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Neon Liberalism

Liberal Currents

A podcast from Liberal Currents ( hosted by Samantha Hancox-Li and Jason Briggeman, with commentary from a liberal perspective on politics, society, economics, media, culture, philosophy, academia, gender, identity, urbanism, books, education, and on and on.
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Mothers are tired of anti-mother misogyny, household labor inequality, and a culture that expects mothers to bear the burdens of its many shortcomings--all without complaint. Mothers are vital to feminism, and have been neglected in feminist discourse for far too long. Mothers are constantly told that political problems are personal--that if we communicate better, mother better, behave better, things will improve. The only path to change is through widespread political change. That's what th ...
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Chelsea and Layton

Join Chelsea and Layton as they discuss pornography’s hard truths through the lens of stories, science, and Scripture. Liberator Podcast was created to remove the barriers of shame and embarrassment that stifle conversations and community around the effects of pornography. We look forward to earning your trust.
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Alegría Libertaria

UNILCO-espacio nómada

Programa en el que se irán presentando temática relacionada con la autogestión de la vida cotidiana desde diversas perspectivas: comunitaria, educativa, en relación a la salud, Poder y desempoderamiento, historia, agroecología, culturas populares, economías populares... Todo ello desde un enfoque que trata de aunar la comunicación alternativa con las comunicaciones populares. Es un programa sin guion aderezado por música con perspectiva libertaria, o gente que queremos recuperar por algún mo ...
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閒置中 Liber Podcast by 本土研究社

本土研究社 Liber Research Community

《閒置中 Liber Podcast》係由本土研究社嘅一班研究員製作。平時攰攰地個陣,停一停將平日關注嘅唔同議題沈澱同累積,研究以外同大家深度講解研究背後嘅心路歷程,破除迷思同發掘新諗法,提著亂世之中唔好閒置自己,仍然關注香港身邊事物嘅朋友記著follow我哋,想聽啲咩都歡迎PM同我哋講! 研究員:劍青、Brian、Sunny、Cody、Emily and more Facebook: IG: YT: 支持本土研究社: #閒置中 #本土研究社 #本研Podcast #LiberPodcast
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The Libertarian Christian Podcast

Libertarian Christian Institute

Join the Libertarian Christian Institute as each week they explore, debate, and analyze the issues that are directly relevant to the intersection of Christianity and liberty. Always thoughtful, frequently controversial, and never boring (trust us), it is our hope and prayer that The Libertarian Christian Podcast serve as a valuable resource to the Church for years to come. If you'd like to reach out to us and ask a question or submit some feedback, you can reach us at podcast@libertarianchri ...
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The Erotic Liberation Podcast Conversations to share and celebrate our erotic selves so we can activate, reclaim, and heal erotic power as a pathway to aliveness and personal transformation. Brought to you by the Body Electric School
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Liber Limbia

Liber Limbia

Sexy psychedelic music from '60s to now. Aural enlightainment through a Thelemic splooge of otic Chaos Magick. Crossing the Abyss on a camel of tones. A dichotomy of melody & noise. Sirius music to illuminate the opposition.' s not up to me...hell, I don't even know what's coming next.
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Escucha Radio Libertad Constituyente y descubre la política como nunca te la habían contado. Radio Libertad Constituyente fue fundada y dirigida por Antonio García-Trevijano (1927-2018) para la defensa y difusión de las ideas de la libertad política. El MCRC, movimiento que fue creado y presidido por él, dirige actualmente Radio Libertad Constituyente con el mismo objetivo. ---------------------------------- ¡APÓYANOS! - Vía iVoox: haz clic en APOYAR (botón de color azul). - Vía Paypal: http ...
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Come Through, Liberation!

