Die wöchentliche Predigt aus dem Missionswerk Karlsruhe
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Pastorius Deivis Gribauskas
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Podcast oficial da APMT - Agência Presbiteriana de Missões Transculturais. Um canal que vai inspirar e motivar você e sua igreja a se engajarem com missões transculturais.
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Missio Church is a group of regular people following Jesus together. Our mission is to "Love Jesus and Live Sent."
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As former high-level CIA operatives, John Sipher and Jerry O'Shea would create fake conspiracies around the world. Now, with the help of experts, they execute their own fun and fearless investigation into conspiracy theories past and present to assess what's real. And how. And why. - Executive Producers: Adam Davidson, John Sipher, Jerry O'Shea & Jonathan Stern - Associate Producer: Rachel Harner - A production of Honorable Mention and Abominable Pictures
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Missiónshúsið Libanon í Sørvági.
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The Fire of God in My heart - Your daily Spiritual Pill (El fuego de Dios en mi corazón - tu digestivo espiritual de cada día)
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Meine Frau Lena und ich erzählen dir jede Woche von unserem Leben in Peru. 2020 sind wir mit unseren 5 Kindern nach Peru ausgewandert. Ich arbeite hier in einem der größten Missionshospitäler Südamerikas, Diospi Suyana. Meine Arbeit ist ehrenamtlich. Danke für deine Hilfe, die sicher in Peru ankommt! Vereinigte deutsche Missionshilfe e.V. Verwendungszweck „AC490000 Zeier“ IBAN DE33 2916 7624 0012 5776 00 BIC GENODEF1SHR Du findest noch mehr Info unter www.missionsarzt.de.
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Missio Dei Fellowship is a multi-campus, Southern-Baptist church in Southeastern Wisconsin. We are devoted to God's Word, and thus - the exegetical and expositional preaching of it. Pastored by Matthew Henry (Kenosha) and Matt Miller (Oak Creek).
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Predicaciones Iglesia Misión de Gracia. El Paso, Texas.
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Weekly sermons from Missio Dei Community in Salt Lake City, Utah.
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No somos máquinas.
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Gesammelte Predigten aus den Gottesdiensten des Missionswerkes "Strahlen der Freude" e.V.
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Predicaciones y enseñanzas de nuestro Pastor y los predicadores de nuestra iglesia Misión Evangélica. "mi palabra que sale de mi boca; no volverá a mí vacía"
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Lange hat Deutschland beim Thema Klimaschutz und Energiewende als Musterschüler gegolten. Doch ist das auch 2024 noch so? Was läuft besonders gut? Wo hakt es? detektor.fm-Redaktionsleiterin Ina Lebedjew sucht zusammen mit Kolleginnen und Kollegen im Podcast „Mission Energiewende“ nach Antworten. "Mission Energiewende" ist der detektor.fm-Podcast zum Klimawandel und neuen Energielösungen in Deutschland. Eine Kooperation mit LichtBlick – eurem Anbieter von klimaneutraler Energie für zuhause un ...
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Av. Consistorial 5240. Peñalolén Pr. Elias Stuardo Alianza Cristiana y Misionera Peñalolén. Santiago de Chile www.acympenalolen.cl Facebook.com/acympenalolen
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Lima Missionary Baptist Church Podcast
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Podcasts of Bluewater Mission sermons, updated weekly.
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Miss Chatelaine
JOY 94.9 - LGBTI, LGBTIQA+, LGBTQIA+, LGBT, LGBTQ, LGB, Gay, Lesbian, Trans, Intersex, Queer Podcasts for all our Rainbow Communities
Folk, roots, acoustic and pop music
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Moments for Missions is a five-minute daily Monday through Friday radio program produced by Baptist International Missions, Inc. (BIMI). It is provided free of charge to any radio station that will broadcast it without charge to BIMI. The programs typically share missions-related messages, missionary prayer needs, or interviews with BIMI missionaries.
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This podcast is brought to you by students from Miss M's class. It contains meaningful and inspiring talks related to English for Specific Purposes. Let's check this out!
