural Taiwanese Mandarin vocabulary and phrases. My mission is to help learners to speak Chinese naturally, to help you learn authentic Taiwanese Mandarin, and discover Taiwanese culture. To learn more with me , please take a look at my courses or my Youtube channel. More free Taiwanese Mandarin sources on my website. https://www.taiwane ...
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Focus on the Chinese.
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大家好,這裡是透過分享台灣文化並學習國語的節目,希望大家會喜歡! _____ Hello everyone, this is a program where we share Taiwanese culture and learn Mandarin. Hope you all enjoy it! ¡Hola a todos! Este es un programa donde compartimos la cultura taiwanesa y aprendemos mandarín. ¡Espero que les guste! Youtube ➡︎ https://www.youtube.com/@taiwanesemandarin Patreon ➡︎ https://www.patreon.com/c/taiwanesemandarin
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Listen to our weekly podcast to build up your Cantonese vocabulary on the go! We offer Zoom classes for you to join from wherever you are: https://inspirlang.com/zoom. Our book is also available at www.inspirlang.com/lovemando
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MandarinPod is a conversational Chinese language learning podcast. We create current and engaging content for advanced Chinese language learners. Our subscribers can expect to improve their listening skills, learn about Chinese culture, and be introduced to Chinese guests from different fields. Let’s learn together! This podcast is presented by Sishu Mandarin. Sishu Mandarin is a Chinese language school located in New York City. We provide both in-person and online Chinese classes for indivi ...
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Improve your Mandarin speaking and listening by rapping. Every episode features conversation, vocabulary, original music, raps and a listener competition!
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Welcome !! Your go-to podcast for mastering Mandarin while immersing yourself in the unique language and culture of Taiwan! Whether you're a beginner or looking to sharpen your listening skills, this podcast offers practical lessons, real-life dialogues, and cultural insights straight from Taiwan. Each episode is designed to help you practice listening comprehension, build essential vocabulary, and improve pronunciation, with a focus on the distinct expressions and tones of Taiwanese Mandari ...
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Follow us on twitter @TheManderineS
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每一集都會聊不一樣的主題,讓聽眾能用輕鬆愉快的方式來學中文😊 為了讓觀眾朋友感覺像是真的在「聊天」,我的每一集podcast都不會剪輯呦~ 歡迎傳送voice message 給我呦😘https://anchor.fm/-683217/message
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讓我們一起用聲音陪伴海外學中文的孩子們。 IG:kidspodcast886 FB:海外兒童中文頻道 郵箱:[email protected]
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AWR Mandarin - SIM ??????
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Welcome to Inspire Mandarin, it's Joyce from Taiwan! Here you will hear authentic Taiwanese Mandarin! This is a relaxing language podcast for intermediate to advanced Chinese learners! Enjoy and stay tuned! Follow me on Instagram: @inspire.mandarin YouTube Channel: Inspire Mandarin Visit my website: inspiremandarin.com
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Learn to speak Mandarin the same way you learned your native language: by imitating what you hear. No memorizing, no tedious grammar lessons, no superhuman willpower, just the sounds of Chinese, your ears, and you. Let's start speaking Chinese for real this time. Subscribe to start building your Mandarin from the ground up! Logo artwork by Alex Wang • 老汪
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Learn Taiwanese Mandarin by listening to folk tales. Level: B1 eBook: https://www.huayuworld.org/ebook_info.php?id=218 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Through Dimsum Mandarin, you will learn practical Mandarin Chinese in dimsum-sized chunks at your convenience. Learn useful words and phrases, as well as the skills to confidently put together sentences for everyday situations.
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Mandarin Slang Guide, MSG: the Chinese podcast that tastes great and probably isn't all that bad for you! Got questions? Got some slang you want us to talk about? Got a guest recommendation? I'll trust that you know what to do with this: [email protected]
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Podcast by MANDARIN-ER
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AWR Mandarin Chinese (CAS 人物與典故)
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Learn To Speak Pure Mandarin
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Videos to assist you in your study of the Old Testament. These resources include videos, and quotations from Latter-day prophets and apostles.
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A podcast for learners of English or Mandarin - one of us will speak Mandarin, the other will speak English. Hopefully you can follow along!