Ina Camille and TJ Speaks

Welcome to Come Through, Liberation, a podcast where we create an inclusive, interactive community between the hosts, guests, and listeners. Hosts, Ina Camille (she/her) and TJ Speaks (they/them), are two Black folks on a mission to find out why our society is like this and more importantly, how we can unfuck ourselves by asking questions about collective liberation. Come Through Liberation will encourage authenticity, transparency and vulnerability as we explore our way through questions of ...
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The Protestant Libertarian Podcast explores the intersection between protestant Biblical studies and libertarian philosophy. We will discuss the Bible, history, culture, economics, philosophy, and current events from both protestant and libertarian perspectives. Questions, comments, suggestions? Please reach out to me at You can also follow the podcast on Twitter: @prolibertypod. If you like the show and want to support it, you can! Check out the Protestan ...
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Leo's Liberation

Leo's Liberation

Unlock your potential with Leo's Liberation - the thought-provoking podcast that bookends your week with bursts of inspiration. Every Monday & Friday, Leo dives into compelling topics designed to challenge perspectives and ignite curiosity. These, quick and impactful episodes are the perfect catalyst to start your week with momentum and to reflect as it winds down. From exploring life's big questions to unraveling everyday intricacies, Tune in, liberate your mind, and transform your routine ...
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Edumeasure is a new podcast for teachers, students, parents, and others concerned with transforming teaching and learning -- a podcast for exploring creative, unconventional responses to current issues in education. Hosted by Dr. Bernd Estabrook, a professor at a small liberal arts institution.
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En este podcast encontraras capítulos de mis libros de desarrollo y crecimiento personal. Son vivencias y experiencias cuyo propósito es compartirlas contigo. Permíteme 3 minutos y escúchame... quizá te sorprendas, quizá te inspires, quizá te sirvan. Todo es posible.
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Pensar Libertad

Pensar Libertad by Mexico Libertario

Atención: Los temas de este podcast tienen un desarrollo más profundo en Pensar Libertad es el podcast de México Libertario con lo mejor de los #Spaces grabados de Twitter con invitados expertos en temas sociales, políticos y económicos vistos desde la perspectiva Libertaria. ----------- Sigue a México Libertario, el Think Tank Libertario más importante de México en todas sus redes sociales. https://www.fa ...
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Un podcast para aquellas personas que buscamos crear nuestra propia libertad financiera a través de las inversiones inmobiliarias. Aquí escucharás experiencias, consejos y sobre todo la motivación necesaria para empezar tu camino en el Juego Inmobiliario, generar rentas pasivas y construir así una vida más libre. En Libertad Inmobiliaria, Carlos Galán, autor del libro Independízate de Papá Estado, entrevista a personas normales que invierten en el mercado inmobiliario para complementar sus i ...
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Uma produção de Rádio Gaúcha e GZH que vai contar tudo o que acontece na maior competição de clubes da América. Análise, bastidores, curiosidades e, claro, aquela zoeira que já ficou característica no podcast. Dê o play e divirta-se! Apresentação: Marcos Bertoncello, Leonardo Oliveira, Filipe Duarte e Cristiano Munari Produção: Janaína Wille e Nicholas Lyra
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Cine y Libertad es un medio que intenta informar, formar y entretener, atendiendo a todas las dimensiones del ser humano. En este podcast hablamos de cine, series, libros y cómics, que son analizados en profundidad de una óptica distinta a la habitual. Las reflexiones que ofrecemos pueden ayudar a padres y abuelos a educar a sus hijos a través de la cultura.
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Liberate Your Bliss