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The official podcast of Southern Miss athletics
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Auf der Suche nach mehr Wissen, Geld und Erfolg: Wir sind Peter und Matthias, zwei Wirtschaftsredakteure von FOCUS MONEY – und das ist unsere Mission! Wir befragen für dich jede Woche die besten Finanz- und Wirtschafts-Experten zu aktuellen Themen rund um dein Geld. powered by FOCUS MONEY
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The first podcast dedicated to singer, songwriter, and television personality Kelly Clarkson!
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En Mis Tiempos is an English/Spanglish podcast about the thoughts and ideas of three average Joes with too much time on their hands. Join us as we discuss things we encounter in our day to day lives and topics we feel may be of interest to our listeners.
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Stories of hope from Adventist Frontier Missions, reaching people around the world who have never heard the name of Jesus.
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Con la Ayuda de Mis Amigos
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The story of the world's most secret agents...the backups. For the first time in his career, Special Agent Chet Phillips has discovered that he can choose NOT to accept a mission! That means there's no choice but to send in the "B Team": A nervous pencil pusher promoted to the field, a computer hacker working off her sentence, a fading former sitcom star and a recently reassigned White House intern. A full cast comedy audio adventure with a new episode debuting each month!
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Für die Regionen, in die die Redakteure von missio München reisen, gibt es oft eine Reisewarnung. Für das „missio magazin“ berichten die Redakteure, was die Menschen dort bewegt – ihre Sorgen und Nöte, Krieg und Konflikt - aber auch den ganz normalen wunderbaren Alltag. Da, wo der Staat nicht mehr funktioniert, sind die Netzwerke der kirchlichen Einrichtungen häufig die einzigen Anlaufstellen, die überhaupt noch da sind. In „Reisewarnung“ erzählen die Reporterinnen und Reporter, was sie auf ...
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Faith. Science. Health. Truth. Cathy Meehan continues Dr. Jim Meehan's legacy through MeehanMD, MINDSETkids, MINDSET Wellness, and The Meehan Mission Podcast.
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The Mission One podcast highlights conversations and discussions about Mission One. Our program provides opportunities for individuals to participate as members of mission teams, as interns, and as short-term missionaries.
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Listen or Download Benjamin SUULOLA audio messages here.
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Missio Dei Church is a church located in Glassboro, NJ. Our church has 3 core focuses: growing closer to Jesus together as a church, preaching the Bible faithfully as often as we gather, and loving and serving our local community. We invite you to learn more at our website, or contact us at info@missiodeinj.com
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Weekly Sermons
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The show that helps you maximize your wealth by turning complex financial situations into actionable advice. On Your Money. Your Mission., we answer the questions you’ve been asking about -- financial planning, investing, retirement and everything in between. Whether you’re navigating the complexities of the market or looking for the best ways to save or spend your money, tune in to hear from experienced financial advisors with JFG. Walk away from each episode with savvy tips and financial t ...
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The newest sermons from Mt. Zion Baptist Missions Philippines on SermonAudio.
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Practical tips on how a committed follower of Jesus can share Christ and encourage the world around them.
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Türkiye İş Bankası olarak, Güçlü Mete moderatörlüğünde birbirinden değerli konukları ağırladığımız podcast kanalımıza hoş geldiniz. Bu kanalda teknolojiden inovasyona, ekonomiden sosyal sorumluluğa kadar birçok konuya dair sohbetler gerçekleştireceğimiz yayınlarımızı dinleyebilirsiniz.
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The SEND938 Missions Podcast encourages, equips, and inspires the next generation of missionary servants and the churches who send them. Listen in as Steve Anderson and his guests uncover fresh insights into missions, ministry, and church life. As a leader in global missions, Baptist Mid-Missions empowers churches and their missionaries for missions in today’s complex world: www.bmm.org. Email:Send938@bmm.org
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Weekly updates and conversations from Topeka Rescue Mission Ministries!
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Welcome to Little Miss Recap! Little Miss Recap is a podcast where reality TV meets smart snark. Hosted by Amye Archer (a writer and a Gen Xer) and friends, we cover a variety of reality content from fringe shows like Seeking Sister Wife and MILF Manor, to 90 Day Fiance and our beloved Sister Wives. But we also love to nerd out over the latest documentaries and of course, we love to solve murders from our couch. Join us at www.littlemissrecap.com Join our Twin Flames Universe at www.patreon. ...