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Chinese Podcast EP139: Which is Best for Learning Chinese: Podcast, Vlog or Book? 播客书Vlog学习中文哪个好?
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59:27Learn Chinese with Dashu Every Day at Uncle's Little Base: https://dashumandarin.com/---Collab with Teacher Shenglan (肖胜兰老师):今天大叔们邀请到了来自长沙的胜兰老师,她是一名独特的汉语老师,特别是她的视频风格好像一个憩静的吟游诗人,慢慢悠悠地诉说自己的想法和生活,让学习者沈浸其中,却又能学到中文之美。今天我们也聊到vlog、播客、书,那种更适合学生学习,大家千万别错过今天的播客!Today, Dashus invited Teacher Shenglan from Changsha. She is a unique Chinese teacher, especially …
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Jn 2저자 audiobiblepodcast.com
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请关注《健康是福》节目,了解“澳钮乳癌诊出率全球最高……”等健康信息,谢谢! 【节目简介】 生命无价,健康第一!健康是人生存在的最佳状态,是人生幸福快乐的基础。《健康是福》节目,由陈丽老师为听众送出科学的健康知识,和最新的健康信息!저자 radio2crmandarin
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In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: Where do you want to go on vacation? / This year I want to visit India. / Did you go to Egypt last year? / I went for one week. / I visited Rome last week. / How long did you go for? / I spent three weeks in New York in the summer. / I need a vacation.…
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Talking about TSMC's $100 Billion U.S. Investment. Taiwan's semiconductor giant TSMC plans a major U.S. expansion. This episode explores the reasons behind it, political and economic concerns, and how it affects Taiwan's tech industry. Episode page:https://reurl.cc/KdV8yg Maayot: https://www.maayot.com Timestamps -(00:00:00) Opening+Introductio…
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Beginner | 我妈自学了英语 | My mom taught herself English | Mandarin Chinese Story
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0:43The conversation is about Gao Yue sharing her mother's emphasis on English education. Although her mother didn't learn English when she was young, she taught herself English because she believed it was useful. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a daily Chinese reading in Mandarin Chinese, for your le…
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欢迎收听《自然而然说中文》,在这一期的节目里,你能够: 1.了解可能让你今年过得与众不同的13点建议。 2.学习新的词汇。 「This episode is sponsored by pinyin app. 」 预订和佳佳的线上一对一课-Book your 1-on-1 class with Jiajia: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/product-category/online-courses/ 加入会员以获取完整文本、释义、拼音和…
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過去 menuju ke…., sudah berlalu, masa lalu 他已經過去了 Dia sudah pergi/menuju ke sana =他已經往生了
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adás archívum저자 Tilos Rádió
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Prof Clare Wright: Why some learners succeed faster than others
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29:31Links: My blog: imlearningmandarin.com Clare's page: https://ahc.leeds.ac.uk/languages/staff/1258/prof-clare-wright -- On today’s episode, I interview a long-time member of the I’m Learning Mandarin community who also happens to be a Professor of Linguistics at the University of Leeds. Professor Clare Wright has pioneered research into second langu…
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Mandarin 24/7 - Culture -中国的娱乐也出口 China's Entertainment Export |HSK5 /B2
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1:51中国的娱乐也出口 China's Entertainment Export 近一年中国短剧出海热度骤增。截至2024年2月底,已有40多款中国短剧应用程序试水海外市场,累计下载量近5500万次,内购收入达1.7亿美元(约合人民币12亿元)。 短剧应用程序试水海外市场 - Chinese short drama app tests overseas markets
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Respiratory Care 2025年3月 by American Association for Respiratory Care저자 American Association for Respiratory Care
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Casual conversational sentences in Canto and Mando for topics in medical and non-medical settings, with some grammar discussions as merited.sister video (#41)https://www.youtube.com/@notnowigottago/videosOrchestral hip hop soundtracks courtesy of White Records, that they generously shared on pixabayhttps://www.youtube.com/@whiterecords1…
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저자 Adventist World Radio
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💗 In this video, we’re going to learn 10 Mandarin Traveling phrases that you can use when visiting any Mandarin-speaking region. 📥 Download the 5-page note to enhance your learning here : https://buymeacoffee.com/fluentwithnicole/e/374030 ❤️ Private Tutoring : [email protected] 🎊 Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more Canton…
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저자 Adventist World Radio
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