Welcome to ”Liberate Your Bliss,” the newest spiritual podcast on the scene! I’m Chelsi, your host, ready to guide you through a transformative journey of healing, spirituality, and trauma recovery. We dive deep into raw, real personal journeys and spiritual growth, offering honest conversations and practical insights. No fluff, just real talk and wisdom from healers and thought leaders. Join us if you’re ready to challenge norms, question everything, and push boundaries. Hit that subscribe ...
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show series How many mass murder campaigns (often called “wars”) will governments have to be involved in before Progressives admit that the state is the very threat to society that they claim to be protecting us from? Progressives will claim that the current government has been captured by corporations, and so they shouldn’t have t…
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🩷 SOUL PATH MASTERY STARTS HERE: Join me as I reunite with fellow healer and MMA fighter Kristy Obst for an eye-opening conversation about our transformative healing journey. In this powerful episode, we dive deep into the life-changing effects of energy healing and how it's reshaped our lives in profound …
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👉🏽 Descarga mi calculadora de rentabilidad (gratis): ¡Bienvenido al podcast de Libertad Inmobiliaria! 🏠 El invitado de hoy: Quique Escrivá es un experto en inversión inmobiliaria y fundador de la empresa…
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👉Apóyanos haciéndote socio de nuestro club aquí: Jano García acompañado por Juan Andrés Rubert repasará la actualidad, y en tertulia con Pedro Insua, Javier Martínez-Fresneda y Gonzalo Rodríguez para comentar las reacciones del Gobierno y sus afines al acorralamiento judicial por sus casos de corrupción. Escucha el…
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This week on Laughing Liberally Milwaukee, Greg Bach joins host Matthew Filipowicz to discuss the upcoming Wisconsin Supreme Court race and how Justice Brad Shimel feels the January 6th defendants didn't get a "fair shot." Laughing Liberally Milwaukee's next live show is Saturday February 8th, 2025 at 8:00 pm at CSZ Milwaukee – 420 South 1st Street…
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Maisha Aza is a Tantric Shaman and powerful guide for those on the path of Sacred Sexuality. One of her offerings to the world is Black Girl Tantra, provides spiritual consulting and sexual educational services, classes and retreats, to people of ALL genders, who wish to learn do-it-yourself sacred sexuality techniques that bring intimacy, connecti…
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In this episode of The Erotic Liberation Podcast, we welcome coach, writer, and public speaker Britt East, author of the book "A Gay Man's Guide to Life." Britt weaves realness, pragmatism, and humor to offer support to people on the journey of life. You can learn more about his work at You can learn more about Craig Cull…
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Today's podcast guest is Tyler Thigpen, co-founder and CEO of The Forest School: An Acton Academy, The Forest School Online, and the Institute for Self Directed Learning in Fayetteville, Georgia. Tyler is also the Academic Director at the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education, a guest lecturer at the Harvard University Graduate Sc…
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Over the last several elections, Democrats have seen worse and worse results with working class voters. The traditional party of the working class is now in danger of becoming the party of the educated elite. PPI President Will Marshall joins the podcast to discuss how we win back the working class. To get bonus episodes, support us at…
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On COI #745, Kyle Anzalone discusses the latest news from the Middle East. The Kyle Anzalone Show Odysee Rumble Donate LBRY Credits bTTEiLoteVdMbLS7YqDVSZyjEY1eMgW7CP Donate Bitcoin 36PP4kT28jjUZcL44dXDonFwrVVDHntsrk Donate Bitcoin Cash Qp6gznu4xm97cj7j9vqepqxcfuctq2exvvqu7aamz6 Patreon Subscribe Star YouTube Facebook Twitter MeWe Apple Podcast Ama…
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Bienvenidos a la emisión #146 de nuestros podcasts semanales Pensar Libertad, donde analizamos los temas de políticas públicas a través de nuestro proyecto #ThinkFreedom, además de entrevistar a los referentes del libertarismo. ---------------- La serie #ThinkFreedom se puede consultar en ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠…
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In this episode I talk with Dr. Rafael Rodriguez, who teaches New Testament at Pittsburg Theological Seminary. We discuss his chapter in The Next Quest for the Historical Jesus (out now on Eerdmans), where he explains what ancient media tells us about the historical Jesus. While our primary sources are the gospels as written texts, in antiquity the…
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Bell of love...earthquake silhouettes. Artist - Title Joe Limbus - Codex 078301 Acid Mothers Temple & The Melting Paraiso U.F.O. - Attack From Planet Hattifatteners Plexi - Forest Ranger Astronautalis - Secrets Of The Undersea Bell Kloob - The Murders In The Rue Morgue William S. Burroughs - Manhattan Serenade Oruã - An​á​lise de Conjuntura Sunburn…