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This is the Mission Matters podcast, where we feature successful, mission-driven leaders committed to creating a positive change in the world. Our mission with this channel is to inspire other leaders by providing industry insights, new ideas, and inspiring stories from the pros!
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We connect people with God and each other.
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Weekly sermons from Mission Hills Church in San Marcos, CA.
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Missions Talk features conversations that explain the too-often-overlooked connection between healthy churches and global missions.
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This podcast is comprised of 20 to 45 minute interviews with thought leaders on church marketing and communications.
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Con la Ayuda de Mis Amigos (01/01/2025 - Tramo de 14:00 a 15:00)
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Con la Ayuda de Mis Amigos (Tramo de 14:00 a 15:00)
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This was supposed to be our New Years episode, but somehow turned into our second Christmas episode. So be it. This week we're short a couple of people, but we still covered Adrian's fasting habits, Christmas shopping, Christmas preparations around the house, Festivus, and shooting abilities. And wire spool guy. Happy New Year!…
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Sister Wives S19:EP15 Faith Can Move Mountains (Free Preview)
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Amye and Amanda talk about Sister Wives S19:EP15 Faith Can Move Mountains Robyn's girls explore non-mormon churches and Kody struggles to keep quiet about it. Christine tries on her fairytale wedding dress, and the party continues with a wedding shower. Meri destroys a sign. Get bonus content and support the show: PATREON—>https://www.patreon.com/l…
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Missionary Letter - Finland저자 Dr. J. B. Godfrey
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約翰福音1:1-8 1 太 初 有 道 , 道 與 神 同 在 , 道 就 是 神 。 2 這 道 太 初 與 神 同 在 。 3 萬 物 是 藉 著 他 造 的 ; 凡 被 造 的 , 沒 有 一 樣 不 是 藉 著 他 造 的 。 4 生 命 在 他 裡 頭 , 這 生 命 就 是 人 的 光 。 5 光 照 在 黑 暗 裡 , 黑 暗 卻 不 接 受 光 。 6 有 一 個 人 , 是 從 神 那 裡 差 來 的 , 名 叫 約 翰 。 7 這 人 來 , 為 要 作 見 證 , 就 是 為 光 作 見 證 , 叫 眾 人 因 他 可 以 信 。 8 他 不 是 那 光 , 乃 是 要 為 光 作 見 證 。…
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啟示錄22:6-21 6 天 使 又 對 我 說 : 這 些 話 是 真 實 可 信 的 。 主 就 是 眾 先 知 被 感 之 靈 的 神 , 差 遣 他 的 使 者 , 將 那 必 要 快 成 的 事 指 示 他 僕 人 。 7 看 哪 , 我 必 快 來 ! 凡 遵 守 這 書 上 預 言 的 有 福 了 ! 8 這 些 事 是 我 約 翰 所 聽 見 、 所 看 見 的 ; 我 既 聽 見 、 看 見 了 , 就 在 指 示 我 的 天 使 腳 前 俯 伏 要 拜 他 。 9 他 對 我 說 : 千 萬 不 可 ! 我 與 你 和 你 的 弟 兄 眾 先 知 , 並 那 些 守 這 書 上 言 語 的 人 , 同 是 作 僕 人 的 。 你 要 敬 拜 神 。 10 他 又 對 我 …
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Con la Ayuda de Mis Amigos (01/01/2025 - Tramo de 13:00 a 14:00)
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Con la Ayuda de Mis Amigos (Tramo de 13:00 a 14:00)
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저자 Bill Hardecker
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Con la Ayuda de Mis Amigos (31/12/2024 - Tramo de 14:00 a 15:00)
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Con la Ayuda de Mis Amigos (Tramo de 14:00 a 15:00)
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Missionary Letter - Philippines 3저자 Dr. J. B. Godfrey
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Amye and Amanda answer listener questions and stick around to the end for a chat with Timmy. We answered all of the questions we felt comfortable answering publicly. If you feel your question was not addressed and would like to chat, please email me. It’s been quite a year and I want to thank all of you! Get bonus content and support the show: PATR…
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Send us a text Bro Gavin Flatt 12-31-24 Support the show저자 Unity Baptist
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Con la Ayuda de Mis Amigos (31/12/2024 - Tramo de 13:00 a 14:00)
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Con la Ayuda de Mis Amigos (Tramo de 13:00 a 14:00)
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Deuteronomy ch 30 vs 15 - Rev Neal Wireman III - Tuesday, December 31, 2024저자 Lima Missionary Baptist Church
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This week on Inside Southern Miss Athletics, John Cox, the Voice of the Golden Eagles, visits with Todd McCall, the Assistant Athletics Director for Sports Medicine about what is going on in that department. Cox also is joined by Juan Cardona, the Associate Head Coach for Golden Eagle Basketball and Brian King, Strength, and Conditioning Coach for …
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Missionary Letter - Philippines 2저자 Dr. J. B. Godfrey
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Amye and Amanda recap and review 90 Day: The Last Resort S2:EP5 The Last Rodeo TRIGGER WARNING: We talk about intimate partner violence at the end when we get to the fight in the bar. Jasmine's open marriage suggestion shuts Gino down. Sex therapy homework fails to break the sexual gridlock, and leaves most of the couples unsatisfied. Natalie confr…
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Legt man an Silvester eine Karpfenschuppe ins Portemonnaie, dann bleibt es ein Jahr lang nicht leer, so der Aberglaube. Während Pangasius, Lachs und Kabeljau zum Teil tausende Kilometer weit transportiert werden, gilt der Karpfen als nachhaltiger Speisefisch. Wie kommt er vom Teich auf den Teller? Hier geht es zu unserem Reportagepodcast zum Strukt…
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啟示錄22:1-5 1 天 使 又 指 示 我 在 城 內 街 道 當 中 一 道 生 命 水 的 河 , 明 亮 如 水 晶 , 從 神 和 羔 羊 的 寶 座 流 出 來 。 2 在 河 這 邊 與 那 邊 有 生 命 樹 , 結 十 二 樣 ( 或 作 : 回 ) 果 子 , 每 月 都 結 果 子 ; 樹 上 的 葉 子 乃 為 醫 治 萬 民 。 3 以 後 再 沒 有 咒 詛 ; 在 城 裡 有 神 和 羔 羊 的 寶 座 ; 他 的 僕 人 都 要 事 奉 他 , 4 也 要 見 他 的 面 。 他 的 名 字 必 寫 在 他 們 的 額 上 。 5 不 再 有 黑 夜 ; 他 們 也 不 用 燈 光 、 日 光 , 因 為 主 神 要 光 照 他 們 。 他 們 要 作 王 …
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“Don’t Count Me Out” by Rev. Dr. Nathaniel Wood. Released: 0. Genre: Sermon. The post Don’t Count Me Out appeared first on New Providence Missionary Baptist Church.저자 Darryl Mullins
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Con la Ayuda de Mis Amigos (30/12/2024 - Tramo de 14:00 a 15:00)
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Con la Ayuda de Mis Amigos (Tramo de 14:00 a 15:00)
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Con la Ayuda de Mis Amigos (30/12/2024 - Tramo de 13:00 a 14:00)
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Con la Ayuda de Mis Amigos (Tramo de 13:00 a 14:00)
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Elder Chad Joshua 24:1-28저자 Mission Hills Church Staff
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90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days S7:EP18 Before We Say Goodbye
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Amye and Amanda recap and review 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days S7:EP18 Before We Say Goodbye Chit chat ends: 16:00-ish Madga threatens to eat Joey's eyeballs after he reveals a secret; Loren tries to patch things up with Faith; Vanja and Josko share an emotional goodbye; Niles gets some interesting advice before his wedding; Sunny is stuck betw…
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Genesis 2:1-3 - At Binasbasan ng Diyos ang Ikapitong Araw
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저자 Bill Hardecker
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Pastor Terry Brock - Monday, December 30, 2024저자 Lima Missionary Baptist Church
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Amy Rasmussen - Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education
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Amy Rasmussen is the Executive Director of Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education (CAPE), a nonprofit arts and education organization dedicated to enhancing student learning through the arts by partnering with over 40 Chicago public schools. Under her leadership, CAPE has made significant strides in arts integration, collaborating with professional…
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Missionary Letter - Philippines저자 Dr. J. B. Godfrey
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Hebreos 12 Pastor Hellman Avila저자 Misión de Gracia
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저자 John Gruber
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La obra de la Salvación: Completamente Santificados Mensaje 29 de diciembre de 2024
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La obra de la Salvación: Completamente Santificados Mensaje 29 de diciembre de 2024 Predicador: Pr. Cristian Salgado Lengua de Señas: Hno. Javier Paredes Alianza Cristiana y Misionera Peñalolén Av. Consistorial 5240. Peñalolen, Santiago Sitio Web: http://www.acympenalolen.cl/ Canal de Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Acympenalolen/videos Facebook:…