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Hvordan er status for Norges forhold til EU? Hvorfor bør ikke Norge videreføre klimasamarbeidet med EU etter 2030? Hvorfor er NATO nok for Norges forsvar?Vil Norges landbruk forsvinne om vi blir medlem i EU? Gjest: Sentralstyremedlem i Senterpartiet, medlem i EØS-utvalget og leder i Agri analyse, Christian Anton Smedshaug See…
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👉Apóyanos haciéndote socio de nuestro club aquí: Jano García acompañado por Juan Andrés Rubert repasará la actualidad, y en tertulia con Rubén Arranz, Fernando Díaz Villanueva y Guadalupe Sánchez comentarán la nueva ley de Pedro Sánchez para impedir que se investiguen a los suyos. Escucha el episodio completo en la…
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El Libro de la Selva-Cuando Rudyard Kipling nos "enamoró" de la India. ¿Cuáles son las claves para disfrutar de esta joya familiar? Aquí puedes escuchar mi comentario (Víctor Alvarado es el autor del libro: La fe, la ética y los valores de los superhéroes:…
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La política es la ciencia del poder y para ser politólogo hay que tener conocimientos de todas las disciplinas. Antonio García-Trevijano Forte 4 de enero del 2015. Fuentes: Radio libertad constituyente: Música: Allegro de la Suite para música acuática nº2 HWV349 …
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On COI #744, Kyle Anzalone discusses Trump’s possible support for Kiev. The Kyle Anzalone Show Odysee Rumble Donate LBRY Credits bTTEiLoteVdMbLS7YqDVSZyjEY1eMgW7CP Donate Bitcoin 36PP4kT28jjUZcL44dXDonFwrVVDHntsrk Donate Bitcoin Cash Qp6gznu4xm97cj7j9vqepqxcfuctq2exvvqu7aamz6 Patreon Subscribe Star YouTube Facebook Twitter MeWe Apple Podcast Amazon…
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***Just discovered there was an audio synchronization problem that truncated from 1:11 to 0:50; it is now fixed.*** I take the time to discuss some of the conventional ramifications of modern warfare and book recommendations that have given me a deeper and more nuanced understanding of why wars begin and end as they do. Robotics, autonomous targeti…
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CJ has had a particularly difficult last 5 years or so, including battling alcoholism & depression, only to have his wife become disabled just as he was starting to come out of those struggles, which gave him & his family a bunch of new stresses, including severe financial ones that he’s still trying to battle at the moment. In this episode of Arch…
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Cohost Connor Freeman returns to the show to discuss his recent article on Syria. The Kyle Anzalone Show Odysee Rumble Donate LBRY Credits bTTEiLoteVdMbLS7YqDVSZyjEY1eMgW7CP Donate Bitcoin 36PP4kT28jjUZcL44dXDonFwrVVDHntsrk Donate Bitcoin Cash Qp6gznu4xm97cj7j9vqepqxcfuctq2exvvqu7aamz6 Patreon Subscribe Star YouTube Facebook Twitter MeWe Apple Podc…
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Las vidas de Sing Sing-El posible Óscar de Colman Domingo con un rayo de esperanza. ¿Qué valores cristianos quedan patentes en esta producción? Aquí puedes escuchar mi comentario (Víctor Alvarado es el autor del libro: La fe, la ética y los valores de los superhéroes:… ¡Lector…
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A popular coal-miner’s riddle from the 1930s summarizes one of capitalism’s most visible and absurd contradictions. After a daughter asks her father why their home is so cold, he tells her they don’t have any money to purchase coal. He explains they don’t have money because he lost his job at the coal mine. When the daughter asks why he lost his jo…
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Ironman de Christopher Cantwell del creador Halt and Catch Fire con el apoyo de CAFU. ¿Puede un cómic enseñar a distinguir entre fe sincera y la cargada de falsedad? Aquí puedes escuchar mi comentario (Víctor Alvarado es el autor del libro: La fe, la ética y los valores de los superhéroes:…
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Kate Brockmeyer is the founder of Off the Page Co-Learning, a microschool located just outside of St. Louis, Missouri that now serves nearly 200 students, ages 4 to 17. Kate launched her microschool in the fall of 2022 and has seen the program’s popularity soar since then. She’s attentive to the needs and wants of the homeschooling families she ser…
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Send us a text Navigating the complexities of friendships, this episode highlights the evolving nature of connections in our lives. Through statistics, personal anecdotes, and insightful discussions, we reflect on how to maintain and cherish these vital relationships in our journey. • Exploring personal reflections on work-life balance • Discussing…
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En este programa número 44 de Alegría Libertaria, de nuestra radio libre online Alegría Libertaria, os traemos un debate que tuvimos hace un tiempo en el programa Aupa Konpas, de Zintzilik Irratia (Orereta, Gipuzkoa), con Gato y Perro. Más información sobre este programa:…
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