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저자 Jay Pagcaliwangan
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Matthew 20:17-34 - The Master-Disciple Relationship (pt 9) - Passion, Position, Power
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저자 Bill Hardecker
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저자 Jay Pagcaliwangan
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저자 Bill Hardecker
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EP10: Reforming Trauma Care: Deidra’s Advocacy and Michael’s Healing Journey
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SHOW NOTES: In this heartfelt episode of the Meehan Mission Podcast, Cathy Meehan speaks with Deidra Alberty, MeehanMD’s Operations Manager, who shares her personal journey as a mother navigating her son's recovery from a severe burn accident. The conversation highlights the miraculous healing progress of Michael, Deidra's son, and the challenges t…
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저자 Bill Hardecker
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저자 Jay Pagcaliwangan
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The church was purchased by the blood of Christ and it is most precious in His sight. As such, we are called to treat the Church properly and with true deference, rather than exploiting it for our own desires. With that in mind, we need to see how God has put into place certain guardians for the Church. Two key ones are, godly leaders and godly chu…
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Mit Gott ins neue Jahr - Trotz Herausforderungen können wir Dankbar sein für so viele Dinge im vergangenem Jahr - Vertrauen für Gottes Führung im neuen Jahr - Hoffnung für Wunder, die wir nicht für möglich halten.저자 Daniel Müller
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Religion and Conspiracy Theories (with Drew McCoy) - Part 1
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Drew McCoy, aka Genetically Modified Skeptic, is a fundamentalist Evangelical Christian turned agnostic/atheist. With John, Jerry and Adam, they explore the position of conspiracy theories throughout religion in general.저자 iHeartPodcasts
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Matthew ch 5 vs 27-28 , John ch 8 vs 6-8 , Romans ch 16 vs 16-28 - Pastor Terry Brock - Sunday, December 29, 2024저자 Lima Missionary Baptist Church
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Colossians ch 2 vs 13-14 ; Preacher Cameron Mason , Isaiah ch 1 vs 18-19 - Preacher Jeremy Martin - Sunday, December 29, 2024저자 Lima Missionary Baptist Church
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Luke ch 18 vs 35-43 - Blain Brock - Sunday, December 29, 2024저자 Lima Missionary Baptist Church
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Lucas 2, 41-52. "...tu papá y yo te buscábamos..."
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🛟 #192 Rettungsaktion, Ungeziefer und Peru von der besten Seite
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Unser zweiter Videopodcast geht an den Start. Wir haben viel zu berichten. Zwei neue Rubriken, die wir im Podcast eingebaut haben: 1. Bilder aus unserer Vergangenheit. Zukünftig werden wir ein solches Bild aus unserem Fotostream zeigen und erzählen, was es damit auf sich hat. Wenn du es im Original sehen willst, abonniere unseren Newsletter unterw…
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Luke 2,41-52
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Sister Wives S19 Mid-Season Special with The Sister Wives Professor, Dr. Adam
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Amye and Amanda are joined by friend of the pod, Dr. Adam, to talk about some of the most controversial/important moments of Sister Wives S19 thus far. You can find Dr. Adam’s podcast, The Sister Wives Professor on Apple or anywhere you listen to podcasts. Get bonus content and support the show: PATREON—>https://www.patreon.com/littlemissrecap SUPE…
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Con la Ayuda de Mis Amigos (27/12/2024 - Tramo de 13:00 a 14:00)
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Con la Ayuda de Mis Amigos (Tramo de 13:00 a 14:00)
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Con la Ayuda de Mis Amigos (27/12/2024 - Tramo de 14:00 a 15:00)
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Con la Ayuda de Mis Amigos (Tramo de 14:00 a 15:00)
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